Asylum (Pride and Joy Book 2)

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Asylum (Pride and Joy Book 2) Page 29

by Robert Winter

  Soon he spasmed and gave a muffled cry. Colin’s taste buds watered at the spurts of creamy, salty, mineral fluid blasting into his mouth. It sent him spiraling over the edge as he came. Hernán stilled the dildo and swallowed what Colin gave him.

  They both sagged onto the bed. Hernán carefully pulled the toy from Colin’s ass, but Colin refused to release the dick in his mouth. He kept nursing gently as Hernán softened, letting him down slowly from his orgasm until Hernán put a hand on the side of his face. He withdrew his dick gently and turned his body around so they were face to face. His eyes were wet, though whether from tears or from the cock that had been buried in his throat, Colin couldn’t tell.

  Lips swollen and red, he met Colin in a blistering kiss. He let Colin use his tongue to probe and taste, and then he did the same. Colin’s ass throbbed pleasantly from the dildo and his cock tingled with aftershocks as the kiss went on and on.

  Eventually Hernán broke away long enough to glance at a clock. He grimaced but said, “We should start getting ready soon.”

  Colin sagged bonelessly. “I know you’re right, but I really wish we could stay right here.”

  Hernán gave him a concerned look. “I don’t know how I feel about coming in your mouth like that.”

  “Did it feel good for you?” Colin asked, and Hernán nodded. “I loved it. You taste wonderful. Between the Truvada and your low viral load, it’s really fine.”

  Despite Hernán’s concern, he returned a shy smile. “You taste great too. Your dick got so hard when I fucked you with Bluebeard while I was sucking. It made me feel powerful.”

  “Was it really okay, what I did with my fingers?” Colin asked, suddenly aware that he had risked triggering some reaction in Hernán.

  “It was. There was a moment when I got a little scared, but I just said to myself, ‘It’s Colin.’ Then I was fine.”

  “Maybe… Before we get any more adventurous, I think we should talk about things. I mean, what you’re okay with, what makes you nervous, how I’d know if you’re uncomfortable with something. You know?”

  “That makes sense.” Hernán kissed him. “But not now. Your mission awaits.”

  As they finished their showers and were dressing, Hernán unzipped the black cloth bag containing his new suit. “It was so lucky that the alterations were ready in time,” Hernán said, excited as he tugged on the elegant pants. Colin stood behind Hernán, facing a mirror over his shoulder and helping him to knot his necktie. Hernán leaned back against Colin as he took over to pull the triangle of material snug.

  Colin held up the suit jacket for Hernán to slip on, and then rested a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gorgeous, Nán,” he whispered to his boyfriend facing him in the mirror. “Better than Andrés Montiel on Club de Cuervos.”

  Hernán laughed. “I’ve created a monster. You’re addicted to the show, aren’t you?”

  “Guilty,” Colin admitted as he donned his own dress shirt and tie.

  He turned to face Hernán and shook out the nervousness in his hands. “This is it. All the planning, and now I’m leading a group up to Capitol Hill.”

  Hernán put his hands on Colin’s face. “You’ll do great, corazón. You know every word of what you need to say, and the team trusts you completely. You’re going to kick so much ass they’ll be wiping it off the interior of the capitol dome for days.”

  Colin exhaled heavily. “I’m glad you’re going to be there with me. And not just for Sabeen.”

  “I love you. I believe in you. And after you crush it today, I’m going to show you how my dream ended.”

  Chapter 26

  Six hours later, Colin and Hernán collapsed onto chairs in Maryanne’s office. She squealed. “It went great, didn’t it? I can tell from your faces.”

  Colin loosened his tie and nodded. “Everything went smoothly. The whole team was ready, and everybody had their shit down cold. Sabeen needed Hernán’s help on a few questions from this one prick of an aide to Senator Gerragos, but she kept calm. I was so proud of them.”

  Hernán swatted him lightly on the arm. “Don’t be so modest. You were the one who set the tone and controlled each meeting. I had no idea what to expect, but you were amazing to watch in action. I was so proud.”

  Colin blushed fiercely as Maryanne cackled. “See? I knew you’d be fantastic once we got you out of your office,” she gloated. “Now go through it for me step by step.”

