Please Remember Me

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Please Remember Me Page 9

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Nope. He came in his cruiser. Is someone bothering you?”

  Jaden gnawed the inside of her cheek. Bothering? Bobby did his job and kept an eye on her without being obvious. The stalker could be another goon or a well-disguised paparazzo. If she didn’t continue to stand on her own two feet, she’d never stay independent.

  “It’s nothing really.” Jaden smoothed her hair from her eyes and dropped her hands. “Be honest, will this do?”

  Judi’s brows rose. “You’re asking me? I wear pink polyester to bingo. I’d say I’m not a good choice to be the fashion police, as you call it.”

  Jaden’s shoulders sagged. “Maybe not, but the last time I went out, really went out—you know, with a guy I liked—I wore the teeniest dress I could find and the highest heels I could stand up in. I made it to home plate, but I never found out if he liked me for me or if he just wanted to be seen with me.”

  “So what do you want out of this night?”

  “I don’t know.” She stood and strolled to the bay window. “I want to have fun. I want to meet people. I want to drink and not get drunk. I want to dance and not have to worry about my clothes falling off because I’m incapacitated.” Tail lights faded down the street. If Corbin hadn’t run yet, she’d be surprised. No wonder men got sick of waiting for women before dates. “I want to stay true to myself.”

  “Well, then you’d better get moving.” Judi stood and brushed off her pants, like she’d sat in dog fur. “Try to be yourself and if competition strikes…then use it.”

  Jaden crooked a brow. “Are you telling me to flirt with both men?”

  “It’s like ice cream. I’m suggesting you try more than one and see which you like the best. You might like one and detest the other, but then again, you might find you aren’t real thrilled with either.”

  As she descended the stairs, Jaden squeezed Judi’s hand. “You’re right. I’ll give them something to miss.”

  Against his better judgement, Marlon dug through his closet for his cowboy boots. If Jaden wanted to see a man in action, then she could watch him. When he climbed into his Jeep, he checked the mirror. The windows in Sabrina’s apartment were dark. Maybe she had a date and wouldn’t give him grief.

  He doubted it. Lately she seemed to come on like the plague. He shifted into gear and zipped out of the parking lot. Every time Sabrina made a move, nice or not, he wanted to puke and run the other way. And what did Jaden think? He wasn’t sure.

  Could the injustice of his words be erased with one slow dance and a bit of cuddling? Probably not, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Anything had to work better than catering to his constant worry.

  At the Ricochet, he nodded to the bouncer and slipped him a five. “Thanks, my man.”

  “We got a new girl here tonight.” The tall man cleared his throat. “She’s ripe for the pickin’.”

  Stopping short, Marlon whipped around. “Oh, yeah? What’s she look like?”

  The bouncer rubbed his chin. “Five-eight, dirty blonde hair, big boobs, nice ass.”

  Marlon bit back a growl. “That sounds like a lot of women.” Who else checked out her boobs? And why was he so damned jealous?

  “True, but this one was hanging on Corbin Moss like a vine. Cute face, but could stand to lose a few pounds.”

  Hanging on him? Was she really attracted to the lanky man? With a grin to disguise his irritation, Marlon rubbed the taller man’s belly. “And you’re svelte? I’m sure she’s cute no matter how many pounds she has.” More cushion for the pushin’ if he had his way. “But you said she was a dirty blonde? I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled.”

  “Decide for yourself. She’s with the band.”

  “I will.”

  Inside the dancehall, the hum of conversation bombarded him. People drank and cheered at the long bar while couples peeled off to dance on the gigantic wooden dance floor. Sparkles from the mirror ball in the roof glittered on the crowd. He glanced at the darkened stage. The DJ danced behind his counter, clutching his earphones and chomping on a wad of gum.

  He scanned the dining area and the dancers. No Jaden. Well, fuck. A blonde at the highboy tables caught his eye. Was that… no, not Jaden. Another glance at the blonde made him duck behind a pole. Shit. Sabrina had followed him to the dance hall.

  Or maybe she’d got there ahead of him and hadn’t seen him. Maybe she had a date with another poor sap. God, he sounded paranoid.

