The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3)

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The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 3) Page 4

by Albany, Cara

  Tariq had arrived at her hotel earlier in the morning. He'd informed her that he agreed to her proposal and that he would be bringing Zoe to his family's palace that same day. It was important they made a formal announcement, he explained. Zoe could see the reason in that. She wondered if anyone would be able to see that the whole thing was a sham.

  Zoe had heard of couples entering into marriages of convenience. Usually, it was amongst the upper echelons of society. The kind of people her business served. Marrying for money was all too common. She had never thought she'd have to stoop so low, she told herself. Not in a million years had she ever thought she would enter into a marriage in name only.

  But, here she was, driving through the gates of the palace grounds and heading up the driveway toward the front of the palace.

  Panic clutched at Zoe when she saw two people standing on the steps watching the car arrive.

  "Is that who I think it is?" Zoe asked Tariq.

  "I did tell my parents that I was bringing a very important guest," he explained.

  "Oh, my," Zoe said. She was suddenly unsure of herself. She knew she would be the focus of attention and it made a knot of anxiety curl like a hard ball in her middle.

  "You told me they don't know about us yet," Zoe said.

  Tariq smiled. "They remember we were once close friends. So, you're not a complete stranger to them."

  The limo slid to a halt, and the driver stepped out of the car, making his way around to Tariq's side of the vehicle.

  Tariq leaned closer, glancing down at Zoe's elegant green dress. Zoe had chosen it because it had a modest cut collar designed not to show any cleavage. The hem settled below her knees. Even although she looked like a well-dressed businesswoman, Zoe could tell by the way Tariq was looking at her that he approved.

  "Please don't look at me like that, Tariq," she said.

  Tariq's eyes narrowed appreciatively. "Why shouldn't I admire the woman who is to become my wife. It's the most natural thing in the world for me to do so. If I'm to convince my family that we are lovers," he growled.

  Zoe felt the heat once again rise to her cheeks. Did he have to look at her like that? "You're making me feel self-conscious," she declared.

  Tariq reached a hand up to her shoulder, moving some locks of her blonde hair to the side, exposing her ear. He looked, for a moment, as if he wanted to devour her.

  "We must put on a good show, Zoe. Don't you agree?"

  Zoe glanced out the limo's window. She saw the elegant woman who must be Tariq's mother, and the middle-aged, tall, proud looking Qazhar sheikh dressed in traditional robes who Zoe assumed must be Tariq's father.

  Zoe glanced at Tariq, trying to contain the panic she felt. "Your parents?"

  Tariq nodded. He reached over and wrapped his fingers around her hand. "There's nothing to worry about," he murmured. "They don't bite. They're going to love you," he concluded.

  The door opened, letting in a blast of heat. Tariq stepped out and extended a hand to help Zoe.

  Zoe came out of the car and stood next to Tariq.

  Tariq's parents came to them. He hugged his mother and nodded stiffly to his father. Zoe thought that Tariq looked suddenly as nervous as she felt.

  "Mother. Father. May I introduce Miss Zoe Smith. Zoe, this is my mother, Beatrice, and my father, King Kamal."

  Zoe smiled at Tariq's parents. She didn't now whether to curtsy, or if that would make her look just plain stupid. What did you do when you were introduced like this to a royal family? Zoe was used to being around the upper classes as a part of her job, but that had been different. She'd never been the entire focus of attention, the way she was right now.

  Beatrice had kind eyes, and her hair was tied back neatly in a dignified bun. She was dressed in simple, plain white robes. Zoe had to admit that Tariq's mother simply oozed class.

  King Kamal nodded politely, his eyes examining Zoe as if he still hadn't quite made up his mind. There was such a contrast between Beatrice and Kamal. Beatrice was as open and friendly as Kamal was formal and reserved. Zoe wondered how they had met and married, because she knew that Beatrice wasn't Qazhar born.

  Zoe gazed in wonder at the incredible palace building. It was like something out of a fairy tale. White stone shone in the bright sun. The edifice was all archways, ornamental windows and mosaics. It was one of the most beautiful buildings Zoe had ever seen. This was opulence on a scale even she had never seen.

