The Adorkable Girl and the Geek (Gone Geek 5)

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The Adorkable Girl and the Geek (Gone Geek 5) Page 9

by Sidney Bristol

  “Easy, shortcake. Look at me?”

  Her lashes fluttered and she stared up at him, the longing in her eyes answering his.

  “That’s it,” he whispered.

  He flexed his hips, her arousal making the penetration easy. Her mouth opened on a long, low moan.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  His vision blurred a bit. She was so damn wet, her body fitting around his perfectly. As though they were made for each other. Like this was always meant to be.

  Mushy thoughts like that were going to make his dick to limp.

  Another little thrust—and there—he was all the way in.

  He levered down, kissing her mouth while her pussy tightened around him. Her body was still so sensitive from orgasm. This wasn’t going to be the slow lovemaking he’d envisioned. He needed her. Like this. Now.

  Nate reached up, grasping her hands in his, twining their fingers together. He kissed her mouth, and knew he was a lucky son of a bitch.

  Cara loved him.

  He loved her.

  She wasn’t running from him, from what he wanted and she felt. There was hope. If he could just brand every one of her cells, make her remember him, this, when she left.

  He pushed up to his elbows, and rolled his hips. She gasped, chanting his name again.

  Nate was going to make her scream.

  He forced her legs open wider and pulled out. She whimpered, digging her heels in. He held out a moment longer, then thrust. She stared up at him, her pupils dilated, eyes sightless with pleasure.

  That’s it.

  He pumped in and out, her heels driving him on, her lips chanting his name. Never in his life had he imagined this moment would become reality. That Cara would lose her inhibitions and want him as much as he wanted her. He wasn’t alone in his desire. The way her body reacted to his was proof of that.

  One of her hands came free from the satin. She wrapped her arm around his waist, her nails digging into his skin. He drove into her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

  He felt her body go tense, the slight arch of her spine, the bite of her nails and the whoosh of breath into her lungs. And then—she called his name. Loud. Heels driving into his ass, her hips pumping, pussy tightening.

  Her orgasm caught him completely unaware. He thrust, his motions automatic, driven by need. This—between them—it wasn’t just an orgasm. It went deeper than ejaculating or lust. It was as if part of him reached out and touched her soul, finding a part of himself—that was her.

  Nate buried his face into her hair, squeezing his eyes shut.

  Sex with Cara changed things. Him. There was no way they could go back. He couldn’t just be friends with her, and he couldn’t be without her. What if she didn’t feel the same? What if...she left and never looked back?

  She hugged him to her, the one free hand curled over his shoulder, their bodies entwined.

  He never wanted to move.

  He wanted to live in this moment, forever.



  “I can’t breathe.”


  He shifted, easing their bodies apart, and rolled to his side. He used the satin cloth to keep her prisoner for another few moments, tugging her into his arms. She buried her face against his shoulder and held on tight.

  “Cara?” He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.


  “Look at me?”

  She peered up at him, her cheeks rosy, lips swollen. Yes, there was a touch of shyness there, but...also that sparkle of happiness.

  He unwound the satin from her wrist, stroking the skin with his fingers. She didn’t wince or glance away.

  “Was that...okay?” he asked.

  “There’s a lot the word that can refer to. I’m going to assume everything and say yes. Less talking that way.” She scooted closer, curling her arm around his waist and her head against his shoulder.

  “Okay.” Her statement didn’t ease the tension in his stomach.

  What was the next step? Where did they go from here?

  He roused her from bed long enough for to use the bathroom before he did. Unlike last night, she didn’t avoid eye contact, she looked at him, she didn’t try to cover herself in that silly onesie.

  They were growing more familiar with each other in a new, deeper way.

  What did that mean?

  He had less than twenty-four hours to figure that out and he didn’t know where to start.

  Nate slid their pizza in the oven and collected his thoughts.

  What he wanted was simple. Cara. Any way he could get her. For now. Soon enough, he’d want more of her, and that of them would have to move. He didn’t want to go back to Omaha. His work was here, but her life was there. Even if she said she didn’t have much of one, it was where she had roots. Family. Stuff that was hard to leave behind.

  The only reason Nate didn’t go home more often was because Dad had remarried. Nate’s step-mom was a great woman, with three daughters that kept their house full and lives busy. There wasn’t a place for him there anymore, except with Cara.

  “Hey, shortcake.” He pushed off the kitchen counter at the sight of her in his T-shirt and nothing else. It was a damn fine sight. “Hungry?”


  He wished he’d have trusted his gut and snagged two pizzas. If she was relaxed enough to be starving, he wanted to feed her as much as possible. Take care of her. Love her.

  They met at the sectional. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the tip of her nose, because that act never failed to make her smile.

  He couldn’t bring himself to ask the hard questions, not when she was hungry and smiling.

  They ate, polishing off the whole pizza and at least a dozen cookies between them, before he guided her back to the bedroom. He wanted to hold her for as long as possible.

  Lying in bed, Cara curled up next to him, he couldn’t shake the gnawing sense of dread.

  Relationships were hard at the best of times. But a long distance one? How would that work?

