Twice As Delicious

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Twice As Delicious Page 7

by Vanessa Vale

I’d phoned the client about the fallout from the engagement party too.

  Leo was right. It wasn’t easy to inquire about it. I’d gotten the guy on the phone, thanked him for the invite to his daughter’s special evening, and then basically sat there like an idiot, waiting for him to gossip like a little old lady. There was no subtle way to ask if he’d heard of some guy getting his brains blown out and shoved in a freezer, other than to listen for cues like changes in his tone of voice, or any obvious sign of nervousness. Or even having his daughter back out of the impending nuptials.

  Hell, if my daughter even mentioned a made man’s name, let alone dated him, or worse, got engaged, I’d have her packed up and living in a convent in Ecuador.

  I got nothing. His wife was the one organizing the event. All he had to do was put on a tux and walk his third child down the aisle.

  Leo had nothing. I had nothing.

  Being paranoid was no way to move through the next few days. If we couldn’t proactively fix this problem for Harper—if there even was one—before things escalated, the least I could do was keep my clientele happy by getting work done. So I buckled down and got busy.

  Until temptation walked in.


  She stood in the doorway, her hair still damp from a shower, and her body wrapped in nothing but a bath towel. Holy fuck. My cock went instantly hard. Any thoughts of leaving the apartment today were now gone.

  Work was done. And O’Sullivan? Who the hell was that?

  An irresistible distraction was the only thing on my itinerary.

  And my sweet tooth was craving honey.



  I woke up sore, sated and with a satisfied smile on my face.

  The last time I’d slept this well was...I couldn't even remember. Leo and Dane had claimed my body completely. Then they did it again. And again. I'd lost track of how many times I’d hit my peak. And as I’d laid there in bed, thoroughly spent, my body warm and safe between them as they dozed off, it had been heavenly.

  The mental image of Leo on one side, Dane on the other, and me in between them caused the dull ache between my legs to morph into a pulsating throb. Need overtook me again, which was insane because I’d spent the night going at it with two guys. I should be tired. Sore. Done.

  But no. I was now a nympho. I grinned and rubbed my cheek against the pillow, the scent of Dane—and sex—lingered. I had a vague recollection of Leo getting out of bed sometime in the middle of the night. He’d never come back, leaving one side of me cold. After that, I'd probably passed out from exhaustion.

  The groggy haze of sleep still clouded my mind, but thinking about it now, middle of the night?

  No, that wasn't possible. It had been the middle of the night when I first woke up from that nightmare. Then they’d fucked me senseless for hours before they tucked me beneath the covers. Which would make the time now about...

  Holy crap.

  I jackknifed up to a seated position, panicked as I looked around for a clock in Dane's room. Both nightstands flanking the bed were bare. What time was it? Sunlight streamed in through the large windows—Dane’s apartment was too high up for him to need blinds—the view of the city was stunning. Jumping out of bed, I rushed over to my purse to check my phone. God, I was naked and in an almost-stranger’s bedroom. The cool air made my nipples harden, only reminding me of Leo sucking on them.

  Shit. Shit!

  I couldn’t think about what we’d done. I couldn’t think about being naked with them.

  Them! God, remembering their chiseled torsos, their big hands and what they could do with them. And their cocks? Holy crap. My inner walls clenched. Yeah, my pussy remembered all too well what they could do with them.

  I glanced out the wall of windows. It had to be close to midday. I never slept this late. I never fucked two guys either.

  Dammit. I had client calls and emails to reply to, staff to track down, and a ton of baking to start. And it was already afternoon?

  When I finally fished my phone out of the bottom of my bag and checked the time, I let out a curse under my breath. Nine-fifteen. Shit. I hadn’t slept past six in years.

  Thank God it was Monday, though. Mondays were the quietest day of my week, event-wise. I rarely had anything scheduled, today included, and usually spent it organizing the kitchen, buying food and supplies, connecting with clients to firm up plans or pitch and finalize event details, and scheduling my employees.

