Breaking in the New Guy

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Breaking in the New Guy Page 11

by JC Holly

  Delilah shrugged. “Probably. You know the reason the garage keeps its shutters down, right? It’s because sometimes they don’t bother with car jacks. I once saw Luke pick up the back end of a car because Chris’s phone had bounced underneath.” She smirked. “Just like he was lifting a table or something.”

  “Certainly explains his stamina, too.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Fucks all night, huh?”

  Brandon felt heat rise in his cheeks. “I was referring to when we went for a run. He let me stay ahead at first, but then he kept my pace like it was nothing more than a stroll. Didn’t even breathe heavily.”

  She nodded. “They’re fast, strong, have crazy senses, and heal super-fast. Their immune systems are so strong that they can’t even catch diseases.”

  Brandon felt his blush more strongly. His first thought probably shouldn’t have been over the fact that Luke didn’t have to use a condom with him anymore, but that’s straight where his mind went. Delilah knew exactly what he was thinking, judging by her arched eyebrow as she sipped her coffee.

  Brandon cleared his throat. “So, uh, have you seen him as a wolf?”

  “Twice. It’s somethin’, that’s for sure. He’ll shift for you if you ask. Just don’t watch the actual shift.” She shuddered. “I caught the tail end of the second time. Not pretty.”

  Luke walked back into the room a few minutes later, a grim smile on his face. “We’re on.”

  Brandon nodded in response. The plan wasn’t anything particularly fancy, but it didn’t need to be. All they wanted to do was scare Johnny into backing the hell off. They didn’t want to hurt him, and they didn’t particularly want him arrested either, as that would just lead to more contempt in the long run. No, what they needed was a calmly delivered explanation as to why the man should go away.

  Delilah looked at each of them. “Well?”

  Brandon just smiled and let Luke explain.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You’re sure this will work?” Brandon asked.

  “Pretty sure.” Luke pulled on his shirt and quickly buttoned it. “I mean, it’d work on me if it was the other way around.”

  “Me too,” Brandon said. “Though obviously neither of us would find ourselves in that situation.”

  “Hell no,” Luke said with a smile. “I don’t cheat, and I don’t threaten innocent people.”

  “I’m glad to hear both.”

  He held out a hand and Brandon crossed the room, then hugged Luke tight enough that he could feel the man’s cock rubbing against his own through their pants.

  “When this is done,” Brandon murmured in Luke’s ear, “I’m going to show you just how okay I am with this. Twice.”

  Luke chuckled and kissed him on the forehead. “Not that I won’t be taking you up on the offer, but it’s not necessary. I love you for more than just your fine ass.”

  Brandon tensed for a moment, then moved back a step. “Love?”

  Luke’s stomach lurched as he realized what he’d said. “I, uh…” He swallowed. “Yes. Love.”

  It had been just over a week since they met, but he wasn’t going to hide his feelings. He was falling for the man, and he didn’t care that it was so quick. Brandon just stared at first, and just as Luke thought his heart might break the man grinned.

  “Thank god for that,” he said. “Because I love you, too.”

  Luke pulled him back into the embrace and held him even tighter. “I know it’s pretty sudden, but it’s how I really feel, and I’m not going to slow down just because society thinks I should.” He snorted. “Hell, I’m a wolf. What do I care about the opinions of humans I don’t know?”

  Brandon laughed and kissed him hard on the mouth. “Think we’ve got time before we meet with Carl?”

  “Gah, I wish we did. We’re on a tight schedule, though.”

  “Ah well.” He shrugged. “At least it’s still early. We get almost the whole day afterwards.”

  Luke slipped his hand around and grabbed Brandon’s ass. “And the night. Remember your lines?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then let’s get this over with.”

  * * * *

  Brandon parked his car one street away from Johnny’s place, then walked the rest of the way. Luke had gone on ahead to prepare, leaving Brandon with only his thoughts for company until he arrived.

  According to Carl, Johnny had left the house earlier and hadn’t yet returned, but had taken no bags, meaning he’d probably return the same day. Brandon hoped they wouldn’t have to wait too long. Every extra second was more time to worry.

  He let out a long breath as he rounded the corner and glanced at his phone to check the address. He could do this. Yes, the man had shaken him last time they met, but this time Luke would be there with him.

  The house was larger than expected. Johnny had apparently landed on his feet after being thrown out of two different homes. Brandon glanced up and down the street for witnesses, then walked to the door and quickly dipped down and retrieved the spare key from its place under a rock, then let himself inside.

  As soon as the door was closed he relaxed a little. The first part was done. He took a moment to check the hallway doors to find the lounge, then headed to the back door to let Luke in. He nearly dropped when he pulled the door open to find a large brown haired wolf sitting on the garden path.

