Please Remember Me

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Please Remember Me Page 7

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Logan, a dork? Not hardly. He made women swoon when he smiled. But, yeah, he probably posed in front of the mirror to make sure he made the right visual impression. Above the superficial act, he loved Cass and Julian and no others.

  “He’ll be here.”

  “I know.” Cass placed the earphones on Julian and re-crossed her legs. “So, how was the first week with Judi? I don’t know her personally, but she seemed like a really nice lady. She called to ask me about you. I gave you my thumbs up.”

  Waving her hand, Jaden bobbed her head. “Well, she takes a little getting used to, but it’s a good adjustment. By the way, thanks for the reference. And before I forget, she’s got a stack of your books she’d like autographed, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not a problem at all. I love meeting my fans.” She grinned and tucked her dark hair behind her ears. “Did you know you made the tabloid shows?”

  “How? I haven’t done anything.”

  “That’s it. You haven’t done anything. Your father got on Movie Time Tonight a couple of nights ago, I think, and pleaded for you to come home. He thinks you ran off to Tibet and shaved your head. The scandal media ran with it and sent crews to at least three retreats trying to find you. This morning he pleaded for you to refrain from tattooing your body just for the sake of rebellion. You do understand that once he realises where you are, you won’t be able to hide here.”

  Jaden snorted. He knew full well where she was, but trust him to make a couple of anthill stories into mountains. “You know he only wanted me around to boost sales for the magazine. When I behave, then he has to look for stories and pay his reporters to do their jobs. God forbid he spend money to make money.” Or love his child just because she was his child. “Hey, does your mail carrier drive a green sedan?”

  “Nope, she’s in one of those funny little mail trucks. Why?”

  “It’s nothing.” Jaden pieced together the sightings in her mind. Once at Cass’, twice at Judi’s, and once on the main drag. Could be a coincidence. Could be something more.

  “Are you happy in Ohio?” Cass asked.

  Before Jaden could answer, Marlon, decked in his putty-coloured sheriff’s department finest—complete with tall black hat—strolled along the fence in her prime line of vision. Her heart fluttered and her mouth ran dry. Some men simply wore their clothes. Marlon made the uniform work. With the gun and radio decorating his belt, he oozed strength. Even the badge gleamed in the setting sun. Marlon made her more than happy—he made her feel safe. She tried to bite back the grin curling her lips, even as her stomach flip-flopped. What would it feel like to strip him out of his uniform after a long day protecting the public?

  A hand waved across her field of vision. “Earth to Jaden.”

  She whipped around to see Logan laughing. The tips of her ears burned. Could they tell she had visually groped Marlon? She hoped not. Well, maybe she did care. Thinking of Marlon sent sizzles through her veins and left her fevered in delicious ways. A blonde trotted along the fence line and snagged Marlon in a tight hug. The little green-eyed monster in the back of her mind reared its head. So they weren’t a couple—barely friends. Seeing him with someone else gnawed under her skin. The blonde turned. Sabrina. Well, shit. Jaden shielded her eyes from the track.

  As Logan plopped down next to Cass, he knocked knees with Jaden. She turned away from Marlon to snicker at Logan as he rained kisses all over Cass’s face. “I missed you, Cassie Love.” He nodded to Jaden. “Hey Jaden, I see you made it. The way you gaze at Marlon makes me think the cars weren’t the draw. I should be jealous, but I’m not.”

  Jaden rolled her eyes and forced her attention to Logan. He still had an ego the size of a European country. “Sorry, I didn’t come here to stoke your self-esteem.” She shrugged. “So? Did it go well?”

  “It’s all right.” Logan cracked his neck and pulled a hoodie sweatshirt emblazoned with a race car on over his head, covering the dress shirt. “Team Jensen will be on the eleven o’clock news, but don’t expect to see me.”

  As she laced her fingers with his, Cass frowned. “Why not?”

  “The reporter, Aurelia Goshen, the saccharine sweet one, thought that I drove the car and got miffed when I told her I worked behind the scenes. Apparently, she thought she’d get the interview of a lifetime and tried to put the moves on me. Grabbed my ass and everything! When I didn’t take the bait, she balked and walked out.” He smoothed a hand through his hair, patting it back into place. “Thankfully an intern named Tennille Black jumped in and talked to Corbin for over an hour. Good thing Ray’s driving in the first heat race. We just made it.”