  But now, with more than half the day gone, I was screwed. I knew from memory that I had two scheduled catering gigs tomorrow. A Lower Manhattan art gallery showing that the owner hired me to cater, and a sweet sixteen birthday party in Midtown. Tuesday nights always seemed to end up double booked, and this one was no different.

  Scrambling to open my text app, I sent a quick message to Jane to confirm she'd left my catering van at my work kitchen last night. Instead of waiting for a reply, I headed into Dane's bathroom, stood under the cascading steam showerhead for maybe an extra minute or two of self-indulgence, and wrapped myself in one of his plush, luxurious bath towels. As I had zero extra time and no idea whether or not Dane had a blow dryer, I used another towel to dry my hair, then headed back to my phone. Jane had replied and confirmed that everything from last night was back at the kitchen.

  Last night at the O’Sullivan mansion.

  The whole ordeal teased at the corners of my mind—the dead man’s unseeing eyes, the hole in his forehead—and threatened to send me reeling with panic again, but I forced it down and focused on work. As usual. People needed me, and I needed to keep my eyes on the prize. Work came first, just like it had yesterday, and the day before that, and just like it would tomorrow and a year from now.

  Shoving my phone back into my purse, I looked for my clothes.


  I had none.

  My dress from last night was in no shape for being worn a second time, not in public in broad daylight. It would scream walk-of-shame. I was sure if I asked nicely, Dane or Leo would let me borrow something to wear for my trip home.

  Home, where my life was, and Leo hadn’t wanted me to go there last night. He hadn't thought I'd be safe. Or anywhere other than with them. As sweet and kind and thoughtful and utterly sexy as the gesture was, I still had a business to run. I couldn't afford to hide within these walls, getting my groove on while waiting for an O'Sullivan shoe to drop. I had contractors to pay. Employees. Rent. Food would spoil and my clients? I’d be sued and my business would go under. There were no days off in my world.

  Tightening the towel around my torso, I straightened and steeled my resolve before leaving the bedroom to look for Dane or Leo.

  I wasn't backing down.

  I wouldn't fall into bed with them another time.

  This time, I was leaving. Going to work. Getting back to my life. Last night was wild and all, but with the daylight came reality. All I needed was a set of clean clothes to return to it.

  I looked through the first open doorway as I walked down the hall and found Dane behind a large mahogany desk, eyes glued to a laptop. Suddenly, I was self-conscious. I’d slept with this man mere hours ago. Him and Leo. I’d fucked two men at the same time. Not just fucked, but dropped my inhibitions along with my dress. And here I was, believing I could stand before him, covering my naked body with just a towel, and act normal as I asked for a spare t-shirt and sweatpants so I could go home.

  It was totally unrealistic.

  Not only for them. For me, too. Because already, I was aroused. My nipples were hard, my core was tightening, and I had to press my thighs together to get some control over my throbbing clit. All caused just by looking at Dane in his casual shirt and jeans, sleeves rolled up.

  I swallowed, hard. If I’d been wearing panties, they’d be ruined. What was it about him that was such a turn-on? And he hadn’t said a word.

  Then Dane’s eyes were no longer on his laptop screen, but on me. I saw the lust in his dark, piercing eyes and fo
rced myself to stop...thinking...about…sex.

  Work. Must think about work. The side of beef in the walk-in fridge that needed to be carved. The basil that needed to be chopped. The knives that needed sharpening.

  That was my life. My hard-earned success was what kept me warm at night, what motivated me to get out of bed every morning. And it would also be the thing that would help me get past this bump in the road. Or, get past the dead body in the freezer.

  So I swallowed the frog in my throat and said, “Good morning.”

  “Hi.” Dane shut the laptop lid without looking away from me. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, thank you.” I glanced down at the glossy wood floors. His apartment was all male, but screamed wealth. Not only because it was the penthouse with floor-to-ceiling windows, but had sumptuous Oriental rugs and beautiful furniture.

  “Um, thanks for…for everything.”

