Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance Page 45

by S. Cook

Not when I’d had a taste of his dark, searing passion and wanted more.

  This first time…he’d set me free.

  Opening doors in my head I’d never known exist. Making me discover a part of myself that has always been hidden, suppressed. That side that held a once unconscious instinct to be dominated by a strong male, especially in the sexual context.

  I know I’d never, ever forget how it had felt to be punished…and pleasured by Dominick.

  The things he’d made me do – the things he’d made me say…The way he’d laid his hands on me, and taken his belt to my ass…I shiver uncontrollably now as I feel shocked that I’d let it all happen.

  Being made to crawl on my hands and knees to where he’d stood, waiting for my mouth to take his cock.

  Made to stay on my knees with my hands behind my back while I sucked on that beautiful, massive shaft with its purple, bulbous tip.

  I moan now as I remember how it had tasted in my mouth, and on my tongue…so warm and silky, with just a hint of fresh, manly musk. His sac was so heavy. He’d made me lick and suck those, too.

  And when he’d been inside me…it had felt like being torn in two. His throbbing hardness had pounded me into the bed till I thought I’d disintegrate.

  The agony of being whipped by his belt suddenly seems secondary to the utter devastation of being fucked heedlessly by the biggest cock I’d ever had in my pussy.

  My whole mound has been stinging from the lashes he’d given it with the belt, but even that pain translates to bliss inside my head once he’d started to fill my pussy up.

  He’d grabbed my hair, slamming into my doggie style. Holding both my arms up behind me, using them like handles. He’d been right; this wasn’t lovemaking or everyday sex. It was fucking, hot, rough, pulverizing passion. And given the chance, I knew I’d do it all again.

  Soon after that first, Titanic-capsizing orgasm we’d shared, I’d felt him soothe me into a sweet, warm rest. His arms around me had been surprisingly gentle as we’d laid back on the pillows. It had taken a long time for my heart beat to settle, and I’d heard the answering boom as I’d kept my head against his chest. How peaceful it felt, after the earlier erotic rampage, to be held close to him this way.

  I felt treasured, precious.

  But then just as I begin deepening into a snooze, I feel him move, and gently try to pull my arm from around his neck.

  A part of me feels a rush of panic. I tighten my grip.

  “Stay. Please,” I mumble into his throat, where the buttons of his shirt lay open.

  Vaguely, I realize he still has most of his clothes on. That fact had added to the whole carnal thrill of my being near-naked - being used, punished and then fucked by him.

  He stills; I hear him sigh. There is gruffness in his gentle words as he says, “If I stay, I’ll want to take you again. And you’re still very sore.”

  All element of sleep flew from my mind, and I blinked up at him, seeing the dark gleam in his green eyes. He bends his head down to kiss my lips, and I eagerly wrap my arms tighter around his neck, leaning into his warmth, his kiss. He firmly yet gently draws down my arms when he breaks off minutes later.

  “I need to go. And you need to think about what happened tonight. I didn’t plan for it to happen this way; not this fast. But so it is. It’s everything I’d wanted it to be. Whether it’s wise to want it repeated is another matter entirely.”

  He is already rolling off the bed, reaching for his jacket, belting up his trousers.

  I gather the covers around my body, with just my bra still managing to stay on over my breasts. I adjust it to give me some sense of decency as I watched him quickly dress. It’s like he can’t wait to leave.

  “Why do you keep fighting this? Fighting us?” I asked plainly, accusingly.

  He straightens from the chair where he’d bent to wear his shoes. He regards me with calm patience.

  “Because I don’t think you’re ready,” is his simple reply. “You’re not…this obviously isn’t what you’re used to. And I’m…Marie, I just think we should take a step back and consider this, figure out how far we want to go.”

  “All the way,” I say promptly, staring up at him unflinchingly.

  He smiles, a tight line of humor as he shakes his head.