  “Luke?” he stammered.

  The wolf nodded once, then wagged its tail, knocking dirt about the ground.

  “That’s incredible,” Brandon murmured. “Okay, we don’t have time for me to be awestruck. He could be back any minute.”

  Luke stepped into the kitchen and sniffed the air. A short growl escaped his lips before he moved on to the hallway, then in through the door Brandon had opened into the lounge. Brandon followed and found a suitable chair that faced the open door and sat in it. Luke lay by his feet, his tail flicking from side to side.

  “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get cuter,” Brandon said with a laugh.

  His laughter disappeared when he heard a key click in the lock on the front door. Johnny was home early. Brandon took a steadying breath, then affected an air of nonchalance. Luke stood and moved to the side of the chair.

  A moment later the front door swung open and Brandon saw Johnny enter the hallway, a plastic bag in one hand and his attention on the cell phone held in the other. He glanced up for a moment, then down at the phone once more, then froze. His head snapped up and he caught Brandon’s stare.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house?”

  Johnny stomped into the room, anger in his eyes, looking every part the psychopath. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed that Luke was sat beside the chair. He let out a long, low growl and Johnny alternated his gaze between the two.

  “What is this?”

  “First, a thank you.” Brandon smiled. “For telling me about Luke, here.” He scratched Luke between the ears. “You brought an important conversation forward, and we’re closer because of it.”

  “Fuck you,” Johnny said, his anger rising once more.

  “Secondly,” Brandon said, as if Johnny had never spoke. “I’m here to deliver a warning.”

  On cue, a growl came from the hallway and Johnny jumped back further into the lounge as five more wolves padded into the room, their attention fixed solely on Johnny. Brandon took a moment to enjoy the look on the asshole’s face before continuing.

  “We know you, Johnny,” he said. “We have your scent, and with it we can find you anywhere.” He gestured to the room. “Hence our little trespass. It doesn’t matter if you move house, street, city, or even country. If you try to come between Luke and I again…” All six wolves snarled, their ears high and their teeth bared. “The police will be the very least of your worries. Do you understand?”

  The color had fled from Johnny’s face, and it seemed all he could do was gape. It was one thing to know Luke was the leader of a group of wolves, but it was another entirely t
o have half of them within biting range.

  “I said do you understand?” Brandon repeated. “We’re kind of on a time limit here, Johnny. My boys have to eat.”

  The last part seemed to jog Johnny’s vocal cords. “Yes! Yes, I understand. I’m sorry, I’ll stay clear from now on.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Brandon stood and all six wolves silenced and moved to stand around him. He fought hard to keep his look of indifference, but it was hard work when he wanted to grin like an idiot. He managed to hold it until he’d walked away from Johnny and was moving through the kitchen. Once he reached the back door he tossed the spare key onto the counter and closed the door behind him. He followed the wolves through the back garden and then across a quiet street to an alleyway. He could only imagine what anyone watching would think. Once inside the alley he let out a breath and let his shoulders sag.

  “That was insane,” he said. “You think it will work?”

  The wolves all nodded simultaneously, and Brandon couldn’t help but laugh.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Luke carried the last box of his things into Brandon’s house and placed it carefully on top of the lounge table.

  “That all of it?” Brandon called from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, that’s the lot.” Luke dropped onto the couch beside Spike. “Your cat was no help at all. Didn’t lift one box.”

  “He’s lazy like that. I only keep him around for the cuddles.”

  “So the same reason you keep me?”

  Brandon poked his head around the door. “Exactly.”

  It had been three months since their confrontation with Johnny, and the guy had kept his word. The last they had heard, the man had moved to two cities over and was living with an older man. Luke honestly wished them well, just as long as they stayed away.

  “So, what do you think?”

  Luke glanced up to find Brandon wearing an apron. “Oh, you cooking today? Thought it was my turn.”

  “Nah, you get a break, on account of all that lifting. That, and a surprise.”


  Brandon grinned and slowly turned around to reveal that he was wearing nothing underneath the apron. “What do you think?”

  Luke stood and crossed the room in the blink of an eye. Brandon jumped as Luke pulled the man close, his bare ass rubbing against Luke’s clothed cock.

  “I think,” Luke murmured into his lover’s ear, “that the food can wait a while.”

  Brandon laughed and turned in Luke’s grip. “I was hoping you’d say that.”




  JC lives in the south of England and spends the free hours of each day reading, writing, and indulging various other hobbies, in the company of Tuna the cat. JC has been writing for several years now, and refuses to acknowledge proper house attire, or people who say things like, “When are you getting a real job?” and, “Can I be in your next book?”

  For all titles by JC Holly, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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