Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance Page 41

by S. Cook

  His throat rippled as he swallowed.

  “How about we go on a few dates first, and see where this takes us?”

  “A date.” He tasted the word in his mouth. “I guess we can try a few dates.” His body relaxed, the tension easing from his muscles. Then he stiffened again.

  “What is it?”

  “Does this mean no sex?” he asked.

  I grinned. “Hell no.”

  “Good.” He rolled on top of me. “Because all this talk of dating is making me feel pretty horny.”

  I let him kiss me, opening my mouth to wide sweeps of his tongue. He was already rock hard, his erection pressing into my inner thigh like a hot brand. I opened my legs wide, hooking my knees over his hips and enjoying the way his pelvis settled on mine so perfectly.

  “Does talk of hearts and flowers turn you on?” I asked, scraping my nails lightly down his back. His muscles rippled in response.

  “Oh yes.”

  “Chocolates too?”

  “Only if I get to hand feed them to you.”

  I laughed. “Come on.”

  He urged his hips forward, nudging against my wet slit. “You love it.”

  “Maybe a little.”

  He ducked his head and kissed the top of my breast, catching the nipple in his mouth and sucking. I closed my eyes, letting the sensations wash over me. Pleasure coiled and stretched in my stomach, and a pool of lust gathered between my legs.

  I was already dripping wet, and he didn’t even need to touch me again. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, using my nails to gently massage his scalp.

  Liam got the point. He reached for his pants on the floor. How he found them through the heap of clothes was a mystery. He located the condom, suited up, and slid inside me with a slick, wet thrust.

  We both groaned out loud.

  Liam buried his face in the groove of my neck. Slowly, he pulled out, then shoved back in. I arched my pelvis and gave him better access.

  “You’re so tight,” he gasped out.

  I squeezed him. He groaned again. I did it again and he dropped his head and took several deep breaths.

  As he thrust in and out of me, I squeezed and released my muscles, followed his rhythm and concentrated on pleasuring his cock. Our gazes met as he moved in and out. I knew my climax was going to hit me soon.

  I was already so close. Sweat broke across my forehead. With every thrust, he gave a nudge upwards, giving my clit the attention it needed. The way he rubbed against me made me want to scream with pleasure. I arched up, becoming more frustrated, desperate. My muscles contracted as I fought to squeeze them around his cock.

  And then it hit me.

  The convulsions were just as intense as the first two, but with his thick cock inside me, the orgasm seemed to go deeper, to pull at a part of me I couldn’t name. I clenched my eyes, bit my lip, and tried to keep everything contained. To memorize this moment and treasure it with everything I had.

  Liam continued to pound me, his cock pulsing until he exploded. He cried out, his arms enveloping me like a vice. His body froze with his cock giving one last throb before I felt him cum powerfully inside me.

  Slowly, he relaxed until he was heavy on top of me. He lifted his head, swiped his thumb over my lower lip, and kissed me deeply.

  “That’s one thing we can cross off our bucket list,” he said.

  My hands moved over his back, up to his shoulders. My arms circled his torso. “Now, let’s see about the rest of that list.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  I didn’t think I’d ever been happier in my life. Liam and I spent the rest of the night on his boat. I discovered that there was a small, makeshift shower that worked decently.

  In the morning, we grabbed coffee and walked up the hill to the lighthouse. I watched Liam’s expression as he took in the view of the harbor, enjoying the sight of him against the background of the ocean.

  The lighthouse had always been one of my favorite places. Before business had picked up at the office, I used to come here on the weekends to relax, and I had never shared the spot with anyone before, not even Bryan.

  After our coffees were finished and we’d outstayed even the teenagers who were there to make out on one of the benches, Liam kissed the top of my head gently. His arm around my shoulder kept me warm against the wind.

  “We should head back to the apartment soon,” he said.

  “You’re right. I’m dying for a decent shower.”

  “Your place or mine?”