  “What happened just now…you and me – that’s just a tip of the iceberg, sweet doll. It’s no way half close to what I really want to have with you.”

  “Was it good?” I ask softly, still with that unwavering expression.

  I saw Dominick close his eyes tight for a moment as he draws in a ragged breath, his hands on his hips.

  “Fuck yes. You know it was.”

  His voice is rough with desire that still lingers, pulsed just as strong as before. So much so that I feel it across the room even from where I lay in bed.

  “Then show me how to make it better,” I tell him in a sensible tone.

  He moves forward, and then perches on the edge of the bed, drawing me close with his hand cupping the back of my neck. He leans in till our foreheads touch, and sighs. “The things you make me feel…they frighten me sometimes. That’s why I stayed away, kept myself aloof until now. Marie – I dominate out of instinct. It’s who I am. I don’t know any other way. Can you accept that?”

  “I accept that I don’t want you to change,” I reply, holding his piercing gaze.

  Even now, I ache deep inside for him to claim me again. Why are we still talking when he can be deep, deep inside me, stretching my walls into blissful oblivion?

  “What you shared with me tonight…I liked it. A lot,” I confess quietly. “I liked when you held me down, and fucked me. I liked it when you hurt me, too. I didn’t know I’d like it so much.”


  He says my name roughly, half in warning, half in reined-in desire. He grasps the end of my ponytail, and presses a moist, lingering and sexy kiss to my lips.

  “You’ll drive me insane,” he mutters against my parted, seeking mouth.

  He snatches one last hard, swift kiss from my bruised-looking lips.

  “Rest now. It’s getting really late. Do you have anywhere you need to be tomorrow?”

  “I don’t think I…oh wait, I do have a photo shoot around mid-morning, at the Grand Jefferson Hotel.”

  It’s for a multi-page high-end woman’s fashion magazine spread, one my agency had booked months ago. I pout, ready to cancel it all if I have to, if he wants a chance to spend time with me.

  “And I have an important early appointment myself. I intend to be busy all through the day with delegates from the Chamber of Industry,” he tells me.

  “But you’ll call me?”

  I hate to sound so needy, and clingy. And yet he suddenly has that grin on his face, the one that flashes so unexpectedly and rarely, lighting up his face and making him look even younger, more endearing.

  “Yes…I will call.”

  ***Would you like to read more about Dominick? Sign up for my mailing list on my website to be the first to know when Dominick releases!***

  New Bonus Book Brian

  Prologue: Lydia

  Was this what falling in love felt like?

  Feeling foolish and yet crazy happy at the same time? It was a good feeling. I liked it. I read the words of his note over and over. Each time I felt a coil tighten more and more in my belly.

  The hours seemed to stretch forever until eight o’clock. At last, there came a knock on my door and I forgot all about how long I’d waited. I dived to answer it and felt immeasurably happy to find Brian standing there.

  I noticed in a flash that he seemed drawn and somewhat paler than normal. But none of that diminished from his boyish, gorgeous smile when I practically jumped into his arms, almost toppling us both.

  “Whoa!” he chuckled as he steadied me, his hands resting warmly on my waist. “Glad to see you must have missed me.”

  “Come in, come in!” I said and pulled him back inside with me, closing
the door. I turned to him with worried eyes. “Obviously I got the note, Brian. You said something about a family emergency?”

  He sighed. “Yeah, my Dad. He had a heart attack. But he’s okay now,” he added hurriedly when I gasped in dismay. “He knows he needs to take things easy from now on.”

  I sat heavily on the bed, my hand tugging him to sit next to me as if I couldn’t bear to be apart from him.

  “Thank God he’s alright,” I breathed. “When I saw your message, I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  Brian cupped my face gently and turned it to his. My breathing hitched and I was struck by the overwhelming sense of moisture suddenly seeping between my thighs. He smiled, which launched an intense throbbing in my secret place. I had to blink rapidly and force oxygen into my lungs just so I wouldn’t miss his next words.