  God that sounded lame. Thanks for the orgasms. Thanks for fucking me with your buddy. I had no idea what the polite response was for a night like they’d given me. “Hey, can, borrow something to wear?”

  He got out of his fancy ergonomic swivel chair and walked around his desk, heading for me. For one so tall, he moved easily, confidently. “Sure, you’re more than welcome to anything in my closet. I’ll show you.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I told him, stepping to one side to let him lead the way. “I wouldn’t dare wear that wrinkled up cocktail dress out on the street this time of day. Plus, it’s ruined anyway.”

  Dane stopped abruptly and pivoted. A deep V formed in his brow. “Out on the street?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’ll head out in a bit.”

  He cocked his head. “To go where exactly?”

  “Well, home first, as I need a change of clothes. Then to the kitchen where I prep for events. It’s not too far from here.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” That firm, commanding voice came from Leo behind me, making me jump. He put his hand on one of my shoulders. “Sorry, honey. It’s not safe for you to be anywhere but here.”

  I inched my body sideways to look up at him without turning my back on Dane. I didn’t care how tiny I was compared to both of them, or how vulnerable I felt, a little cold, practically naked, and so damned turned on, while the two of them were dressed and looking so self-assured.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said, my tone dismissive. “I always am. Besides, I have obligations.”

  “Your obligations won’t protect you from what might be out there waiting for you.”

  I sighed, crossed my arms over my chest, holding tight to the top of the towel. Yes, I felt ridiculous having this conversation with them in a dang towel.

  “See, that’s the thing. Yes, sure, I’m still freaked out like crazy about what I saw in that freezer. I really am, but I don’t know if anyone saw me. Neither do you.” I reached my hand up to where he had his hand on my shoulder and covered it with mine. “Plus, you helped me get through it, remember? You were level-headed, covering my tracks by getting rid of anything that might suggest I was ever in their garage. No one from the O’Sullivan household has contacted me by phone. I checked my voicemail and my emails. I doubt they’d even bother with me, at least about last night. I have two more events to do for them. And whatever I saw, I’ll forget it. It’s not like I’d ever go blabbering about any of my clients. It’s bad business. Aside from that, I have a company to run, bills to pay, and a roof to keep over my head.” I heard the defensiveness in my voice and took a breath, trying to soften it. “I’m so grateful for both of you, stepping in the way you did. And for helping me through the night. I really am. But this is a new day. I have to move forward.”

  “It sounds like you’re still trying to convince yourself of that,” Dane replied, leaning against the wall. While he looked casual, I knew he was anything but about this topic.

  That slightly arrogant stance sent anger rising up inside me. I stepped back, pulling from Leo’s hold and putting some distance between us.

  “I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything,” I countered. “What I do know is I’m my own person, and I’m leaving.”

  “What’s it going to take for you to believe your life might be at risk?” Leo asked. His green eyes held a hint of concern, but mostly male intensity.

  “Can you prove to me that it’s not safe for me out there?” I demanded.

  He sighed. “Listen, Harper. I know you haven’t known us long enough to trust us, but I’m not blowing this out of proportion.”

  I’d trusted them enough to sleep with them. Strangers.

  “Think of the dead guy. The bullet hole in his forehead. Jesus, woman, he was shoved in a fucking freezer. We don’t want that to be you.”

  A sound escaped Dane, something like a growl. “Fuck, scare the shit out of her.”

  “If that’s what it takes,” Leo replied.

  “How long am I supposed to hide out here? Forever? I have to work.”

  “We’re going around in circles,” Dane huffed, and was the first to turn and start walking away. “I’ll get you some clothes.”

  “Thanks,” I answered, somewhat relieved to end the confrontation as I followed Dane back to his room.

  Leo didn’t come with us.

  I could feel Leo’s frustration even after I’d left him standing there. He believed the threat was real. My gut said the same. He wasn’t arguing just to be an asshole, he was insisting because he already cared enough about me to not want to see me dead.

  Yeah, I didn’t want to see me dead either.