  Edging around a throng of drunken farmers, Marlon headed to the pool tables and away from his ex. At least there he could watch the dancers and stage without looking like a stalker. A spotlight flicked over the crowd as the announcer took his place in the middle of the stage.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the time you asked for. We couldn’t hold them off a moment more. You asked for the best, and we brought the best. Raise the roof for Hillbilly Boots!”

  On cue, the room went black as Ray Russell thundered into the beginning strains of the first tune. The spotlight shone right on him when he stepped up to the microphone. Women shrieked and rushed the stage. Preening, Ray sang the first lines of the song, “Back to You”.

  Chalking his cue stick, Marlon gritted his teeth again. His jaw ached from the combination of worry, regret, and frustration. As he’d expected, Corbin was perched behind the drums. Where the hell was Jaden? Yes, there was a little room off to the right of the stage where the band stowed their gear. Was she sitting back there waiting for Corbin like a groupie? He hoped not.

  Something icy pressed against the back of his neck. Tossing the chalk onto the pool table, he turned. Bobby Hutchins sipped from a frosty glass of beer, a devil’s grin dancing in his eyes.

  “What the fuck, Bobby? I gave you something to do last night and this is how you pay me back? Asshole.”

  The younger officer shrugged and downed the amber liquid. He smacked his lips and scrubbed the back of his wrist across his mouth. “I’m not a billiards player, but you blew the game before you even picked up your stick. What’s eating your ass? Is it that chick from the races? She was cute. I’d tap that. Strike that. I think I will.”

  A growl ripped from Marlon’s throat. “Not a chance in hell.”

  Bobby put his free hand and the mug in the air and backed up. “Touchy, touchy. If she’s yours then I’ll lay off for now. But I don’t see what the deal is. She’s spent the last hour dancing with Moss and me. I thought you were sorta back with Sabrina.”

  “I set you up with Sabrina so you’d get some action, dumbass.” Marlon chewed the inside of his cheek. “You danced with my Jaden?” Shit. He hadn’t meant to add the extra word.

  “Every man in the joint noticed your Jaden when she strolled in with Corbin Moss. She happened to be standing alone during the first set, so I asked her to dance. Seemed to me like she liked me.”

  “Who likes me?”

  Marlon pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Hello, Sabrina.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Bobby ducked his head and disappeared into the crowd.

  Snaking her arms around Marlon’s body, Sabrina rested her chin on his shoulder. “Your sweet little girl’s here, but she’s not sweet.”

  “Oh?” Marlon removed her fingers from his front pocket. “You know something I should know?”

  Sabrina turned him around in her embrace. She rubbed her pelvis against his groin. “Have you noticed she’s more combative then touchy-feely? If you ask, she’ll say it’s her temperament, but a little E never hurts.”

  He snapped his attention from the stage to Sabrina’s eyes.

  “Those aren’t mints in her purse.”

  “Oh and you know this how?”

  “Once a user, always a user.”

  Bobby returned, fresh beer in hand. “Sabrina.”

  “I hope it was worth it.” She pressed a kiss to Marlon’s lips. “She’s trouble you don’t need.” She waved and turned to another man playing pool.

  The comment stuck in Marlon’s mind. He’d heard th
e exact same words from Mac. Shit. Things had to get sorted out or ended.

  “Bobby, you went to the bar. Have you seen Jaden?”

  “Last I saw, she was headed out to the patio with Cass Jensen.” Bobby chalked his cue stick. “Go easy on her. Sabrina could be full of shit.”

  Shoving Bobby aside, Marlon strode to the side door. He tamped down his caveman tendencies. If he hauled her over his shoulder, she’d run and never look back. Play it cool, man. Cool. He stopped in the doorway. Bobby hadn’t been around when he’d talked to Sabrina. What the hell?

  Just as Bobby said, Cass and Jaden stood on the wooden patio rubbing their arms and chatting. “I’d suggest heading back in if you’re cold.”

  He chuckled. Trust Jaden to wear a thin tank top on an October night. Two thick black bracelets jangled from her wrist. Where was old Corbin to keep her warm? On the stage showing off with Logan. Time to make his move.

