Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1) Page 13

by Erin Osborne

  As soon as we pull into the driveway of the house, Bear shuts his bike off and slides off before turning his attention to me. He picks me up off the seat of the bike and I wrap myself around him once again. As we make our way inside, I bury myself in the heat and security of the man surrounding me. It’s in this moment that I make a decision that some may feel is way too fast, but they can kiss my butt. This is my life and I’m going to do what I want to. I just hope that Bear’s on board with my decision right now.

  He walks up and into my room. I can feel him gently lying me back against the bed. When he goes to pull back, I keep my arms wrapped around his neck. Giving him enough room to pull back some, I watch his blue eyes darken while the questions float through them.

  “What do you want baby?” he asks, his voice coming out deeper and with a gravelly quality to it. It’s not a tone that I’ve ever heard from him before.

  “I want you, Bear. Make me forget that someone else had their hands on me,” I say, letting my tone convey how serious I am about this.

  “You know I’ll do anythin’ for you, baby. But I don’t know if this is the right time to have sex the first time. It’s goin’ to hurt and there’s no way around that shit. You’re already hurt and I don’t want to add to it,” he responds, letting me know that he’ll do this if I really want him to, but that he’s worried at the same time.

  “I know it’s gonna hurt. But, I also know that I don’t want it to happen with anyone else but you. Please, Bear. Please make me feel the way that I know only you can,” I plead with him, keeping my arms wrapped around him as I watch the internal debate carry out through his eyes.

  Bear doesn’t say another word to me. Instead, he leans down and brushes his lips against mine. A ripple of need runs through my entire body at the brief contact. In seconds, he deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue in my mouth and searching for mine. I pull him tighter to my body as he breaks the kiss for some much-needed air. Instead of going back for my mouth, Bear peppers kisses along my jaw and down to my neck. I arch my head back so he can have all the access he wants. He stops where my neck and shoulder meet and I feel him nipping and sucking as my pulse speeds up. Without any control, I feel myself begin to rub against him as a strange sensation begins to build in my lower body.

  Before I know it, my shirt is being pulled over my head as Bear pulls his mouth away from me. For a minute, he does nothing but stare down at my body. I may still have my bra on, but his gaze scorches my skin and I feel it all the way to the depths of my soul. My mouth feels dry as I try to suck in air to fill my lungs. I’m not sure what this feeling is, but I can’t get enough of it as it courses through my body.

  I reach up and slide my hands under the hem of Bear’s shirt to let him know that I want it off. He slides his cut off and I watch as he places it on the chair that sits in the corner of my room and then reaches back to grab his shirt and peal it off. My gaze never lifts from him as he bares every new inch of his body. I can see the beginning of a tattoo on his side and I want to explore it more. He’s got tattoos on his arms that go almost down to his wrist. They stop just before that point and I know that some of them are tribal, some are colorful, and others are done in black. It’s like their contradictions of the man that I am getting to know who’s so full of life and wants to ensure that everyone around him lives their life to the fullest. Bear has other ideas and doesn’t let me get much of a look at him before he’s back on me. I watch as he pulls the straps of my bra down my arms while I lift up so he can reach under me and unhook it. He pulls it off of me and tosses it over his shoulder before stopping to just look at me. As he leans back over me to kiss me again, I feel one of his hand snaking down my body toward the shorts that I’m still wearing. He distracts me with a kiss as I feel the button open and faintly hear the zipper slide down.

  “You sure you want this Callie?” Bear asks, stopping all movements and pulling back from me.

  Nodding my head, I raise my hands up to wrap around his neck once again. Bear holds himself away from me and stares at me for a few minutes. I stop what I’m doing and then stare into his searching eyes. He’s looking for something but I’m not sure what so I can’t do anything about it.

  “Need the words baby,” he says suddenly as I stop my movements and look at him.

