The Royals of Monterra

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The Royals of Monterra Page 5

by Madge H. Gressley

  “Oh, I see,” Derek hesitated. “So, I presume you will be joining us for lunch then?”

  “No, Whatever gave you that idea. I plan to take a delicious dip in the pool and a short nap before dinner. Besides, Jason did not invite me for lunch. Now,” her attitude changing to all business, “I must see which room Jason has put me in. Would you be a dear and bring up my bag? It’s there, just by the door,” she purred, pointing to the red bag on the floor.

  He paused a moment and the realization hit him like a sledgehammer. Oh, now I get it. The old boy is fixing me up with her so he can have Maddy all to himself.

  “Ain’t gonna happen!” he growled under his breath as he snatched up the Gucci bag by the door and strode off in the direction Jacqueline had gone.

  Derek followed Jacqueline’s swaying hips to the guest room indicated by the housekeeper.

  “Ah, if you don’t mind me asking, how do you and Jason know each other?” Derek asked casually following her into the room.

  “No, not at all,” she purred. “We have been friends for years.” She winked at the word ‘friends.’ “Jason and I have a long-standing relationship. I travel frequently with him on his business trips. However, I was not able to accompany him on the trip to New York.” Her lower lip protruded in a sexy pout.

  This revelation only fueled Derek’s mistrust of Jason more.


  Alfred pulled the limo up alongside the curb at the Quay. Jason, not waiting for Alfred to open his door, jumped out and helped Maddy out of the limo. He took her arm, linked it through his, and walked toward the restaurant door, leaving Derek to fend for himself.

  Maddy glanced back over her shoulder. “Shouldn’t we wait for Derek?”

  “Nah,” Jason said giving her hand a squeeze. “He’s a big boy.”

  Jason gave the maître d' his name, then, still not waiting for Derek, instructed the man to show them directly to their table. Maddy peeked over her shoulder just in time to see Derek stepping through the restaurant door.

  An agitated Derek arrived only a few steps behind them, glowering at Jason’s back. Jason seated Maddy and took the seat to her right, motioning to the waiter to remove the place setting on her left. That made it obvious that the seat across from Maddy was for Derek, which actually pleased him. He had a complete, unobstructed view of her, though not the access to her hand that Jason seemed reluctant to relinquish.


  Maddy gently pulled her hand out of Jason’s grasp and covertly examined Derek from under her eyelashes. He looks uncomfortable, she thought. She noticed he had glanced several times at Jason’s and her hands with a slight frown.

  Odd, she thought. Why should he object to Jason holding my hand? Why should he care at all? Maybe he’s just a teensy bit jealous he couldn’t add me to his list of conquests. That thought pleased her.

  Her heart skipped a beat as Derek acknowledged her discreet glance and smiled warmly. Those dimples do make him look extremely handsome, she thought, and at that moment wondered what it would be like to be kissed by him. Oh my! She quickly turned her eyes away, reached for her water glass, and swallowed a mouthful.

  Derek took it all in. He felt a quickening in his heart and knew he was affecting her, but was it in a good or bad way?

  The waiter appeared, ready to take their orders. Maddy opened her mouth to give hers, but Jason reached over and patted her hand. “Let me,” he said with authority, and proceeded to order for both of them.

  Maddy’s mouth snapped shut and she frowned. That was overly presumptuous, she fumed. She glanced across the table at Derek, who sat there with that ever-present stupid grin on his face. Exasperated, she reached for her water glass and swallowed a large portion before setting it back down, defusing her desire to give Jason a piece of her mind.


  There was little chance for Derek to join in the conversation during lunch as Jason dominated it, capturing Maddy’s complete attention. That left Derek to sit and evaluate his competition. Until right now, he had not viewed Jason as competition. He had already resigned himself to the fact that Maddy was totally out of his reach. She made that perfectly clear every chance she got. But now, it looked as though there might be hope, if the way she had been stealing glances at him when Jason wasn’t looking was any indication.

  He had let what happened with Veronica rule his life for far too long. She had ruined the life he’d had, but she was not going to ruin the life he could have now … with Maddy. But first, he had to win her over.