  I smiled softly. A part of me wished we could stay at the lighthouse forever. Maybe it was because I couldn’t seem to believe this was real. The night we shared was so perfect that it was difficult not to wonder if it had all been a dream.

  Or maybe the illusion of being near the harbor, of being away from our homes, made us think differently. Made me believe that a relationship with someone like Liam seem plausible.

  Neither of us said anything as we walked back to Liam’s car. Was he thinking the same thing, that as soon as we got back to the condos, the illusion would be lost?

  This time, he turned on the radio. Soft classical music filled the interior of the car. When we arrived back at our building a sense of dread clenched at my stomach as the gate to the underground parking garage opened and Liam pulled inside.

  “Why are you so quiet?” Liam asked as we stepped into the elevator.

  I shook my head. “I’m just scared of where we’ll go from here.”

  “What do you mean? I thought we already decided we’ll take it slow. See where it takes us.”

  The elevator felt too small. I shifted my weight from foot to foot. “I know, Liam. I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that it’s too good to be true. That we’ll get home and things will return to how it was before.”

  “How was it before?”

  I waved a hand impatiently. “All hostile and awkward with me dodging you in the halls so I don’t have to see you.”

  “Ha! So you really were avoiding me?” He rubbed his chin and scratched at his five o’clock shadow.

  I looked down. “Yeah. But only because I knew I’d want to jump you whenever I saw you.”

  He reached for me, pulling him in the circle of his arms. “I want you, Misty.”

  “We’ll take it slow,” I said. “We won’t even be exclusive at first, if you don’t want to.”

  His arm tightened so fast that he squeezed the breath from my lungs.

  “You’re going to continue dating other guys while you’re seeing me?” His voice was rough and something fiery appeared in his eyes.

  I pushed on his biceps. “That’s not what I said.”

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened. We stood there, staring at each other. Our breaths mingled.


  I jumped and pulled away from Liam. “Sorry, Mrs. Erin,” I said to the elderly woman waiting to get on the elevator. My face was probably as red as a tomato.

  We stepped out and waited until the elevator doors closed.

  “I don’t want you dating other guys,” Liam said as soon as we were alone again.

  I looked away. “You want me to stop?”

  “Hell yes,” he growled. “Of course I do.”

  My eyes widened. “Why?”

  “You think some other jerk’s hands all over my girl is my idea of fun?”

  My mouth went dry. “Your girl?” I choked.

  He touched my elbow. His movement was slow, hesitant, like he was afraid I was going to bolt. “You don’t want to be my girl?”

  I shook my head.

  He took a step back.

  “No,” I said, laughing.

  His scowl nearly knocked me over. “What the hell do you find so funny?”

  “I didn’t mean to laugh.” I cleared my throat. “I meant, yes, I do want to be your girl.”

  His expression softened. He let out a breath of relief.

  “Are you sure you want to stop sleeping with other chicks and actually
commit to a relationship?”

  He paused.

  I growled and brushed past him.

  “Misty, wait.”

  “Sure, I’ll wait,” I snapped. “Wait for you to stop being such a hypocrite. You want me to be committed to you, to be faithful to you, but you don’t want to repay the favor.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You hesitated.”

  “I didn’t. I was just...”

  “What?” I spun around just as we reached our doors. “You were thinking? Debating? Wondering if I’m worth giving up your freedom? Well, let me tell you something, Liam. If you’re still wondering, then obviously you’re not ready. And I’ve wasted enough of my time on jerks to take a chance on you. I’m done.”


  He reached for me, but I shoved at his chest instead. He took a few steps back.

  “Leave me alone.”


  I spun around, not wanting to hear anymore. I headed straight for my door.

  And froze.

  I stopped walking so abruptly that Liam bumped into me from behind. He grabbed my waist to steady both of us.

  “Bryan,” I blurted.

  My boyfriend—correction, my ex—stood in front of my apartment. His hands stuffed in his pockets, his eyes flickering back and forth, a confused frown tugging at his brows. He lifted his chin as his eyes moved up and down my body.

