Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City

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Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City Page 57

by Peter Demetz

  Georg, Friedrich

  George, Heinrich

  George of Podbrad

  German Club for City Affairs

  Germanic tribes

  German Liberal Party

  Gerson, Jean


  Gesù Maria, Dominicus á

  Geul, Otacher oûz der


  Glaser, Rudolf

  Glocken, die in Dunkeln lauten (Bells That Peal in the Dark) (Leppin)

  Gluck, Christoph Willibald von

  Goár. Josef

  Goedsche, Herrmann

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goldoni, Carlo

  golem, legend of

  Goll (philologist)

  Gomperz, Theodor

  Good Soldier Švejk. The (Hašek)

  Gotická Duše (Gothic Soul) (Karásek)

  Grab, Hermann

  Grahl, Nancy

  Graus, František

  Great Migration

  Greek Orthodox Church

  Gregory IX, Pope

  Gregory X, Pope

  Gregory XII, Pope

  Grillparzer. Franz

  Grimaldi, Cardinal

  Grustner von Grussdorf, Leopoldine

  Guardasoni, Domenico

  Guattari, Félix



  Guido of Lucino, Cardinal

  Guisson, Ursman

  Güstenhofer, Philipp Jakob

  Guta, Queen

  Haase, Gottlieb

  Haffenecker, Anton


  Hájek, Tadeás

  Hájek of Liboany

  Hakam II, Caliph al-

  Halas, František

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Hanka, Václav

  Hanseatic League

  Hans of Aachen

  Hapsburgs; centralization under; and Counter-Reformation; and industrialization; Italians and; Jews and; Polish; and revolution of 1848; Smetana and; Spanish court of; in Thirty Years’ War; in World War I, ; see also specific monarchs

  Harant, Kryštof

  Hartmann, Moritz

  Hašek, Jaroslav


  Hašler, Karel


  Haugwitz, Frederick Wilhelm Count von

  Hauschild, Georg

  Havel, Václav.

  Havel, Václav Sr.

  Havliek, Julie

  Havliek, Karel

  Havliek, Zdenka


  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

  Heimburg, Heinrich von

  Heine, Heinrich

  Heinrich, Prince

  Heinrich of Bitterfeld


  Heintz, Joseph

  Hekataeus of Miletus

  Henlein, Konrad

  Henry III, King of England

  Henry IV, Emperor

  Henry VII, Emperor

  Henry VIII, King of England

  Henry of Carinthia

  Herder, Johann Gottfried

  Herod, King


  Herzl, Theodor

  Hevra Kaddisha

  Heydrich, Reinhard


  Hieronymus, St.

  Hildesen, Johannes

  Hilsner, Leopold

  History of Bohemia (Piccolomini)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hock, Theobald von

  Hoefnagel, Georg

  Hoensch, Jörg K.

  Hoffarth, Madame Keruš

  Hoffman, Johann

  Hoffman, Vlastimil

  Hoffmann, E.T.A.

  Hoffmann, Hans

  Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

  Hohenstaufen, Conradin

  Hohenstaufen family

  “Holunderblüte” (“Lilac Blossom”) (Raabe)

  Holzer, Marie




  Hostiwit, Duke

  Hrabal, Bohumil

  Hrubý, Antonin

  Hrzová, Anežka

  Hübner, Johann

  Huerta, General de

  Huler, Sigmund

  Humbolt, Wilhelm von

  Hungarian Estates

  Hurwitz, Bella

  Hus, Jan

  Husserl, Edmund

  Hussites; Basel Agreement between Catholics and; battle hymns of; crusade against; European dissidents and; female; as heroes of 1848 radicals; Jews and; Monastery of the Slavs and; nineteenth-century romantics and; Protestant heirs of; town meetings of

  Iggers, Wilma

  Imperial and Royal Patriotic Theater

  Innocent IV, Pope

  Innocent VI, Pope

  Innocent VII, Pope


  Iron Age

  Isaac ben Jacob-ha Laban

  Isaac ben Mordechai

  Isaac ben Moses

  Isenburg, Heinrich von

  Isemia, Henricus de

  Isserles, Moses

  Italicus, Henricus

  Jadwiga, Queen of Poland

  Jagiello dynasty

  Jakobson, Roman

  Jakoubek of Stffbro

  James I, King of England

  Janáek, Josef

  Janáek, Leoš

  Jan of Chlum

  Jan of Dražice

  Jan of Jenštejn, Archbishop of Prague

  Jan of Jesenice

  Jan of Michalovice

  Jan of Veself

  Jansen, D. J.