  “There’s so much I wanted to say in that note,” he said huskily, “But I decided it could wait until I was looking in your beautiful eyes. The last few days have been insane, Lydia but the one thing that kept me on track was the thought of you.”

  I lowered my lashes shyly beneath the searing heat of his gaze. “I...I thought about you too.”

  “Couldn’t be as much as the way I thought about you,” he said grinning, before lifting my palm to his lips and turning his face into the scented skin, inhaling deeply.

  The mere sensuousness of his light caress made me shiver deep inside.

  “I couldn’t get any rest, with you on my mind until late. I was worried you’d be gone before I got back and had the chance to talk.”

  I let out a soft laugh.

  “I almost did leave. But I just couldn’t,” I confessed. “I don’t know how you did what you did to me. I almost feel like I must have been bewitched. There’s this hold you have on everything I do. I used to think I knew exactly what I wanted from life. Now all I want is for us to get carried away. Let’s not even think about it first. All that matters is that it feels real.”

  “Yes. So real,” Brian said on a half groan as his head lowered and he kissed along my neckline, making me gasp. His body pressed up against mine and I was caught off guard, falling back in bed as his welcome weight pushed on me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, unable to hide the melting seduction from my gaze as I looked up at him.

  “Just being this close to you,” Brian began, then shook his head as if to ward off pain. “I can’t wait for you to find out everything about me, Lydia. And I want to learn everything about you. What makes you happy.”

  “Right now, it’s simply to have this, with you. Your body on mine, your strong arms surrounding me,” I whispered. “You want me, don’t you Brian?”

  I bit hard on my bottom lip, my last trace of fear quickly dissipating when Brian seized my mouth in a kiss and let his lips do the talking.

  He placed his hand on my stomach, the touch gentle yet firm against my shirt, keeping me in place when I would have straightened up. I felt suddenly nervous with Brian looking at me like that, with an almost feral heat. My nipples hardened against the pads of my bra at the sensation of his fingertips brushing my skin as he began to slowly unbutton my shirt.

  He leaned closer, kissed the swell of my cleavage. I was submerged in his deep blue eyes that had always seemed so filled with calm, yet now had grown dark, fierce. He wanted me strongly and I could feel his desire like a beating drum in my chest. I could smell the stimulating aroma of his unique scent blended in with his aftershave and it made me feel even more overpowered by him.

  It felt like he knew exactly how to touch me. I held his gaze pleadingly, not sure what I was even begging for.

  Brian paused and looked deep in my eyes. “You want me to stop?”

  “Don’t stop. Please,” I finally answered, and his eyes blazed almost tempestuously black.

  In contrast, his touch was light as he stroked up the side of my breasts, skimming over the patterned lace. He cupped me and squeezed gently, bringing every nerve cell I had to life. I gasped out loud, back arching. His unbearably soft fondling had more impact than any rough, ravenous passion could have done.

  Whatever storm raged in the air around us, Brian seemed to want me to know that he was in full control, that I could trust him to take utmost care with me.

  Brian’s mouth came hot on mine, a melting kiss.

  My breath quickened up again just as I felt Brian open up my folds, exposing my clit. His fingertips brushed the eager bud and I almost jumped. Oh God. Rushes of pleasure coursed through my whole pelvis, jarring my hips forward.

  “You want more?”

  “Yes,” I said, not really knowing what more lay in store. All I felt certain of was I’d love anything he’d do to me.

  That was when I saw him slide down between my legs..

  Chapter 1: Lydia

  “This is going to be our best vacation ever,” Theo declared to me.

  I was seated beside him in the back of the sleek, rented Mercedes. I smiled politely and sent him a glance, wondering if this was the time to remind him we’d never gone on a vacation before. Not together anyway, since we started dating less than a year ago.

  “You’ve been promising that ever since I let you talk me into it,” I said.

  Theo chuckled.

