Beaten: A High School Bully Romance (Athole Academy Book 2)

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Beaten: A High School Bully Romance (Athole Academy Book 2) Page 6

by Vi Lily

  Alex seems reluctant to move into the room, but Doc pulls him in and closes the door behind him.

  I move to the side and fidget with the ends of my damp hair, embarrassed to be in the same room with the men as they eat. I wonder if I should go out to the gym area, or what. I consider just leaving, but honestly, I have no way to get back to Bearing. I realize with a start that I’m totally reliant on Alex, which I definitely do not like. I don’t want to rely on anyone. Not again. Devon has beaten that lesson into me.


  “Come on, Ari,” Doc calls out to me and I look up, startled. He smiles at me. “I hope you like burgers and fries.”

  As an answer, my stomach growls. Loudly. I know they heard that — hell, the boxers in the ring out in the gym probably heard my stomach — but no one comments as they both move to the desk and start pulling food out of the bags.

  I notice that Alex isn’t wearing a jacket now and is only dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, like me. His arms are freaking huge and I can’t help but stare as I sit in the chair next to him in front of the desk. He, too, keeps glancing at me. I wonder what he’s thinking.

  Doc hands me a round paper-wrapped bundle and I accept it with a grateful smile. He winks at me in return. I’m embarrassed by his kindness, for all he’s done for me. Both of the guys, really. But I’m helpless and hopeless enough to accept what they offer without complaint or argument.

  Alex pulls a package of fries out of a bag which I take with a murmured “thanks.” Doc then walks over to a small refrigerator I hadn’t noticed before near the coffee buffet and he pulls out bottles of water. He hands two bottles to me and I pass one to Alex, shivering when his big fingers cover mine.

  After Doc sits, we start eating. I try to make myself go slow, to chew my food, even though it’s so good and I’m so hungry that I want to just shove it all into my mouth and swallow it whole.

  My stomach clenches all too soon and I have to sip my water after only taking three bites of the burger and a few fries. Alex wolfs his burger and large fries down in no time at all, then eyes mine. He raises an eyebrow at me.

  “You’re done already?” he asks with surprise, then snorts when I nod. “You need to eat more,” he declares as he takes a drink.

  Well, duh. Easier said than done. If I had the option, I’d eat three regular meals a day. As it is, all I usually manage is lunch at school five days a week. Since I eat so little, it’s hard to eat much when I do get food. My stomach has shrunk to the size of a walnut.

  “Leave the girl alone,” Doc mutters around a mouthful. I give him another grateful smile. He seems to understand my problem.

  It goes against everything in me, but I offer what’s left of my burger to Alex. Normally, I would save the food for later. But since I didn’t pay for it, I can’t exactly justify being greedy.

  I almost weep in relief when Alex declines. “Save it for later,” he tells me as he finishes off his bottle of water. I nod and carefully wrap my hamburger up like it’s the precious gift it is. I feel their eyes on me, but I ignore them.

  After we clean up our mess, Doc asks me to go into the gym and find a guy named “Vato.” It’s kind of the last thing I want to do. I mean, I’m so insecure as it is, but to wander through an all-male atmosphere is seriously intimidating.

  Being bullied at school for the past few years has seriously screwed with my self-esteem.

  Alex protests, but Doc shushes him. I glance back at Alex as I head toward the door, and I’m surprised to see his beautiful eyes watching me. I could swear the guy looks… torn.

  “Leave the door open and come back here if anyone gives you a hard time,” he orders gruffly. I smile slightly and nod as I head out the door.

  It’s so weird to think that Alex freaking Johansen somehow cares what happens to me. But, damn, he’s bossy.

  Per Doc’s instructions, I head to the boxing rink and ask a man watching the boxers beating the crap out of each other where Vato is. Both boxers are bleeding and I make it a point not to look too closely. I hate blood.

  The man points to the opposite corner of the gym, where a large man is punching one of those little teardrop-shaped bags hanging from a hook. I’ve only seen such a thing in movies.

