Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare

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Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare Page 10

by Mechele Armstrong


  “So you know that night when my grandmother died and you held me all night long?” She stroked his arm from elbow to wrist. Such strong muscles. Even that part of him was so hard. Surprising other parts of him weren’t that hard right now. Maybe it was the hot water. Or maybe it was the fact he thought he had to give her comfort and not passion.

  “Yeah.” He sounded so relaxed. So content. She’d never heard his voice without a nervous-energy edge before.

  “You didn’t grope and you didn’t push me for sex.” It had been an odd night. She wouldn’t have expected that much caring from him either at that time. He’d given her just what she’d needed. He probably would again now. All she had to do was make her wishes known. He’d make her dreams come true. Like he had earlier tonight.

  “Nope.” He sighed. “I was a good boy.”

  “This isn’t one of those moments.” She waited for his reaction. Knowing Tucker, he’d jump her in the bathtub. Which she had no problems with.

  He tensed against her. And something else popped up against her butt. “It isn’t?” Was it her imagination or did his voice sound hoarser than before?

  “No, it’s not a moment like that. In fact, I think it’s a moment that needs groping. That needs sex.” She couldn’t help her smile. Good thing he couldn’t see her face. Or maybe he would enjoy seeing her this happy after the last few months. Because she hadn’t acted this way in a long time.

  She could hear the anticipation in his voice. “Really?”

  “Oh yeah.” She nodded furiously. “I think the moment at which you say, ‘I love you’ needs sex. Well, only if you’ve already been having sex. I mean…”

  He tapped her on the shoulder, interrupting her rambling. Maybe she was a bit nervous. She’d had sex with Tucker many times, but never knowing that he loved her. This would be a new experience. “I don’t need convincing.” He pressed his hard cock into her butt. He never did.

  She felt her insides melt.

  He brought up his hand and stroked her chin as he turned her head toward him and planted a brutal kiss on her willing lips. It was forceful and captured her as if she needed the convincing. His tongue met hers in a blinding display of dominance as he rolled it around hers. It was a kiss that showed his urgency. Showed his need. And turned her insides into a volcano.

  She broke off the kiss.

  He let out a growl. He sounded like a bear. Or maybe a wolf. Some type of large beast.

  She started to laugh and turned her head to face him. Any laughter died when she saw his face. It was one of passion and longing. And one she’d never seen before on him or anyone. She was mesmerized. And her entire being went to goo. This look was directed at her. Was about her. Nothing could make her want him more.

  He grabbed her shoulders and urged her to twist around in the tub.

  “What are you doing?” The water sloshed as she complied with his moving her. “I thought we were getting out…” She’d expected this though. That he wouldn’t be able to wait. No wonder they had such an active sex life. They’d been in love with each other.

  “You thought wrong.” His voice was gravelly and strained. “Can’t wait. Need you now.”

  His cock was certainly a testament to that. She wasn’t about to argue against him. She wanted this as much as he did. She turned to face him, and he lifted her up so that she sat, legs around him.

  He looked at her with lust running from every pore. “Such a beauty. I don’t know where to start.” He licked his lips. He lifted himself and slipped over to her side of the tub. He laid his lips across hers in a claiming kiss that wasn’t as punishing as the last one. Instead it was more charming. More compelling. Less brutal. He kissed her leisurely. Slowly. Made it build.

  Water moved against her as he slid a hand down her shoulder to her breast. She leaned into his touch. He cupped her, massaging in an upward motion before using one finger to circle her nipple and pinch it between two fingers.

  She moaned, straightening out her legs. How could he do this to her? Make her so filled with passion in a nanosecond? All he had to do was touch her and kiss her, and she was his for the taking. It was like he knew where the button was to Ally Summers that made her more passionate than she’d ever been with any other man.

  She should have known she was in love with him. Should have known she wanted more from him than he’d wanted to give. It could have saved them a lot of problems and Devyn’s helping. Hindsight was twenty-twenty. But he had given her what she needed. Because he loved her. So maybe it had worked out for the best.

  She had him now.

  That was all that mattered.

  She shuddered and clawed at his back as he did the same to the other breast that he’d done to the first. Her entire body tingled with need and want.

  He laughed against her lips as she bucked toward him. “Now who’s impatient?” He sounded as thrilled as she felt.

  “I want you.” She did more than want him. She needed him. Always. And in the worst and best ways possible.

  He slipped his hand down to her needy pussy and slipped a finger into her. The water moving across her was different. A turn on in a lot of ways. But it did wash away some of her juices. She wasn’t sure how that would impact a tryst in the tub. They’d never done this before. Good thing she had a large one or this would never work.

  They could end up with all the water out of the tub and on her floor. She tried to care about that but couldn’t. It was just water. And it would dry.

  He stroked her for several moments. Then he sat back against his side of the tub and pulled her up on his lap.

  And somehow either her aim or his aim was off—or maybe it was true—because his cock slipped into her without any maneuvering on their parts. It was a surprise to them both.

  They both drew in breaths at the unexpected contact.

  She swallowed hard. She moved against him, taking him in a little deeper. God, was it just her or did he feel amazing inside her? She wanted more.

