On the Flights

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On the Flights Page 16

by Ellen Hutton

  I closed the distance between us and he pushed the door open without turning back. And then he turned to go in. I looked back, remembering that Nate was somewhere around. I immediately felt Kyle’s hand on mine.

  “Forget about him. Forget about it all. Forget it ever existed. Tonight is yours to do whatever you want… whatever we want” he whispered to me.

  Before I knew it, we were completely inside and the door closed.

  He rushed to me and kissed me. I responded in the heat of the moment and my hands moved to get him naked. In no time, all his clothes were on the floor. He took off all of mine and gawked at my body. I smiled proudly.

  “Let’s finish this on the bed” I whispered to him.

  I turned and took it step by step, inching closer and closer to the bed. His arms were rolled across my waist, and met just below my belly button. He secured me like I was his prize. I could almost hear his heart beat... thump by thump.

  I looked back and enjoyed the sight of the neatly made bed. Images already began to form in my head of how the bed would look after the events of tonight.

  I felt his manliness just above my lower back as he clung to me like a baby who would not let his mother go. I was elated by the hardness of it. My body was ready and willing to harness all the powers it possessed.

  We fell gently to the bed. He raised his knee and ran it through my laps while kissing my neck. Soon he was on my breasts lightly squeezing them and fondling my tips. I moaned. Oh God! It felt so good.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, when I felt his fingers leaving my where they worked, and tracing their way down.

  The hard skin of his thumb grazed my belly button and sent a rippling effect through my spine, causing me to contract my toes. He stayed there for a bit, obviously noticing the effect it had on me. I gulped and my eyes shot open. His fingers had found the moistness of my feminine core. An electric charge zoomed through my veins and sent my brain back to default settings, if there ever was such. It felt like my entire body system was connected by a wire... and the fuse box rested in between my feminine lips. I held my breath, unable to understand what was going on anymore. This horniness had built up inside of me for a very long time, and now it came out all at once. Erupting in one swift moment of passion as one swift finger swept through my being. He was going to make me cum the second time.

  He continued to rub my orifice. My eyes were wide open, but I saw nothing... Only the slightest glint of the ceiling, and the ceiling fan, spinning slowly and steady. Heaven!

  My vision started to become clearer and I noticed him staring at me, a ghost of a smile on his face. Oh! He had stopped rubbing me. I said nothing, but my eyes begged... eager to feel the movements of his fingers once more. For me, this was serious business now. I had him right where I wanted him. I did not care about anything else in the world. I just wanted to be loved, and made love to.

  He looked over my puffy lips and grinned before going down and burying his head between my laps. I oh, oh and ah, Oh! My eyes were shut, tightly, and it took me about ten seconds to realize that I was choking him. My thighs pressed on his head, face and neck. He did not seem to mind, though... He just continued, spelling lovely words with his tongue down there.

  Then I felt a finger go in... God! He put it in and brought it back out slowly, while still working with his tongue. Suddenly I felt my blood pressure rising. Was I having a cardiac arrest too? It persisted. My legs pressed harder on him, and then it developed a mind of its own and enveloped him in a bow, pushing his head deeper into me, and barely giving his working hand any space to move. Then it happened... I moaned and groaned, and called out Kyle! I wet his face with my substance. I wet the sheets. I wet everything that was in close proximity as my body vibrated and pulsed for the second time. Almost a minute went by and I came to a sudden rest─ weakened and unable to move. My mouth was parted to support my breathing as my nose could not do it alone. My eyes were dim and the world I saw was creamy and blurry. Kyle lay down beside me and kissed my forehead, and then my lips. He put his hand over my body and the sweet melody if sleep took us.

  For the first time in a long time, I experienced the sweetness of beautiful dreams… and I was beside the man I loved.

  Bonus Story: Doctor in The West

  Angie is a young doctor with great ambition before she is shipped off to Greendale to do her internship. Everything about the town is strange to her, from the over friendly people to the sexy cowboy who hits on her. Her focus is on spending her time and moving along but cupid has a different plan in store for her and the more she gets to know Kyle Westwood, billionaire of Greendale the more she falls in love with him. However, Kyle has a reputation to be the town’s heartbreaker and this worries Angie a great deal, especially with the different warnings that come her way and the drama that is Kyle Westwood only sounds the more enticing by the minute.

  Chapter 1


  I sat up in my seat after what seemed to be the longest train ride of my life. I instinctively rubbed my eyes before drawing in a deep breath and taking in my environs, the train had finally come to a halt in a land I had never set foot on and with it came a barrage of questions in my head. Everyone was getting on their feet and it felt like the right thing to do as well, with my handbag swinging on my shoulder and my suitcase dragging its wheels behind me, I stepped out of the train and the hot humid air of the west could not be missed. One of the train attendants gave me a wide smile as I stood there looking confused.

  “Welcome to Greendale town ma’am, first time here?”

  “Was I that obvious?”

