Desperate Chances

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Desperate Chances Page 26

by A. Meredith Walters

  The lights dimmed. That was our cue.

  Cole brought the mic up to his mouth and looked down at his adoring public. “We’re baaaackkkk,” he drawled out.

  There was a cacophony of noise as the screams and cheers began. It was a heady feeling. One, I could admit, that I’d miss.

  I looked down at Gracie, her eyes only for me, and I knew that I may be losing this, but I was gaining something so much more.

  “So I know you guys are here to see a kickass show,” Cole began, followed by more cheers. “But we’ve got something that we need to share with you all first.”

  Cole looked back at the rest of us before continuing. “A bunch of years ago we started Generation Rejects. We were four fuck-ups who wanted to play some music. We sucked.”

  There was a general sense of disagreement at that statement. I appreciated the crowd’s loyalty. But what Cole said was right. We had definitely sucked.

  “We did, it’s okay guys. We’re pretty fucking awesome now, right?” The roar was deafening.

  “Alright, settle down, I have a story to tell.” The crowd quieted down and Cole continued. “So when we became fucking awesome, we signed with a label. We went on the road and tried to take over the world. But sometimes things don’t turn out the way we want them to.”

  The room became totally quiet. Everyone was waiting to hear what Cole would say next. Looking out at the faces of the audience, they knew whatever he was going to say, wasn’t going to be good.

  “Barton’s Bar and Grill will always be special to us. Moore took a chance on a bunch of punk ass bitches that thought they could play. He let us put on a show. And it went from there. So thanks for that, Moore. You rock, buddy!” Moore put his thumbs up from behind the bar, where he was helping Dina tend to customers.

  “So, we started here.” Cole took a deep breath. “And we’re ending here. Tonight.” The noise from the crowd was instantaneous. Murmurs became shouts. What was he talking about? What was going on?

  “We love the music and we love the band, but it’s time to do other things. Life happens. Our man Piper is gonna be a dad.” Cue the sighs from the female contingent.

  “Our man Garrett is moving to Boston with his lady.” Whoops followed.

  “And good ol’ Mitchie boy finally got the girl. Way to go man!”

  Gracie flushed red and hid her face behind her hands. I grinned so hard my cheeks hurt.

  “As for me, well I’m still planning to go out there and fuck the stage. So be ready for a whole new level of Cole Brandt!” The screams started up again The man really did know how to work a crowd.

  “But before that, I’ve been wanting to do something.” Garrett and I shared a look. What was he doing?

  I watched as Cole reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box.

  What the actual fuck?

  “Guys, seriously shut the fuck up. I’ve got something important to say.” Our front man took a deep breath and for the first time since I’d known him he looked nervous. Like he was going to throw up all over the stage. But then he pulled himself together and flashed his cocky grin.

  “I’ve been thinking it’s time to make my girl an honest woman. What do y’all think?” Cole looked down at Vivian and held out his hand. She looked shell shocked as she let him lift her up onto the stage.

  Then in front of the crowd, Cole Brandt dropped to one knee. He plucked the diamond ring from the box and held it out for Vivian.

  “What do you say? Vivian Baily, will you mar—” he asked her.

  Vivian didn’t even wait for the words. She snatched the ring and shoved it on her finger, holding it up for everyone to see.

  “Is that a yes?” Cole laughed.

  “That’s a hell yes!” Vivian shrieked, launching herself at him.

  Everyone started clapping, and Garrett immediately began to play the opening chords to our song Donkey Punch. Interesting song selection but given Cole and Vivian, it was pretty appropriate.

  “Guys, we have a show to play,” I said into my mic, earning some laughter from the audience.

  The lovebirds pulled apart and Vivian climbed off the stage. Cole touched his mouth for a minute, his eyes glazed over but happier than I had ever seen him before.

  Cole Brandt was gettin’ hitched. Stranger things had happened.

  I walked over to our front man and patted him on the back. “Congrats, man,” I said.

  “Thanks,” he replied with a smirk. “She’s gonna be a fucking tigress tonight. I can’t wait!”

  I shook my head and went back to my spot, adding rhythm to Garrett’s melody.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Cole shouted and the audience roared.

  And for the last time we were four guys, playing our music.

  Tomorrow we’d be something else.

  But for now, we were Generation Rejects.

  Six Months Later

  The sun was hot on my shoulders as I walked down the makeshift aisle, a small bouquet of flowers in my hand. The air was perfumed with roses and hyacinths. I could hear the rippling of the stream fifty meters away.

  And the squeal of guitar strings filled the air, followed by an ear-splitting scream of Jordan’s favorite heavy metal band.

  “Oh my god, seriously? This is a wedding, not a concert!” Vivian grumped once she, Riley, and I were all stood in a line.

  Riley shrugged. “It wouldn’t be a Rejects wedding without melt your face off rock and roll.”

  I snorted. “You should do this at your wedding, Viv.” My friend gave me a death glare and repositioned her hands so that she providing her engagement ring with ample exposure. It glinted in the sun, nearly blinding me.

