Book Read Free

Faking Reality

Page 16

by Zaria Garrison

  “You’re kidding me?” Brandon’s heart began racing “I’ve got to call the police back and tell them this new information. Thanks, Danita.”

  A police officer showed up at Brandon’s home two hours later and asked him a multitude of questions, but nothing they said offered him any assurance. Over the next couple of days, they questioned the limo driver and the entire cast that attended the party, but no one knew anything.

  After praying, Brandon stood up and took a deep breath. He was due at his church in a few hours to help his church ministry to feed the homeless and low-income families for Thanksgiving. His wife had been missing all week, but he knew that he couldn’t let his church family or those in need down. Just as he was putting on his coat, his front doorbell rang and he rushed to answer it, anxious for news about Tia.

  “Hey, Brandon, I stopped by to see if you wanted me to take over for you at the church today?” Zack said.

  “No, thank you. I’m not doing Tia any good by sitting around this house worrying about her. I was just about to leave for the church.”

  “Well, in that case, can you use an extra pair of hands? I’d be happy to help.”

  Brandon was surprised. “I thought that you and Charlene were planning a big family dinner at your house today.”

  Zack sighed loudly. “We were but . . . the truth is Charlene asked me to leave yesterday. I spent the night at a hotel, and I called her this morning, but she doesn’t want to talk to me. So I thought that rather than sit around feeling sorry for myself I should help someone else.”

  Brandon invited Zack inside and sat quietly while he told him the whole story. “I’m blown away by all this. I’ve never met anyone who was passing,” he said after Zack was done.

  “I’m not anymore. The contacts are gone, and I’m letting the color grow out of my hair. I remember how much I hated it when my stepparents made me do it. You’d think that when I moved to Atlanta I would have stopped immediately, but continuing it was easier.”

  “I can understand that. Most black people have wondered what it would be like to be white and have life be easier, even if only for a few moments.”

  Zack shook his head. “No, that’s not what I mean. Of course, life has been easier as a white man in many ways, I suppose. But I was tired of being different. I got sick of being asked all the time, what are you? I never hated being black. I hated not looking black, but I loved everything else about it.” Zack suddenly looked at Brandon. “I’m sorry. Here I am laying my problems in your lap when you have your own. Has there been any word on Tia?”

  “No, the police believe that she may have been kidnapped by the person who stole the limo, but so far there have been no ransom demands or anything. I would give any amount of money to have her back and know that she and the baby are safe. But I am not going to sit here moping, and neither are you. Let’s get to the church.”

  They arrived at the church, and both men temporarily forgot the turmoil going on in their lives while they busied themselves setting up tables and putting out chairs with the help of the other church volunteers. Around noon, Danita and her daughters arrived to offer their assistance. Brandon assigned the girls the task of putting out paper plates, cups, napkins, and plastic forks, while Danita put on an apron and helped set up the food serving line.

  Everything was prepped and in placed by early afternoon. Brandon went to open the main doors and let the diners in, and he was surprised to see Bishop Snow and his family standing in the doorway at the front of line. “Hey, you guys, this food is for the homeless,” he said, teasing them.

  “We came to offer some help, and also, Yolanda and I need to speak with you privately. We might have a clue about Tia’s whereabouts,” Jimmy said.

  “Come in. Um . . . Priscilla, would you and JJ help out in the serving line? Danita can show you where to find aprons and plastic gloves.”

  He pointed the teenagers in the direction of the kitchen; then Brandon hurriedly opened the double doors wide so that the people waiting outside could enter. His plan had been to greet each person individually as he or she entered, but he was so anxious to talk to Jimmy and Yolanda that he abandoned that idea. Instead, he told Zack to take over and make sure that everyone was greeted and stayed in line in an orderly fashion. Then he asked Yolanda and Jimmy to follow him as he left the gymnasium and went down the hallway to his private office. It was located only a short distance from the gym, but it felt as if he’d walked a mile by the time he arrived. He offered them both a seat and anxiously waited behind his desk to hear the news.