  “I want this with you Bear. There’s no one else I’d rather give this up to,” I tell him, knowing that in this moment I’m telling that absolute truth and hoping that he can see it.

  I watch as Bear’s eyes darken even further until they’re almost a midnight blue. He lowers his head toward my core as I lift my upper body so that I can look at what he’s doing. I’ve never had anyone so close to my body before and I don’t know what to expect, but I’m going to take this ride with him and hope that it doesn’t make him leave me stranded here alone after we have sex. He doesn’t take his eyes off of me as he lowers his head. I hear him inhaling deeply before he sticks out his tongue and slowly slides it through my folds. My body convulses as a pleasure I’ve never felt rips through me. Bear continues to swipe his tongue from my slit up to my clit. When he gets to my clit, I feel him suck it into his mouth and gently bites down. My head drops back onto the bed and my eyes close as the pressure and feelings begin to swirl throughout my body quicker until I feel like I’m going to explode.

  “Eyes on me,” Bear says, his voice husky and low as he tells me to look at him.

  My eyes pop open and I stare down at him. Bear continues to work my body over as the feelings running through me continue to build. He never once takes his eyes off of me so that he can see every feeling that I experience in this moment. Before I can think about anything else, the pressure explodes and my entire body arches off the bed. I’m trembling and can’t stop it as he continues to work me over. Only when I’m lying back against the bed and the tremors are slowing down does Bear pull his head away from my body. He stands up and removes his jeans. I watch as they fall to the ground and his hard length springs free. Bear doesn’t seem to wear any underwear. My eyes bulge at the size of his dick as I wonder if it’s going to fit.

  “Relax baby. Are you ready?” he asks, sliding his body up mine and resting himself on top of me.

  “I’m ready,” I tell him, never once taking my eyes off of him as he leans down over me and brings his lips to mine once again.

  I can taste myself on him as he swipes his tongue into my mouth, seeking mine out. Reaching up, I wrap my hands behind his neck and hold on as he takes my breath away once again. Tremors continue to roll through me as I feel one of his hands reach up and begin to mold my breasts to his hand. He begins to pinch and tweak my nipple between his fingers causing me to once again arch into his body.

  As he switches breasts, I feel his hardness enter my wet pussy. He slides in an inch at a time. I feel pain and burning as he enters me. But, I brace myself for the pain that’s still to come. Bear breaks the kiss and keeps his eyes on me as he pushes his body further into me. Suddenly he looks at me as he gives one final push and rips through the barrier that showcased my virginity. A pain rips through me as I feel a tear leak down my cheek and a scream rips from my throat. Bear stills in my body and I can feel his turmoil as he tries to decide what to do. For a few minutes, the only movements in the room are our breaths causing our chests to rise and fall rapidly and the beating of our hearts. The pain that ripped through me begins to lessen and I can feel my body begin to once again build pressure.

  “Please, Bear, move. I’m ready now,” I tell him, moving my hips so that he truly knows I’m ready for whatever else is about to happen.

  “So fuckin’ tight. I’m so sorry I hurt you baby,” he answers, as he begins to pull back out of my body before sliding back in.

  Placing my hand on Bear’s cheek, I stare into his eyes. “I know you didn’t mean it,” I tell him as he starts to move faster.

  I run my hands over his shoulders and down his back; feeling his muscles ripple as he moves his body. At the same time, it seems as i
f my own body begins to move without any thought from me. My hips raise and meet every thrust from Bear. A low growl erupts from him as he bends down and runs his face over my chest and to the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. The spot that he knows drives me wild. At the same time, one of his hands reaches between us and I feel him begin to rub circles around my clit; getting closer and closer to the bundle of nerves that will push me over the edge.

  “More, Bear,” I murmur, burying my head in his neck as I begin to lick, suck, and nip at his neck and up to his ear.

  Another growl erupts from him as I continue to kiss his neck; moving from one side to the other one. “You need to get there, baby. Feels. Too. Good,” Bear growls out, his movements speeding up again and becoming more erratic.