  I was suddenly aware of how wrinkled my clothes were, how messy my hair was, and that I had on no makeup. Bryan had always hated it when I looked anything less than perfect.

  “Hey, Misty,” he said.

  God, his tone irritated me. Even in that short greeting, I could sense the arrogance radiating off him. I used to mistake his condescension as confidence, and I thought I was attracted to that.

  But now I saw it for what it was, saw him for who he was. He would always be that jerk who thought he was better than me, better than the commitment he supposedly made to me.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded.

  Liam’s arm wrapped more firmly around my waist. I knew it was a show of possession. He was marking his territory. I should have pushed him off, especially considering that he had just been in the middle of toying with my heart...again.

  But I didn’t.

  The weight of his arm was reassuring, the heat of his body next to mine balancing the coldness of my blood. I didn’t lean on him, but I didn’t push him away either.

  Bryan’s eyes didn’t miss the gesture. He shot Liam a mean look before turning to me. “Didn’t you get my letter?”

  Crap, I had forgotten all about it, after bumping into Liam yesterday and going out with him instead. It was still sitting in my purse.

  “I haven’t bothered to open it,” I snapped.

  I surprised both of them with the venom in my voice. I didn’t feel like lying anymore. I was sick of trying to be what someone else wanted me to be, but mostly, I was sick of lying to myself.

  “I wrote to you for a reason, you know,” he said. “I spent a lot of time telling you how I felt.”

  I would have been happy to hear that a few months ago. “I don’t give a shit what you feel or how long you took to tell me about it, Bryan. It’s too late.”

  His eyes grew so wide, I thought they were going to pop out of his head. His mouth opened and closed. A weird sound came out of his throat.

  I crossed my arms. “What do you want?”

  “I want you back,” Bryan said.

  I waited for the swell of emotions to overwhelm me. I waited and waited, but...nothing. I should have been hurt. I should have been angry. I would have even taken confused.

  But there was nothing. Except, perhaps disgust and irritation.

  “Too bad,” I said.

  The expression on Bryan’s face was priceless. I nearly burst out laughing. I would’ve if I wasn’t so pissed that he had showed up on my doorstep out of the blue, as if he hadn’t cheated on me and broken my heart.

  “But—I love you,” he stuttered.

  “No you don’t,” I shot back. “If you loved me, you wouldn’t have slept with other women the entire time we were dating.”

  “I do. I was wrong. I was stupid and I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. Misty.” He took a step closer.

  During our exchange, Liam stayed by my side, not interjecting but not moving away. As Bryan attempted to grab me, Liam pulled me a little behind him and stepped in between us.

  “Not a chance, buddy,” he said. He held up a hand.

  Bryan’s jaw worked as he looked from Liam to me and back. “Who the hell is this?”

  “I’m her boyfriend,” Liam said.

  At the same time I said, “He’s my neighbor.”

  Bryan raised his brows. “Get out of my way.” He tried to shove Liam aside.

  They were about the same height, and Liam was bigger. Stronger in more ways than one. Those shoulders bulged as he pushed Bryan back.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you anymore,” Liam said. “I suggest you leave.”

  Bryan took a swing at Liam’s face. Liam dodged it and grabbed his wrist in one big hand.

  Oh shit!

  That escalated quickly.

  I took a few steps back from them, not wanting to get caught in the middle of their brawl. I knew I should have said something to stop them, but I doubted either man was going to listen to me at this point.

  Bryan’s face was dark, his cheeks a shade of crimson. “Listen, buddy. I don’t know who the hell you are, but you better get out of the way. This is between me and my girl.”

  “I don’t see your girl anywhere around here.”

  “Misty is my girlfriend, you bastard.”

  “She doesn’t seem to agree with you.”

  Bryan tried to punch Liam again. Before he knew what was happening, Liam’s elbow came up and slammed up against Bryan’s nose. His howl reverberated off the walls. His eyes blinked rapidly, filling with tears.