  Yolanda spoke first. “I told you guys at the cast party that I had a prior relationship with Julian before Jimmy and I met and got married, and that’s why he put that footage into the show. What I didn’t tell you was that Julian has been stalking me for several years. I thought I’d gotten away from him, but he found me again through the show. Most people do not realize it, but he’s a very dangerous man.”

  “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with Tia?” Brandon asked.

  Jimmy pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Brandon. “I got this letter in the mail yesterday.”

  Dear Jimmy,

  By now I’m sure that you’ve seen the last episode of Revelations and you understand my love for Julian. I’m sorry that you had to find out this way, but it was the only way that I knew to show you how I truly feel. Our marriage is over, and I am leaving you to be with Julian. He is the only man that I’ve ever loved or will ever love. Please don’t bother to look for me, because I don’t want to be found. All I want is to be with Julian forever, as we were meant to be. I want you to know that there are no hard feelings, and I hope that one day you’ll be able to forget me.


  Brandon stared at them with a perplexed look on his face. “Yolanda, why would you write a letter like this, and again, what does it have to do with Tia?”

  “I didn’t write that letter. We believe Julian typed it and mailed it. It was his intent to make Jimmy think that I’d willingly left him.”

  Brandon was still confused, and he was quickly becoming agitated. “This is all very interesting, but I am worried about my wife. Please tell me what all this has to do with her.”

  “We think Julian kidnapped Tia,” Jimmy said.

  “What? That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Even if he was stalking your wife, there would be no reason for him to kidnap mine.”

  “It all fits together. The limousine that was taken was the same one that Yolanda and I arrived in. The carjacking happened shortly after I left the party on foot. We believe that Julian paid someone to take the limousine because he thought that Yolanda was inside alone. The person probably didn’t realize they had taken Tia instead,” Jimmy answered.

  “Have you talked to Julian? What does he have to say about these accusations?” Brandon asked.

  “No. Instead of calling him, we gave a copy of the letter to the police. They tried to reach him, but were unable to find him. Anderson says he’s in London on business,” Jimmy answered.

  “But we don’t believe him,” Yolanda added.

  “So let me get this straight. Julian was stalking Yolanda, and you believe he sent this letter. You also believe he is behind Tia’s kidnapping, but he meant to take Yolanda instead?”

  Jimmy and Yolanda both nodded their heads.

  “What you are saying may be true, but there’s one thing that doesn’t make sense,” Brandon said.

  “What’s that?” Jimmy asked.

  “Tia’s been missing for several days. Surely whoever took her has realized who they have by now. If she isn’t the one they wanted, why haven’t they let her go?”

  “We can’t answer that because we simply don’t know,” Yolanda said. “But I’m positive that Julian is behind this. This letter was mailed after the party, and I didn’t write it. What sense would it make for me to send a Dear John letter to my husband when I’m still with him? Don’t you see that Julian mailed this beca
use he planned to have me with him when it arrived?”

  “I do. I’m just trying to understand why he or whoever he’s working with hasn’t let Tia go. She’s pregnant for goodness’ sake. I’m so worried about her and the baby. What benefit could she possibly be to Julian now?”

  Yolanda reached out and took Brandon’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I feel like this whole thing is my fault. But as horrible as Julian is, I don’t think he would hurt Tia. It’s me he wanted. He has no beef with her.”

  “You said he’s dangerous. How dangerous is he?”

  “I . . . I don’t really know,” Yolanda answered.

  “Tell him about the text messages, Yolanda. He has a right to know,” Jimmy said.

  Brandon looked frantically at them both. “What messages?”

  “Over the past few months after I had refused to see him, Julian sent me very disturbing text messages.” Yolanda paused as she tried to gather the courage to finish. “Several times he threatened to kill me.”

