Consumed by Love (Written in the Stars Book 10)

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Consumed by Love (Written in the Stars Book 10) Page 3

by CM Albert

  “Well, that was a crappy thing to do,” he muttered. “People don’t have any common sense these days.”

  “I agree,” I said, laughing. “So, tell me about what’s new in your world, Grampa. Is Miss Tulip Lady still giving you the googly eyes?”

  He snickered. “She sure is. Haven’t decided if I have enough energy to court her, though.”

  “Why not start with a simple hello?” I said gently.

  He chuckled. “I don’t have time these days to take things that slow, Brynn.”

  When we were done with lunch, he walked me to my “new” used car. I’d been planning to catch a ride home, but I had to admit as I looked down at the tan leather interior that it sure beat the back of another smelly Uber.

  “She’s gorgeous,” I said, running my hand over the leather steering wheel. Even though it was over thirty years old, the Corniche was in mint condition with surprisingly few miles.

  “Just like her new owner,” he said as I climbed in. “Happy birthday, Brynnie.”

  I reached up and hugged him from inside the car. He must’ve had it detailed because it had that new car smell. “I love you, Grampa.” I glanced over at Babs. “You call me if anything changes.”

  She nodded. “You know I will, honey.”

  “I’m right here, you know,” Grampa grumbled as his nurse walked him to her car parked a few spots over.

  “Say hi to Tulip Lady for me!” I called out before he climbed in. I could’ve sworn I heard Babs snicker.

  Yesterday was epically shitty by all accounts. But, as I distanced myself from the mall traffic and hopped onto the highway to take the long way home, I had to admit it was shaping up to be much better today.

  The warm Carolina sun washed over me as the wind picked up with my speed. I laughed in delight as my long hair whipped in my face, and I pressed the gas pedal.

  Full acceleration ahead—birthday celebration, here I come!


  DESPITE MY LOVELY new wheels, I decided to catch an Uber to the Heart Gala. I knew I’d be drinking, especially after the doozy of a bombshell I got yesterday at work. And there was no way I was driving if I had a few drinks. Normally, I would’ve gone with Lindy, but Walter snagged that honor this year. I hated walking into events stag—especially on my birthday. I gnawed at the corner of my lip from my perch at the top of the stairs overlooking Founders Hall.

  Below, the white, green, black, and gold marble floor twinkled and gleamed in its buffed perfection beneath the costumed feet of its guests. I glanced up at the tall, arched glass ceiling that covered the iconic two-story venue. The second floor, where I waited for Lindy, held a handful of closed shops around its perimeter. Guests coming in from the parking garage and other connected buildings brushed by me as they descended the marble stairs to join their friends and coworkers at the gala below.

  The party was in full swing, and I couldn’t wait to get down there. My foot tapped lightly against the marble as I pulled my cell phone from my black velvet clutch that was shaped like a raven. I would kill Lindy for making me wait so long alone.

  “You know how to make quite an impression,” a deep, sexy voice said from beside me. I turned slightly, my large black-feathered wings making it a challenge to maneuver easily. My eyes slid up the most magnificent specimen of a man’s chest I’d ever laid eyes on, taking in the all-black ensemble. His dress shirt was unbuttoned indecently low, and a cape fell over a broad set of shoulders, tucked on one side behind a gleaming silver sword holstered at his hip. And, of course, he was wearing a signature black eye mask.

  “Zorro, I presume?” I said, unable to meet the man’s eyes, which were tucked away under the wide rim of his Bolero hat. He held out his gloved hand for mine. I went to shake it, and he surprised me by lifting my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it.

  When the masked bandit lifted his gaze to meet mine, my heart nearly faltered in my chest. The eyes. They were a dark, magnificent blue. Familiar. It couldn’t be. My gaze flicked to the man’s wrist, but all I could see was where his poufy black sleeve met his black leather glove. I was being silly. Of course it wasn’t the same man. What were the odds of that?

  “The one and only,” he said, bowing low at the waist. “Will I see you inside, my raven-haired beauty?”