  “Nate?” Cara sighed and shifted.


  “What are...we going to do?”

  “I don’t know, Cara-bear.”

  “I wish I were staying longer.”

  His sentiments, exactly.

  He hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head before leaning back to look down at her. He needed to see her face.

  “You could, you know?” Nate wanted to kick himself. That was too vague.

  “I don’t have that much vacation time. It’s a sucky job.”

  “So, quit?”

  “I can’t quit. I need a job so I can...maybe come back and see you?”

  “Cara?” He smoothed her hand out over his heart. He had to put it all out there, because this thing with her mattered. “You hate your job. You hate living with your parents. So...why go back? Why should you go back to that?”

  “I don’t know...”

  “Do you like that pillow?”

  She blinked at him, then glanced at the fluffy white pillow under her head. He’d bought them before her visit, because the ones he’d had were years old and...he hadn’t wanted anyone else to touch them.

  “Yeah, it’s nice,” she said.

  “Then it’s yours.” He flicked his fingers at the nightstand on the other side of the bed. “That one’s empty. My clothes don’t even fill up half the closet. If you want a place, you’ve got it. If you want to move here, give this a try, then welcome home.”

  Cara stared at him, and he stared right back.

  Yes, this was crazy and a bit rash, but if it meant having her in his life, he’d make it work. Figure things out.

  “I love you, Cara-bear.”

  “A-are you serious, Nate?”

  “I thought we covered that already.”

  “No, I mean, about me living here?”

  “Yeah. I am. We’ve both wanted to be together fo
r so long, why not start now? We’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”

  “I don’t have any money. My credit is crap. I—”

  “Shortcake?” He kissed her lips, her nose, her forehead. “Doesn’t matter. I got this.”

  She buried her face against his chest and hugged him.

  “What do you say?” he whispered.

  “I love you, Nate. I want to be with you, too.”

  In a million years, he’d never imagine this reality. Holding Cara. Loving her. This adorkable girl that he couldn’t shake, and all she needed to do was say yes...

  “Is that a yes?” he asked.

  “Yes, Nate. Yes.”


  Cara didn’t want to move off the sofa. She was so full she was going to pop. Breakfast and lunch in the same day? This had to be some sort of record. Most days, she could only muster enough interest for two meals. The way Nate was talking, they were going to have three more meals today alone, and they’d pretty much slept half the day away already.

  So why did she think she needed to get off the sofa anyway?

  There’d been a reason...



  Figuring out her life.

  “You look like you need a nap.” Nate chuckled and leaned over her.

  “I might. Someone was chatty last night.” She poked his arm and smiled. “I need to call and move my flight.”

  “Shit. Right.” Nate pushed to his feet and went in search of her phone.

  To her knowledge, his was still in the top drawer of the dresser, which she appreciated. Nate returned with her purse and phone.

  “How’s this going to work?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  Cara sat up and stared at the coffee table. It was fine and all to talk about what they wanted last night, but today needed an action plan. There were logistics and realities to figure out.

  “Like, when am I moving the flight to? What am I going to do while you’re working? What am I going to do about money? Insurance? Crappy adult stuff.” She grabbed her pillow and hugged it to her chest. They’d jumped into this without thinking things through, and now it had to be done.

  “I...don’t know.” Nate sat down next to her and perched his elbows on his knees.

  She hated this whole mess. How her life seemed to flounder from point to point.

  “Well, what if you stay for a week? That’ll give us time to sort everything else out, make plans, decide what we want to do. I’ll pay for the transfer.”

  “I don’t want you to.”

  “Cara.” Nate stared at her.

  “What? I don’t want you to have to take care of me because I’m sad and pathetic and can’t do it myself.”

  “You can. You’ve just had a bad run of luck.” He wrapped his hand around hers.

  “What am I going to do while you’re working? For groceries? That sort of stuff.” Here she was, doing it again. Leaping into something with no idea how to proceed.

  “Well, it’s January. Most places are still getting everyone back from the holidays. With tax season coming up, I bet there are lots of places in need of an experienced accountant. You should take a break for now. Relax. Think about what you really want to do. I know you got your number-crunching degree, but it’s clearly not making you happy. So...what would?”

  Cara shrugged. She didn’t know the answer to that. Years ago, she’d had other ideas. An actual plan for her life. Now, she hardly knew herself.

  “Not that you’re asking me,” Nate squeezed her hand, “but you should think about doing something creative. Just for a while. You used to draw, paint and sew. You were always doing some new craft project.”

  “I miss sewing.”

  “Do that for a week. I bet I can borrow a sewing machine. You might have to do it in the bedroom, so it’s quiet in my studio, but you could still do it.”

  Cara leaned back. He made it sound so easy. Simple. It couldn’t be, could it?

  “Look, Cara, in my line of work, I have windfall months and drought months. I just finished the biggest paying run I’ve ever had. I’m flush. I’m not rich, but I can support us for a while. Let me? Please?”


  “Because...I want you to be here. I want to keep getting to see you.”

  “Me, too. I guess...I worry that you’re going to resent me.”

