Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club)

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Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club) Page 4

by Amanda Meadows

  Amber gave a small smile. “Mm . . .meatballs!”

  Caleb scrambled out of the car and jogged to the front porch.

  Hooking his arms around her waist, Hunter eased Amber across the backseat and then easily lifted her in his arms. “I suppose I should be grateful that you weigh so little.”

  He carefully carried her up the steps and then stopped before the opened door. “Huh!” he said, stopping.

  “What?” Amber said weakly.

  “Supposed to carry your bride over the threshold,” Hunter murmured softly.

  Inside, Amber found herself in a large spacious apartment with a comfortable sofa and several chairs, all soft leather. Framed paintings covered the walls. The apartment was impeccably clean. It definitely did not resemble a typical student pad. In fact, Amber wondered just how wealthy Hunter and Caleb must be to have this kind of apartment. She was also sure that Hunter's Range Rover was extremely expensive. She felt a bit uncomfortable. Her own lack of money seemed even greater suddenly.

  Hunter deposited her on the sofa. “I'll get some drinks. Stay here.”

  The living room was open to a large, modern kitchen with beautifully stained dark cabinets, stainless steel appliances and granite counters. The microwave dinged and when Caleb opened the door, a delicious aroma spilled out. As if in answer, Amber's stomach emitted a deep gurgling grumble.

  Caleb brought over the plate of meatballs on a wicker tray.

  “I feel like I'm at a resort.” Amber giggled and then dug into the first meatball.

  Hunter returned with two glasses of soda. When Amber tried to eat too quickly, he took away the fork and insisted on feeding her himself.

  Only a day earlier she would have tried to stab him with the fork for doing that. It was amazing what she allowed Hunter to get away with. Of course he had saved her. She shuddered to think how long she might have been in that bathtub if he hadn't come.

  “Hey, how did you get into the apartment?” she asked.

  “You left the key in the door. Terrified the shit out of me when I saw the door like that and then didn't see you when I checked inside.”

  Amber filled him in on her trip to the Financial Aid Office. “So I guess I was just out of it when I came inside,” she said. She got quiet a moment and then Hunter nudged her.

  “No more thinking about anything but food and sleep tonight, okay? I told you that I would help you figure it all out tomorrow once you have some more food in you.”

  An hour later, filled with pizza, Amber found herself nodding off as Caleb and Hunter talked about a new Art Exhibit at the Museum.

  Before she knew it, she was in Hunter's arms again and he was carrying her into a small bedroom with a dresser and neatly made bed.

  “This is the guest room,” Hunter said. “Hardly gets used. Sheets are clean and so is the bathroom through that door. Plenty of soap, shampoo and fresh towels for in the morning.”

  Sitting her on the edge of the bed, he pulled off her shoes and socks then laid her down. “I'll be back in a second.” Amber closed her eyes and didn't open them again until she felt Hunter's hands pulling her jeans off. She was too exhausted to stop him. He slid his arms behind her back to lift her slightly. She felt him feel for her bra clasp and remove it. She opened her eyes then but Hunter was already slipping a tee shirt over her head. He quickly slid her legs beneath the covers and tucked her in.

  “Sweet dreams, Gorgeous,” he whispered and kissed her forehead.

  Inhaling the crisp clean smell of the sheets, Amber burrowed further into the covers and fell asleep.

  Chapter 7

  Waking up the following morning, Amber rolled over with a happy sigh. For the first time in weeks, she wasn't waking up with a sore back. She couldn't figure out how her bed had gotten so luxurious. And then she opened her eyes, jolting back to reality. Of course this wasn't her bed. This wasn't even her apartment. She sat up quickly, blinking at the bright sun streaming through the window. The walls of the room were a soothing mint green. A few paintings of fruit and flowers hung on the walls. An old-fashioned wind up clock showed the time – a few minutes before seven. She wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep the night before but she felt completely rested. She climbed reluctantly out of bed and entered the small adjoining bathroom.