  “A little,” she answered with a sweet smile before being kind enough to interrogate me some more, “Do you have someone picking you up?”


  “Well, where are you headed?”

  “Greendale memorial Hospital,” I announced proudly. Somehow it was important for me to let her know that I was a doctor now. I may have just cleared my finals and was there for my residency but that still made me a doctor. However stating my destination didn’t seem to give her the hint and I let it slide, from the looks of the small town it was simply a matter of time before everyone knew a young female doctor was in town.

  “You will have to take a cab,” she answered before pointing me to a number of small yellow cars with the drivers eagerly waiting on clients. I thanked her before dragging my suitcase on the train marble floor and walking towards the taxis.

  “Hello ma’am, where are you headed?”

  “Green Dale Memorial Hospital,” I answered before allowing him to take my bags and shoving it in his trunk. Everyone in this town seemed polite, nothing compared to the busy New York City where I was from. I hurled my weight into the backseat and waited for him to drive off.

  “You are not from around here are you?”

  “No,” I answered.

  “Are you visiting family, here on vacation?”

  His questions seemed a bit intrusive but I didn’t mind, I had been silent during the entire ride and talking to someone was a bit refreshing.

  “No, working.”


  “Yes,” I answered and made eye contact with his curious eyes that searched mine through the rearview mirror, “I am doing my residency at Greendale Memorial.”

  I had to elaborate further when he raised his eyebrows a clear indication that he did not quite understand my words.

  “I am here on internship as a doctor,” I explained.

  “We don’t get much female doctors around here ma’am,” he answered obviously impressed, “You must be one of those girls who was always studying and never got to enjoy life.”

  His words were sad but right on point, my mind raced back to the many nights I had stayed up all night studying while everyone else went out partying. I blamed my anti-social life on medicine but deep down I knew for a fact that was who I was. I loved my own space, I loved being by myself and was a bit o
f a loner.

  “Maybe,” I answered knowing my response would spark a lot of interest from him and lucky for me it did. He went on to talk about the town, how everyone knew everyone and how I should enjoy the music and the best place to have a beer. His conversation finally ended when I arrived at my destination. He took my suitcase out of his trunk, made sure I was comfortable before accepting any dues. Once he drove a way, a wave of loneliness coursed through me, I had known the guy for only ten minutes but was already feeling attached. It must have been the nerves of settling into a new place that got me anxious. I went on to drug my suitcase towards the reception where a young woman in her mid thirties smiled up at me once I greeted her.

  “Well good afternoon to you young lady, whatever can I do for you?”

  “My name is Angie Wilson,” I introduced myself hoping I sounded polite, “I am here to do my residency.”

  “We have been expecting you,” she answered and quickly got to her feet with a noticeable excitement on her face, “I am Jane, or you can call me nurse Jane, everyone calls me nurse Jane.”

  “It’s nice to meet you nurse Jane,” I answered before shaking her outstretched hand.

  “Aren’t you the prettiest little thing,” she answered before taking in my appearance, “Leave your suitcase right there and follow me.”

  I did as she asked and as I walked with her through the hallway I got a really good look of the entire hospital and was very impressed. I had not expected the place to be as huge and offering as many facilities as it did. It was not as busy as the hospital back in New York but it was certainly going to keep me on my feet. I followed Nurse Jane to the very end of a hallway where we took a flight of stairs to the first floor and walked along another hallway to a door on the far left.

  “Doctor Freeman,” she called out after knocking gently on the wooden door.

  “Yes Jane.”

  “Angie Wilson is here,” she let out with the same excited ton she had used on me only minutes earlier,” The intern from new York.”

  “Hello Angie, welcome.”

  “Hi.” Was all I could simply say before shaking Dr. Freeman’s hand. He looked a little too young to be the MD but I kept my observation to myself.

  “Welcome to Greendale, did you have a safe trip?”

  “I did.”

  “Good,” he answered before ushering me towards an empty seat. Jane walked right out after is at down and left me and the good doctor in his office to discuss my new fate.

  I could tell from his office décor he was a simple man with simple taste. He had a picture of his family set on his office table and one of him holding a hunting rifle in one hand with cowboy boots and a hat on.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little,” I admitted before crossing one leg over the other and maintaining eye contact with him, he had a welcoming demeanor and with the tone of his voice I already felt welcomed.

  “No need to be,” he answered before pointing at a picture on his wall, one I hadn’t yet noticed, “We are like family here at Greendale.”

  The photo was of him and his staff all in lab coats and nurses uniform, I spotted nurse Jane in the centre of it and smiled.

  “How long will you be here for Angie?”

  “About six months.”

  “Splendid,” he answered, “Have you thought of what you would later want to specialize in?”

  “I am still weighing my options in obstetrics and pediatrics.”

  “Well, we are in need of more pediatricians here in Greendale.”