  Reluctantly, I walk across the gym toward the guy. As I get close, I notice that his shirtless body is slicked with sweat. The muscles on his back are fascinating, mesmerizing even, as they flutter and almost shimmer with his movements. He’s beating the bag thing so fast that his gloved hands are almost a blur. It’s pretty amazing, actually.

  “Um, Vato?” I ask quietly as I approach. He doesn’t seem to hear me, so I clear my throat and repeat the question. I’ve had to talk more in the past two days than I have in months and my voice hasn’t caught up yet.

  The guy beating the bag with seemingly superhuman speed pauses and glances at me as he puts a gloved fist to the bag to stop it from its bobbing movement. I suck in a breath.

  He’s freaking gorgeous.

  Skin the color of iced tea, chiseled cheekbones, topaz-colored eyes. He makes me think of a tiger and again I’m reminded of that old “Rocky” movie and the Eye of the Tiger song.

  Great, now I have that stuck in my head.

  “Yeah?” his honeyed voice caresses me and my eyes nearly close involuntarily. This guy is pure seduction. He grins, like he knows the effect he’s having on me. I notice he has perfect, straight, white teeth — of course, what else? I think with a bit of sarcasm — and his light-colored eyes travel down my length.

  I’m suddenly super self-conscious. I never really care what I look like, as long as no one pays any attention to me. But this guy… for some reason, he calls to my inner hootchie, making me want to preen for him.

  In response to his perusal — and I’m sure he’s probably inwardly laughing at my borrowed clothes — my own eyes take in the rest of him. Besides being beautiful, he’s tall, muscular, and has some amazing tattoos covering his arms.

  He looks dangerous, but in a heart stopping delicious way.

  “Umm,” I say, trying to remember why I’m standing here interrupting his workout. “Oh, uh, Doc wants you. Doc Martinez,” I say, by way of clarification.

  Vato chuckles. “Yeah, chica, I know. There’s only one Doc here. Happens to be my grandpa.” My mouth forms an “O” at that.

  He rips the Velcro strap off his glove with his teeth as he watches me. For some reason, the action seems really sensual, like he’s undressing in front of me. I swallow hard.

  “Uh, okay, well, I’ll just, uh, see you there,” I say lamely as I turn and start back to the office.

  “Hold up,” he calls after me and I pause, turning to watch him toss his gloves on the floor next to the pole holding the punching bag. He reaches my side and without warning, tosses his arm over my shoulders. I suck in a breath at the sudden pressure and an involuntary cry escapes my lips at the pain.

  I step out from under his arm and give him a wobbly smile and I’m horrified when tears fill my eyes. “Sorry,” I mumble as I start walking again.

  Vato is quiet as he walks beside me, keeping his hands to himself this time. When we approach the office, he reaches out to gently grab my arm, pulling me to a stop. I glance up at him and see that he’s looking at Alex with narrowed eyes. Alex is still sitting in front of Doc’s desk, but he’s turned his chair so that he can see across the gym, which means his eyes have been on me the whole time.

  It’s a weird feeling, but nice. I get a little thrilled at the thought that Alex is watching out for me.

  Alex’s eyes are also narrowed, focused on Vato’s hand on my arm. I can see that his face is hardened, like he’s ticked off. Which is also weird. It’s almost like he’s jealous…

  “You with the Crusher?” Vato asks with a chin lift indicating Alex.

  Before I can answer, Vato’s cat eyes look down at me and I’m surprised to see his beautiful face is hardened too. “He the one who hurt you, chica? The reason you cried when I touched
you? Cuz I’ll kick his butt until he can’t walk, Crusher or no.”

  Umm…wow. I met this guy like thirty seconds ago and already he wants to defend me? Where were these guys for the past two years of my life? I definitely could have used their help with my brother and all his sicko friends.

  Vato doesn’t wait for an answer and takes a step toward the office. I put a hand on his sweat-slicked chest to stop him and he looks down at me in question.

  “No!” I cry out and shake my head. “He’s helping me. I needed medical attention and couldn’t go to the doctor, so he brought me here, to Doc. Alex is a friend of mine.” I tell that little white lie with what I hope sounds like sincerity.

