Breaking in the New Guy

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by JC Holly

  Breaking in the New Guy

  After a messy breakup with a cheating boyfriend, Luke Clarke decides to do something he hasn't been able to do for a long time—let his hair down and have some sleazy fun in the restroom of a gay club. Days later, his friend sets him up with one of her other friends, Brandon Main. Luke is reluctant at first, thinking it too soon, but they eventually meet and both men are surprised to find that they already met, back in that restroom. Despite the odd start, a relationship soon blossoms.

  But Luke’s ex isn’t through with the relationship. He wants Luke back and threatens to reveals Luke’s biggest secret—the fact that he’s a shape-shifter, able to take on the form of a wolf.

  How will Luke get rid of Johnny before the man reveals his secret, and regardless of who tells him, how will Brandon react when he finds out that the man he’s falling for isn’t entirely human?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 32,941 words


  JC Holly



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by JC Holly

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-423-5

  First E-book Publication: August 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For my love.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Luke slammed the door shut behind his newly dumped boyfriend, cutting him off mid-speech.

  “I don’t give a damn,” Luke said through three inches of wood. “Come here again and you’ll leave through the window.”

  If there was one thing Luke hated, it was a cheater. There was no excuse for it. If Johnny had been that unhappy in the relationship, he should have said. Maybe they could have worked it out or at least split amiably. Instead Luke was left no option but to be the bad guy and throw Johnny out of the house at eight in the damn evening. Let his new fuck-buddy take care of him.

  He flipped the deadbolt on the door then moved back to the sofa, where everything had come out. Johnny had gone to the bathroom, and had gotten a text. Luke had picked it up, read the message, then noticed several other older messages from the same number, including several photos.

  That phone now lay in pieces on the coffee table, having been crushed in Luke’s grip when he realized how stupid he had been.

  “So much for getting some action tonight.”

  He laughed bitterly and shook his head. He’d just broken up with a man he’d lived with for six months, and all he could think about was how horny he was. Still, that was how shifters were. Get ’em riled up and all they care about is fighting and fucking. The fight was over, and now he wanted to fuck.

  He flipped on the TV instead. A news article was halfway finished. Something about a rise in fiscal something or other. He flipped the channel and found an old British sitcom. It was better than nothing, he decided, and slouched back on the chair.

  As he’d expected, as soon as he was comfortable and his mind had begun to wander from the whole “I’m single again” topic, his phone rang. The number was unfamiliar, but he answered and took a random stab in the dark.


  There was a slight pause. “Uh, yeah. Look, we need to talk about this.”

  “No.” Luke sighed, his attention on the TV. “We really don’t.”

  “Luke, you have to bel—”

  “You never meant to hurt me. It was a one-time thing. It meant nothing.” Luke put down the remote before it resembled Johnny’s phone. “Look. We hadn’t been happy for a while. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. If you hadn’t gone and been a cowardly prick and cheated, we would have broken up anyway.”

  He wasn’t lying, either. For the last couple of weeks he’d been thinking about it. In the quiet moments before he fell asleep, in the shower, on drives to work. Johnny had almost done him a favor. That doesn’t mean I forgive him, though.

  “I’ll have your stuff bagged up tomorrow morning, and I’ll try and salvage the memory card from your cell. You can collect it while I’m at work.” Johnny started to reply, but Luke spoke over him. “Leave the key once you’re done.”

  He hung up the call, then stood and walked to the phone cradle and disconnected the line. No more ta
lking. He eyed the couch and TV.

  “Don’t want to sulk, either,” he muttered.

  He could go out. It wasn’t too late yet. Maybe get a coffee and drive around town for a while. Hell, if he wanted to he could head to a bar. Now that he was once again single, he could even get laid.

  His crotch agreed with the last idea. He’d been hoping for a little fun with Johnny a few hours ago, and he was still in the same mood, despite what had happened. He scratched at his stubble. Drinking wasn’t a good idea, though.