  “Oh my God,” I said when the blood started pouring from his nose.

  “You broke my nose,” Bryan whined.

  “Don’t be a girl, man,” Liam said. “What? Can’t take a hit?” He raised his wrists, lowering his stance.

  Bryan’s eyes widened. He glanced at me. “You’re not worth this shit.” Then he took off down the hall.

  Silence followed.

  My face and ears felt like they were burning.

  When Liam was sure that Bryan wasn’t going to come back, he turned around. He straightened when he saw the look on my face.

  “What?” he asked.

  I attacked him. I threw my arms around his neck and jumped, my legs wrapping around his waist. Liam’s hands gripped my butt reflexively. He didn’t have time to react before my mouth covered his.

  There was no chance he was going to escape this one. I was so hot and aroused that I doubted I would have cared if Bryan came back now, got on his knees, and begged me to take him back.

  My world was Liam.

  I wasn’t aware of anything but his hands and mouth.

  Somehow, I found the keys and unlocked my door. We stumbled inside. The door slammed behind us, and Liam spun around, shoving me up against the wall.

  I was so glad to be wearing a skirt. My panties were gone with a jerk of his fingers and a ripping sound. His zipper was down with a tug.

  “Misty,” Liam said. His hands moved down my body in a possessive stroke.

  He looked straight at me. He didn’t have to be told twice. My eyes widened at his hot and thick intrusion, his cock pressing into me.

  Damn it was slick and hot and delicious.

  Nothing would have stopped me from grabbing his ass and pulling him closer. I arched my back, tilting my pelvis at just the right angle.

  I groaned and he grunted.

  And together, we fucked against the wall. He pounded inside me, so hard and fast that anyone outside the door would have no doubts as to what we were doing. But I didn’t car

  My breath coming in ragged pants, I grabbed at him anywhere I could. His shoulders, his back. His ass was taut as he flexed with each thrust.

  My orgasm took me by surprise and I could do nothing but press my hands against the wall behind me and hope I didn’t fall. My legs shot straight out, my toes curled. My thighs quivered. I gritted my teeth and screamed out the climax.

  Liam’s pace quickened. His rhythm was vicious. I felt his cock pulse. Then he slammed into me, so hard that I gasped and grabbed for him. The feeling of him coming inside me was so wonderful that I groaned again, even while I became putty in his arms.

  His fingers dug into my hair, holding my face steady so that he could kiss me. His tongue battled mine, not allowing me to speak, to ruin the moment in any way. I let him take me. Even as we kissed, I felt him growing hard again.

  “Whoa,” I said, breaking our kiss.

  He grinned. “Round two.”

  “You mean ten.”

  “Maybe. I’ve lost count.”

  His arms wrapped tightly around me and he pried us off the wall. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Right down the hall.”

  I didn’t know how we got to my bed. I was too focused on kissing him. When I tumbled back the mattress, I knew I was already close to another orgasm.

  The bed was at the perfect height so that he could fuck me standing up while I laid there, my legs spread to accommodate him. He grabbed my ankles and held my legs straight out. His abs flexed and rippled with every movement, and he continued fucking me without missing a beat. His cock was so hard, so hot, his body made to pleasure me in all the right ways.

  “Play with your nipples,” he demanded.

  I obeyed willingly.

  My fingers flicked and pinched the peaks of my breasts. I played with myself the way I liked, with abandon, knowing that Liam found me beautiful no matter what. And in that moment, I knew I was.

  I felt it whenever I was with him.

  Liam kept one hand on my ankle, keeping my leg straight, while the other hand found my pussy. His fingers pinched at my clit, flicked over it, using my own moisture on me. I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

  The sensations were building up. I pinched my nipple as he rubbed my clit in just the right way, and unbelievably, another orgasm consumed me. I arched my back, sucked in my breath, and squeezed my breasts together.


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