The Vulpirans' Honor: The Soul-Linked Saga

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The Vulpirans' Honor: The Soul-Linked Saga Page 25

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “Hi, guys,” she said as Hunt took her bag and set it on the table next to the door. “This is a nice surprise.”

  “We are glad you think so,” Vikter said, placing one hand lightly at the small of her back and guiding her into the living room.

  “Where’s Nica?” Honey asked.

  “She is spending the night with the Falcorans at Arima House,” Lance replied. “We have things we wish to speak with you about in private.”

  “And we wanted an evening alone with you,” Hunt said. “We hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” Honey replied, a quick thrill of excitement racing through her. Maybe tonight would be the night, she thought, taking a seat on the sofa and accepting a drink from Vikter. Or, maybe there was a problem. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No, there is nothing wrong,” Vikter said, taking the seat beside her. Lance sat on her other side, and Hunt pulled a chair up to the sofa so that they were all close to each other. “We know that you have learned much about Jasani physiology from Doc. However, there are things that even Doc doesn’t know about us. Things that we share only with our Arimas. We felt that the time was right to share those things with you.”

  “What sort of things?” Honey asked, struggling to hide her disappointment.

  “The history of our people,” Lance replied.

  “You keep the history of your people a secret?” Honey asked.

  “Yes, for several reasons,” Vikter replied. “We cannot fully make you our Arima until you know our history. It would not be fair, otherwise.”

  “I thought that I was your Arima?” Honey asked, her heart skipping a beat in sudden fear. “Are you telling me that I’m not?”

  “You are our Arima,” Hunt said. “It is complicated, ahora, which is why we need to tell you our history.”

  “All right,” Honey said. “But only on one condition.”

  “What’s that?” Vikter asked.

  “You tell me what ahora means.”

  “That’s easy,” Hunt said with a smile that lit up his entire face and nearly took her breath away. “I like your true name very much, but as you prefer to go by Honey, I shall call you Honor in our ancient language. Ahora. If you do not mind, of course.”

  “No, I don’t mind,” Honey replied. “What about zetia?”

  “Zetia means honey,” Vikter replied. “Will you listen now?”

  “Yep, go ahead,” she said.

  “Jasan is not our native world,” Vikter began, surprising her. “We came here as refugees when our home world, Ugaztun, was destroyed.”

  Honey listened intently as Vikter told her the story of Clan Jasan. He told her of the Narrasti, their mortal enemies, and the war that had culminated in the destruction of both worlds. Their first years on Jasan, the reason why there were no women among them, the search for compatible females and the first human women who agreed to leave Earth and travel to Jasan to help them continue their race. The method that was developed to allow human women to bear male children, but no females. The sharing of a single soul between each male-set, and the need for an Arima to link them all together as they were meant to be.

  Vikter did not have to go into detail concerning the biology of human women versus Jasani as she’d learned all of that from Doc. There was more than one element of magic involved, but even though she was a doctor, she accepted that readily. It was the history behind all of it that fascinated her. And the linking.

  When Vikter was finished she sipped her drink, thinking of all that he’d told her. “If I link with you three, I’ll change, is that correct?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Vikter replied. “You will become fully Clan Vulpiran, and will be capable of shifting into a vulpin. Your body’s regeneration ability will become such that you will no longer age, and you will be able to heal almost instantly from most injuries. You will also be able to bear both daughters and sons.”

  “Sounds like I get a lot of benefits from the linking,” Honey said. “What about you guys? What do you get?”

  “Once we are linked, our souls become rejoined with each other, and with yours, as they are meant to be,” Vikter said. “Besides that, our magic will become many times stronger than it is now. But you, Honey, are our most important gift, and will remain so whether we link or not.”

  For a moment Honey wondered how they would feel if she decided against linking. Changing from human to Jasani with the ability to shift was a big step. But she felt Vikter’s sincerity and knew that what he said, he truly meant. She, herself, mattered the most to them. They would accept her as she was whether she linked with them or not.