  Both women turned. Jaden blushed. Cass smiled and said, “Why thank you, kind deputy, sir. It’s good to know you’re looking out for us.”

  “Besides being dark out, it’s almost Hallowe’en. I don’t suggest anyone go out by themselves.” He bit back a groan. Why did he seem to slide into preachy cop mode when around beautiful women?

  Cass dipped her head. “Then thank you again. We need a burly cop to keep us safe.”

  Jaden muttered something he couldn’t hear, making Cass slap her on the arm. “Behave. He’s just doing his job,” she snapped. “Don’t say what you don’t mean and can’t take back.”

  Meeting his gaze, Jaden’s green eyes narrowed. “I know what I’m doing and no, I don’t want to take any of it back. Two-faced is two-faced no matter who’s wearing the mask.”

  Shoulders slumped, Cass sighed. “Then I’ll leave you two to work this out. There’s nothing better than being forced together if something needs discussed.” She paused at his shoulder. “And find her a jacket or something. She’ll freeze to death.” Before he could stop her, she strolled back into the bar and shut the door.

  Silence enveloped them. Silver clouds of Jaden’s breath dissipated in the air around him. What should he say? I want to see you naked and straddled across my lap? Um, no. Chilly weather we’re having? Want to borrow my department issue jacket? Wrong. Please tell me the mints in your purse really are mints. Hell.

  “Are you having fun?” Smooth. Real smooth.

  Her gaze hardened. “I was.”

  With a wince, he decided to bare his heart. “Jaden Marie, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  Inching closer to her, he smoothed his hand over her arm. “I’m sorry for jumping on you about the date. I’m sorry for not asking you first. And I’m sorry I’m acting like a grade-A ass. There are a lot of things you don’t know about and I’m not sure how to tell you.”

  “That’s a lot of ‘sorry’s in one breath.” Averting her gaze, she notched her chin in the air. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a date. I’m twenty-three. I like to go out. And your ‘things’ aren’t my business.”

  She didn’t pull away, but she didn’t surrender to him either. He wrapped his left arm around her shoulder and tucked her against his body. If nothing else, he’d share his body heat. As though they’d been a couple for years, she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I like you, Jaden Marie. A lot. I’m drawn to you and want to know you better. When I’m around you I say goofy things and act like a smartass because you fluster me.” He groaned. No wonder women laughed at him. His lines sounded cheesy. “I mean…”

  Raising her head from his shoulder, she pressed her finger to his lips and stopped the flow of foolish words. “I like you, too.”

  Ego no longer deflated, he threw caution and his common sense to the wind and dabbed his tongue over the pad of her finger. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t withdraw. Taking her surprise as a go-ahead, he sucked the digit into his mouth. Dear God, she tasted good. A moan split the air. Was it her? No, another moan rippled from his throat.

  Her lips parted a fraction of an inch. Desperate to taste her everywhere, he relinquished her hand and swooped in for a kiss. She whimpered, opening for him and taking the lead. Her tongue danced over his. His head span. She affected him like no other. He twined his fingers in her hair, drawing her closer. Her groin rubbed against his, sending a tremor through his body. They needed to find a bed and fast—like yesterday.

  A door clicked behind him. Jaden screeched and jumped. “Go away.”

  “Hey, hey. I’m not the stalker. I come in peace.”

  He gritted his teeth. Fuck. She was still out with Corbin. Marlon released her, giving her the option to choose her own partner for the evening.

  Jaden ran a shaky hand through her tousled hair. “Corbin. I’m sorry. I got overheated and came out here to regain my breath. Cass was with me, I swear. I didn’t mean to ditch you.”

  Bracing his feet shoulders’ width apart and folding his arms, Corbin shook his head. “Overheated? You don’t have to lie. I understand—I think.”

  Knotting his brows, Marlon forced his gaze from Jaden to Corbin. “What do you understand?”

  “She’s taking risks because she’s into you.”

  Jaden fumbled, waving her hands in the air. “Now wait a minute.”

  Cocking his head, Corbin puffed out his chest. “Tell me the truth. Who do you think about late at night? I’m willing to bet my drum set it isn’t me.”

  “I want to tell you differently, but I can’t.” Her shoulders drooped and the bracelets clanked together. “I’m sorry.”