  “Think of this as payback, with interest.”

  “For what?” She scrunched up her nose, trying to remember a time she’d ever had money to lend to Nate.

  “For all the tutoring you did. Taking care of me when I hurt my knee.”

  “That’s what friends do,” she blurted.

  “And friends take care of each other.”

  She frowned. They’d always been friends. She wanted to be more than friends with Nate. Wasn’t that a big part of why they were discussing her staying?

  “What is it, Cara-bear?” Nate nudged her leg with their joined hands.

  “Are we just friends?”

  “No. I don’t think we have been for a long time.”

  That sounded about right. She didn’t call and talk or share with her other friends like she did with Nate. What they had was different.

  “So...we’re temporarily living together?” She didn’t know how her mother was going to react to that, but it likely wouldn’t be good.

  “Yeah.” Nate shrugged.

  It wasn’t enough. She needed...more. But how did she ask that question? Just come out and ask? What would a smarter, sexy woman do in her shoes?

  Cara had no idea because that wasn’t her.

  “What do I call us? Like, if Mom asks, what do I tell her?”

  “What do you want to call us?”

  Cara lifted her shoulders and held up her free hand.

  Nate watched her for a moment, showing none of the same consternation she felt over their predicament.

  “Cara...I don’t care what you want to call this. I’m all in. There is no one else I want to be with, share my apartment with, or go to bed with. So, whatever that makes us, I’m cool with.”

  “Oh. Okay. So...we’re...datingish? But without dates.”

  “We can date. We can be boyfriend-girlfriend. Whatever.”

  “I like that.”

  “What? Me being your boyfriend?”


  “Okay, then I’m your boyfriend.” He grinned and leaned toward her.

  She knew that smile. What it meant.

  Her heart rate kicked up and she froze, watching his face inch closer, his smile widening.

  Nate teased her bottom lip with his. She remained stuck to the spot, holding her breath, waiting to see what he’d do.

  “Kiss me, Cara.”

  She mimicked what he did, exploring his lips, his mouth.

  He shook his hand from hers and pressed her back, until she lay on the couch, him on top of her.

  She knew where this was going. Clearly being with Nate meant a lot more sex than any other relationship in her life. She couldn’t find fault with that, not when he kissed her like this.

  Her body heated, and not from a blush. She’d foregone her bra, so now all she felt was his chest against hers through the thin fabric of their shirts. He found her nipple with this finger and teased her. She bucked her hips, the needy fire of desire spurring her on.

  The front door shook under the weight of a heavy knock, knock, knock.

  “Yo, anyone home?” a familiar voice beckoned.

  Nate lifted his head, glaring at the door and muttering curses.

  “What is Josh doing here?” She was whining, but could anyone really blame her?

  “Probably came to say goodbye, shit.” Nate pushed up, off her.

  Cara glanced down at herself, still only wearing his shirt. She squeaked and scrambled off the sofa, dashing into the bedroom.

  First, clothes, then she had to call the airline. After that, she’d see what Josh wanted.

  She found her bra and a chang
e of clothes. One thing down, she shut herself in Nate’s closet and made a call to the airline. Fifteen minutes later, she didn’t have any further excuses to keep herself shut up in the nearly-empty closet. Her body was still sensitive, even the silence rubbing her raw, but at least one thing was under control.

  For the next week, she was living with Nate.

  It was a surreal decision, something she’d thought about, maybe dreamed a couple of times, but had never guessed it could be a reality. He was her...boyfriend. And now...were they telling people? What was Josh going to think? Would he care?

  She left her phone on the dresser, pushed her shoulders back and walked out of the bedroom.

  Nate and Josh were seated on the sectional, talking.

  “Hey, Cara. Nate says you’re staying a little longer?” Josh smiled at her.

  “Yeah.” She remained standing, hands clasped together.

  “Cool. More time to hang out.” Josh glanced at his phone. “Bryan should be by any minute. We were coming over to surprise you, but I guess we’re the ones getting a surprise.”

  Surprise her?

  She glanced at the clock hanging in the kitchen.

  But...if she were flying home, Nate would have dropped her off an hour ago. That didn’t make any sense. Or perhaps she was confused?

  Another knock at the door, and this time Josh jumped to his feet.

  “That’s probably Bryan. I’ll get it.”

  She glanced at Nate in time to see him drop the smiling, guy routine, now that Josh’s back was to them.

  What was up with her friends?

  Nate was going to get a tension headache if he didn’t stop clenching his jaw. He’d been biting his tongue ever since Josh knocked on the door and said they needed to talk. And now, Nate had his two best friends lying to his girlfriend’s face. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites. He wanted to knock Josh and Bryan’s skulls together. They hadn’t even bothered to text or call Cara to tell her bye. He wasn’t stupid, and from Cara’s expression earlier, neither was she.

  They never intended to surprise her. This was all a bunch of bullshit.

  Cara, Josh and Bryan were all aware of the lie, and yet everyone had simply swept it under the rug and went on like nothing was wrong. Well, Nate wasn’t okay with it. Not in the least.


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