  Vato’s face softens and he reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear. I flinch like I always do when something comes at my face. Damned reflexes. His face hardens again.

  “You tell me who needs to die, chica, and it happens,” he growls.

  I know my eyes are about to bug out of my head at his offer. This stranger is ready to kill someone… for me? What the… what alternate reality did I wake up in? I start to wonder if Devon actually killed me last night and I’m wandering around in some sort of cross between heaven and hell.

  “Leave that to me.” I jump at the voice behind me and glance up to see Alex right at my back, so close I can feel his heat. He puts a hand on my shoulder, but the touch is so light that I barely feel it, even as it scorches me.

  It dawns on me that I’m standing in between two impossibly large, muscular and gorgeous young men who are actually fighting over me. Well, sort of. But me, the stinky, skinny girl no one pays any attention to, unless it’s to poke fun at.

  I am really starting to believe that alternate reality thing.

  Giggles escape me then. I can’t help it. This is the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me and believe me, a lot of weird crap has occurred in my seventeen years on earth. But this is just so… so over the top.

  Both guys look down at me with matching concerned looks. They probably think I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.

  Doc interrupts the standoff. “Alright, boys, let’s quit trying to mark our territories.” He reaches out and grasps my hand, gently pulling me out from between the guys.

  “Come on, honey, let’s get you away from them before they start hiking their legs on you.”

  Chapter 3

  I MANAGE TO stay awake for the ride back to Bearing, which takes forever because Alex has to drive so slow thanks to the storm that’s come in. There’s already a good six inches on the ground and it’s still falling, heavily.

  We don’t talk — him, I’m assuming because he’s concentrating on keeping us on the road; me, because I’m too wrapped up in worries to voice anything coherent.

  My frazzled mind wanders over my troubles, and what I’m going to do now. I’m terrified to go back to the house, but I don’t really have any options, although I could live in the Navigator, if I could find a place to park at night where I won’t be bothered. Bearing is a pretty safe place to live, being a small town and mostly upscale, but still… criminals are everywhere.

  But then I remember that the stupid thing wouldn’t start and again, I wonder what Devon could have done to it. He never drives it himself, preferring our dad’s Humvee, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t screw with it, just to screw with me.

  Devon is getting crazier with each passing day. I know it’s mostly due to the drugs frying his brain, but he was never a nice person before either. He’s always been selfish and self-centered. He fit the spoiled rich brat persona to a tee. Unfortunately, when he was no longer spoiled and rich, the brat part remained.

  He wants to get his way, at any and all cost.

  I know for a fact that the horrible auction he tried to hold last night wouldn’t be the last time he tries to sell me. When he gets something in his head, he’ll see it through. Selling his sister’s virginity seems to be on his radar now, and I have no doubt that until I’m bleeding and broken, no longer an “innocent,” he won’t stop trying to make that happen.

  At least I’ll have a reprieve for a little while, at least until the bruises fade. No one will want to buy damaged goods. I wonder if I could keep provoking him to kick my butt so that I stay bruised.

  Wow, this is my crazy life… hoping I can anger my brother enough to beat me up to keep me from being sold as a sex slave.

  I shiver then and Alex startles me out of my thoughts. “Are you cold?” he asks with concern as he reaches over to turn the heat up.

  “No, I’m fine,” I tell him. Well, as fine as I can be. I’m hurting, even though Doc’s wrap helped quite a bit and I have to keep shifting in the hard seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. I’m stressed about my “living” arrangements. I’m worried what Devon has planned next. And I’m just seconds away from having another panic attack.

  But I’m warm, which was what he was asking, so “I’m fine” is a proper answer.

  He puts his big hand back on the steering wheel and we both fall silent again as we stare out into the whiteness. The snow is falling so hard now that the windshield wipers can’t keep up.

  And now I have yet another worry — how in the world I’m going to get to school come Monday if the snow is still coming down. We don’t get things like “snow days” here in the far northeast. We could have three feet of snow on the ground, and the school buses would still be running, chains on tires and all.