  His body shook as his hands grasped desperately at her back as if for purchase. “No condom.” He froze, keeping his body still. “I was going to let the water out in a minute and grab one. I didn’t intend to go inside you.” They had stashes of them all over her apartment. He couldn’t pull away from her because she was on top, but he kept her from going against him any farther.

  That he’d thought about that through the haze of his passion and was keeping himself at bay, warmed her heart. He was such a man. A real one. Not like so many phonies who tried to be macho. Tucker just was innately. “I’m on the pill. You know that.” She leaned up to nip at his chin. “I think the time has come to do away with the condoms.”

  He breathed a sigh, and his body relaxed against hers. “Are you sure?” His voice was husky. Hoarse and strained. “I’m okay with getting one.” And he would be. Because that was Tucker. Maybe it had been about her more than she’d ever thought.

  “Yeah. I am.” She hadn’t been with anyone else in forever and neither had he. They’d both been tested for anything a few months ago at their physicals. He’d made a big show of his clean bill of sexual health. In fact, it was probably still tacked on the fridge under one of her many magnets. They’d have to remember to take it down the next time anyone had dinner over there. That and wipe down the kitchen table…

  “Are you definitely sure?” His voice was so breathless. He sounded as if he were drowning. Maybe she was his only life raft. She could be that for him. Forever.

  “Yeah.” She trusted him.

  “Okay. You feel incredible. You. No condom. Oh God.” He laid his head back and released his hold on her so that she could move and drive him in deeper.

  She moved up, water moving with her, before she moved down, fully impaling herself on his cock. He was right. This was incredible. The condom made it different. It must be even better for him. Again and again the water moved with them as some weird stabilizer. It tickled her when it moved across her skin.
br />   It was almost arousing. The feel of the wet warmness surrounding them. The way it took their every action and gave it back.

  Water sloshed from the tub.

  She didn’t care. Only heard the sound enough to register what it was. It could be cleaned up later. Or air-dried. That was a plan.

  She clamped down on him using her inner-thigh muscles and her entire pussy as she slid against him again and again.

  And suddenly, without warning, her body tensed. She screeched. Usually she had an inkling her climax was coming. This orgasm took her completely by surprise. She couldn’t get close enough to him. Couldn’t get him around her enough. Inside her enough. She battered against him.

  The water began to drain.

  He’d obviously pulled the plug.

  As it drained away from her pussy that was engulfing his cock, the wetness of her folds that had been pulled away by the water refreshed and stayed. It was no longer getting washed away. Instead it coated them.

  His head rolled from side to side. “Oh.”

  She continued to move just like she had when the water had been around them. She impaled herself on her deepest pleasure. She drove herself down to the hilt, moved up so that he was barely in her, then did it all again. All the while she clenched her muscles around him at various points.

  He grabbed her arms and forced her down, deepening and creating an angle. His entire body tensed and straightened out. His face contorted in something akin to pleasure and pain at the same time.

  He exploded in a rush of orgasm. He thrust up against her with such force that there was a clunk sound when he hit the tub.

  He ended on her name, going limp. “My God, Ally.”

  “Wouldn’t I be a goddess?” She grinned as she slipped off him. Lonely already, her pussy throbbed.

  He sat there, unmoving, eyes closed. Seemed to be trying to get his breathing back under control. “You’re mine whatever you are.”

  Her insides turned to goo with that statement. “That I am.”

  “Thank God or Goddess.” He reached over for her hand but had to search for it for a few minutes because his eyes were still closed. “I can’t imagine life without you in it.”

  “I feel the same way.” She did. She’d been thinking she needed to get away from him. Now she knew it was only because she wasn’t sure she could continue being less than in a relationship.

  “Are you sure about the no-condoms thing?” He opened his eyes. “I’ll understand if you aren’t.”

  He would. She knew that. “We’re both clean. I’m on the pill. I’m religious about taking it. I think it’s okay.”

  He’d never cheat on her. He’d always been against any sex outside of a relationship due to his parents.

  “Okay.” He closed his eyes again. “Think we’ll ever be ready for kids?”

  “Maybe one day.” She wouldn’t rule it out or in and thankfully had the pill to keep any accidents from happening before they were ready. Condomless had been amazing on her end. Considering how much sensation it cut, it must have been spectacular on his end.

  She lay back against the coolness of the tub. Shifted her position again and again. But couldn’t get comfortable. “Tucker?”

  “Yeah?” He still didn’t open his eyes.

  “This tub is getting cold.”

  He chuckled. Sat there another minute before opening his eyes. “To the bedroom, m’lady?”

  She nodded.

  They’d both gotten out the tub when he leaned over and scooped her up in his arms. “Whoa.” She looped her arms around his neck. “Carry service? I ought to let you bop me with no condoms more often.”

  He didn’t laugh. Not what she’d expected. Instead he looked serious. “I love you, Ally. I’d do anything for you.” And with that statement he carried her into her bedroom. Their bedroom. He laid her gently on one side of the bed before dashing around to get in himself.

  He cuddled close to her, pulling her against him, and wrapped the blankets around them both. He kissed the top of her head.