  Beatrice came to Zoe and took one of her hands, pressing it softly. "It's lovely to meet you, Zoe. Tariq has told us all about you," she said, glancing at her son. Zoe restrained the urge to flash a cutting glance at Tariq. What had he told them?

  Zoe smiled at Beatrice. "That's nice," she said hesitantly. Had Beatrice noticed Zoe's reaction?

  Kamal remained where he was, watching his wife with a clear, steady gaze.

  Beatrice turned to Kamal. "We're just so excited to meet Zoe, aren't we my dear," she said to her husband.

  Kamal drew in a deep breath and nodded. "Of course we are. Any friend of Tariq is welcome to our humble home," he replied stiffly.

  Humble home? Zoe glanced up at the front of the palace, suppressing the urge to tell Tariq's father that that was an understatement. How could people live like this? She realized she was about to find out. Once she and Tariq were finally married, Zoe would get a taste of royal life, even if it was only for a short while.

  They went up the staircase and entered the palace through high, ornately carved doors. Zoe chatted casually with Beatrice, who seemed to sense her nervousness, and was going to great lengths to put Zoe at her ease.

  Zoe saw Tariq chatting with his father. It was amusing how quickly the men and women separated almost as if it were expected. There was a lot Zoe was going to have to learn if she was going to fit in with palace living.

  They were led into an elegantly furnished, high-ceilinged room which almost took Zoe's breath away. It was stunning, and all Zoe could do was stand in awe, taking in the delicately patterned mosaics and twin rows of narrow white pillars that stretched back to French doors which opened out to a shimmering green garden. The air in the room was cooled by large overhead fans that turned slowly.

  Tariq ushered Zoe to a wide divan. Opposite them, the King and Queen of Qazhar took their places. Zoe was aware that Beatrice and Kamal were watching her every move, as if assessing her.

  Tea was brought for which Zoe was grateful, sipping it slowly, desperate to cool herself down. She knew what was about to happen; understood that something momentous was about to be discussed.

  Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. No. It was a terrible idea.

  Suddenly Zoe wanted to make her excuses, leave the palace and go back to her disastrous life. But, she knew she couldn't do that; knew that this was where she needed to be.

  For a year. At the most.

  Tariq sat by her side. She was aware that he kept glancing at her and smiling proudly. How much of that was an act? Zoe wasn't sure, but, she had to admit that Tariq was pretty convincing.

  It turned out that Beatrice and Kamal already knew more about Zoe than she had realized. Tariq had mentioned to them that he and Zoe had been good friends two years before, and had been forced to spend some time apart because of their busy lives.

  He'd explained that they'd kept in touch, seeing each other at various polo events. Most of that was true, Zoe thought. She understood it must be difficult for Tariq to bend the truth like that, especially to his parents. Zoe could tell that Tariq loved his parents. The simple way the three of them interacted with each other made that plain.

  It was beginning to look as if Tariq had already laid the groundwork, Zoe thought. She sipped her tea, trying not to let the cup rattle on the saucer as she held it in her sweaty hands.

  Beatrice asked Zoe about herself and her business and seemed excited by all the travel Zoe had to do to meet her obligations. If only the kind-hearted woman knew the truth, Zoe said to herself. Then she might not be quite so en
thusiastic. Zoe told Beatrice as much as she felt comfortable with about her upbringing in America; some things about her parents; and too much about her love of animals, especially horses.

  Finally, the moment came. Zoe could tell that something important was about to be said because Beatrice and Kamal became suddenly quite formal and serious. It was as if they could read Tariq's mind. Had he hinted to them that he was here to make a very special announcement?

  Tariq placed his cup down on the table. Zoe did likewise and was shocked when Tariq reached over and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. Tariq's hand felt cool to the touch. Tariq smiled at his parents and cleared his throat.

  "The reason I invited Zoe to come to meet you both today is that we have a very important announcement to make," Tariq said. Was that a quiver in his voice, Zoe asked herself. She glanced at Tariq and saw a single bead of sweat running down the side of his forehead. It wasn't that hot in here.

  "Really?" Beatrice asked.

  Tariq nodded and turned to Zoe. The smile on his face looked decidedly forced.