  “Mine will be a very tasteful affair. White lace and linens. Three course meal, champagne fountain. The whole nine yards,” Vivian sniffed, looking across the aisle and smiling at her fiancé who stood with Garrett and Mitch behind Jordan.

  “I think this is awesome,” I said, looking at the small grouping of people that had gathered in the meadow behind Garrett’s house for Maysie and Jordan’s wedding.

  “It is, you’re right,” Vivian agreed. “It’s perfect for Jordan and Maysie.”

  The rock music came to a stop and the familiar strains of Pachelbel’s Canon replaced it.

  Jordan looked like he was going to burst. But in a good way. And then his face split into an enormous grin as he watched the love of his life make her way down the aisle, holding onto her father’s arm.

  “She looks beautiful,” Riley said softly as our best friend seemed to float towards us. Maysie was radiant in a simple white dress that fell to the ground in straight, elegant lines. The material stretched over her very prominent belly and she wore a ring of flowers in her hair.

  I sniffled and discreetly wiped away my tears.

  “Here,” Vivian whispered, handing me a tissue.

  I glanced over at Mitch and wasn’t surprised to find him watching me. His eyes were soft and filled with so much love. And it was all for me.

  One day, I knew that this was going to be us. I would be in white and he would be waiting for me at the end of an aisle with a smile on his face.

  We’d have the white picket fence with the dog and the kids.

  There wasn’t any question.

  Our future was an absolute.

  Maysie finally reached Jordan, and her dad gave her a kiss on the cheek. I was glad that he and Maysie’s mother had come. They had warmed considerably when they learned they were going to be grandparents. I hoped, for Maysie’s sake, that they learned how to be decent parents and grandparents.

  Jordan, not standing on tradition, took Maysie’s hands and pulled her close. Then he kissed her. Long. Hard. Maybe a little inappropriate for the occasion. I was pretty sure I saw some tongue.

  There were a lot of catcalls from our friends and family and finally the minister cleared his throat. “We haven’t gotten to that part yet,” he said with an indulgent smile at the couple.

rdan pulled away and suddenly dropped to his knees, his hands on Maysie’s stomach. “I love you and your mom so much. I’ll be the best husband and daddy I can possibly be,” he said tenderly, kissing her belly before rising to his feet again.

  After that, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. I gave up on trying to hold in my tears and blubbered with the rest of them.

  I met Mitch’s eyes again and saw that his too were wet.

  “I love you,” he mouthed.

  I placed my hand over my heart and smiled. Mitch knew. My heart was his.

  I watched my best friends get married and it was bittersweet. Because this weekend, after Maysie’s wedding, Mitch and I were leaving Bakersville, Virginia and were moving half way across the country.

  I had gotten a job as a content writer for a fashion magazine based in Houston, Texas. Mitch and I had flown there last month and found a small apartment in the ’burbs. Mitch had secured a few interviews with guitar manufacturers and custom shops for next week. Everything had fallen into place with an ease that surprised me.

  When I had brought up the possibility of leaving Bakersville, Mitch hadn’t hesitated for a minute.

  “Where you go, I go. If you want to move to the fucking moon, I’ll follow you happily. We’re on this road together, Gracie. You and me. Always.”

  After the reception we had to head back to my apartment and finish packing. Then we had to load the U-Haul so that we could leave in the morning.

  We were leaving. It was our next chapter.

  One that we were writing together.

  After the minister pronounced Jordan and Maysie man and wife there was a loud cheer and everyone was on their feet, rushing towards the newly married couple.

  There were a lot of tears and even more laughter.

  This was the last time all of us would be together for a while. Not until Vivian and Cole’s wedding in a few months.

  We were scattering in all directions. But the eight of us would always be connected.

  Maysie, Vivian, Riley, and me wrapped our arms around each other while the guys punched each other, or whatever they did as a way of saying congratulations.

  “You did it, Mays,” I said through my tears.

  “We all did it,” Maysie sniffled.

  “Who would have thought we’d all end up here?” Vivian mused.

  “I’m just glad that we ended up here together,” Riley said. Maysie kissed her cheek, leaving behind a smear of lipstick.

  “I love you girls,” Maysie murmured.

  “We love you too.” I reached out put a hand on her belly. “And I, for one, can’t wait to spoil this little girl rotten.”

  Maysie gave me a wobbly smile. “You’ll be the best auntie ever.”

  “Okay ladies. I’m stealing my wife now.” Jordan broke up the lovefest and pulled Maysie away.

  People instantly swarmed them. Jordan’s parents spoke with Maysie’s mom and dad. Moore hugged Maysie and Paco slapped Jordan’s ass. Dina was snotting away and Jaz put a comforting arm around her shoulders. I saw Eli approach Maysie and Jordan, offering congratulations. Maysie gave him a hug and Jordan shook his hand.

  Oh, how times had changed.

  “You look beautiful.” Mitch’s arm slid around my waist and I felt his warm breath on my cheek.

  “I don’t know whether to be overjoyed or completely depressed,” I told him honestly, leaning my head against his shoulder. His hand softly rubbed my back in long, even strokes.