  Maddy stood, drawing Derek’s attention back to the present. “Gentlemen, if you will excuse me,” she said, smiling sweetly, as both men slightly rose out of their chairs. Maddy turned and her smile broadened as she retired in the direction of the ladies’ room.

  Jason signaled the waiter and ordered a bourbon on the rocks. “Anything for you?” He looked over at Derek.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Well, now that we are alone, old boy,” Jason said. He leaned back in his chair, tossing his napkin on the table. “I have arranged for a friend of mine to be your dinner companion for tonight.” He cleared his throat. “I plan on showing Maddy some of Sydney’s night life and didn’t want to leave you hanging with nothing to do.” A row of gleaming white teeth glared back at Derek. “I didn’t want you feeling like a third wheel, or whatever you Americans call it.”

  “Oh,” Derek said casually. “That must be the lovely Miss L’Amour I met at the house this morning. Very kind of you, old man.” He leaned forward to pick up his glass and drain the last of the Scotch. “I appreciate that very much. She’s quite a looker, you know. Can’t wait to get to know her better.” Derek grinned and winked conspiratorially at Jason, who now sat there without his usual overconfident grin.

  Derek had wondered just how good of a ‘friend’ Jacqueline was to Jason. She had let on that they were quite close and indicated she was a frequent visitor to his home and a companion on several of his business trips. Jacqueline had pouted as she told Derek just how disappointed she had been that she couldn’t make the trip to the U.S. with Jason. Derek studied Jason’s stony face as he slammed back his bourbon.

  Interesting, he thought, his eyebrow rising in speculation. Why should he be upset at the idea of my getting to know Jacqueline better?

  However, minutes later Jason was all smiles as he saw Maddy making her way back to the table. “Some dessert, perhaps?” he asked as he seated her.

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t,” she said sitting down and replacing her napkin on her lap. “But, I will have some more wine. It’s quite delicious.”

  For heaven’s sake, she thought, slightly lightheaded. What’s the matter with me? This will be my third glass, and I still have to make it through that darn meeting. Oh well, Jason said it was in the bag. She giggled. Both men turned and looked at her. She blushed.

  Chapter 11

  After both presentations, the rest of the meeting went as Jason had predicted. The board unanimously voted to accept Maddy’s design. When the contract had been signed, Jason poured champagne for everyone. He was on the verge of making a toast when Derek stepped forward, glass in hand, and said, “Here’s to a great lady architect who has the balls to go after what she wants!” He grinned broadly as he raised his glass in Maddy’s direction.

  “Hear! Hear!” came the response from the board. Jason slowly put his glass to his lips and drank, all the while glaring at Derek, who tipped his glass toward Jason almost imperceptibly and grinned.

  Maddy had missed the silent exchange between Jason and Derek. She was too stunned by Derek’s toast to take notice of anything or anyone else in the room. Her eyes were glued on Derek.

  He actually called me a great lady architect. He actually did! she thought giddily as she stared at Derek, a silly little smile on her lips. She had the strangest urge to run over and hug him.

  Oh, don’t go overboard, she admonished herself. I’m sure he didn’t mean a single word of it. He’s just trying to save face f
or losing the job. She lowered her eyes. Still, there was a little buzz in her stomach that somehow didn’t seem connected to that last glass of wine she had at lunch or the champagne in the glass in her hand. She covertly raised her eyes and glanced in Derek’s direction. Her heart raced as their eyes connected.

  A small stab of guilt poked at her for her catty thoughts, and she lowered her eyes. Maybe she should thank Derek for his toast even though she was sure he didn’t mean a word of it. Carrying her glass, she made her way across the room to where Derek was now speaking with one of the board members. She slowed her pace as just how handsome he was hit her directly in the solar plexus. A buzzing sensation spread throughout her body.

  As if he could sense her presence, Derek turned and smiled the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. The buzzing increased, and heat flooded her body as the sounds and the air in the room disappeared. She blushed.