  I fought back the urge to roll my eyes, but there was something magnetic about the man—even with his cheesy lines and overly romantic gestures.

  “You sure you’re up for mingling with the Mistress of Evil?” I asked coyly.

  He raked his eyes down my costume, from the twisted black horns to the matching skin-tight, torn dress that clung to my curves. I was Maleficent in all her dark glory.

  “I’d like nothing more,” he said.

  I bit my lip and watched as he swished his cape and headed down the stairs.

  He turned at the last moment. “Happy birthday, angel,” he said, winking.

  My jaw dropped, and I didn’t have time to answer before Lindy’s squeal from behind me nearly broke the sound barrier. I turned to see her shuffling toward me, as quickly as her tall red heels allowed.

  “Oh my god!” I said, my eyes practically bulging from my head. I took in her thigh-high white stockings, her vibrant blue corset top, and the red leather crisscross straps that rose as if by magic from her cleavage.

  She twirled in front of me. “Do you like it?”

  Her flouncy, minuscule yellow skirt stood out to the sides straight, like a kid’s too-small tutu that barely covered her butt. “You look hot as hell, my friend,” I said.

  I glanced over at Walter and chuckled at the way his steel gray eyes drank Lindy in beneath his dark, hooded robe. “Nice choice,” I said to him with approval. He’d come as the wicked queen in her old hag disguise.

  “I plan to corrupt her later with my poisoned apple,” he said, cackling in full character.

  Lindy affectionately rolled her eyes at Walter. “So, who was Tall, Dark, and Smoking Hot you were just talking to?” she asked as we descended the grand marble staircase.

  She never missed a thing.

  “I’m not sure, honestly. It’s weird, but I get a feeling it’s that same guy I ran into at Havana’s last night. That’s ridiculous, right?”

  Lindy shrugged. “Not if he works in our building.”

  She had a point.

  But before long, I lost track of Zorro in all the fun of the evening. We did a few too many shots to celebrate my twenty-eighth birthday—and to drown out the rage still eating at me over the loss of my job promotion. Before I knew it, I could hardly remember what he looked like, as Dan offered me a hand and twirled me out onto the dance floor. I’d long since had to abandon my black feathery wings because I’d hit one too many guests with them and was tired of apologizing.

  “Lindy not available?” I joked as he spun me around and pulled me closer.

  “I swear, one day she’ll come to her senses,” he muttered. I knew it was all in good fun. But I also knew he’d date her in a heartbeat if she ever asked. The poor guy just didn’t have enough sense not to keep coming back for more punishment.

  “You know, I think Shay has a thing for you—since you seem to be so masochistic.”

  Dan burst out laughing. “Nah—she’s too tame for the likes of me.”


  “Something you’re not telling us, Dan? ’Cause I think she’s the kind of woman who would pull a praying mantis on you, given the chance. She’s not quite as squeaky clean as she pretends to be at work.”

  “Who knows, then? She might be right up my alley,” he said, waggling his eyebrows. “Then again, I’ve done batshit crazy before. Ever dated a Sagittarius?” Dan shuddered.

  I shook my head. “Can’t say that I have. I’m a Scorpio,” I said, as if that explained everything. When Dan’s eyes furrowed down at me, I sighed. “Scorpio is a water sign
, but most people mistake it for a fire sign because of the whole ‘rise from the ashes’ thing we’re so good at. That, and we also tend to be stubborn, jealous, and hella passionate. We’re awfully fiery for a water sign, so we don’t do well with other fire signs.”

  “I didn’t even know Sagittarius was a fire sign,” he said, chuckling. “Makes sense though now that I think about it. Hmm… I wonder what sign Shay is.”

  “Dan!” I said and rolled my eyes. “She’s the sign of the devil. That’s what sign she is.”

  We were laughing and having a good time when Lindy interrupted us on the dance floor to say goodbye. I couldn’t help but see the open longing in Dan’s eyes as he appreciated her costume.