  Tariq pressed on: "You are aware that Zoe and I have been close for quite a while."

  Beatrice glanced at Kamal. Her brows furrowed. "Isn't that nice, dear," she said her husband.

  Kamal didn't respond. His gaze moved slowly to Zoe, and she suddenly felt the full force of his penetrating stare. Zoe wasn't sure whether Kamal was pleased about her being in the palace, or whether he wanted to call the limo and send her straight back to her hotel.

  Zoe smiled at Kamal, but not a muscle moved on his face.

  Beatrice smiled at Zoe and then looked at Tariq, who seemed encouraged by his mother's reaction.

  Zoe glanced at Tariq. His face had become suddenly pale, and she could see the battle going on behind his eyes. Was he going to back down? Was he about to change his mind?

  Then she saw Tariq draw in a deep breath and straighten his shoulders.

  "We are here to tell you that Zoe and I are to be married," Tariq said firmly.

  There was a short pause that seemed to last forever. Zoe glanced at Beatrice and saw a huge smile appear on her face. Kamal's eyes widened and his lips became a thin, tight line.

  Beatrice gasped with pleasure. "That's wonderful," she exclaimed standing up and coming to Zoe. Beatrice enclosed Zoe in a warm hug. Zoe felt a rush of emotion. Beatrice's reaction seemed absolutely genuine, and that made the potentially awkward moment just about bearable.

  While Beatrice hugged Zoe, Tariq stood and went to his father. She saw both men face each other, serious expressions on their features. Tariq held out a hand and Kamal took it slowly. They shook hands, but said nothing to each other.

  Beatrice stood and glanced at Kamal and Tariq. "That's wonderful news Tariq," she said hugging her son. Tariq glanced at Zoe over his mother's shoulder. Perhaps such obvious displays of affection were frowned upon. Then again, Beatrice wasn't native Qazhar. She still seemed to believe in Western ways of showing affection and pleasure. Zoe imagined that Kamal and Beatrice must have had an interesting marriage. Maybe in private the King showed a different side to his personality.

  "We must celebrate this," Beatrice said. She called one of the servants and started speaking to her. Tariq came to Zoe and wrapped an arm around Zoe's waist. She played her part, and leaned against Tariq, smiling up at him. Was it her imagination, or did Tariq look genuinely proud? He looked like this was all for real, and that Zoe was, in fact, his genuine wife-to-be.

  Kamal came to Zoe and peered into her eyes. There was a flicker of a smile on his face, but it wasn't much. "Welcome to our family, Zoe," he said in his slow, vibrant voice. "We are very happy that our son has found a wife." Kamal glanced sternly at Tariq. "Finally," he added with an emphatic nod of his head.

  Zoe felt Tariq's body stiffen against her. The manner of his father's response seemed to have made him tense again. Zoe felt Tariq's arm tighten against her body, drawing her closer to him. She smiled at him, and their eyes exchanged a silent, conspiratorial moment.

  Zoe turned and saw Kamal watching her very closely. His eyes narrowed. Had he seen the way Zoe and Tariq had looked at each other? Did he already suspect that there was something not right about the entire announcement? Zoe was sure there wasn't much that escaped the ruler of Qazhar. You didn't get to be a King for years and not be able to sense when someone was being less than genuine.

  Beatrice returned to them. "I've asked for some celebratory food and drink to be brought." Beatrice smiled at Zoe. "You must be very happy, Zoe," she said.

  Zoe nodded, feeling a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why did Tariq's mother have to be so nice about all of this? Couldn't she be stiff and formal like her husband?

  "I'm thrilled," Zoe said. She felt Tariq hug her closer and turned to him.

  "We're both thrilled," Tariq said looking deep into Zoe's eyes. There was a flicker of emotion in his gaze that caught Zoe unawares. Was that affection she had seen there?

  "I'm sure your brothers are going to be thrilled," Beatrice said.

  Tariq grinned. "They never thought it would happen. They've been teasing me about this day for years."

  "As well they should have," Kamal said slowly giving his son an admonishing look. If Kamal was pleased, Zoe thought, there was no way you'd guess it from the way he was acting.

  "Kamal. This is a wonderful day," Beatrice said moving to her husband's side.