  “Why does your magic grow stronger?” she wondered.

  “That has long been a mystery to us, but not long ago Princess Lariah gave us the answer to that question,” Lance said. “The magic that we use comes from the world around us. We are able to draw on that which is floating free, to put it simply. Once we are linked with our Arima, she becomes a direct conduit between us and the real power held within the world itself.”

  “What about Arimas?” she asked. “Do they wield magic as well?”

  “No, Arimas do not wield magic,” Vikter replied. “But the stronger the Arima is, the more magic she is able to send to her Rami.”

  “Well, since we all have a psychic gift or two, I guess that’s fair,” she said with a grin. “Will you be able to speed-travel? Cause that’s pretty nifty.”

  “Nifty?” Lance asked. “Is that good?”

  “Yes, nifty is good,” she said with a laugh. “So will you? Speed travel I mean?”

  “No, our strength is not in Air,” Hunt said.


  “There are four magics,” Vikter explained. “Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Each male-set is strongest in one, and weaker in a second. The other two they may have some small ability in, but never very much. Our strength is in Earth, with Fire our second.”

  “So, Air is needed for speed traveling,” she said. “What does Water do? I haven’t seen that much water around here.”

  “Water Magic does give the user control of water, but its main use is in healing,” Hunt said.

  Honey was surprised by that, but after thinking about it for a second she understood. “Our bodies are made up mostly of water,” she said.

  Vikter, Lance and Hunt all grinned, pleased, but not surprised, with how quickly she’d worked that out. She was a doctor, after all.

  “So is that all of it?” she asked.

  “Not quite,” Vikter replied. “There are other things we need to tell you concerning our more recent history, and a prophecy. But it is not necessary to go into those things right now.”

  “Have you decided when you want to do the linking?” she asked nervously. She wasn’t ready for that just yet, and hoped they wouldn’t insist on it.

  “No,” Vikter replied. “That is a decision that you must make, in your own time, in your own way. We only want you to be aware of the facts, and your options.”

  “What’s the procedure for it?” she asked, trying to hide her relief.

  “It’s a sexual joining,” Vikter replied.

  Honey felt her face heat, a reaction that embarrassed her, which made her cheeks even redder. “Having sex with you will cause the linking?” she asked, trying to pretend she wasn’t as red as a beet.

  “No,” Vikter replied. “It is a specific ritual that must be performed. We would never begin it, or anything of such importance, without your full consent.”

  “I see,” she said, feeling unaccountably disappointed. She felt their desire for her, as she’d been feeling it for days now. But if they were waiting for her to make the first move, they were all in trouble since she had no idea how to go about it. If she knew, she’d have done it already. She stared at her hands for a moment, wishing she had more courage, then stood up. “If that’s it, I guess I’ll go take a bath.”

  “Wait,” Hunt said, standing up just as she did so that they were face to face with only an inc
h or two between them. “That is not all, ahora.”

  Honey looked into his eyes which seemed darker now than usual. “What else?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

  “You have spent five years married to a man whom you did not love,” Hunt said. “You were forced to pretend to be a wife and a mother. You are now free, and may act as you please, choose what you want. You are our Arima, but we would have you know that you may choose elsewhere, if that is your wish.”

  “Why would I want to do that?” Honey asked, still gazing into Hunt’s eyes. She swallowed hard and said the words she’d been too afraid to say seconds earlier. “I feel your emotions, and I know that you want me. I believe that the three of you are my best chance of experiencing real love. As much as I want to be a real wife, and a real mother, I won’t do either without real love first and foremost.”

  “In that case, you need not look further,” Hunt said, raising one hand to cup her face gently in his palm. “There is no one in this galaxy, or any other, who could possibly love you more than we do.”

  “Love?” Honey asked, surprised. “Are you saying that you already love me?”

  “Yes, that is what I’m saying,” Hunt said. “How could we not? You are strong, intelligent, and more courageous than any woman we have ever even heard of, let alone met. Even were you not made for us, we could not help but love you.”