  Jaromir, Bishop

  Jaroslav of Martinic

  Jaroslav of Stemberk


  Jeitteles, Ignaz

  Jena, University of

  Jeroným, Master

  Jesenská, Milena

  Jesenský, Jan


  Jessenius de Magna Jessen, Johannes


  Jewish National Council

  Jews; Bechyka on; in Carolinian age; and Czechoslovakian independence; Enlightenment; “Golden Age” of; Hussites and; and industrialization; intermarriage of; Italian; Joseph II and; literature of; Maria Theresa and; Masaryk and; and modernization of Prague; Mozart and; during Napoleonic wars; Nazi persecution of; nineteenth-century liberals and; novels about; at Prague University; Roman; taxation of; theater attendance by; during Thirty Years’ War

  Jews in Bohemin’s Ancient History, The (Salomon)

  Ježek, Jaroslav

  Jindich of Lípa

  Jirásek, Alois


  Johannes of Mühlheim

  Johannes of Tepl

  Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony

  Johann of Pomuk

  John XXIII, Pope

  John of Dambach

  John of Luxembourg, King

  John of Nepomuk, St.

  Joseph II, Emperor

  Josepha Maria, Princess

  Jossel of Rosheim

  Jošt of Moravia

  journal de ma vie (Bassompierre)

  Jüdisch-Deutsche Monatsschrift (Jewish-Geman Monthly)

  Judith, Queen

  “Jugement dou roy de Behaigne, Le” (“The Judgment of the King of Bohemia”) (Machaut)

  Jungmann, Josef


  Kafka, Bruno

  Kafka, Franz; birth of; Brod and; Milena and; writing in German by

  Kalandra, Záviš

  Kalista, Zdenk

  Kaminsky, Howard

  Kaka, František Maximilián

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kantùrková, Eva

  Kaplerová, Catherine

  Kaplín, Kašpar

  Kapper, Siegfried

  Kara, Avigdor ben Isaac

  Karadžic, Štefan Vuk


  Karásek, jií

  Karbusický, Vladimír

  Karl Albrecht of Bavaria

  Karl of Liechtenstein

  Karlštejn Castle

  Katz, Isaac

  Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta

  Kaunitz, Wenzel Ant
on Count

  “Kelch und Schwert” (“Chalice and Sword”) (Hartmann)

  Kelley, Edward

  Kelley, John Adam

  Kepler, Johannes

  Kestenberg-Gladstein, Ruth

  Kestánek, Paul

  Khlesl, Melchior Cardinal

  Kierkegaard, Soren

  Kindermann, Ferdinand

  Kinsky, Franz Joseph Count

  Kisch, Egon Erwin

  Kisch, Paul

  Klácel, František Matouš

  Klausner, Heinrich der

  Kleist, Heinrich von

  Klofá, Vilém

  Klutschak, Franz

  Knights of St. John

  Knights of the Cross with the Red Star

  Knights Templars

  Knobloch, Václav

  Kníže Honzík (Duke Johnny) (comedy)

  Kochan, Valentin

  Koestler, Arthur

  Kohen, Gershom ben Salomon ha-

  Kohen, Mordecai Zemach

  Kohn, Salomon

  Kokoschka, Oskar

  Kolá, Jií

  Kolben, H. W.