  “I’m happy for Maysie and Jordan. I’m happy for Riley and Garrett. And Vivian and Cole. But I’m sad too. Because we’re all splitting up,” I sighed and wiped my eyes again. Stupid tears.

  Mitch kissed the top of my head and started to lead me towards the house. I could see caterers setting up tables and chairs in the yard. Large speakers were being brought out of the house and were now playing a compilation of Generation Rejects’ songs.

  “I think you can feel both, G. You can be happy for everyone, but you can be sad too. Change is hard. Growing up is even harder. But just because we won’t all be together doesn’t mean we will lose that connection. It’ll always be there.”

  The music changed and a familiar Rejects’ tune pumped out of the speakers. Mitch hummed under his breath and I looked up at him, noting the wistful expression on his face.

  “Do you ever wonder if you guys made the right decision? Do you regret it?”

  Mitch’s face softened and he leaned down to kiss me gently. “No. I don’t regret it for a second. Music will always be a part of my life. I miss playing with the guys, but I don’t miss the drama and being on the road.” He kissed me gently. “Or being away from you. That was always the worst part.”

  “Well you’re stuck with me now,” I teased.

  “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Then we were really kissing. The sort of kissing that makes breathing difficult and knees wobbly.

  “Stop chewing her face off, Mitch.”

  We broke apart to find his sister, Charlotte, holding her little girl in her arms. She gave us a knowing smile and I flushed a bit in embarrassment.

  “Hey, sis, thanks for cock blocking me. We should make you a T-shirt that says Bad Timing,” Mitch muttered.

  “You’re so incredibly charming. How do you handle his sparkling personality all the time, Gracie?” Charlotte snickered and I laughed at their squabbling.

  I held out my arms. “Let me have some Maddy cuddles,” I cooed, taking the sweet little girl into my arms. I balanced her on my hip and grinned when the toddler started playing with my necklace. I didn’t bat an eyelash when she put the charm in her mouth and started sucking.

  “You do that really well, Gracie. If you two need any practice before you start popping out kids of your own, I rent Maddy out by the hour,” Charlotte offered.

  “We’ll take you up on that when you come down to Houston for a visit,” I said and Mitch groaned.

  “You invited my sister to visit? Without asking me first?” he complained without a hint of maliciousness.

  Charlotte kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. Mitch swatted her hand away but gave her a big grin. I loved their dynamic. And I appreciated how effortlessly his family had always accepted me.

  I had been nervous after we got together. I worried that they would think less of me considering how quickly we started dating on the heels of his relationship with Sophie. But Mrs. Abrams had invited me into her home, made me homemade lasagna, and told me how glad she was to see her son so happy.

  Their warmth made my parents’ ongoing chill easier to tolerate. My father was trying, but Mom still had a long way to go before she became mother of the year. When I told them that Mitch and I were moving to Houston, she had refused to speak to me for weeks. She was only now coming around.

  Hopefully some distance would do wonders for our relationship. Twelve hundred miles between us may be exactly what we needed.

  “Let me have the rugrat back and the two of you need to go be social. Mom is over there fussing over Maysie, so you may want to intervene soon,” Charlotte suggested.

  “Will do, sis,” Mitch said.

  I reluctantly handed Maddy back to her mom.

  Once we were alone again, Mitch gave me a sweet smile. “You were awfully comfortable with my niece in your arms, weren’t you?”

  “I like kids,” I shrugged.

  “I think I would especially like kids that look a little like you and a little like me,” Mitch said softly into my ear.

  I smacked his chest lightly. “One thing at a time, buddy.” But I couldn’t help feeling warm all over.

  “Mitch! Gracie! Come on!” Vivian yelled, waving us over.

  “I love you, Gracie,” Mitch said.

  “I love you, Mitch.”

  We held each other for a moment before joining our friends.

  We had come a long way to get to this point.

  We had gone from friends to enemies. From lovers to nothing at all.

  But most importan
tly, we had always been Mitch and Gracie.

  Gracie and Mitch.

  And together we were sort of perfect.

  “When I say Chunky Monkey, we’re out of here,” Mitch said with a smile.

  “And I’ll ride to your rescue,” I promised.

  Mitch’s eyes were full of love as he held me close.

  This was our chance. The one we had been waiting years for. And we were determined to do it right.

  Mitch kissed the corner of my mouth, his lips lingering.

  “You already have.”

  Read other books by A. Meredith Walters

  This is for you.

  Yes you.

  The readers who loved Bad Rep. The ones who followed along with these stories.

  This series was my love letter to YOU!

  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for supporting and enjoying these books.

  It’s been a hell of a ride.

  A.Meredith Walters is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Bad Rep, Find You in the Dark, Reclaiming the Sand, and Twisted Love series, as well as the stand alones The Contradiction of Solitude and Butterfly Dreams.

  Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked as a counselor for troubled and abused children and teens. The Virginia native currently lives in England with her husband and daughter. Join her on the web at

  All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without express permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service trademarks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked owners of all products referenced in this work of fiction.


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