  The town is normally really good at keeping the snow plowed off the streets, though, which is good. I just hope that they can keep up with this storm, which I heard someone at school say was supposed to be the worst one of the season.

  I consider driving up to the school today and just sleeping in the Navigator there. I’d just have to find a place to hide it, like in the trees surround the Academy, or else the security people will call the police on me. And there’s no way I’d be able to afford to get towed… or arrested.

  Another shiver courses through me at that thought.

  Alex, of course, notices. “Are you sure you’re not cold?” he asks again. “I have an extra jacket in the back somewhere.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m not cold.” Even if I were, the thought of climbing over the seat to get to the back makes my ribs hurt even more.

  He side-eyes me, like he doesn’t believe me. Then he sighs. “Something I can help with?” He asks the question with so much reluctance that I almost laugh.

  “No, no thank you. You’ve done so much for me already. I really appreciate it, by the way.”

  Alex mutters something that sounds like, “Shoulda kicked his butt last night,” but I’m not sure. He glances at me again.

  “Doc said that you, uh, are gonna need some help, with, you know,” he takes his hand off the steering wheel to gesture toward my body. I assume he means with my wraps and all. It’s not like I’ll be taking them off to shower or anything, but I don’t tell him that.

  “I’ll be okay,” I tell him, but it sounds like a lie, even to my own ears.

  Alex gives me another look that says he thinks so too. “Yeah, well, you’re coming home with me, so you will be okay. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Okay, I have definitely either died, or have awakened in another universe, cuz… what?

  I think I said that out loud, because Alex swerves a little. Not that it matters; no one else is crazy enough to be out in this storm.

  He looks at me and cocks an eyebrow. “You got somewhere else to go? You really wanna go home with that douche of a brother of yours, never knowing when he’s gonna do that—” he motions to my body again, “—or even worse, try to sell you again?” He doesn’t wait for an answer but shakes his head.

  “You’re insane if you think I’m gonna let you go back.”

  Let me go back? Seriously? What alpha man novel did this dude just crawl out of?

  I start to push myself up so that I can turn to him to argue, because I am that pissed off that I’m going to give Alex freaking Jo
hansen a piece of my mind, but the action causes a stabbing pain. I cry out and put a hand to my side.

  He swerves again and slows to a crawl. “Are you okay?” he asks and there’s so much concern in his voice that my anger drains away. Maybe the guy does just care. But still…

  I take a small breath and fight back the tears from the pain. And maybe a few from anger too. “Look,” I wheeze out, “like I said, I appreciate all you’ve already done for me. You don’t need to do anything else. I’m not your concern.”

  He turns his head to glare at me and I’m so taken aback by the look that my hand involuntarily goes to the door handle. I catch myself though, reminding myself that Alex isn’t going to hurt me. I hope.

  “You are my concern,” he growls at me as he clenches the steering wheel. I wonder if a newer, less well-made vehicle would be able to withstand the pressure he’s putting on the thing.

  “I made you my concern last night when that ass—” he stops himself and takes a deep breath like he’s trying to get his temper under control.

  “When I saw what your brother was doing last night, I made you my concern. I’m just sorry I didn’t take you with me then. Then that—” he does the hand wave thing at me again, “—wouldn’t have happened.”

  I swallow at that. After all the crap I’ve had to put up with over the past couple of years, to have someone actually care — make that three someones, because Doc and Vato were concerned about me too — is freaking me out a little.

  Maybe a lot.

  “I—” Swallowing hard, I pause. “I’m, uh, well, I’m grateful. I just don’t want to be a burden, you know?”

  Alex seems to relax a little at my admission. “Yeah,” he nods. “I know. I hate feeling like that, like I’m a pain or something.” He looks at me then.

  “You’re not though. A pain, I mean.” He sighs, then looks back at the vast whiteness before us. I don’t even know how he’s navigating the road. I can’t see anything but snow.

  “I want to help you.” He sounds startled at his admission. “I can’t even explain it, cuz it ain’t like me, not at all. I’m more the, ‘keep to myself, make sure everyone stays the hell away’ kinda guy. But for some reason, I wanna take care of you.”


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