  “How could you continue filming the show after he threatened your life? Did you tell the police this when it happened?”

  “No. I didn’t tell anybody. I’m sorry. I just kept hoping that he was bluffing, and maybe he was. Besides, like I said, it was me he wanted. That still doesn’t mean he will harm Tia.”

  Brandon sat back in his chair and tried to process the information. “What about Anderson? Do you think he’s covering for Julian? Is he involved in this?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so. I think he’s telling us exactly what Julian told him to say. He hasn’t spoken to him since before the party,” Jimmy answered.

  “Thank you . . . thank you so much for telling me this, and also for telling the police,” Brandon said. He turned to Yolanda. “Don’t blame yourself. There’s no way you could have known what Julian was planning or that Tia would be a part of it. Besides, we don’t know for sure that Julian had anything to do with it at all.”

  “I’m convinced that he’s behind it, but maybe you’re right. We are jumping to conclusions when the most important thing is finding Tia and getting her home safely,” Jimmy said.

  Brandon returned to the gymnasium following his conversation with the Snows and took his place in the serving line. He was scooping out a large spoonful of mashed potatoes to place on the next plate when he suddenly noticed a commotion near the front door. He immediately left the line and went over to investigate.

  “Reverend Kitts, is there any word on your wife, Tia?” he heard a reporter yell.

  “Do the police have any leads?” another reporter shouted out.

  Flashbulbs went off as several reporters tried to barge into the building and get photographs. Brandon had promised the individuals and families who dined at the church that day that they would receive explicit privacy. Because many of them were homeless or underprivileged, he did not want to exploit their stories on the evening news. Holding up his hands, he commanded the attention of the reporters. “Please, I’ll answer your questions, but I have to ask you to take all of the cameras outside. These people have a right to their privacy,” he said.

  Brandon summoned Zack and Jimmy’s assistance and the three of them forced all of the reporters outside of the church to the parking lot. Once outside, he climbed up into the bed of his red Ford pickup and stood to face the reporters in an informal press conference. There were too many reporters present for him to entertain questions, so he decided to make a brief statement. “I am thankful for all of the concern and prayers for my wife, Tia Kitts,” he said. “At this time, the police have very few leads, and we have not heard anything from her. As you know, my wife is expecting our first child, so I am especially anxious that she is found safe. If you think that you may have information that could help, I urge you to contact the police. Thank you.” Brandon knelt down to climb out of the truck, then suddenly stopped and stood up. “I’d also like to state that I will be establishing a reward fund. I am offering $250,000 to anyone who can provide information that will lead to the safe return of my wife.”

  The reporters continued to yell questions as Brandon climbed down and returned inside the gymnasium. For the rest of the day, he helped to serve the meals, mingled with the diners, and tried his best to be as thankful as the holiday required. On the outside, he was full of strength and faith, as he did his best to be a blessing to those less fortunate. On the inside, he was full of doubts and fear as he tried desperately not to break down in tears at any moment.

  The last diner left the gym around 9:00 P.M., and Brandon stayed around to help the janitorial staff lock up the church and turn off all the lights. As he walked out to his truck, he dreaded going home to an empty house. Out of the blue, he remembered his promise to call his family and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.

  It seemed to Brandon that his mother answered before the phone rang one time.

  “I’ve been sitting by this phone all day waiting for you to call,” she said.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I got busy at the church and completely forgot.”

  “Why didn’t you let someone else take over the dinner today? You have so much going on with your wife missing and all. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “But I wanted to do it. It was much better than sitting in the house alone all day.”

  “Of course, I understand that. After dinner, we all joined hands and prayed for her and the baby. God is in control, son. Just remember that.”

  Brandon felt his emotions bubbling to the surface once again. Although he was speaking to his mother, his pride blocked the tears and wouldn’t let them fall. “I know, Mom. Listen, I’m just leaving the church after a long day, so I’d better get home. Give Dad my love.”