  Lowering her eyes to break the connection, she took a sip of her champagne for courage and completed the last few steps to where Derek stood. She put her hand out, intending to shake Derek’s and thank him for the ‘lovely’ toast, just as Jason strode up and put his arm possessively around her shoulders. She shuddered at the cold sensation that suddenly swept over her at his touch.

  “I have someone I want you to meet,” Jason said, smiling warmly at Maddy then turning to Derek. “You’ll pardon us, won’t you, old boy?” Not waiting for Derek to answer, Jason swept Maddy away. Maddy looked back over her shoulder and saw storm clouds gathering in Derek’s face.

  Why should he be so upset? she wondered as she unconsciously moved her shoulder, causing Jason’s arm to fall away.


  Jealously raged through Derek at the sight of Jason’s arm wrapped possessively around Maddy’s shoulders. It was all he could do to keep from slamming his fist into Jason’s smirking face. He stalked off in search of a champagne bottle.

  Why does it matter so much that Jason touches her? You don’t have a claim on her, his inner voice poked him.

  No, I don’t have any claim on her at all. In fact, she would probably laugh in my face if she knew how I felt about Jason.

  No, how you feel about her, don’t you mean? his inner voice injected.

  Yeah, that is probably more to the point. I can see it now. Me telling her how she makes me all crazy inside. How I want to run my fingers through her silken hair. How I want to kiss her perfect lips. How I want to feel her body next to mine. Yeah, she’d die laughing.

  He slammed down the last of the champagne and stalked out of the room, tossing the empty bottle in the trash bin on the way out. He couldn’t stand being in the same room with Jason right then. Remembering Jason’s comment to Martin, he wondered just how much time he had before Jason would personally escort him to the airport. The thought of leaving Maddy with Jason set off another blast of jealously. He should walk right back in there and grab Maddy, but he couldn’t. She hated him, and forcing her to go with him would only add to the animosity she already felt toward him. Instead, he took the elevator down to Cornish International’s lobby. Scowling, he plopped himself down on one of the sleek contemporary chairs to wait. He was so aggravated that it didn’t register with him just how uncomfortable the chair really was.


  Jason’s anger burned white hot as he listened to Derek’s toast. He’d been making real headway with Maddy, and no American interloper was going to step in and take over what was his. First thing in the morning, he would personally see to it that Derek was on the first flight back to New York. It would give him great pleasure to do it tonight, but that would look too suspicious to Maddy. However, once he had Derek out of the way, he could concentrate on seducing Maddy. He realized that it might not be as easy as he had originally thought. Even though he knew she was attracted to him, she had given no indication that she wanted a more intimate relationship—at least not yet. In their conversations, she had made it clear that she did not like mixing business with pleasure. But, when had he ever let a little thing like that stand in the way of getting exactly what he wanted? And he wanted Maddy … and he needed her money.


  Jason had arranged for the four of them to dine in the private dining room at his club and had instructed his chef to surprise them with something special. Maddy thoroughly enjoyed the food and the conversation until halfway through the meal, when Jason’s wandering hand found its way to her thigh under the table. She gently brushed his hand off and gave him a ‘what do you think you are doing?’ look, hoping he would understand that she did not go for that sort of thing.

  And, then there was Jacqueline with her sky-blue eyes hanging on every word that came out of Derek’s mouth. Maddy didn’t understand why that should bother her so much or why it rankled her that he was equally absorbed in what she was saying. But it did. The sharp stab of the green-eyed-monster hit her directly in the solar plexus.

  Unfortunately, as the evening wore on, Jason continued to ignore her hints about his hand, until she had had enough. She leaned over and quietly spoke to Jason.

  “Jason, could I speak with you in private?” she asked softly, not wanting to draw attention to the situation.

  “Of course,” he replied, placing his hand on her thigh again. She jerked her leg away from his hand and glared at him. He chuckled.

  Maddy deliberately took her time while she neatly folded her napkin and placed it on the table, giving herself time to cool down. Jason stood quietly, waiting for her to finish, a small frown playing across his face.

  “Let’s go out on the terrace. It’s such a lovely evening,” he said, taking Maddy by the elbow and steering her toward the French doors that opened onto the terrace and the gardens beyond.

