Breaking in the New Guy

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Breaking in the New Guy Page 6

by JC Holly

  “Stairs,” Luke grunted, as he tore the belt from Brandon’s pants in one swift motion. “Up.”

  Brandon did as he was told and turned for the steps. He made it up two of them before Luke came from behind, forcing him into a kneel and then pushing him forward until his forearms rested on another step.

  “Good enough,” the man said, his voice not much more than a growl.

  Brandon jumped as his pants were ripped down, exposing his ass, then tensed as Luke slapped his cheeks.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this from the minute I saw you,” Luke said.

  Brandon could only gasp as Luke’s hand gripped his hard cock, massaging him.

  “Almost as big as me,” the man said.

  The hand moved away, and Brandon heard a zipper, followed by the tearing of foil. Footsteps retreated for a moment, then Luke returned. A bottle cap flipped and suddenly slick fingers were massaging lube into his asshole. He bit his lip at the sensation. It had been a while since he’d been fucked, and even longer since he’d been fucked anywhere other than a bedroom. He knew Luke wasn’t going to be gentle.

  Hands spread his ass cheeks wide, and he couldn’t help moaning as Luke pushed his thick cock against his tight hole. If he’d felt big in Brandon’s mouth, at that moment he felt immense. Relax. He let out a long breath, then forced his muscles to ease off. Luke clearly felt it, as a moment later he began to push his way inside, and none too slowly.

  “Fuck,” Brandon said, his jaw gritted.

  Much to his surprise, Luke slowed for a moment, then asked, “Is it okay?”

  Brandon nodded. “Yes,” he hissed. “Do it. Fuck me raw.”

  In response Luke pushed harder once more, pausing only to add a little more lube. Brandon shut his eyes and focused on the mix of warm pleasure and stinging pain.

  “That’s it,” he said. “That’s how I like it.”

  “Yeah?” Luke pushed in harder, increasing in speed. “You like it hard?”

  Brandon nodded as Luke slapped his ass. “The hardest. Treat me like a slut.”

  “Oh, I can do that.”

  Hands gripped his waist and he cried out as Luke slammed his length inside him, before pulling almost all the way back out. Once he was there, he switched direction once more and slammed back into Brandon’s ass. He quickly built in speed, and soon Brandon had to grip the carpet on the stairs to stop from being thrown around like a ragdoll.

  God, he’d missed this. A man who was a gentleman out of doors and an animal behind them. He wanted Luke to never stop. To keep fucking his ass until he couldn’t go any longer, and then to make a mess of him.

  Luke was more than capable, it seemed. Brandon was used to such aggressive sex lasting only a short time, but Luke didn’t seem to need to stop. He kept slamming his thick cock into Brandon, leaving him feeling alternately empty and stretched to his utter limits. He reached down with one hand and began to stroke his own cock in time, though he had to keep stopping so he wouldn’t come too early. Luke seemed to have no such issue.

  Brandon lost all sense of time, and minutes felt like hours as Luke kept up his work. He didn’t know how the man could do it, but he wasn’t going to complain. He winced as once again Luke slapped him on the ass, then he cried out for the man to do it again, the sharp pain mingling with his ecstasy.

  Eventually Luke began to grunt with his movements, and then started to speed as his end finally neared. Brandon gripped his own cock hard and began to stroke, determined to come also. He beat Luke to the post and cried out as he came harder than he had in years, splattering his cum onto Luke’s stairs. A moment later, Luke pulled out entirely from Brandon, then pulled the man away, pointing to the mess on the staircase.

  “Lick it up,” he said as he jacked his own cock. “Or you don’t get your reward.”

  Brandon bent low to the stairs and lapped up his own seed with his tongue, the salty taste strong. As soon as he was done he turned back to Luke, who had torn the condom away and was jerking feverishly.

  “Good boy,” he said, the muscles on his neck corded. “Have some more.”

  He came with a grunt, and Brandon opened his mouth wide to take the man’s thick, hot load on his tongue. Most landed in his mouth or on his lips, but he hadn’t expected so much and almost gagged on the cum as it hit the back of his throat. Luke moved forward, still jerking, and wiped his cockhead on Brandon’s face.