  “Sure you don’t want a prince instead?” he asked Lindy, running a hand over his own costume. I had to admit, he did look awfully cute in his Prince Florian costume with its red cape.

  Lindy mock-punched Dan in the arm, then turned to me instead of answering our coworker. “I’m sorry, but we have to split,” she practically yelled in my ear so I could hear her over the loud music. The DJ had cranked up the tunes and started playing something considerably sexier. It must have been that time of night.

  “But it’s my birthday!” I hollered back.

  “I know! I’m sorry. It’s getting late, and we have a long drive back to the lake.”

  I rolled my eyes. I’d forgotten she was staying at Walter’s house on Lake Norman tonight. “Fine!” I said dramatically. “But call me in the morning. Maybe we can go for a run or get our toes done?”

  “I’d love to!” she agreed, giving me a big hug before taking off.

  I was about to tell Dan I should probably get going too when someone tapped my shoulder. “May I grab a dance with the birthday girl?”

  I looked up, and there they were again. Those fucking sapphire eyes that made my panties melt practically right off me. Sometimes the passionate Scorpio got the best of me. I couldn’t help but lower my eyes and flush pink under his intense gaze.

  It didn’t take long for Dan to take the hint and bow out, ever the gentleman.

  I offered the dark, handsome rogue in front of me my hand, and he pulled me close so we could sway to the fun, sexy tune being crooned by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor. I sucked in a quick breath of air, my heartrate accelerating faster than it had a right to with a stranger. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but my body took over when he pressed his hips against mine, rolling them in perfect harmony with the music. He rested his hands on my hips possessively, and I’d never felt sexier than I did under the heated intensity of his gaze.

  The man was a freaking sex magnet.

  He smirked, his blue eyes twinkling as he took my hand and spun me in a circle. When I came back front and center, he surprised me. His large, strong hand supported my lower back, and the next thing I knew, he was dipping me—a perfect ending to the sexy little number we were dancing to. It was like we were in a movie. I couldn’t look away from his eyes, and I couldn’t hear the next song that came on. I knew people were still dancing around us somewhere, but all I could see was this man.

  This gorgeous, sinfully hot man.

  Fuck it.

  It was my birthday. My friends just left me. And I was getting a birthday kiss at the very least. I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my hands around his neck, the intent clear in my eyes as I stared at his full red lips. It was bold, but I was tired of the games. Like the song said, I was ready to get it on.

  But my mystery masked Zorro didn’t let me. He reached his hand up behind my head and gripped my hair all sexy as fuck, pulling my head back and forcing me to look up at him. That’s when I realized he was discreetly walking me backward, off the dance floor. I was in a freaking trance, my eyes unable to look away or care what anyone else might’ve thought.

  He kept leading me until my bare back hit a cold marble wall. We were in a private alcove off the main dance floor. My chest rose and fell in anticipation of a kiss. We’d only said a few words to each other all night, but there was something so magnetic about my dark and handsome stranger that drew me to him, made me crave the taste of him. I couldn’t fight it if I wanted to.

  It was that, or all the drinks I’d had.

  “Are you going to tease me all night, or finally kiss me?”

  “You’re bold, birthday girl.”

  “No, I’m curious,” I said, wetting my lips. I reached up and pulled his hat off, then lifted his eye mask. Sure enough, the same man I’d run into at Havana’s stared back at me, sweat beading his brow from our time on the crowded dance floor. “It is you.”

  “We meet again,” he said playfully. “You weren’t so curious last night.”

  I leaned into him. “I’m curious now.”

  “So you are,” he said, gripping my hair tighter. Lust shot straight to my core, setting my insides on fire.

  Calm the fuck down, I told myself. Just take your kiss and go home.