  Shifting her attention from her friends to the fence, she searched for Marlon. Where was he? She cracked her knuckles. So being on-duty meant no contact? Damn.

  “Looking for me?”

  Her heart clenched. Jaden turned, face to face with Marlon. The tangy scent of his cologne wrapped around her as he knelt next to her. He’d trimmed his beard close to his face, making his dimple stand out more. She licked her lips. “Sort of.”

  In the standard sheriff’s uniform, every muscle and curve of his body stood out. Even with the hat and dark glasses, he took her breath away. It wasn’t fair how he affected her.

  “Heya, Marlon. Thanks for getting me through the traffic. You didn’t have to do it and I appreciate it.” Logan stuck out his hand. “I see you and Jaden found each other.” He wiggled his brows and clicked his tongue. “Good for you.”

  Even through her bit of embarrassment, her thoughts moved to more romantic ideas—like being alone with Marlon.

  As the men shook hands, Marlon’s forearm brushed her knee. The momentary connection crackled between them. She pressed her knees together to quell the building heat between her thighs. Before she could say anything, Marlon laced his fingers with hers. “Want to check out the track?”

  Fine—gave them time to talk about the Sabrina situation. Jaden glanced at Cass. “Do you mind if I stretch my legs? I feel the sudden need for a walk.”

  Cass disengaged from Logan and waved. “Have fun! That’s the whole point of coming to the races.”

  Logan frowned. “I thought it was to watch the cars and then make out afterwards. I always do.”

  Clamping her mouth shut, Jaden closed her eyes and stood. Leave it to Logan to be blunt and honest. “I’ll be back in a few.” She wobbled on her feet, reaching out. Marlon’s strong hand clasped hers. Without opening her eyes, she’d connected with him. Blinking, she slid her gaze up his body to his face.


  “I’m okay.”

  Leaving Cass and Logan alone with the baby, Jaden followed Marlon through the crowd. Her mind wandered. What would it be like to be his girl? Would other women stop and stare, wishing they could be the woman with him? Nibbling the corner of her mouth, she cracked a smile. She wanted to be his girl. Moments later, he led her to a small shed next to the ticket booth. Opening the door, he held out his hand. “It’s not much, but it’s a good place to take a break—especially during a rain delay.”

  Although no one said her being there was against the rules, Jaden hesitated. The Jade from Hollywood would have him pinned against the wall in a kiss or propped in a corner as she opened his fly. She drew a long breath, liking her improved sense of resolve and restraint. Was it possible to get into trouble with a lawman in charge? Probably not, but still… What if his boss or another deputy showed up?

  Marlon propped the door open, shoving a thick wedge of plastic under the edge with his booted foot. “If Bobby or Saul stop by, they’ll see us talking and sharing a cup of coffee. You’re good.”

  Empty save for the shelf full of rain gear, a couple of radios and two Styrofoam cups, the shed looked a bit lonely. “So you stand here? Seems a bit boring.” She toyed with her ring, sliding it around her finger. “Although I think the slower pace is refreshing.”

  He shook his head. “Trust me, things start to jump when the main races get underway and egos get hurt.
Complaints increased when the concession stands started offering beer. People get worked up when they’ve had a few and their driver loses.”

  “You’re getting all professional-sounding again. I kinda like it.” Jaden knotted her fingers together. “So…have you brought other women here? I—Forget I asked that. It’s not my business.” Averting her gaze, she stared at the particleboard floor. What a foolish question! What he did on his own time wasn’t for her to know. The electricity flowing between them didn’t have to mean an attraction. Back home, she’d perfected man-catching allure. Who knew? He might just be working his own sexy mojo.

  Dipping to meet her downcast gaze, Marlon grinned. “You’re my first. Honest.”

  Her eyes widened and searched his face. He’d shaved. If she had her druthers, she’d take him with scruff.

  “Really? I’m honoured.” Long ago, she’d had a first. A first kiss, a first sexual experience, but love? Maybe Marlon was supposed to be her one and only.