  “Swallow,” he said. “Then clean my cock.”

  Brandon did as he was told, opening his mouth as proof, before kneeling before the man and taking the thick cock into his mouth. He used his tongue to clean off the remaining cum, then stood once more, his cock rubbing against Luke’s. Luke kissed him hard on the mouth, before stepping back and grinning.


  * * * *

  An hour later, Luke was still awake, laid back in his bed with Brandon quietly snoring beside him. He put his hands behind his head and let out a sigh.

  “That was certainly something,” he muttered to himself.

  “Hmm?” Brandon rolled over onto his side to face Luke.

  “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.”

  The man smiled. “Only half-asleep. What did you say?”

  Luke shrugged. “Just that the sex was something else. You like it like that all the time?”

  “Not all the time, but I like it a lot, yeah. I enjoy relinquishing control to someone else and having them in command.” He grinned. “Though if I did it like that all the time I wouldn’t be able to walk. Did you have a good time?”

  “Definitely. It’s just been a while since I did anything like that. The last guy I was with wasn’t into anything, really. Just plain old sex in a bed with the lights off.” He gritted his jaw. “At least with me, anyway.”

  Brandon sat up in bed. “That can be fun too. It all depends on the partner, I find. Though I prefer to have the lights on, so I can see all the fun.”

  Luke smirked. “Indeed.”

  “So, be honest. Did you really expect us to end up in bed together on the first date?”

  He chewed at the inside of his mouth. “Yes and no. I wasn’t really expecting it, but I didn’t put it past myself. Once I get in the mood, it’s hard to get out of it again.”

  Brandon laughed. “Real animal, that’s for sure.”

  Luke waggled his eyebrows. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Eight

  Brandon woke to the smell of coffee and a familiar female voice somewhere on the floor below him. He rolled onto his side and opened his eyes to find himself in a bed he didn’t recognize, in a bedroom that wasn’t his own. Memories returned a moment later. Of Luke in the restaurant, on the staircase, beside him under the sheets. He smiled and sat up, rubbing his bedhead into a slightly less offensive haircut.

  As he climbed out of bed and began gathering clothes, he discovered a problem. In their rush last night, Luke had managed to tear Brandon’s shirt and pants, leaving large areas of flesh exposed. If he was just sitting to breakfast with Luke, it wouldn’t be an issue—hell, it’d be a turn on—but that was definitely Delilah he heard downstairs.

  Across the room was a closed door that Brandon hoped was a bathroom, complete with a bathrobe. He got lucky and found two robes, and grabbed the smaller, pulling it over his shredded clothes and tying it tight at his waist.

  “That’ll do,” he muttered, before heading down the stairs.

  Luke and Delilah were on the sofa, watching a rerun of an old soap, take-out coffees in hand. They turned as one as he appeared and Delilah grinned wide.

  “There he is!”

  For a moment Luke’s expression was unreadable, but it was soon replaced with a very genuine smile. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Brandon joined them on the sofa and found a third coffee waiting for him. “Hope you don’t mind about the robe. My clothes aren’t up to receiving guests,” he added with a raised eyebrow aimed at Luke.

  Luke chuckled and shook his head. “No worries. Besides, it’s
not mine anyway.”

  Brandon frowned, then swore softly. “The ex’s. Sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s fine, really. I guess I forgot to throw it in the box.”

  He nodded, then stood. “Be right back.”

  He headed up to the bathroom and switched out for the other robe, tossing the ex’s over the back of the door. He could tell Luke wasn’t as happy as he’d made out, and Brandon understood entirely. After a bad breakup, the fewer reminders of the ex, the better. He jogged back down the stairs in the larger robe, then twirled once.


  Luke laughed and nodded. “You really didn’t have to, though.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  He smiled. “Thanks.”

  “I prefer this one,” Delilah said. “Especially since on your spin I got a good look at your ass through your pants.”