  He meant well, but that didn’t change my mind.

  I dealt in the tangibles. The things that were right in front of me.

  Like work.

  And my walk-in freezer full of baking ingredients that wouldn’t bake themselves.

  If I had to dodge bullets this afternoon to be ready for tomorrow’s two catering gigs, then so be it. I couldn’t let my business go under, especially since Leo offered no clear timeline. The events tomorrow night had to go on.

  Ten minutes later, I was wearing one of Dane’s button-down shirts and his sweat pants, rolled up a few times so they didn’t fall off my waist. He found me a pair of flip flops as my stilettos didn’t go too well with the ensemble. Grabbing my purse, I threw my dress over my forearm, got my shoes from the living room, and found Leo waiting for us at the front door.

  “I’m driving,” he said, more to Dane than to me, then held the door open.

  I followed Dane to the elevators, and none of us spoke on the ride down to the garage. Leo helped me into the back passenger side of the black SUV with dark tinted windows, ensured I put on my seatbelt.

  “Where are we headed?”

  “We?” I asked.

  “If you want to work, fine. I’ll be with you.”

  My mouth fell open, but I could see through the rearview mirror I wasn’t going to sway him.

  “I do my catering prep at a little place I rent on the corner on the Upper West Side, but I live about ten blocks from there.”

  “Apartment first, then work,” Leo said as he backed the car out of the spot.

  After a quick stop at my apartment and a bit of a drive through bustling midmorning traffic, we were parked outside my workplace. Leo announced that it was safer for him to take a look around before I went in, so I gave him the keys while I waited in the car with Dane.

  “Is he always like this?” I asked.

  Dane glanced over his shoulder at me. “Always. For those he cares about.”

  Before I could ask after that little bombshell, Leo was back, opening my door for me and leading me inside with a warm hand at the small of my back.

  I glanced around. Everything was as I left it. Neat, clean and organized. The comfort and familiarity of the space was reassuring.

  But having Leo and Dane there, big and so out of place, made me a little uncomfortable.

  They were total opposites. Crisp businessman and brawny bouncer side by side. But they bot
h cared about me, in a possessive, dominant sort of way that had me appreciative. And aroused. I’d had boyfriends before, for months, even, but they’d never behaved like this toward me. I was too independent, they’d say when we broke up.

  But Dane and Leo seemed to like my self-reliance, but wouldn’t bend where my safety was concerned. It felt...good. Even if they were looming over me in the small space.

  Disconcerted, I went into the walk-in freezer, grabbed a few trays with the choux pastry dough I’d kneaded from scratch a couple of days before, put it on the island workstation. I wasn’t used to all this extra attention. I’d grown used to being alone. Having them here, in my space, watching my every move, well, I felt off-balance to put it mildly.

  “This isn’t creepy at all,” I muttered under my breath on my next trip into the freezer for the savory croquembouche fillings I’d planned for the art gallery showing.

  Sautéed mushroom chicken, goat cheese with spinach, salmon mousse. I checked off the items I’d made in my head and brought out the containers one or two at a time.

  And there they still were, leaning on that same counter. Looking even sexier than last night. Their eyes on me. Like I was their next meal.

  How the hell was I supposed to work like this I wondered as I went to the sink and washed my hands, then got to work. Eventually, I dusted the flour from my fingers, crossed my arms and turned to face them.

  “You know, boys, I’m pretty sure I’ll be okay while I finish up these pastries. After I’m done, I’ll move on to the desserts. Those are even easier. You don’t have to take this much time out of your day for me.”

  Dane held up his hands. “Fine. I’ll go to work myself.”

  I frowned. “How come he gets to go to work without a bodyguard and I don’t.”

  Leo grinned. “I like your body much better than his.”

  The answer made me blush. That was all it took to put all sorts of lurid, naughty thoughts into my head and send waves of need through my body. I was growing tired of fighting all these urges.

  I couldn’t take the heat, but I also didn’t have the option to get out of the damned kitchen.


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