  Before I had a chance to consider the wisdom of my boldness, his mouth crashed down onto mine. Like the night before, his lips were soft but firm. Commanding. It was as if he owned me already and knew exactly how he wanted to taste me. His warm, thick tongue passed over my lips, pressing forward as he pulled me closer to his mouth. I may’ve whimpered, lifting my hands to his face as he explored my mouth. I shamelessly nearly climbed the man, my legs desperately aching to get closer. I was letting this stranger practically fuck me with his tongue, and I didn’t care who saw us. This was hands down the most wickedly sinful kiss I’d ever had—and I’d had my fair share.

  His mouth was hot, and he tasted like sex on a stick. And I wanted it. In fact, I wanted more. I ran my hands up the back of his head, through his thick dark brown hair. My nipples responded when he playfully bit my lower lip.

  “Curious for even more?” he growled quietly into my ear.

  I knew what he meant. He’d made it clear last night when he’d handed me his room key. I knew if I went with him, it would be nothing short of explosive. But he was a stranger, and I couldn’t be that careless—no matter how badly I wanted to get laid on my birthday.

  “I am,” I said hesitantly.

  “But?” he asked, his forehead pressed against mine as our chests rose and fell together in sync.

  “I don’t even know your real name, Casanova,” I pointed out, using the endearment Lindy had knighted him with the evening before.

  “Pierce,” he growled, leaning in and kissing my throat. His tongue slid warm against my skin, making my panties wetter by the second. “Does it really matter?” he asked, his hand finding my side and pulling me closer to the solid wall of his abs.

  I swallowed. Did it? Should it? I’d never had a full-on one-night stand with a stranger before. I’d always known the person through a friend or colleague. But I had to admit, I was far past simple curiosity. There was a strange connection pulling me toward this man, and it had already morphed into a straight-up, hard-core longing that I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away from without regret.

  Hell, you’re only twenty-eight once.

  “Give me your driver’s license,” I said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your driver’s license. I’m not getting in a car with a complete stranger on my birthday without someone knowing where I am. That’s how women end up in little pieces in some guy’s refrigerator.”

  He quirked his eyebrow at me, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. “Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

  He pulled out his driver’s license and handed it to me. Pierce Abrams. That sounded nice and normal, right? New York City. So, he was just visiting. Good. I wouldn’t have to run into him again and be mortified. I could do this, right? Lots of women did.

  I took a picture of his license and texted it to Lindy.

  This is Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. And I have every intention o
f going back to the Lion’s Den with Casanova tonight. I’ll text you on my way home later.

  I immediately got a text back.

  Holy fuck! He’s even hotter than I remember. You go, girl! Make him wear a condom! We don’t know where Zorro’s sword has been.

  I burst out laughing.

  “You checked out,” I said, kissing his mouth again and tugging at his lower lip with my teeth. “Let me just grab my wings, and we can go.”

  He growled into my mouth and cupped my breast, running his thumb over the thin fabric. “Leave them here.”

  “I can’t. I rented them.”

  He swore under his breath. “Fine. Get your wings, angel. I’ll let my driver know.”

  His driver?

  We grabbed my wings and headed toward the stairs, his hand firmly holding mine as he spoke quickly into his phone. Five minutes later, after we’d wound our way through a maze of closed overstreet walkways, we emptied out into a parking deck, where a black sedan waited for us. A man in a three-piece suit stepped out and nodded before taking my giant wings from me. I watched as he folded them gracefully into the trunk. Satisfied, I slid inside the back of the town car and waited as Pierce spoke quietly to his driver, then climbed in beside me.

  The minute the door closed, Pierce pressed a button, and a partition slid up between us and the driver. Then, his mouth descended on mine again. I let him in, swallowing his kisses as he pressed me back against the buttery soft leather interior. I pressed my hips up, needing to feel his body even closer. It was like a fuse was lit the moment we were alone. I couldn’t imagine what would happen when we had complete privacy.

  “You never told me your name, birthday girl,” he said, his voice husky with need as he ran his hands over my chest.

  My head fell back against the seat. How did he expect me to remember my name when his tongue was doing deliciously naughty things along my throat and collarbone?

  “Brynn,” I choked out, my breath catching when his hand slid over the top of my thigh, close to my core.


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