  While Hunt spoke, Vikter and Lance stood up, one on either side of her. She turned to look into their eyes and saw the same depth of feeling as she’d seen in Hunt’s. More than that, she felt their emotions, and knew that Hunt had not exaggerated.

  Honey smiled as she raised herself up on her toes so she could wrap her arms around Vikter’s neck. His eyes smoldered as he lowered his mouth to hers. She opened her mouth, his lips soft and warm against hers, the taste and scent of him filling her senses. When she boldly slipped her tongue into his mouth, his deep groan caused her skin to pebble as she shivered with pleasure.

  She became swept up in the dark, hot passion of his kiss, forgetting everything but the feel of his mouth on hers, their tongues tangling gently with each other. When Vikter lifted his mouth from hers, they were both panting. She felt hands at her waist, turning her, and suddenly Hunt’s mouth was on hers. His kiss was different than Vikter’s, hotter, deeper, more demanding, but just as arousing.

  She barely noticed when gentle hands began slipping the pins from her hair that held her heavy braid in place. When Hunt raised his head, she felt the tug of her braid as it was released to hang freely down her back.

  “Do you mind?” Vikter asked in a whisper as he lifted the end of her braid and removed the elastic band that held it.

  “No, I don’t mind,” she said just before Lance’s lips claimed hers. She forgot about her hair as she let herself get lost in his kiss, his unique taste and scent. When he ended the kiss she leaned her head against his chest, panting partly from lack of air, and partly from the intense arousal flooding her body.

  She felt herself lifted into someone’s arms and looked up to see Hunt gazing down at her as he carried her from the living room. She turned her head and saw Vikter leading the way, Lance right behind them, and relaxed with the knowledge that they were all together.

  Vikter opened the door to the master bedroom, the one room that none of them had chosen. The room meant for a male-set and their woman to share. It was big, and rich with lush carpeting on the floor, soft fabrics on the bed, and low, romantic lighting. Everything in the bedroom, and the bathroom beyond, seemed designed for specifically for lovers.

  Hunt set her on the edge of the gigantic bed and she looked up to see all three of them gazing down at her with hot eyes. She felt their uncertainty, and frowned as she tried to understand it.

  “Yes,” she said, smiling at them after a moment. “Right now.”

  Vikter and Lance smiled back, but Hunt, always the more gregarious of them, laughed happily. She watched as they began removing their clothes in a rush, her mouth going dry at the sight of so much hard, muscular male flesh. She’d seen her share of naked male bodies before. Even though her specialty was in obstetrics, she’d still spent a long internship in a community hospital on Terien. Never once had she reacted physically to a man before, and that had secretly worried her for a long time. She’d often wondered if there was something wrong with her.

  But now, seeing these three men standing before her, all of them unabashedly naked, their desire for her rampantly displayed, she knew there was nothing wrong with her. There never had been. She’d just needed the right men. These men. No others.

  Lance held his hand out to her and she took it, letting him pull her to her feet. He bent his head to kiss her and she opened her mouth to him eagerly, barely noticing the slight tug and pull of her clothing as Vikter and Hunt undressed her. Within moments she felt the cool air against her skin, and it suddenly occurred to her that she should be embarrassed. But she wasn’t.

  “You are stunning, Honey,” Vikter said, his voice slightly hoarse with his own arousal. She had full breasts, a tiny waist that flared out into full hips, and shapely legs and arms that ended in the sweetest little feet and hands. Her lips were red and plump, her eyes the most beautiful blue he could imagine, and her hair was like a curtain of golden brown silk that both hid and revealed her curves as she moved. It was so hard to take his eyes off of her that he wondered for a moment if she was too beautiful.

  Honey turned to look at him, feeling the long curtain of her hair brush against her back down to her waist, and smiled slowly.

  “Not as stunning as the three of you,” she said.