  Hernán excused himself to check on his class materials for the next morning, while Colin launched into a detailed discussion of the mission. Even down the hall from Maryanne’s office, he could hear the excitement and confidence in Colin’s tone as they discussed each senator and congressperson on the agenda.

  The debriefing went on and on, to Hernán’s amusement. He brought his teaching guide into Maryanne’s office and sat on a small sofa in the corner as they went over every nuance of every question from the staff members and aides.

  Colin’s hands flew around as he praised each team member’s performance, slammed a bigoted congresswoman for her remarks about terrorism, and described how one senator agreed to take a fresh look at his support for the immigration bill in light of the stories he’d heard that day.

  They finally adjourned from the office to have dinner together, Maryanne and Colin still deep in their post-mortem. The excitement in Colin’s voice, the sparkle in his eyes, and the fire Hernán could see in him were alluring. Watching his impassioned boyfriend began to affect Hernán. He shifted to keep his half-erection from becoming too noticeable in his new suit pants.

  When their entrees were served, their conversation came to a pause while they began to eat. Hernán jumped into the silence. “Colin, have you ever thought about running for office yourself?”

  Colin froze with a fork halfway to his mouth, eyes round. Maryanne took the question seriously, and leaned in.

  “That’s actually a great idea, Colin. You’re passionate, personable, smart, connected. Think of what you might eventually be able to achieve on immigration issues from inside Congress.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Colin murmured, lowering his fork and staring at the plate. “I’m nobody special.”

  “Oh cariño,” Hernán protested. “That’s just not true. You’re incredibly special.”

  “I’m not saying you should form an exploratory committee tomorrow,” Maryanne added. “But think about it for a while. Let the idea percolate. Use that brain of yours to examine the path various people took into office.”

  Colin looked back and forth between the two of them, shyness and fear warring in his eyes. “You’re not making fun of me, are you?” he asked softly.

  Maryanne made a sound of protest, and Hernán took his hand. He said firmly, “I’d never make fun of you. You’re my warrior, Colin. You have so much to give. Just think about what giants you’d like to slay next.”

  Colin nervously changed the subject, bringing the conversation back to the lobbying visit. Even that topic ran dry by the time dessert arrived, and Maryanne asked Hernán questions about himself. As much as he liked her company, though, he didn’t feel ready to tell the woman in charge of his unofficial place of employment too many personal details. They chatted about life in El Salvador, but Hernán stayed far away from any mention of Cuernos or his immigration status.

  Colin grabbed the check when the meal ended. It made Hernán uncomfortable as always, but Maryanne just shrugged as she pulled on her coat. “He always does that, Hernán. I gave up fighting over checks a year ago.”

  “I wish you’d learn that lesson,” Colin murmured to Hernán with a smile. Hernán looked pointedly at the suit jacket he was pulling on at the moment, and Colin laughed. “Okay, you’re making progress.”

  “I want you to take tomorrow off, Colin,” Maryanne said before they parted. “You worked so hard on that lobbying visit you deserve it.” To Hernán, she said with a faux-frown, “Not you, though. Your ESL classes are in high demand.”

  “You get that he’
s a volunteer, right?” Colin asked. “Besides, I’m taking him to meet my parents this weekend.”

  “Oh shit,” Maryanne breathed. “I met your mother that time she came to DC and hosted our fundraiser. Scary as fuck!”

  “Stop it,” Colin laughed. “You’re just trying to freak Hernán out.”

  “Is it working?” she asked Hernán with a wink.

  “Yes, but I’m still going to New Jersey tomorrow afternoon,” he said, slipping a hand into Colin’s. “My ESL classes are at ten and one tomorrow. I’ll be there.”

  Back in their apartment, Colin hung up their coats and then pulled Hernán into a kiss. “Thank you again,” he said in a low voice. “I was scared as shit that I’d fuck up this whole Hill visit. Having you there with me meant the world.”

  The taste of wine on Colin’s tongue made Hernán’s cock stir again. “You would have been just fine without me. But if I can help you in any way, I want to do it,” Hernán said. He pulled Colin closer, pressing their bodies together to make sure Colin could feel his growing arousal. “Now, warrior, I think we’re due a conversation of our own.”