  I winced from his comment; there was no way in hell I wanted to set camp at Greendale. I had big dreams, I was going to finish my residency and fly over to LA, there I would work with celebrities and other billionaires that was where the big money was.

  “We offer boarding facilities at the hospital grounds,” he went on and didn’t notice the discomfort his words had impacted, “Let me get someone to help you with your bags and show you where you will be staying. After you are well settled in, I will ask Nurse Jane to give you a tour and you can start work tomorrow morning bright and early.”

  “Thank you sir,” I answered and got to my feet after he made a call to a Patrick who I later discovered was the grounds man. I let myself out and walked back to the reception where Nurse Jane was attending to a few patients. Patrick was flirting with one of the young nurses when I arrived and he lifted his cowboy hat as soon as he saw me.

  “Howdy ma’am,” he greeted with clear lust in his eyes.

  “Hello,” I answered hoping he would not take any offence to my none western response, “Patrick, right?”

  “One and only, I am sure you have had a few stories about me. Everyone knows me, even the Sherriff knows me.”

  “The Sherriff knows everyone Patrick,” Nurse Jane interrupted with a sarcastic sneer, “Do not mind him Angie, he is one hell of a show off that is who he is.”

  I smiled and thought of his gesture as rather sweet and let him help me with my suitcase. He told me stories about Greendale none of which I paid any attention to as he walked ahead of me and away from the hospital. We walked on to different sets of flats that were still in the hospital grounds and he directed me to one of the houses on the second floor. He unlocked the door with a key from his huge key set and allowed me to walk in before me as he trailed after with my suitcase.

  “Welcome to Greendale ma’am,” he announced, “The hot water should be running in case you would like to soak your bones in the bathtub.”

  Something about his statement had a pervasive ring to it but I didn’t dwell much on it, he took out my key from the set and handed it to me. The rest of the doors in the house already had keys hanging on the knob.

  “I will hang on to the spare key,” he answered with a wink, “You know if you ever have any emergency or would maybe require the company of a gentleman.”

  I chuckled at his boldness and accepted my key, he was almost hilarious and was more than glad when he left me to my space. The house was quite cozy but was spacious at the same time, I walked over to the kitchen and realized I would have to do some grocery shopping even though I had fed on noodles and pizza in all of my years in med school. I flipped through the TV stations and noticed most of the content bordered on cowboys and country music. Greendale was definitely a very new experience for me.

  I took up Patrick’s advice next and decided to soak in the bathtub, the fatigue from the train ride was weighing me down and after a good rub, I fell asleep on the gigantic bed, hugging myself in a tight embrace. I couldn’t wait for my time to be up in Greendale and move on to greater and bigger heights.


  The weather was perfect for going horse riding and after having a rough day arguing with my father and brothers, I decided to jump on the back of a stallion and head on out. My therapist had advised me to ride more, swim more, dance more, in short she wanted me to look for more stress reliving outlets. I rarely took anyone’s advice seriously but after being admitted with high blood pressure only weeks before I decided to cave. I decided to dress the part, stripped off my suit and wore my cowboy boots with of course my cowboy hat. My reflection was that of a stunning man who looked like he owned the world and to the ordinary eye, the assumption was true. Kyle Westwood well bred young man born and raised in the west with a masters degree in Business Administration and several years of managing the families’ oil wells.

  We were rich, there was no doubt in the world about that. The Westwoods were known for their relentless work ethic and drive when it came to business. We owned several ranches in Greendale and in the State not to mention Oil wells all over the world. But that was not the part of my life that was out of place, amidst the riches and wealth I felt empty and to some point lonely. This was not something I often told anyone, if I did I would be considered as weak. I could not have that, not with the reputation I had built over the years in Greendale. I didn’t pride myself as being a Casanova but I was, ther
e was no girl I had met who interested me and this made the mothers of Greendale scared. They sung warnings to their daughters about me but none of them listened; they all wanted a piece of the Westwood glory even if it was just for a night.

  I stilled my stallion as I took in my surroundings wondering where to ride off to. The evening sunset was nothing short of spectacular and helped me make up my mind on my intended bearings. Soft wind blew past my face as I rode on and indulged in the activity, as much as I hated to admit it my therapist was right, there was nothing as relaxing as riding off into the sunset after a stress filled day. My thoughts raced back to my day and I immediately thought about the oil wells I wanted to venture into in Nigeria. I had heard stories about the wells and how competitive it was to land them but there was nothing money couldn’t buy, all I needed to do was make the highest bid.

  The ride had taken up my entire being that I didn’t notice the cute brunette running along the tracks and from the speed at which she was moving she didn’t see me as well. I slowed down my horse almost immediately and made a halt right in front of her giving her a lovely scare.

  “Howdy,” I said and tipped my hat slightly while still on my horse.

  Shock was still cemented on her face and her hands perched on her tiny waist, her brow was arched in anger and her scarlet cheeks got me really excited.

  “Would you please watch where you’re going sir? You almost knocked me down with your horse.”


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