  A female voice from over her shoulder interrupted the conversation and her musings. “Hey Marlon. I hoped I’d see you here and you brought your lovely friend. Having fun?”

  Rubbing his hand over his face, Marlon groaned. “Hi Sabrina. How are you?”

  With a tug on her ponytail, Sabrina adjusted her hair high on the crown of her head. She smoothed her hand over his breast pocket, spending extra time on his pecs. “You’re smart to hide out here. Looks like a great place to make out.” She giggled. “Chalk it up to my man in uniform fantasy and overactive imagination. Don’t I know you?” Sabrina stepped back and squinted. “I know you, but where from?”

  Jaden cleared her throat. “I’m just the third wheel.” A peal of jealousy rang through her. She and Marlon weren’t an actual couple. She had no claims, but the thought of Sabrina’s slimy hands all over Marlon made Jaden want to puke.

  “I do know you.” Sabrina’s eyes widened and a slow sneer curled her lips. “Jade Weir, no shit.” She clicked her tongue and wrapped both arms around Marlon’s biceps. “As I live and breathe, I never expected to see you ever again.” Her gaze flicked over Jaden once more. “Went on a bender, didn’t you? A little detox and you’ll drop the weight no problem. Want me to make some calls?”

  ”I’m fine on my own.” Jaden scuffed the toe of her high-heeled boot on the floor, biding her time. The moment Sabrina left, she and Marlon had to talk.

  “Marlon, a word?” Sabrina disengaged from Marlon’s arm and hooked her fingers into his belt loops. “Excuse us.” She dug her elbow into Jaden’s side, shoving her from the building.

  Shit. Jaden chewed the corner of her mouth as a pair of officers strolled up to the shed. She tipped her head in a silent nod to Bobby. They’d have to meet up in public eventually with him still at the station, but the other man…where’d she know him from? Black hair, like coal. The nose on the officer looked right. Kind of.

  Behind her, the shed door opened with a creak. “You can’t tell me anything new.”

  Jaden’s blood ran cold. Sabrina could tattle lots of secrets and what she didn’t know for sure, she’d easily invent. Jaden inched to the side of the shed. Once out of Marlon’s line of sight, she made a run for it.

  “Hey Hutchins, Carver, want to escort Sabrina to her seat? She’s scared of crowds and likes men with thick…muscles.”

  “Dick.” The raven-haired man grunted and wrapped a meaty hand around Sabrina’s upper arm. “Let’s go, Ms Jeffries. I thought we had this discussion before. The only danger here is a man in uniform.”

  “Your lines are cornier than Marlon’s,” Sabrina spat. As he led her away, she pinched the officer’s butt. “This could be the start of the best cop fantasy! Ever thought of doing stunt work?”

  Jaden trusted Bobby Hutchins, but the other guy? Not a chance. She cringed. Carver. She’d have to keep the name in mind. She stared at him as he walked away and committed his visage to memory.

  “Want to tell me why you’re out here hiding?” Marlon leant against the corner post of the building and folded his muscle-corded arms. “Sabrina doesn’t bite hard.”

  “I remember.”

  He cocked his head and opened his mouth. His radio crackled on his hip, interrupting whatever he wanted to say. A frown creased his lips and forehead. Speaking into the tiny mic, he grunted instructions. When he looked back at her, he cracked a half-smile. “Shit. I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to get back out there.”

  Jaden smoothed her hand over his collar, adjusting the lapel Sabrina had knocked askew. “I know this is probably disorderly conduct or something, but I can’t let you protect the county with one side up and the other down. You look silly.”

  Closing the gap between them, he grabbed her hand and drew circles along her inner wrist. “Thanks. Now tell me why you came out here. What if the infamous green car guy showed?”

  “It got stuffy in the building and Sabrina booted me out.” Her heart fluttered in her chest. If she didn’t just spit out her issues, she’d burst. “Sabrina, for as nice as she acts, isn’t what she seems.” Jaden paused and nibbled her inner cheek. “Neither am I.”

  “If there’s one thing I dislike, it’s a liar.” Marlon’s radio crackled. Apparently a drunk by the north bleachers was throwing cans onto the track. “I have to go.” He squeezed her hand. “Oh, before I forget, I’ll be at Judi’s tomorrow. She wants me to fix the sink in the kitchen. Will you meet me for lunch? I want to talk about what you said and what happened tonight.”