  They both changed out of their suits and into loose pants and T-shirts, and then settled on the bed in Colin’s room.

  Hernán started, thoughtful despite his eagerness. He knew what he wanted that night, but Colin was right to be cautious. “What you said this morning, about talking before we try new stuff. It makes sense.”

  He paused, staring down the bed at his toes. “I haven’t run into any situation with you that upsets me or scares me. I did get nervous for a moment when you touched my ass today. All I had to do was remind myself it was you, and everything was fine.”

  Colin said slowly, “I remember when we kissed that first time, and I wasn’t careful enough. I scared you that night, when you felt me get excited.”

  “Well, true,” Hernán agreed. He twisted his lower lip as he recalled his panic at the feel of Colin’s erection pressing into his side. “I realize it wasn’t that long ago, but in some ways it feels like it’s been months.”

  Their eyes met again. “I know you so much better now. I know I can trust you. More than that, I know how happy you make me. I always had an idea that sex was this big secret thing. Shameful, furtive, embarrassing. It helps that you’ve showed me it’s the most natural thing in the world. It’s just so much fun!”

  Colin smiled and kissed him. “It is, with you. Honestly, sex has never been like this for me before. Maybe I was too needy or insecure or inexperienced. I don’t know. But when we’re together, I can give in to my fantasies or do crazy things and just be in the moment. Even laughing with you makes it all so much sexier. When I hear you laugh, I know you’re enjoying it and not afraid.”

  “Even when I’m not laughing, you have to know that I love everything we do together. Right?”

  Colin nodded. “I believe you. Sometimes when I’m holding you or looking into your eyes, I get so emotional I couldn’t laugh if a clown ran through the room.”

  “Please tell me you don’t fantasize about a clown threesome,” Hernán said with a wide grin. “I’d do it if you really wanted, but I think Jesse and Paul would get jealous.”

  Colin chuckled, nuzzling the side of Hernán’s head with his nose. “No threesome. Gotcha.”

  Hernán turned serious. His dream from the night before, their shared pleasure before work, his hunger for Colin as they sat through dinner all pooled in his belly. The heat he felt inside and the rush of blood in his ears told him that it was time.

  He said in a low voice, “There is something I want, though. Before you say anything, I’ve thought it through. I think I’m ready for this, and if I’m wrong, I know you’ll stop.”

  Colin’s mouth had dropped into an O of surprise already, and Hernán nodded. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  Colin made a low, throaty sound as he slowly ran a hand down Hernán’s neck and over his T-shirt. The flush of desire creeping up his throat told Hernán that Colin had thought about it too, and wanted him.

  “That’s what happened next in my dream,” Hernán whispered. “You made love to me. Will you do that for me, Colin? Will you love me?”

  Colin’s dick pulsed in time with his racing heart. Would he love Hernán? With every fiber of his body. The laughter was gone, and Colin felt the weight of responsibility. Hernán trusted him with the most intimate act two men could share. It had been forced on him before with violence, yet he wanted to share himself with Colin. In love.

  The pressure Colin felt did nothing to douse his passion. As Hernán tugged off his shirt and pants, he felt himself leaking already. He stripped quickly and then lay back, arms open for Hernán to come to him.

  The bed dipped under Hernán’s weight as he crawled across the comforter toward Colin and lay on top of him. His muscled, sculpted body lowered to meet Colin’s chest, firing his blood. Hernán kept his eyes open as he moved in for a kiss. Colin brushed a lock of hair off his forehead, and then put his hand around the back of Hernán’s head to tug him down.

  Hernán was wrapped in his arms, his smooth skin gliding against Colin’s as they embraced. His thick cock pressed between their bodies, slick and leaking every bit as much as Colin’s. Their lips brushed, the tip of Hernán’s tongue stroked, and then Colin was lost to desire.

  Still, he had to check again. “You’re sure, Nán? You know I have everything I need already. You don’t have to—”

  “I want you inside me,” Hernán interrupted. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and my dream last night…” He shivered. “I need it, Colin. Um, there’s one thing.”