  Though small, the bathroom was modern and impeccably clean. Apparently Caleb and Hunter were clean freaks, she thought with a smile. Either that or nobody ever used this bathroom. On the marble counter was a folded towel and washcloth. Peeking into the shower, she saw a small basket of assorted shampoo, soap and conditioner samples. On the back of the door hung a soft white robe. She had just turned on the water when she heard a soft knock on the bedroom door.

  Turning off the water, she put on the fluffy robe and padded across plush carpet to answer it.

  “Good Morning.” Hunter greeted her with a giant smile. His hair was still wet from showering and there was a dab of shaving cream just below his ear.

  “Good Morning! You've got a little shaving cream there.” Reaching up, Amber wiped his neck with her finger. Just to touch him made her finger tingle.

  Hunter reached up and clasped her hand, holding it close to him. “Any plans on passing out in the shower this morning?”

  Amber laughed. “Not unless you miss carrying me around.”

  Hunter leaned down with a smirk. “Oh, I miss carrying you around. But I'd rather you were fully conscious when I do it.”

  Amber flushed. “Well, um . . .guess I better get ready so we aren't late for class.”

  Hunter smiled, releasing her hand then placing a hand gently on her back. “I'll just sit on the bed while you shower. Just to be on the safe side.”

  “Really, Hunter, I'm fine this morning!” Amber tried to push him out the door.

  “I promise I won't peek!” Hunter held his hands up and moved back. “Really, I just want to be where I can hear you if you start to feel faint.”

  Amber wanted to argue but she knew they didn't have time. “Fine, but don't move one inch from that bed.”

  “Yes, ma'am!” Hunter theatrically sat on the bed and pretended to study a painting on the wall with one finger on his chin.

  Starting the water again, Amber opened a drawer and was surprised to find her toiletry bag inside. Last night was a bit hazy but she was pretty sure she hadn't grabbed it. Hmm. It was pretty small so maybe she just hadn't seen Hunter grab it. Still, it was a bit weird.

  “You might want to make it a quick shower,” Hunter called out just then. I need to get to class early again.”

  “Okay,” Amber called out.

  She quickly opened her bag and found a hair band so that she could pile her hair on her head. Then she quickly bathed and dried off. She had makeup in the bag but she hardly ever wore it. Instead she put on a little lip gloss. She decided to keep her hair up for simplicity. Wrapping the fuzzy robe around her, she exited the bathroom. On the bed were clean clothes including bra, panties, jeans, shirt, and socks. Hunter was gone. How the hell had he gotten her things?

  She dressed quickly and went to confront Hunter. Unfortunately he was on the phone and simply waved her to the table. Caleb was already sitting there, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a paper.

  “Good morning,” he greeted her. “One of Hunter's models is sick and canceled for the day. He's trying to get somebody else to come in.”

  “Good morning,” Amber slid into a leather padded chair and reached for a platter of french toast. “Thanks for the hospitality last night. Just sorry I fell asleep so quickly.”

  “No problem,” Caleb said. “It's nice seeing him have a girl . . .” He broke off quickly and flushed as Hunter got off the phone and strode back to the table.

  Amber glanced from Hunter to Caleb as she savored a sweet bite of french toast dipped in syrup. Did Caleb think she was Hunter's girl friend? Or was he going to say that Hunter never brought girls to their apartment. She made a note to question Caleb the first chance she got.

nbsp; “Wow, this french toast is awesome!” she said to break the tension between the guys. “Who made it?”

  Caleb laughed. “I suppose either of us could try to take the credit but my Mom would kill me. She makes up huge batches of it when she has a chance and freezes it.”

  “Pass on my regards to your mom, then,” Amber said, wolfing down several more pieces and following it up with a huge glass of juice.

  “I microwaved the bacon,” Hunter said, pretending to be hurt.

  “And you did a marvelous job!” Amber said, laughing and holding up a strip. “See, this is my third piece.”

  Hunter's phone beeped and both Caleb and Amber laughed. “No need to worry about being late when you're around Hunter,” Caleb said.

  “Punctuality is a gift!” Hunter stood and began clearing away dishes.