  Vikter returned her smile, then bent to kiss her tenderly as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the bed where he set her down. He reached behind her and slid her hair out of the way, pulling it forward over her shoulder.

  “Lie back,” he said. Honey did as he asked, beginning to feel a little nervous.

  Hunt climbed onto the bed beside her, as Lance climbed up on her other side. She looked down when she felt the mattress move, and saw Vikter at the foot of the bed. He placed his hands on her thighs and spread her legs wide before kneeling down between them. Honey felt her face heat, but at the same time, she was eager to experience what she had only read about.

  “I have dreamt of this moment from the first moment I laid eyes on you,” Vikter said. “I cannot wait to taste you.”

  Honey felt a thrill race through her body at his words. Her nipples hardened into tight peaks and her pussy grew impossibly wet. Then Vikter lowered his head and licked her with one long, slow, hot swipe of his tongue. Her entire body shuddered with unimaginable pleasure.

  Her head fell back against the mattress and she moaned helplessly, her hips arching in a silent plea for more. Vikter hummed happily as he gladly gave her what she wanted.

  Hunt leaned down and sucked one hard nipple into his mouth, while Lance did the same with her other nipple. The feel of their hot tongues lapping and teasing, their teeth gently nipping the hard nubs now and then, combined with Vikter’s mouth on her pussy, was almost too much to bear.

  When her moans became deeper and more desperate, Vikter sucked her hard, throbbing clit between his teeth and held it there while he lashed it with his tongue. Honey flew over the edge into a deep, shuddering orgasm unlike anything she had ever imagined possible. Her entire body tightened and jerked as their tongues continued to lap and tease, sending her flying into another orgasm before the first one ended. Only then did they release her sensitive flesh, kissing and lapping gently now, soothingly, allowing her body to relax.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed,” Hunt whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. “I hope to see that every day for the remainder of our lives.”

  Honey laughed softly, her body continuing to tremble slightly. In spite of the intensity of her orgasms, her need was more intense than ever.

  Vikter lifted her hips in his hands, spreading her even wider as his hot tong
ue lapped at her again. She jerked, then shuddered with pleasure. “Again?” she asked in surprise.

  “We want to enter you,” Lance said, stroking her breast lightly with his fingers. “We want to join our bodies to yours, feel the hot clasp of your flesh around us.”

  Honey felt her pussy gush fluid at his words, causing Vikter to groan deeply before he began lapping more quickly. “We have no wish to cause you pain, or discomfort,” Lance finished.

  “The more aroused and relaxed you are, the more open your body will become,” Hunt said, leaning down to lick her nipple.

  Honey thought about that, knew he was right, then let the thought go. All she needed to do right now was relax and feel, and they were doing a very good job of keeping her occupied. So good, in fact, that it wasn’t long before she climaxed again, her hips straining toward Vikter’s mouth as her body exploded with pleasure.

  Vikter continued to lap gently at her moist flesh as her orgasm eased down. When she opened her eyes again, she looked straight into his. “Now,” she said. “Please.”

  “We don’t want to hurt you,” Vikter said, his voice strained with the effort of holding his own desire in check.

  “You won’t,” she gasped. “Please, I need you.”

  That was it. She was their Arima, and they could never resist giving her anything she needed. Vikter raised himself up to his knees and lifted Honey’s hips, pulling her toward him, spreading her legs around him. When he placed the broad head of his cock at her entrance, she looked into his eyes and reached for Lance’s hand on one side of her, and Hunt’s on the other. She gripped them tightly, the moment of nerves she’d felt gone now that she was connected with all three of them. She nodded her head, and Vikter began arching his hips, pressing into her. He took his time, pushing in just a bit, then withdrawing, then in a bit more, working himself deeper and deeper with each shallow stroke. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to go slow and carefully this first time. He would never forgive himself if he hurt her any more than absolutely necessary. Her pleasure was everything. By the time the head of his cock reached the thin barrier of her hymen, she was writhing with need beneath him.


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