  “It’s, uh, your choice. Whether we use anything. A condom.” Hernán blushed adorably.

  Colin’s dick surged to full hardness and flexed automatically as the thought of being bare inside a man for the first time in his life hit Colin right in the balls. He almost came from the idea alone. How was he going to hold off long enough to make love to Hernán the way he deserved?

  Colin heard the excitement in his own voice when he responded. “Then I choose not to. With everything Chris told us, I’m not worried at all. Are you okay with that?”

  Hernán nodded, his eyes burning. Despite his nervousness, he seemed to want it raw as much as Colin did. “That’s what I think about,” he whispered. “You sliding up inside me, filling me when you come.”

  Colin shuddered and grabbed the base of his dick tightly, squeezing to hold off his orgasm. His voice trembled as he said, “Roll over and lie back now. If you want me to stop at any point, just say so. Okay?”

  Although Hernán had asked to be penetrated, his jaw went tight as he repositioned himself. Still, he nodded agreement at Colin’s words and braced his feet apart to raise his knees. He wanted Colin, but he seemed slightly afraid at the same time.

  Colin needed to be worthy of the trust placed in him. The best way he could repay it was make Hernán wild before he entered. He retrieved the bottle of lube from his drawer, and then spontaneously reached back in to grab his slenderest dildo. Dropping the toy within easy reach, he popped the cap on the bottle to pour liquid onto his fingers.

  After tossing the bottle aside, he slid up along Hernán’s body for a kiss while his long arm reached down. Slick fingers stroked between Hernán’s legs. Hernán moaned softly against his mouth when Colin glided fingers across Hernán’s smooth balls, down between his legs, and into the crevice between his cheeks.

  He found the tight ring and rubbed in small, light circles around the rim until he sensed it relax underneath his touch. Pressing his tongue firmly into Hernán’s mouth, he worked his middle finger into Hernán’s ass. The velvet texture and heat inside sucked him in. Within moments, he began carefully fucking in and out. His long arms allowed him to keep kissing Hernán, even as his finger probed and searched for… There it was.

  Hernán gasped when Colin found his prostate and stroked over it. His cock released a dollop of clear fluid between their bodie
s that Colin longed to lap up, except he was fully occupied already. They kept kissing, the heat of it rising to molten levels when Colin slipped in a second finger and renewed the prostate massage.

  Hernán thrust against the invading hand as he gripped Colin by the hair and pulled his head back. Nostrils flaring, pupils blown wide, he gazed up at Colin in wonder. “More. I can take more.”

  Colin freed himself long enough to pick up the narrow silicone cock. Yellow and pink, its colors twisted like a candy-cane up to its lightly-flared head.

  Hernán growled low when he saw it. “Who’s this one? I don’t believe we’ve used him before.”

  Colin winked. “Meet Ronald. He kind of reminds me of a clown.”

  “Oh no, is this the threesome after all?” Hernán chuckled as he reached to tug on Colin’s cock, his strokes eased by the precome leaking copiously from its slit.

  Colin rested the head of Ronald against Hernán’s opening and wrapped his slippery hand around Hernán’s thick erection. He slid up and then back down, tugging Hernán’s foreskin tight at the same time he pressed Ronald inside.

  “Aaaah,” Hernán groaned, his back arching to thrust his dick up into Colin’s hands. “So strange. So good.” Colin twisted the toy around as he worked in a few more inches, all the while stroking Hernán’s cock.

  In moments, Hernán’s hand shot out to still Colin’s. “Too close.” Colin withdrew Ronald and tossed it aside, and then shifted around again to position himself between raised knees. There was Hernán’s hole, exposed and hairless, shiny with lube and a little puffy.

  Hernán grabbed himself and squeezed Colin’s sides with his thighs. “Come here, lindo. I have to feel you inside. Right now.”

  Colin’s cock jutted up hard and red, glistening at the tip from his excitement. He poured more lube into his hand and made a show of sliding his palm over and around his erection, hissing when his fingers trailed over the corona. Hernán’s eyes, heavy-lidded in lust, watched his dick hungrily. Colin swiped more lube over his hole and tested whether it was open enough.


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