  Beatrice looked from Tariq to Zoe. "Have you decided when the wedding will take place?"

  "As soon as possible," Tariq said quickly giving Zoe no chance to reply.

  "Of course, it will take place here," Beatrice announced. "We have the room we use for formal receptions. That's where Zayed and Raz have both been married. It'll be perfect."

  "How quickly can it be arranged, mother?" Tariq asked.

  Zoe glanced up at Tariq, resisting the impulse the frown at him. Why was he in so much of a hurry?

  Beatrice's brows furrowed and she paused, deep in thought. "Two weeks? How does that sound?"

  A gasp caught in Zoe's throat. Two weeks? That quickly?

  "And, of course, you must come to stay with us here," Beatrice insisted.

  Zoe opened her mouth to object, but Tariq pulled her hard against him. He smiled at Zoe. "That's a wonderful idea," he said.

  "I have a room that will be just perfect for you, Zoe," Beatrice said.

  Zoe hesitated and then realized she had no choice but to agree. "That sounds lovely," she responded.

  Moving into the palace? What was that going to be like?

  As if reading her mind, Tariq spoke: "I promise to keep away until the wedding," he said to Zoe. "My residence is a short distance from here. Out in the desert. In any case, there will be much that has to be arranged."

  His residence? Of course, Tariq would have his own palace, Zoe thought. All the brothers must have their own residences. That was the kind of world Zoe had thrown herself into.

  Zoe smiled at Beatrice. "That all sounds wonderful," she said trying to hide her anxiety.

  What was she getting into? Moving into the Al Kharif palace, surrounded by servants and family; arranging a marriage that was destined not to last.

  But, the most worrying thing of all was whether she was going to be able to prevent Tariq from acting upon the obviously real attraction he still felt for Zoe.


  The woman was infuriating!

  Tariq sat firmly astride his favorite white stallion, reins gripped tight in his fist, and drove the animal up the sand dune. Leaning into the steep slope of the dune, sweat dripping from his brow, Tariq gritted his teeth and savored the sensation of coaxing the horse up the sandy slope. The horse responded to Tariq's guidance, obedient as ever.

  Moments later, rider and beast were atop the dune. Tariq gazed across the desert landscape, his breath ragged, his chest heaving. The sun was high and very hot. Tariq dragged his fingers through his damp hair and leaned back in the saddle. He let the view take possession
of him as he had done for so many years.

  This was where he belonged. Certainly not back at his family's palace trying to persuade his bride-to-be to consent to spend some time alone with him.

  Tariq let out a groan of frustration. He leaned down and stroked the side of the horse's neck, calming the animal who had sensed Tariq's obvious tension.

  This was where he always felt happy. Especially at times like this when he was being driven to distraction by Zoe Smith.

  Tariq twisted and gazed back toward his palace. It sat a few miles back looking like a jewel in the desert. It was a modest place by his family's standards, but it was his home. Soon, it would be Zoe's home. Tariq couldn't wait to get her out of his family's palace; take her to the sanctuary of his palace where he would, finally, have her all to himself. What a thought that was.

  All to himself.

  Tariq drew in a hot breath feeling the warmth spreading through his lungs. He reached down and lifted a small canister of water and took a long swig of the tepid liquid.

  Tariq thought about the upcoming wedding.

  Tomorrow he would be wed to Zoe. They would be joined in a sacred union which they both knew they had already sullied with their mutual selfishness. Tariq felt guilty about the deception he was perpetrating on everyone he loved. He wondered how he would be able to live with himself when they all found out the truth. Would they even understand why he had agreed to do it? He doubted it.

  Tariq wondered if Zoe was also feeling a similar guilt about what she and Tariq were doing.

  Well, he would know, if she had simply consented to see him alone, even once, these past two weeks.

  But, she hadn't.

  In fact, she had gone into virtual hiding in his family's palace. Tariq was sure she was trying to avoid him, desperate not to look him in the face, knowing what they were both up to. However, could it be more than that? Could Zoe even be having second thoughts?

  The corner of Tariq's mouth creased into a wolfish grin. Maybe Zoe feared being alone with Tariq for other reasons. Was she apprehensive that she would submit to him?


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