  Fifteen minutes later, Hunter dropped Caleb off at the far end of campus for his morning classes and then found a parking spot not far from Amber's apartment. He seemed distracted.

  “Were you able to get a model for this morning?” Amanda lengthened her steps to keep up with Hunter's fast pace.

  Hunter sighed. “Okay, I'm afraid that you're going to get angry. But the only model that was available this morning was . . . um . . . big boobies Kayla.” He cringed as he glanced over at Amber.

  Amber considered for a moment. “So you have never dated Kayla?”

  Hunter shook his head emphatically. “No. Never.”

  “So why is she so possessive over you?” Amber asked as they cut through the grass lawn.

  Hunter shrugged. “Her parents know my parents. She's been trying to go out with me since high school but she just isn't my type.”

  “So I guess I just have to be a professional and draw big boobies today,” Amber finally said as they hurried down the walkway to the Fine Arts Building.

  Hunter laughed and put an arm around her shoulders. “Now that's the kind of attitude I like to see!”

  They were still laughing when Amber looked up and saw Kayla out of the corner of her eye. She looked like she wanted to strangle somebody. Before Amber could say anything, though, Hunter was pulling her through the door and down the hall. This was going to be an interesting class, Amber thought as she followed him into the empty classroom.

  Amber left Hunter setting up the modeling platform and took her usual seat. She had time for some quick sketches so she absorbed herself with that. She only looked up when she heard Kayla's loud voice. She resisted the urge to raise her head, certain that Kayla was watching her every move. Lifting just her eyes, she saw Hunter pulling Kayla into the corridor. Part of her wondered if Hunter was telling the truth. Then she scolded herself. If Hunter really was interested in Kayla, Amber had done nothing to prevent him.

  Hunter came back in the room alone and soon other students began to pour into the class.

  “Professor Collins has a meeting this morning,” he called out. “Find an easel and make sure you have enough paper. The model will be doing several sets of fifteen minute poses. Remember the rules.”

  Amber found an easel at the far end of the podium, not wanting to be especially close to Kayla's nude body.

  Then suddenly Kayla was marching in the room with a lot of attitude. She had a bright yellow kimono on which she flung at the chair. She glanced around the room and found Amber. Then she knelt on the floor and sat back on her haunches. Her hands were clenched in fists so that her knuckles rested on the floor. She positioned herself so that most of what Amber saw were her huge breasts. She locked eyes with Amber as though taunting her. Look at my body compared to yours, she seemed to be signaling. Why would Hunter want you when he could have this?

  Okay, Amber thought. You do have some ridiculously large breasts. I'll give you that. She heard the others around her begin to sketch but she felt frozen as though Kayla had actually cast a spell on her. But then, suddenly, Hunter was at her side. He reached over, as though to adjust her easel but instead let his face nuzzle Amber's neck for just a second longer than necessary. Amber saw Kayla's eyes widen and her body stiffen. She had certainly gotten the point. Just as suddenly, Hunter moved away to another student.

  Amber sighed and started sketching. She used dark, bold strokes to show the anger and tension in Kayla's body, capturing even the blackness of her eyes. Although the breasts were there, it was the tension that carried the drawing. When she finished, she realized that it was a really good sketch, maybe one of her best. She smiled a little, wondering how Kayla would feel about inspiring some of her best work.

  Kayla's next pose was lying prone on the floor, arms outstretched. Again, Hunter came by and casually brushed her hand as he regarded her work. Amber worked happily the rest of class. With each pose, Hunter found some reason to stop by Amber's easel. As soon as her last pose was finished, Kayla quickly robed and left.

  Amber sat back, casting a critical eye at her drawings. One of the girls to her right, a red-head with sparkling blue eyes, motioned to her. “What's the deal with that chick?” she whispered. “She looked like she wanted to strangle you!”

  Amber just grinned and shrugged. Then she walked the few feet to join her at the other easel. “I'm Amber. Is this your first class with nude models?”

  “I'm Megan. I had a class over the summer with nudes.” She giggled. “Most of them chubby, middle-aged men. Trust me, it wasn't the experience of a lifetime.”