  “Yes, I suppose it is,” she agreed through clenched teeth, pulling her arm out of his grasp.

  “Now, what did you want to talk to me about that needed to be done in private?” he asked, smiling, lost in the graceful sway of her body walking in front of him as they neared the terrace steps that led down into the garden. She startled him when she suddenly stopped and turned an angry face toward him.

  “Your hands!” Maddy exclaimed, glaring at him. “I want you to keep your hands to yourself!”

  “Whatever are you talking about?” He grinned sideways, reaching for her hand.

  “You know darn well what I am talking about,” she said, jerking her hand out of his way. “You keep putting your hand on my leg, and I want it to stop.” She folded her arms and turned her back on him. “I hoped you would take the hint when I kept pushing your hand away. But, it seems you are too dense to understand, so I’m telling you right now … keep your hands to yourself!” She swirled around to face Jason, but he had moved to stand directly behind her. When she turned, startled by his closeness, she stepped back into empty space, missing the top stair. It was only a matter of seconds before Jason realized what was happening and reached for Maddy, but it was too late. He just missed grabbing her arm as she tumbled out of his reach down the stone steps.

  “Maddy!” he yelled. “I’m coming. Are you all right?” He raced down the steps after her.

  Maddy lay there unmoving, her head turned to the side. Jason could see a pool of blood forming on the stone slab beneath her. His heart stopped and he panicked.

  What if she’s badly hurt? What if, even worse, she’s dead? His mind raced. What will I do? What if she blames me? I can’t afford a lawsuit.

  Kneeling down, he felt her for her pulse. Yes, there it is. Relief flooded him. Should I try to pick her up? What if that does more damage? If she’s paralyzed because I did that, she will sue me. Bleeker’s will sue. No, they won’t because old man Bleeker doesn’t really consider her an employee. But on the other hand, her father’s a powerful attorney in New York. He certainly will. And there could repercussions from her grandmother.

  Minutes passed as Jason considered his options before he stood up, while Maddy lay there bleeding on the stone walkway.


e French doors by which Maddy and Jason had left kept drawing Derek’s attention. It had been some time since they had gone out. A sinking feeling was slowly forming in his stomach. Something was wrong.

  Jacqueline placed her beautifully manicured finger on Derek’s cheek and gently pulled his head around so that he now looked at her. “What is it?” she asked in that sultry voice. “You keep looking at those doors.” Her sky-blue eyes had deepened into dark blue pools of desire. “They are adults. You needn’t worry.” She let her thumb stroke his cheek softly as she slid her hand to the back of his head, all the while gently pulling him toward her cherry red lips.

  His eyes moved to her parted lips and for a moment he wondered what it would be like to taste them. The spell she was casting broke as Jason rushed through the French doors, screaming for someone to come help and that Maddy had fallen.

  Derek shoved Jacqueline’s hand away and jumped up, his chair tipping over and hitting the floor with a loud bang.

  “Where is she?” Derek shouted. “Is she hurt?” He had reached the door where Jason stood in a panicked daze. Grabbing Jason by the shoulders, he shook him hard. “How bad is she hurt?” he screamed at Jason.

  “I … I don’t know,” Jason stammered as he realized that he had left Maddy bleeding on the ground. “I don’t know. I didn’t want to move her in case it might cause more damage,” he said as Derek rushed past him. He quickly turned and followed Derek out onto the terrace.

  “Where is she?” Derek looked frantically around the terrace. “Jason! Don’t just stand there; tell me where you left her!”

  “She’s at the bottom of the stairs,” he said, pointing. His hand had started to shake. He quickly stuffed it in his pocket. Can’t have the old boy think I’ve panicked, he thought as he followed Derek.

  “Maddy!” Derek hollered as he descended the stairs in one big leap. Landing beside her, he quickly knelt down, and ever so gently, he turned her head. She groaned. He could see a large gash on the side of her head. The blood flow had slowed. Turning his attention to the rest of her body, he checked for broken bones. Finding none, he gently lifted her into his arms and headed up the stairs to the dining room.


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