  Kolda of Koldice

  Kompert, Leopold

  König Bohusch (Rilke)

  König Ottokars Glück und Ende (The Fortune and Fall of King Otakar) (Grillparzer)

  Konrad of Bmo, Prince

  Konrad of Vechta

  Koranda, Václav

  Komfeld, Paul

  Korybut, Prince Sigmund

  Kostohryz, Josef

  Kotra, František

  Kovtun, Jií

  Koželuh, Leopold

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard

  Kramá, Karel

  Kramerius, Václav Matj

  Krása, Jan

  Kraus, Karl

  Krava of Lacek

  Krejcar, jaromír

  Krejí, Karel


  Krolop, Kurt

  Krušina, Hynek

  Kucharz, Johann Baptist

  Kuenring family

  Kuh, David

  Kun, Béla

  Kundera, Milan



  Kuranda, Ignaz

  Kurz, Josef

  Kutná Hora, decree of

  Kutnauer, Johann

  Kvapil, Jaroslav

  Ladislas, King of Naples and Hungary

  Lammasch, Heinrich

  Landau, Ezekiel

  Landau, Isaac

  Lang, Philipp

  Lanna, Vojtch

  Lapis, Santo

  Lateran Council

  Laube, Heinrich

  Laudon, Gideon Emst

  Laurence of Bezová, Master

  Law Concerning the Establishment of an Independent Czechoslovak State

  “Lay of Merry Misery,”

  “Lay of the Nibelungs,”

  Le Corbusier

  Lederer, Joachim

  Lehmann, Caspar

  Leipzig, University of

  Le Monnier, Police Commissioner

  Leopold, Archduke

  Leopold I, Emperor

  Leopold II, Emperor

  Leopold VI, Duke

  Lepanto, Battle of

  Leppin, Paul

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

  “Letter of Majesty,”

  Lewes, George Henry

  Libelt, Karol

  Liber Sententiarium (Lombardus)

  Libuše (Smetana)


  “Lifted Veil, The” (Eliot)

  Lipmann-Mülhausen, Jom Tov

  Little Commentary (Copernicus)


  Lobkovic family

  Loew, Judah

  Loew, Pearl

  Lohelius, Johannes

  Lombardus, Petrus

  Loos, Adolf

  Lorenz, Vilém

  Louis, King

  Lubossa, see Libussa

  Lucca, University of

  Lucchese, Giovanni


  Ludwig, Duke of the Palatinate

  Ludwig of Bavaria, Emperor

  Lueger, Karl

  Lukács, George

  Luragho, Carlo



  Mácha, Karel Hynek

  Machar, J. S.

  Machaut, Guillaume de


  Mafie organization

  Magen David (The Shield of David) (Cans)

  Magic Flute, The (Mozart)

  Mahrenberg, Siegfried von

  “Maidens’ War,”

  Maier, Michael

  Maimonides, Moses

  Maisel, Mordecai

  Máj (Mácha)

  Majestas Carolina

  Makofský, Hieronymus

  Mann, Thomas

  Mannheimer. Georg

  Manrique de Lara, Maria

  Man Without Qualities, The (Musil)

  Marcellinis, Balthasar de


  Margarete of Babenberg

  Maria, Queen

  Maria Isabella, Infanta of Parma

  Maria Ludovica, Empress

  Maria Theresa, Empress

  Marignolli, Giovanni dei

  Marketa of Peruc

  Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart)

  Martha (heretic)

  Martin (priest)

  Martin V, Pope

  Martin y Soler, Vicente

  Marx, Karl

  Mary, Queen of England

  Masaryk, Alice

  Masaryk, Charlotte

  Masaryk, Herbert

  Masaryk, Jan

  Masaryk, Olga

  Masaryk, T. G.; background of; becomes president of Czechoslovakia; Capek and; death of; Havlíek and; Jews and; scholarship fund of; Wilson and

  Mästlin, Martin

  Matj of Janov

  Mathésius, Vilém.

  Mathey, Jean Baptiste

  Mathilda of Toscana

  Matice eská (Czech Foundation)

  Matthias, Emperor

  Matthias of Arras

  Mauthausen concentration camp

  Mauthner, Fritz

  Maximilian I, King

  Maximilian II, King

  Maximilian of Bavaria

  Mayr-Harting, Robert

  “Meide Kranz, Der” (“The Virgin’s Wreath”)

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Meissen, Heinrich von

  Meissner, Alfred

  Melantrich printing press

  Mendelssohn, Moses

  Mersault, Gilles

  Mšt’anská Beseda (Citizens’ Club)

  Metastasio (playwright)

  Methodius, Bishop

  Mettemich, Klemens von

  Meyrink, Gustav

  Mezník, Jaroslav.