  “I talked you into it?” he repeated. “Sweetheart, ever since our engagement you’ve been pestering me to take time off so we could spend more quality time together.”

  I let out an expressive sigh.

  “Yes, but after so many months of pestering, I almost gave up. I never dreamed you would end up taking off three whole weeks from your busy schedule to be with me.”

  Taking his eyes briefly from the road, Theo leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on my full lips.

  I resisted the urge to instinctively pull away.

  “You deserve my time. As well as everything else. You mean the world to me, Lydia.”

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  The intensity of feeling in his tone and on his handsome face made my head reel for a moment. Whoever would have thought we would ever be a couple?

  We’d known each other almost all our lives, and not for the first time since we started to seriously date, I was filled with confusion.

  Was being with Theo the right thing to do?

  In my own way, I had genuine feelings for him. After all we’d practically grown up together. I wouldn’t call it being in love, but then I didn’t even really understand what that meant anyway.

  All I knew was our relationship was more our parents’ doing than any actual romantic notions on my part or his.

  Not that he wasn’t a great catch for any discerning female. At age thirty-four Theo Clayton had distinguished himself in looks and financial shrewdness. He was one of the most handsome men I knew.

  He stood over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and aristocratic features that sat handsomely on his angular face. Whether he was in his dark, three-piece suits or the most casual of attires, he always looked impeccable. Just last year he’d been voted one of the most influential young CEOs in the community.

  I was undoubtedly proud of his achievements in business, as well as humanitarian efforts. He had his head on straight and I couldn’t fault him for that.

  So why on earth haven’t I fallen crazily in love with him?

  I asked my inner self this question as I stole a glance at his sculptured, self-assured profile.

  And why aren’t I more enthusiastic about this getaway?

  I hid a sigh and vowed to enjoy myself. I had to admit, Theo had picked a perfect location. We were headed for an exclusive and expensive tropical resort on a tiny Caribbean island, with civilization many miles away.

  The island boasted of three separate private beaches and there were several restaurants, bars and nightclubs scattered throughout the island. Enough things to do and places to see both at the resort itself and its surrounding area to keep us busy.

  I gazed up at the sky which was a dark shade of blue with no hint of clouds
– delightful beach weather which was a welcome change after several weeks of rain back in Seattle.

  I’d been looking forward to arriving and now that I was here, I knew it wouldn’t do to start having doubts. If anything, this could be just the chance to make up my mind about what I truly wanted for us.

  When the three weeks came to an end, I would have to take a stand – and whatever that would be, I vowed there’d be no going back on it.

  Chapter 2: Brian

  I stood behind the hotel’s check-in counter. I was casually flicking through notes when something made me look up. She walked in and suddenly time stood still.

  Her beauty had a radiance that struck me almost at once.

  I couldn’t look away.

  Her dress was summery and floral, swaying around her generously curved hips. There was a wholesomeness to her that I hadn’t seen in a long time in any woman at the resort.

  I wondered if she came alone.

  She drew closer and I willed her to turn and look at me, but she was too busy viewing her surroundings. Before she reached the desk, I was shouldered aside by the front desk manager.

  “Welcome to Serene Palms Resort, ma’am,” she said. “How can I help you?”

  Chapter 3: Lydia

  Slightly taken back by the huge woman’s beaming grin and deep-toned voice, I shouldered my purse and smiled.

  “I would like to check in, please. I’m here with Theo Clayton.”

  The woman’s grin widened. She had dyed red hair and wore skillfully applied, yet somewhat loud make-up.

  “Oh yes, Mr. Clayton – of course,” she said. “And you must be Ms. Thorpe. Your suite is lovely. I’m sure you’ll be happy here.” The woman turned to the man beside her adding, “Won’t you help our guest with her luggage?”

  I had only brought one small carryon suitcase with me and didn’t really need any assistance with it. But the man was already coming from behind the reception desk toward me.

  “Oh no, please. I can manage,” I began.


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