November 2003 – Percy is moved to Port Phillip prison.
2004 – Operation Heats, a multi-jurisdictional agency formed to investigate Percy's possible involvement in child abductions/murders in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and the ACT. Percy is refused release or transfer to a psychiatric hospital under the second custodial review.
November 2005 – Percy is subpoenaed to appear at second coronial inquest into the murder of Simon Brook. The coroner refers the matter to the Department of Public Prosecutions, confident there are reasonable grounds to convict a known person (Percy) for murder.
April 2006 – The DPP rules they are not satisfied there are sufficient grounds to lay charges against Percy.
June 2007 – Following its reconsideration, the DPP again declines to lay charges against Percy. Police raid a warehouse in South Melbourne containing 35 boxes of Percy's belongings, including pornographic writings and drawings, which Percy has managed to store outside prison.
August 2009 – The inquest into Linda Stilwell's abduction and murder is scheduled to begin.
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed), 1994.
Bartholomew, A., Psychiatry, the Criminal Law and Corrections, Wileman Publications, 1986.
Bartholomew, A., Milte, K. and Galbally, F., 'Sexual Murder, Psychopathology and Psychiatric Jurisprudential Considerations', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, (1975) 8, 143–152.
Eames, J., Review transcript: 'In the Matter of Major Review of Derek Ernest Percy', 2 October 1998.
Egger, Steven, The Killers Among Us, Simon & Schuster, 1998.
Farrell, Barbara and 'RJO', Review transcript: 'In the Matters of Major Reviews of Derek Ernest Percy', 2004.
Moles, Robert, A State of Injustice, Lothian Books, 2004.
Mora, G., Historical and Theoretical Trends in Society, Williams & Wilkins, 1980.
Regina v. Derek Percy, Supreme Court of Victoria, April 1970.
Regina v. Broadhurst, Supreme Court, Australian Capital Territory, 1983.
Whiticker, A., Australian Psycho, New Holland, 2008.
Williams, C.R., Development and Change in Insanity and Related Defences, Melbourne University Law Review, Vol 24, Issue 3, Melbourne University, 2000.
Wilson, Colin & Seaman, Donald, The Serial Killers, Virgin Publishers, 1992.
Newspapers: Herald Sun, The Age, The Sunday Age, The Newcastle Herald.
Remembering Linda,, Karen Stilwell's website.
I could not have written this book without the assistance of the following people:
The victims' families, who bravely re-opened painful wounds to tell me their stories, sometimes for the first time: Denise Tuohy, Jean Priest, Karen Stilwell, Gary Stilwell, Donald Brook, Elizabeth Schmidt, Beatrix Schmidt; Derek Percy's mother, Elaine; the former police officer and psychiatrist, who both asked they remain anonymous but who gave me incredible material; former police officers Bernie Delaney, Alan Porter and Ron Anderson and serving officers Adam Barwick, Erica Nuttall, David Rae, David Hickey, Tony Crocker, Chris Sheehan and Mark Winterflood; Percy's school acquaintances, Ken Hosking, Kim White, Bill Hutton, Wayne Gordes and neighbours Barbara Hosking, Beryl Couch, Graeme Couch and Betty Moorman; historian Stephen Brown, HMAS Cerberus museum researcher Allen Inderwisch and personnel at Seapower Naval History Centre; Today Tonight producer Graham Archer and Channel Seven, Adelaide, for permission to use archival material; former police officer Gordon Davie, Nicky at Australian Missing Persons website and Kossie Krambousanos, for his insights; Dr Bob Moles, Professor Maciej Henneberg, Professor Paul Wilson, Professor George Hampel, Professor Ian Laurie, Michael Byrne, QC, and Patrick Tehan, QC; former navy personnel and the website Gunplot for information about the Royal Australian Navy and Derek Percy: Geoffrey Marshall, Tim Attrill, David Southwell, Pete Brown, Frank Leek, Russ Graystone, Henry Higgins, Alan Coker, Noel Payne, Alan Ryan, Jim Zeiher, Graham Logan, Rob Brown, Charles Wattle, Ian Arnold, Bruce Potts, Les Dwyer, Ed Pietsch and to Angela Dyer, Ezra Branch and Linda Blue (now Slight) for sharing their memories.
Thanks also to Random House publishing director Nikki Christer for support throughout, project editor Chris Kunz, for patiently pulling all the material together and copyeditor Jessica Dettmann, for a marvellously thorough and sympathetic edit of the horribly dark material. As always, thanks to my terrific friends and family who have helped me go the distance. Special, special thanks to my 'A' team: mother Monica, who proofread the copy with her usual care and encouragement, daughter, Louise, who reminded me constantly that this story is bleak but the sun continues to shine, and husband, William, for his beautiful love and support. They are a constant reminder of the goodness in people.
Lambs to the Slaughter Page 35