  Micelli, Caterina

  Michael the Jew

  Michal de Causis

  Michna, Pavel

  Mikuláš of Louny

  Mili of Kromíž

  Milota of Ddic

  Milton, John

  “Mirror of Princes” (Charles IV)

  Miseroni, Daniel

  Miseroni, Ottavio

  Mlada, Princess

  Mladota of Solopisky

  Modena, Tommaso de

  Mohács, Battle of

  Molnár, Amaden

  Montagnini, Biaggio

  Montagu, Mary Wortley

  Monte, Philippe de

  Monte Vulcani, Frater Angelus de

  Moralitates (Moral Sayings) (Charles IV)

  Morava, Jifi

  Moravec, Jan

  Mörike, Eduard

  Mozart, Constanze

  Mozart, Franz Xaver Amadeus

  Mozart, Karl

  Mozart, Leopold

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag (Mozart on His Journey to Prague) (Mörike).

  Mrštík, Vilém

  Mügeln, Heinrich von

  Mühleck. Barbara

  Mukaovský, Jan

  Munch, Edvard

  Munich conference

nz, Sigismund

  Muratori, Lodovico Antonio

  Musäus, J.K.A.

  Musil, Robert


  Mussolini, Benito

  Mydlaf, Jan

  Mysliveek. Josef

  Nack, Hans Regina von

  Napier, Lord

  Naples, University of

  Napoleon, Emperor of France

  Napoleon III, Emperor of France

  Napoleonic Wars

  Národní Noviny (National News)

  National Assembly

  National Committee

  National Democrats

  National Liberal Party

  National Socialists: Czech; German, see Nazis

  National Theater


  Nebeský, Václav Bolemir

  Nmcová, Božena

  Nmec, Josef

  Nepomuk, St.

  Neruda, Jan

  Netivot Olam (Loew)

  New Jerusalem

  Newton, Isaac

  New York Times, The

  Nezval, Vítzslav

  Nicholas of Dresden

  Niemetschek, Franz Xaver

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nilus, Sergei

  Nithart, Heinrich

  Nostitz, Count Alabert

  Nostitz-Rieneck, Franz Anton Carl Count

  Nova, Ercole da

  Novák. Ame

  Novak, Willy

  Novela de Rinconete y Cortadillo (Cervantes)

  Noviforensis, Johannes

  Novum Lumen Chymicum (The New Alchemical Light) (Sendivogius)

  Oko of Vlašim

  O’Connell, Daniel

  Olbram family

  Oldcastle, John

  Old Czech Legends (Jirásek).

  Old Town Book

  Olgiato, Pietro

  “On Escaping the World” (Jan of Jenštejn)

  Orsi, Domenico

  Orvieto, Gozzi di,

  Or Zaru’a (Light Sown) (Isaac ben Moses)

  Osel a Stín (The Donkey and the Shadow) (Voskovec and Werich)

  Osenbruck, Andreas

  Ost und West (East and West) (periodical)

  Osvobozené Divadlo (Theater Unchained)

  Otakar (Vlek)

  Otakar I, King

  Otakar, II, King

  Otto, Abbot

  Otto I, Emperor

  Otto IV, Emperor

  Otto of Brandenburg

  Otto of Loos

  Otto of Wittelsbach


  Oxford University; Ashmolean Museum

  Pachta, Johann Count

  Paisiello, Giovanni

  Palacký, František

  Palaeologus, Jacobus

  Pále, Štpán

  Palladio, Andrea

  PaUiardi, Ignacio Giovanni Nepomuceno

  Pane, Jan

  Pankl, Johann

  Panklová, Barbora, see Nmeová, Božena

  Panorama des Universums (periodical)


  Paradise Lost (Milton)

  Paris, University of

  Parler, Peter


  Party of Moderate Progress According to the Law

  Pascheles, Wolf

  Pašek, Jan

  Pasquina, Pietro della

  Passant de Prague, Le (Apollinaire)

  Passio Judoeorum Pragensium (Passion of the Prague Jews).

  Patoka, Jan

  Pavia, University of

  Payne, Peter

  Pechovský, Sebastian

  Pelcl, František Martin


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