  Brandon colored. “Okay, so the twirl wasn’t the smartest thing to do.”

  “I disagree,” she said with a wink. “Now come sit down and tell me disgusting things about last night. Luke ain’t playing fair.”

  “You’re a pervert, Dee,” Luke said.

  “Oh, please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You spent the night together, and Brandon’s clothes are torn in very interesting areas. You did the nasty at least once.”

  Brandon sat beside her and nudged her with his elbow. “Shush.”

  “You two are no fun. Real friends would tell all, then supply a high def video.”

  “Then we’re terrible, terrible friends. What brings you here so early, anyway, other than wanting free porn?”

  “That’s not enough?” Delilah shrugged. “Eh, I was in the area and wanted to check up on whether a certain asshole who shall remain nameless had been in touch yet.”

  “Not yet,” Luke said. “Doubt he will be, to be honest.”

  The two started discussing Johnny, and Brandon politely excused himself and headed back upstairs to the bathroom to grab a shower. He wasn’t part of that conversation, and he didn’t want to seem like a third wheel. Plus he really needed a shower.

  He discarded the robe and stepped into Luke’s shower. It was a fancy model, and easily big enough for two. He tried not to think about how recently Luke might have been in there with Johnny. The water was immediately hot, unlike Brandon’s own shower, and he stripped off the rest of his clothing and stepped under the spray.

  He hadn’t realized how much he ached until the water began soothing his muscles. Such aggressive sex always took a toll, and not just on the areas directly involved. It was a good reason for not doing it every night, even if his brain disagreed.

  Just the thought of what he and Luke had done the previous night had his aches disappear and made his cock hard as a rock. Suddenly he was wishing Delilah wasn’t around that morning, so he could persuade Luke to go for round two. Not that it would take much persuasion, he thought with a smirk.

  “I’d better not fuck it up,” he muttered to himself.

  “What’s that?”

  Brandon turned so quickly he almost lost his balance on the wet floor of the shower cubicle. Luke was standing a few feet away, a smile on his lips as he noticed Brandon’s erection.

  “Nothing,” Brandon said, trying desperately not blush. “Has Delilah gone?”

  “Yup. She had a hair appointment.” Luke pulled his T-shirt over his head. “I swear she spends more time in salons than most hairdressers.”

  He continued to pull his clothes off, and Brandon could only watch as more and more perfectly muscled flesh was exposed. Soon he stood naked, his thick cock looking no smaller even when soft. He stepped into the shower and pressed his body against Brandon’s, his hands caressing hair and skin, leaving Brandon’s cock aching more than ever.

  Luke had plans for that, though, it appeared, as he reached down and wrapped his fingers around the hard shaft.

  “Let’s see what we can do about this,” he muttered, before kissing Brandon.

  Brandon let the man work.

  * * * *

  Luke had been last into the shower and he was the last out, too. Once he’d dried off, he took Johnny’s robe and tossed it into a garbage bag, tying it tight so that the scents couldn’t escape.

  When Brandon had come down the stairs wearing it earlier in the morning, Luke had had to fight hard to keep the anger from his face. The anger wasn’t aimed at Brandon, of course, but at yet another reminder of Johnny and his idiocy.

  Once the robe was bagged, he spent ten minutes checking the rest of the bathroom for anything he may have missed, then headed back into the bedroom, bag in hand. Brandon was laid out on the bed, still naked save for a pair of boxers since his clothes had been ruined the previous night.

  Luke sat on the edge of the bed and slapped the man’s thigh. “Not that I have anything against gorgeous men wearing only underwear, but if you need clothes just grab some of my stuff.”

  Brandon smiled. “Thanks. I’m sure it’ll be baggy on me, but as long as it hides the flesh it’ll be fine.”

  “You are rather slim, aren’t you.” Luke ran a hand over the man’s waist. “I’ve always liked that.”

  “Well that’s lucky. I’ve always liked men who are bigger than me.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “So we can throw you around in the bedroom, eh?”

  Brandon grinned. “Certainly part of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an independent guy. I don’t like men who take charge the whole time. I just like it in certain situations.”