  Bear moves his head down to my chest as he pulls my nipple into his mouth. He bites down before soothing the sting of it with his tongue. The pain is enough to throw me over the edge as it turns into pleasure. I feel my climax reach its height as it races through my body and releases. A moan escapes me as I call out Bear’s name. He pumps into my body three more times before I feel him still within me. He calls out my name on a growl. For several minutes, neither one of us moves other than Bear dropping down to the side of me and pulling him into his arms. To help get my breathing back under control, he rubs his hands up and down my back. I tuck my face into his chest as I feel something running down my legs. What the hell?

  “Um, we didn’t use anything, did we?” I ask, instinctually knowing that he didn’t put a condom.

  Looking down between my legs, I see a tinge of blood staining my skin along with the combined release of Bear and myself. Panic floods my body as I try to think of anything else to get my mind off of the shock of what just transpired between us.

  “Baby, please, relax,” Bear says, rubbing his hands up and down my back some more. “No, I forgot to use a condom. I’m so sorry. You have to know that I’m clean and it’s not a worry for me when it comes to you. Are you on anythin’?”

  “No, I’m not. I never had a reason to be on birth control. I didn’t plan what happened just now,” I tell him, looking up into his eyes so that he knows I’m sincere and being honest with him.

  “I know you didn’t baby. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it when it happens,” he says, giving me a gentle kiss on my lips before pulling me closer to his body and reaching down to grab the blanket to put over us. “Thank you for givin’ me the gift you just did.”

  “I won’t have an abortion or get rid of my baby,” I tell him, wanting him to know that I’m fully prepared to raise a baby alone if that’s what results from today. “I’ll be fine all alone if you choose not to be involved.”

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” Bear says as my eyelids slide shut and sleep claims me.

  Chapter Eight


  IT’S BEEN THREE WEEKS SINCE THE DAY I GAVE my virginity to Bear. The time has been amazing. Instead of sleeping in separate rooms, he’s moved into my room with me. We’ve talked about moving into my grandmother’s room, but nothing has been officially decided. I can’t stand to go in there to clear her things away, but I know it has to be done. Eventually.

  Bear had to stay at the clubhouse last night due to some business. He had to go on a run or something like that. I’m not told a lot about what he does at the clubhouse and for the club. But, I trust him more than I’ve ever trusted anyone else in my life. Well, except for my grandma. Bear’s always telling me that I’m allowed to go there anytime I want to, but I usually don’t go unless I want to see everyone there and not at my house. Plus, I don’t want to have to see Legs and Rusty push up on Bear and give me their sly looks as if he’s getting what he needs from them.

  So, I’m on my way to work. I’m not feeling the greatest and that’s a concern in itself. But, I don’t know if it’s the stress of my grandma’s house or something more. In time we’ll find out, but I’m choosing to bury my head in the sand so to speak at the moment. The prospect knows something is going on with me, but he doesn’t say a word about his suspicions.

  I’m a few miles from home when I see a lone biker pulled over on the side of the road. My gut tells me not to pull over and see what’s going on, but it could be one of the guys and I won’t ever pass them by in a time of need. So, I slow down and pull over behind the bike. I make sure to leave more than enough room in case Bear has to come out with the tow truck. While I know that more than likely whoever is here would have already called the garage if something were wrong with his bike, I can’t drive by knowing that I didn’t stop and make sure they were okay.

  I leave my car running as I open the door and step outside of my car. The man on the side of the road turns around and I recognize him from the opening of the garage. He’s one of the men that were laughing his ass off as his ‘boss’ put his hands on me and told me what he planned to do to me. As I turn to run back the few feet to my car, a hand slams down over my mouth as I slam into a body behind me. The body odor instantly hits me and the need to throw up instantly fills me. I choke it down just as I feel something sharp prick my neck. Within seconds my entire body feels heavy and my eyes are closing of their own volition.