  “Who’d you seek out for”—he hooked his fingers in the air—“body heat?” The words rolled off his tongue like an accusation.

  With the tips of her ears a bright crimson, Jaden toyed with the hem of her blouse. “You were on stage. What was I supposed to do, yank you away from the band to keep me warm? I don’t think so.”

  Marlon hooked his thumbs into his belt loops. Well shit. He hadn’t meant to throw such a large monkey wrench into the works. He’d be the bigger man, even if it killed him. “I’ll leave you two alone to work this out.”

  Corbin put both hands in the air. “No man, you stay put. You need to settle the score with her, since you’ve got it as bad as she does.” He glanced at his watch. “I have another set any second, and I’m not big on getting involved with taken women.” He nodded to Jaden. “I had a nice time, but if this guy breaks your heart, you come find me. I will jump off that stage in a heartbeat. And if the cretin shows up, scream. You’ve got lots of backup in this town. Okay?”

  Scarlet tinged her cheeks. “I got it. Thanks.”

  Point made, Corbin strolled back through the door, leaving them alone again.

  Jaden wrapped her arms around her body as she trembled. From embarrassment or to stave off the chill, Marlon wasn’t sure. “Did you mean what you said?”

  “I mean every word.” Curling both arms around her, he nuzzled her hair. Too much, too soon? He didn’t care, though he should. He’d vowed not to get lost in her. Too many more kisses and his good intentions to stay at arm’s length would be shot to hell. He loosened his embrace and stared at her, ready to put the brakes on this thing they’d started.

  Jaden’s green eyes sparkled in the soft light cast by the multiple strands of white Christmas tree lights. She slipped her hands down the front of his jeans and cupped his growing erection. “Make me feel the way you see me.”

  So much for good intentions.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jaden licked her dry lips. Dear God, had she really just volleyed the first serious challenge? If the heat in Marlon’s eyes was any indication, she’d met her match. Most men took her advances with a grain of salt—they stole what they wanted and ditched her when her use fizzled. Would Marlon? She hoped not. Emotions akin to love snaked through her brain.

  Something prodded her lower belly. She shifted against him. Was that his…? Good gravy. His cock nudged her hip, sending a rush of heat to her
core and her heart. Oh grief, it felt good.

  Sprinkling kisses over her cheeks and lips, he pulled her more tightly against his large body. “Come home with me.”

  It wasn’t a question, but rather a command. Well sure, the man was an authority figure. He dealt in commands and those aggravating fatherly tones. People swore by his word. Was she up for the test in taming a deputy? Hell, yes.

  Despite the rush of boldness, she held back. She shouldn’t drop her pride and fall into bed with him. She should head home or at least back into the bar and spend the rest of the evening with Corbin. She owed the drummer that much. But being with Marlon and his gentle caresses and searing kisses seemed to be her undoing. Each nudge, every touch, brought a new and heightened sensation. Every good-girl cell in her body urged her to take her time, whilst her libido, out to sea for the last couple of months, screamed at her to let go.

  Shivering, she made her decision. “Lead on and I’ll follow.”

  Even reformed bad girls had a limit.

  Marlon twined his fingers with hers and led her to the access gate on the side of the patio. Pressing a few keys on the worn keypad, he unlocked the door.

  Baffled, she stopped in the exit to the parking lot. “How’d you do that? I mean, I know you must know the code, but you don’t work here—do you? Don’t we have to go back through the bar?”

  “We can leave right here from the patio.” With a grin, he shrugged. “I was a bouncer here for a couple months four summers ago after my buddy Angelo took over management. I had time to kill, and he needed competent security staff. It worked out for the best.”

  With a combination of wonder and respect, she murmured, “I see.”

  As he tugged her across the overcrowded parking lot, the image of him as a bouncer—clad in all black, with shiny sunglasses, arms folded, doing his dead-level best to look menacing—developed in her mind. She sucked in a ragged breath. Men in command turned her on, and how! If he’d been the bouncer at one of the clubs she frequented, she might not have left California.

  When they stopped a moment later, he pinned her between the door of the Jeep and his body. He blotted out the world around them with his sheer size.


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