  “Fair enough. As you already know, I have nothing against what you enjoy.”

  The man colored and Luke laughed. “So, what are your plans for today?”

  “No idea. I’ve got some articles to research, but I’m already way ahead on my workload, so there’s no rush. You kicking me out?”

  “Not at all. In fact, the garage doesn’t need me today, so, uh, we could do something.” He shrugged. “If you want to, I mean.”

  He hadn’t considered it until he said it, but it felt right to say. A good sign that it wasn’t just a rebound fuck, he decided.

  “Sure.” Brandon sat up, his arms around his knees. “What do you like to do?”

  “How about a run? I remember you said you like to run, and there are some great areas around here. Some you might not know, even.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I know the area pretty well.” He nodded. “Though a run sounds great. You’ll have to give me a ride back to my car, and then follow me home so I can change first.”

  “Damn.” Luke stood and snatched his keys from the dresser. “I was hoping you’d go out in your boxers.”

  * * * *

  Luke changed at the house before leaving, then dropped Brandon off at his car and followed behind. Brandon led him to his house, then jumped out of the car and unlocked his door, keeping an eye out for Spike in case the cat decided to make a break for it.

  “Come on in,” he called to Luke.

  “You have a cat?” Luke asked, as he stepped into the house.

  Brandon glanced around, but Spike wasn’t in sight. “Yeah. How did you know?”

  “I have a great sense of smell. I guess he’s sleeping somewhere.”

  “Yeah. He usually comes to greet me at the door. Maybe you scared him away.”

  Luke chuckled. “Maybe. I like all animals, though, so if he wants to say hi I won’t turn him away.”

  Brandon grinned. “Glad to hear it. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  As he made his way up the stairs he found Spike waiting at the top. He scratched between his ears, then headed to the bedroom to change into his running gear. The weather was cool, but by the time they got started they’d warm up, so he went for shorts over pants and threw on a T-shirt. He folded the stuff he’d borrowed from Luke and put it on the end of his bed, then headed back downstairs to find that Spike had decided to be brave and was sitting a few feet from Luke.

  The two sat staring at each other for a few moments, before Luke slo
wly extended his hand and held it close enough for Spike to sniff him. He did, then licked Luke’s finger, making the man grin.

  “You’re as cute as your owner, fella.”

  “His name is Spike,” Brandon said as he dropped into a chair and pulled on his trainers.

  “As in, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?”

  “Yup. I’m that much of a nerd.”

  Luke chuckled. “Hey, I’m nerdy enough to recognize it, at least. He’s pretty chilled out.”

  Brandon watched as Spike nuzzled closer, then shook his head in disbelief. “He usually hates meeting new people. He’ll either hide or be all claws. This is a rarity.”

  “I’m pretty good with animals.” Spike agreed with a loud purr. “We had a lot of cats and dogs back home. A house isn’t a house without a pet.”

  “Then where’s your pet?”

  Luke shrugged. “The ex didn’t like animals. That should have been my first clue.”

  “Well, I’m glad you like ’em, as Spike is part of the family.”

  He grinned. “As he should be.” He stood and stretched. “Ready?”

  Luke’s running gear was similar to Brandon’s, only he filled it out much better. The shorts and shirt weren’t skin tight, but they weren’t baggy either. It took a lot of effort not to grab the guy’s bicep and squeeze. He doubted Luke would mind, but Brandon had the feeling such actions would lead them upstairs rather than out the front door.

  “Ready as I’m gonna get,” Brandon said. “Come on.”

  Chapter Nine

  There were a number of good trails in the area that most people knew nothing about due to their lack of accessibility. Thanks to Luke’s time spent running the wilds in wolf form, though, he knew of a few great tracks that had been all but forgotten. It was one of these that he decided upon on the drive out of town, and twenty minutes later he and Brandon were parking on a patch of scrub ground near a wooden gate obscured by encroaching bushes.

  “How did you even find this place?” Brandon asked as he leaned on the gate, taking in the area.


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