  Amber grinned. “This is my first class.” She leaned forward conspiratorial. “I've never seen a completely nude guy before.”

  Suddenly Megan flushed and poked Amber in the stomach. “Hi, Hunter,” she said with wide eyes.

  Amber turned quickly. Crap! Had Hunter heard her last comment? She searched his face but he was busy examining Megan's sketches. He stopped on one and started talking to her about shadows and lighting.

  Amber stepped casually back to her easel, ears burning. Of all the times to start getting personal in class, she had to pick today. Taking up her homework sketchpad, she started doing a sketch of her hand just to have something to do.

  “Ah, Miss Holloway, let's see what we have today.” Hunter slowly shifted between the drawings, nodding his head appreciatively.

  Amber glanced up to see that she and Hunter were the only two people in the room. She was relieved that he wasn't making any comments about her earlier confession. Maybe he really hadn't heard her.

  “Very nice, Amber. Especially this one where Kayla is trying to shoot laser beams from her eyes.” Hunter put the drawing aside, giving her a full smile.

  Amber shivered with happiness. To get a compliment this early in the semester was a big deal. “Thanks,” she said.

  “You're still having some problems with proportion, though, so that's something to keep in mind as you're working. Sometimes it helps to block out the body in simple shapes first. We can practice that later.” He picked up her homework sketchpad. “Hmm . . .you're already a little behind on your homework. We'll have to get you on a schedule.”

  Amber sat still for a moment. “Um. . .what do you mean by that?” She flinched as she realized how harsh her voice sounded.

  Hunter froze and then smiled tightly. “As your TA, my obligation is to make sure all the students in class are keeping up. You have a problem with that?” Even with the smile, there was a slight warning in his voice.

  “Oh, um . . . of course not,” she mumbled, fumbling with her sketchbook as she put away her things for the day. Crap! He was just speaking as the TA. She had to keep his professional role in mind in class.

  When she looked up again, Hunter was at the other end of the room, straightening up the supply table. “When's your next class?” he called out.

  “11:00,” she said, sighing. Wednesdays and Fridays she had English from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. She would have to jog to her history class following that. Fortunately, the elderly instructor seemed oblivious to latecomers. Checking the wall clock, she saw it was already a few minutes past ten.

  If she ran, she could
probably just make it to the apartment to grab some bread and jam to bring with her. Or she could grab a candy bar from the snack machine to eat in class. That would hold her until 3:00 pm. Suddenly, she groaned. She had an astronomy class from 3:00 to 5:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays as well. What had she been thinking when she got these classes?

  Hunter touched her shoulder and she jumped.

  “Sorry,” he said, holding up his hands. “Didn't mean to startle you. Why don't we come and sit over here. I cleared a space on the supply table. I brought my laptop with me today.”

  Amber followed him over reluctantly. Apparently, this was going to be the finance talk he had promised her the night before. But, really, what did she have to lose? Her happiness over doing a good job with her sketches was quickly replaced by her money anxieties.

  “Okay, so first of all, I know this is very personal, but I can't help you unless I know just how bad your finances are. Would you be willing to share that with me?” Hunter fixed her with those incredible green eyes. Eyes she wanted to swim in.

  Amber licked her lips. Again, what did she have to lose at this point except her self respect. She inhaled deeply and twisted her hands in her lap. “I guess so,” she said.

  Twenty minutes later, Hunter had created a spreadsheet with all her expenses, debts, and loan money.

  “It's not as bad as I thought,” he said, smiling reassuringly. “I mean, you definitely have a financial crisis but your only real debt seems to be the student loans.”

  “I just need a job!” Amber wailed, miserably looking at the spreadsheet.

  Hunter sat back and tapped his chin thoughtfully with a paintbrush. He seemed nervous, suddenly. “Okay, I have an idea, but I'm not sure what you're going to think about it.”

  Amber narrowed her eyes. Suddenly she felt very wary.

  “Your rent and utilities are really killing you right now,” he said, gauging your reaction.

  “So you're suggesting a cardboard box?” she asked harshly. “A few glow sticks to read by?”


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