  He hated liars and he wanted all her truths.

  “Oh, sure.”

  * * * *

  The next morning, Marlon woke up sore. The drunk race fan from the night before had not only tossed his refuse onto the track, but also insisted on doing his impersonation of a mixed martial arts fighter and used his fists for protection. After a couple of cheap shots, and a bloody lip, Marlon had subdued the man and hauled him to the county lockup. His head still throbbed like a son of a bitch.

  A knock at the door jolted him from his semi-slumber. Who wanted him this early? He grabbed the alarm clock and peered through blurry eyes. Ten twenty-seven. Shit. He’d overslept. Was Jaden on the other side of the door trying to rouse him? Just the thought of her sent blood rushing through his body. Heat pooled in his belly. Crazy thoughts rolled around his sleepy brain. She could wake him every morning—with nothing but a smile. He fell back against the sheets and palmed his growing erection. She made him come alive in so many ways. He sighed. He needed to get her alone very soon to discuss her cryptic comments—then learn every inch of her delectable body.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, Marlon stroked and relished the jolt of electricity through his veins. This won’t take long. His actions became more frantic as he roughly caressed the tender skin. His balls tightened and his hips bucked off the bed. His groans filled the air. He clenched his teeth and fought to drag air into his lungs. “Oh, shit.” With a moan, his body tensed and cum smeared on the sheet.

  He lay there for a moment, basking in the weightlessness of the orgasm. Damn, she had him on edge. At least now he could face the person at the door without a raging hard-on.

  The knocking grew louder, breaking his train of thought. “Marlon? Are you in there? I know you’re home.”

  He rolled his eyes. Trust Sabrina to come looking for him. What the fuck? Didn’t she get the hint?

  Behind the door, she continued to shout. “Marlon? I heard about the fight at the track. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  Groaning, he sat up. The sheet fell away from his body and cool air slid over his nipples like a lover’s caress. He cracked his neck. If Jaden were there, then she could roam his body and make him her own. The thought of her naked curves curled against him renewed the supply of blood to his cock.

  “I’m going to break down the door. I’m worried and scared.”

  Shit. Sabrina could move far, far away, or at least find herself another man to pester, and he’d be thrilled. He stood and yanked on som
e pyjama pants. Forcing his mind to anything but his time with Jaden, he willed his dick to cooperate. No need to give Sabrina the wrong idea. She’d acted as screwy as Jaden the night prior. He rummaged through his top bureau drawer for a clean T-shirt. “Hold on.”

  With a long sigh, he made his way to the front door. A quick peek through the peephole revealed Sabrina in a trench coat. A trench coat? What the hell…another Hollywood affectation? He opened the door and braced for the fallout. “I’m fine, so trot back home.”

  Barrelling past him, she whirled around in his living room. The coat opened and pooled on the floor at her stiletto-clad feet. “When we split, I know I said I wanted to move on. I did, but seeing you last night with her, so happy, made me really examine my feelings. I never should’ve walked away.” She paused, murmured something inaudible, and snapped her gaze back to his face. “There isn’t a man alive who’d turn me down.”

  He clamped his mouth shut and stuffed his hands into his pockets. She was not naked in his home. Not now. “Sabrina, you need to leave.”

  Cupping her breasts, she blew out a long breath. Her nipples puckered. “How about I up the ante?” Her thumbs flicked over the pink tips. “You like the fantasy, a woman who dazzles and sparkles. I am that girl.”

  Something about the precise wording she’d used. Why did it sound…

  Jade’s movie, Clover Perception.

  Lord help him, she’d recreated the beginning of the sex scene in the film. He rolled his eyes and turned away from her. “Don’t do this.”

  Slinking across the room, she rubbed against him. “I’m ready for my boy in blue—more than she ever could be.”

  Marlon groaned. Why did the good things in his life always have to have speed bumps? “Go find your boy toy.”

  “Other men don’t compare to you. It’s so much nicer to walk in the summer breeze with you. I miss cuddling under the blanket and counting the stars.”

  “Summer breeze?” He turned around and stared at her. “Counting stars? What the hell are you talking about?”


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