  She sighed.

  This was almost her favorite part. Yes, she enjoyed the sex and what they did to each other when they had it, but she loved lying sated in his arms. Listening to him breathe. Feeling his rapid heartbeat under her hand. Playing in the scratchy hair of his chest. The way his body wound around hers. When they had sex, there seemed to be no place where they didn’t meet and no end but a continuation of bodies. Lying here like that, it was almost the same way except they were still.

  Contentment had a name and its name was Tucker. Which was funny, because so did passion. And now apparently love had the same one.

  How convenient.

  * * * *

  Tucker rolled over and wrapped his arms around Ally. He opened one eye, just to reassure himself that she was still there. That she hadn’t rethought her relationship with him and run screaming into the night.

  There would still be issues. There always were. A snap of the fingers wasn’t going to completely push away his fears about commitment, marriage, and losing Ally. It would be one step at a time. A day.

  With her? That would be fine. They’d work it out.

  “I’m still here.” She whispered sleepily and snuggled even closer into him. She’d sensed his thoughts.

  That was something they had going for them. They knew each other inside and out. He pressed a kiss on her cheek.

  Her naked body slipped against his.

  Naked. Ally. With him forever. Naked.

  His thoughts turned to something altogether different than being with her. They turned to being with her in a whole other way.

  His cock blossomed to life, thickening, hardening.

  She opened her eyes, and looked up at him blissfully. “Thinking about something?” She pushed her leg against his cock.

  “Always. With you.” He stroked her back. “It’s because I love you, you know? That I want you so desperately.”

  “I know, Tucker. I know.” She put a hand on his chest. “But I need to take a bathroom break.”

  He nodded. Probably good for both of them. Not to mention they could each take care of the morning breath. Not something he usually worried about, but today was a special day. The first day that he and Ally had been committed to each other and about to embark upon their relationship.

  A few minutes later and they were back in bed. He caressed her mouth with his as his tongue delved in. He found her breast and lovingly stroked and cupped her.

  The perfect way to wake up.

  A thought had been building in his mind since they’d gotten together. Something she might not have trusted him to do before. Or maybe she had and he just hadn’t brought it up.

  He pulled his mouth from hers and looked down at her. She was lovely. Hair mussed. Pale skin shining against dark sheets. A few freckles dotted that landscape and made him want to lave them with his tongue. “Ally?”


  “Would you like to try something new?” He always asked. They’d been playing sexually for years now. She was open to trying new things, a lot more than he’d ever thought she would be and more than most probably thought she was.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “New? I didn’t think we had anything left to try.” She waggled her eyebrows at him.

  “Go to a sex store and see about that. There’s always new stuff to try. Some of it shuddery though.” He continued to stroke her breast with his hand.

  “What do you want to try?” She looked a little nervously at him. That was his Ally, eager and curious but still shy.

  “We’ve been playing with the…ah…vibrator in your…anus. And you like that. A lot.”

  A flush tinged her skin. She pulled one hand up to cover her face. “Yeah.” She was so quiet, he almost didn’t hear her.

  “You know there are other…you…know ways to make love.” He stroked her face. “And since you like me playing there, maybe you’d like sex that way too.”

  She was quiet for a few seconds.<
br />
  “We don’t have to. I just know you enjoy it and maybe you’d enjoy more.” Maybe it hadn’t been the time to suggest it. But it had seemed a good way to celebrate their newfound commitment.

  “We can try.” Again, her voice was so quiet he almost didn’t hear it. “But…you know you’ll have to go slow and lube me up.” She let out a nervous laugh. “I’ve never trusted anyone to do this with before.”

  He tried not to melt but couldn’t help it. She was gracing him with this first. “I know. I’m doing this because you seemed to like it.” She did. Seemed sensitive there.

  “I’m intrigued. It’s in a lot of romance novels.”

  That made him laugh. He couldn’t help it. But at least that made her more willing to do something she might enjoy. “And I bet half the time they don’t use lube?”

  “Yeah. Makes me cringe.” She pushed up on one arm as he swung out of the bed to go to her toy drawer. “Have you ever been with a man?”

  He turned to look at her as his hand found the key and went about unlocking the drawer. “No. Why do you ask?” He located a big bottle of lube and headed back to the bed. It was flavored, so it could serve all kinds of functions.

  “Just was curious. Wasn’t sure how far your college experimentation went.” She lay back on the pillows with a sigh.

  He set the lube on the nightstand. “Were you ever with another woman?” He wasn’t sure to be turned on by the idea of her with another woman. A lot of guys had hot-lesbian fantasies. He’d always fantasized just about Ally and him.

  “Kissed one once. I definitely like guys.”

  “That’s good. Same here. I mean I like women. I never kissed another guy.” He’d always known that, never had to experiment. Devyn had once told him that he was the straightest guy that Devyn had ever met. And of course Ally was the only woman he’d wanted for years now.

  “So how do we start?”

  He climbed back in the bed and placed his hand back where it had been. Her breast. “Same way as usual. I need to get you hot and bothered.”

  “Oh. I like that start.” Her voice rose on the last word because he leaned over and lightly nibbled her nipple.


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