  He smiled as an idea formed. Something he hadn’t done in a long time that would help clear Johnny from his mind. And he knew just the place to get what he needed.

  * * * *

  To say that the terribly named Manzone was a little seedy was like saying the Atlantic Ocean was a little wet. The place was the epitome of sleaze. Torn leather on the seats, watered-down whiskey in the glasses, and music so loud that it hurt Luke’s sensitive hearing from the street. The bouncer outside, beneath the tacky green neon sign, seemed to barely care who he was letting in and waved Luke past without a second glance.

  He handed the bored-looking coat check guy his jacket and headed straight for the bar. He hadn’t been inside in years, but some things never changed. He ordered a whiskey—his only for the night—then turned to face the dance floor.

  Back when he’d last visited, men only visited Manzone for two reasons—cheap booze and cock. Judging by the looks he was getting from guys, nothing had changed. Once he’d made sure more than a few guys were paying attention, he stood and walked to the bathroom.

  Surprisingly, the bathroom was the cleanest place in the club. The management must have known that most business was done in there, and put the effort in to make it presentable. Luke glanced into one of the large mirrors fixed above the sinks, then stepped into a stall and waited.

  It took only a few minutes for the door to the club to swing open once more. Footsteps told Luke that the guy was alone. The steps paused for a moment in front of Luke’s stall, then moved to the one over. He clenched his fists against a sudden bout of nerves, then counted to ten and placed two fingers in the circular hole in the partition between the two stalls. He withdrew them again and waited. A moment later the man put his own finger through the gloryhole, beckoning with it.

  Luke unzipped his pants and dropped his boxers, then moved to the hole, and after pausing to slip on a condom, pushed his hardening cock through. There was an almost inaudible mutter of “whoa.” Luke allowed himself a smug smile. It’s not like the guy could see it.

  “I was born lucky,” he murmured, just loud enough.

  Luke stiffened for a moment as the guy ran a fingertip along his cock, tracing the length.

  “And it looks like I just got lucky,” the man replied.

  His voice was almost melodic, with a trace of an accent that Luke couldn’t quite place. He almost asked before stopping himself. Gloryholes aren’t for conversations.

  Soft lips met Luke’s cockhead and all thoughts left his head. The man started slow, moving slowly back and forth on the first few inches of the shaft, while teasing the cockhead with his tongue. Luke let out a steady breath and allowed himself to relax as the stranger went to work. Whoever he was, he certainly knew what he was doing, using his hand to massage Luke’s balls at the same time.

  “Fuck,” he moaned before he could stop himself.

  It had been a long time since he’d done anything like this. He had thought his wild days were far behind him, but the way his heart beat at what was happening told him maybe that wasn’t the case.

  On the other side, he wished he was at least in the same stall as the stranger. Then he could hold the guy’s head as he worked, and see his eyes. It’d be even better still if he didn’t have to wear a rubber, too. After all, shifters were immune to everything on the planet. Still, better than nothing, he decided, and it certainly beat sitting at home watching TV.

  It didn’t take too long before he felt a climax nearing, and he muttered for the guy to go faster. The stranger did as he was told, practiced lips sliding up and down the shaft, speeding the orgasm along.

  “I’m coming,” Luke said.

  The guy pulled back, but instead of letting Luke finish, he gripped the cock and worked it hard with his hand. The orgasm hit and Luke slapped his hand against the partition as he came. The stranger worked him until he was entirely spent, then let go. Luke stepped back from the hole and sat down on the toilet seat, breathing heavily.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Needed that.”

  “Any time.” There was a pause, then a scribbling sound, and a card was balanced in the hole. “If you ever wanted to, uh, fuck around, call me.” Another pause. “I don’t normally do this.”

  Luke eyed the card. It was entirely blank, other than a number. He doubted he’d ever call, but he didn’t want to look rude, so he took the card and slid it into his pocket, then began to clean himself up. The stranger’s stall opened and Luke heard him pause at the sinks, then leave.