  I’m not sure what’s going on right now. I wake up feeling fuzzy and my body feels heavy and sluggish. The ground below me is freezing cold and I shiver. As my eyes finally pop open, I see that I’m in some sort of cement room. There’s no comfort to be found here as I begin to take stock of myself. I move my limbs one at a time and see that they’re moving. As I gaze down at my body, I see that I’m naked now and I begin to glance around and see that there’s another person in the room with me. With everything in me, I will my body up so that I can move over to the person that’s here with me. Fear runs rampant as I don’t know who I’m sharing this room with.

  Bits and pieces of what took place this morning begin to infiltrate my brain as I remember seeing a biker pulled over on the side of the road. The needle going into my neck and then the blackness that took me under. Now, I don’t know if this person is another captive or one of the bikers being kept down here to make sure that I don’t try to escape. As I continue to claw my way over to the body lying in the opposite corner, I hear a rattling. Because I’m foggy and confused still, it doesn’t reach my brain that it’s a chain around my ankle. It doesn’t pierce the fog clouding me until I can go no further. I pull and pull but nothin works to break me free of the chain holding me captive. It’s not fear that grips me when I realize that I’m chained like a dog in a cold room with no clothes on. Anger fills my body as I realize that for the foreseeable future I’m going to be held captive by someone. Who does that to someone else? What do they have to gain by kidnapping me? Or anyone else for that matter?

  I stop my movements when I feel pain shoot up my leg. A scream leaves me and I quickly try to cover my mouth in an attempt to make sure no one hears me. As a result, the person in the corner groans and I see them shift slightly. It seems like every movement they make puts them in more pain. Before I can call out and ask if they’re okay, I hear a door screech open and footsteps coming closer. It seems like they’re walking down a set of stairs. Fear like I’ve never known begins to take hold of me as I wait to see who has me and what they want from me.

  “I see your awake now,” a male voice says. Looking at him again, I see the man that showed up at the grand opening for the garage a few weeks ago. He looks even worse than the last time I saw him. “I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to wake up at all. So, I’m happy to see that my plans for you are still in place.”

  “And what plans are those?” I ask, trying to stall him as I look around for anything that can protect me.

  “Well, see, I have a bunch of buyers that are looking for someone that’s untouched. They’re willing to pay a lot of money for you,” he says, unlocking the door and walking in like he’s the king of the fucking world. “And the bitch over there is going to be sold right along with you. We just need to finish bre
aking that bitch first.”

  I watch as he walks over to the person that I now know is a female. He kicks her in the stomach repeatedly as I listen to her groan and try to shrink in on herself. The man laughs like a maniac. It’s high pitched and sounds crazy to me as I try to stay out of his way for the time being. I need to be able to formulate some sort of plan to get out of here and bring this girl with me.

  “Now, you be a good girl down here and don’t make too much noise. We aren’t able to touch you anymore because of one of the men that wants you. But, we’ll make sure that you’re ready to go in other ways. We just have to make sure that you’re still a virgin when the auction takes place. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you for some time now. And after seeing your luscious curves and what you’ve been hiding under those clothes, know that I’ll be the first to put my hands on you,” he says, running his fingers up my arm and to my chest. He squeezes my breast hard enough to leave bruises before he cackles. Just before he turns to walk away, I feel his boot connect with my stomach, ribs, and side several times before he turns and leaves the chamber that we’ve been placed in.

  “You know that you’re never going to get away with this. Satan’s Anarchy will come for you and they’ll destroy you when they get their hands on you. There’s not a place on this Earth that you’ll be able to hide from them,” I say, letting him know that his death will be sooner than he thinks.

  “Bitch, I’m counting on them showing up. I’ll kill every last one of them when they eventually find us. Or should I say, if they find us. We’ve taken steps to make sure that you’re with us for a long time,” he answers, deciding to land a few more hits before leaving the basement.


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