  The next morning, Brandon awoke in his empty bed, and for a few seconds, he forgot that Tia was gone. Then he reached for her, and his hand landed on the cold, empty sheets. Leaning down he sniffed her pillow. He could still smell the faint scent of her perfume. He was lying on the bed inhaling her scent when he heard Kirk Franklin singing “Hero” and suddenly realized that his cell phone was ringing. He snatched if off the nightstand and answered anxiously. “Hello?”

  “Reverend Kitts, we’ve located your wife,” the police officer said.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Momlanda, can I drive today?” Priscilla asked, as she walked into the family room where Yolanda was waiting for her.

  “That’s fine with me. Are you ready to go?”

  Priscilla nodded her head and put her arms into the sleeves of her coat. “I told Jennie we’d pick her and Lavette up on the way.”

  “Pick them up for what? Priscilla, this is usually our day to spend together, just you and me.”

  For the past several years, Priscilla and Yolanda had started a family tradition of going shopping on Black Friday. In previous years, the two of them would wake up very early and venture out to the malls in time to catch the early bird specials and sales. They would spend the entire day together buying things they really didn’t need, eating fattening foods, and enjoying what Yolanda felt was quality time together. It was the perfect girls-only outing, and they’d return home to Jimmy and JJ eating leftover turkey sandwiches and trying to find yet another football game on TV.

  It was especially important to Yolanda this year because she felt that she and Priscilla needed some time to talk. Although Jimmy had forgiven her and they were working on getting things back on track with their marriage, Priscilla was extremely upset at her actions and relationship with Julian. When the finale aired, Priscilla had been at a friend’s house bragging about her celebrity parents. That night, she returned home under a cloud of shame and embarrassment. While JJ’s peers were more concerned with the upcoming football playoffs and what girl they were going to ask to the Winter Ball, Priscilla’s were focused directly on the affair they believed was going on between Yolanda and Julian. Their constant teasing of Priscilla had caused a rift between mother and daughter that Yolanda desperately wanted to repair.

��I just thought it would be fun to have them come along. What’s the big deal?” Priscilla answered.

  “It’s not a big deal. I just didn’t know that you’d ask them, that’s all. Let’s start out with them, and then later, we can drop them off and the two of us can have dinner together. I’m sure your dad and brother can survive on leftovers.”

  After picking up her friends, they arrived at the mall an hour later. As they went from store to store in Lenox Square Mall, Yolanda felt completely isolated and alone. The three girls giggled, looked at cute boys, and tried on outfits. Not once did they ask Yolanda her opinion on the outfits or invite her into the conversation they were having. The only time Priscilla spoke to her was to ask for the credit card when it was time to make a purchase or to hand Yolanda her bags to carry. Several times Yolanda tried to interject into the conversation by suggesting they stop at a particular store or that Priscilla try on an outfit that Yolanda liked. Her ideas were met with rolling eyes, blank stares, and sucking teeth.

  Yolanda leaned on the second-level railing of the mall and looked down at the shoppers below, feeling rejected and left out. To her right, she noticed a huge display of presents with a jolly Santa Claus seated in a huge chair. She smiled as she remembered the first time she and Jimmy had taken their kids to the mall to have their photo taken with Santa. JJ had cried and screamed because he wanted no part of Santa’s lap. Priscilla, on the other hand, was the perfect child. She smiled for the camera and hammed it up like an old pro. After that, she’d had a tradition of taking a yearly photo with Santa Claus until after she turned twelve years old. By then, she thought she was too old. As she stood watching Santa and reminiscing, Yolanda suddenly heard the girls behind her.

  “Hey, let’s take a picture with Santa Claus,” Lavette suggested.

  Yolanda stifled a laugh as she waited for the other two girls to veto that idea. To her surprise, they both happily approved. “Yeah, that would so cool. We can put it on our Facebook pages,” Jennie agreed.


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