  Luke pulled out the card and almost flushed it, then shrugged and put it in his pocket. It wouldn’t be the weirdest place he’d met a guy.

  * * * *

  Brandon moved straight from the bathroom, to the club, to the club’s exit.

  Now that his brain was in control again, his heart was pounding like a drum. He’d never done anything like that before, and still couldn’t quite believe he’d gotten the nerve to follow that guy into the bathroom, much less suck his cock. And then I left my frigging number! What if he calls!

  Once outside he jogged across the road and climbed into his car. When he was in traffic on his way home, he finally began to relax.

  “Okay, so…” He let out a long breath and eyed himself in the rearview mirror. “Turns out I’m not exactly suited to sleazy liaisons in cheap bars.”

  He had to admit that it was a hell of a rush, though. Even now, in his car, driving back to his house, he was turned on by it. He’d been jerking himself at the same time as he’d been sucking the stranger, and he’d come harder than he had in a long time. The other guy certainly hadn’t had any complaints, either.

  Brandon had arrived much earlier in the evening, after psyching himself up at home for an hour, and despite several other men heading into the bathroom, some of whom were gorgeous, he’d not moved from his booth at the back of the dance floor.

  Then the stranger had come in and sat at the bar. He was so unlike Brandon’s usual type. He usually went for cute gym bunnies with swimmer’s bodies and expensive haircuts. This guy, though, was different. Tall, muscular, simple short brown hair. He looked like he ate gym bunnies for breakfast. Just watching him at the bar, Brandon had fantasized about the man bending him over the booth and taking whatever he wanted, leaving Brandon covered in…

  A stoplight ahead pulled him from his dreaming. He shook his head to clear the images and glanced at his reflection in the mirror again.

  “So yeah,” he said to himself. “I followed him, got lucky, and now I don’t know what to think.” He sighed. “Maybe I should just turn my phone off for a few days.”

  No. The whole point to the excursion was to expand his horizons. He was sick to death of dating the same guys, going to the same places, and then breaking up with them because they turned out to be assholes.

  The light changed to green and he turned the car onto his street, pulling up beside the house he rented for way more than he could afford.

  “If he calls, I answer.”

  Chapter Two

  The alarm clock told Luke that it was five in the morning, and Luke told the alarm clock to go to hell.

  Last night had been fun and had done the job of removing Johnny from his memory for a while, but the new day meant he was back to where he was. Worse, in fact, since he had to bag up all of Johnny’s crap for him to collect later. As tempted as he was to just burn it all on the lawn instead, he climbed out of bed, pulled on his bathrobe, and got to work.

  While they hadn�
��t been together too long, it was long enough that they had bought some things together, leaving Luke with the dilemma of whether to keep them for himself and look like an ass, or give them to Johnny and do without. In the end he went with the latter for everything but the new Blu-ray player. He still wanted that, damn it.

  As he went through Johnny’s clothes and possessions, he tried to distract himself with last night’s events. It had been fun, certainly, but had left him feeling weird. After he’d left the bathroom, he’d gone back into the club and stayed for a little while, but his heart wasn’t in it, despite the attention he was getting from some of the guys.

  “Too soon,” he muttered as he tossed a handful of clothing into a refuse sack.

  That was exactly it. He’d only just broken up with one guy, and was almost instantly getting head from another. It wasn’t cheating, but it still made him feel a little guilty.

  “Which is fucking dumb,” he told himself. “I’m a single man. I can do what I want to who I want.”

  That brought him back to the card on his dresser. Mystery Guy, King of the Blowjobs. He smirked as he picked up the card. Maybe he should call him. Granted, there was a chance the guy was an utter tool and not Luke’s type in any way, but there was also a slim possibility he was a nice guy.

  When he’d left the card, he’d said that he “didn’t usually do stuff like that,” and Luke got the feeling he wasn’t referring to leaving his number. Maybe he too was a guy just looking to get a quick thrill.


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