Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1) Page 9

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I know it stings, that’s the whole idea,” he said calmly. “Tell me why I should stop. You haven’t said anything to make me think you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “What? Ooh,” she whimpered. “Zach, Sir, I’m sorry I was rude to you when I came into your office. I am, truly, and I’m sorry I interrupted you when you were lecturing at my class when I was in school. I’m sorry I ordered your secretary around. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  Her words had tumbled out in an urgent rant, and he was satisfied he had made his point.

  “If you are foolish enough to be rude or disrespectful again, or if you tell Martha to do something for you without so much as a please or thank you, what will happen?”

  “You’ll, uh, spank me again,” she mumbled.

  “I didn’t quite hear you, what did you say?”

  “You’ll spank me again,” she repeated raising her voice.

  “Correct, but I won’t use my hand,” he warned, “and it’s only fair to give you a taste of what will happen should you decide to be a brat. Remember, no squealing.”

  Reaching under the cushion he pulled out the strap, and laying it in the center of her right cheek he tapped it lightly, then slapped it down three times in quick succession. She hissed through her teeth and gyrated frantically on his lap.

  “Now the other cheek, remember, no squealing,” he reminded her.

  Tapping again, he delivered three smart, sharp swats, and they resulted in the same response.

  “Do you want me to strap your bottom, Kylie?”

  “No, Sir, no,” she bleated.

  “Will you stop being so rude and demanding, will you pay attention and listen instead of thinking you know everything?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mewled.

  “Good,” he said rubbing her sting. “You can catch your breath for a moment, we’re not quite finished.”

  “Ooh, Sir, please, no more spanking.”

  “I just need to talk to you about a couple of things.”

  “What things?”

  “Be quiet,” he admonished slapping down the strap.

  “OOOWWW, I’m sorry, please, please, no more,” she wailed throwing her hand behind her.

  “Just lie there and catch your breath,” he said sternly, moving her hand away. “I’ll talk to you when I’m ready. Such an impatient girl. Something else we’ll have to work on.”

  She was whimpering, and as he rubbed and caressed he studied her very red cheeks.

  I think that’s one of the most satisfying spankings I’ve ever delivered. I’ve been wanting to burn your bottom since you first interrupted me in that class. You needed this. You needed this very badly.

  She had settled, her mewling had stopped, and he rested his hand on her cheeks.

  “Kylie, pay attention, please.”

  “I’m listening,” she promised.

  “When you’re out with me, you have a two drink maximum. Understood?”

  “Uh, why?”

  “You’re kidding me. You’re asking me why?”

  “No, I guess not,” she sighed.

  “I have no desire to be with a girl is who falling down drunk, that’s a given, but I won’t be happy if I hear you’ve gotten wasted again. Just because I’m not with you is no excuse to play up. It’s time to clean up your act,” he scolded.

  “I know,” she admitted.

  “This is assuming you want to continue to see me. Do you?”

  “Yes, Zach, I do,” she said softly, “very much.”

  “Tell me why were you so determined to work at Titan. The truth.”

  “Must I?”


  “I wanted to be around you,” she whispered.

  Her direct, honest answer filled his heart, and moving his leg he pulled her up, brought her into his lap, and wrapping her in his arms he cuddled her into his chest.

  “Just to be clear. You wanted to be with me, as in, you were attracted to me, not because you wanted to work for me?”

  “Both, but mostly because I was…am…totally attracted to you,” she murmured, “but it started before you came to my classes. I used to see you around, you know, at events and things.”

  “Is that right? Thank you for telling me that,” he smiled. “I’m very flattered.”

  “When you stopped me that last day of school and said what you did, it completely freaked me out. I’m sorry I was so crazy. I didn’t know what to say, or what to make of it.”

  “Apology accepted,” he purred, “and I thought as much.”

  Scooping her up he carried her into the bedroom, and laying her on the bed he dropped his towel from around his waist and stretched out next to her.

  “I think you are a very spoiled young lady,” he purred, “but I also think you’re smart and adorable and sexy as hell.”

  “You do?”

  “I do, and now I’m going to devour you.”


  He began by laying on top of her, slowly letting his weight sink into her body, then curling his fingers through her hair he brought his lips to her mouth. She moaned softly, and as the kiss took fire she opened her lips inviting his tongue. Darting it between her teeth he explored for a moment before sliding it back and sucking her lower lip. His cock was rubbing against her, sending a delicious prickling through his loins, and he finally lifted his head to search her eyes.

  “Zach,” she whispered, “I want you to kiss me like that every time I see you. Kiss me like that one-hundred times.”

  “Only one-hundred?” he crooned beginning to slink down her body.

  “You’re right,” she moaned as he tongued the hollow of her neck and headed towards her breasts. “Make it two-hundred.”

  “What about these babies?” he asked, firmly holding her breasts and nibbling her nipples. “We can’t let them feel neglected.”

  “Oh, no,” she sighed, “they’d be miserable. They need your attention too, so much.”

  He closed his eyes as he devoured them, kissing and nipping, then artfully drawing them into his mouth he sucked each in turn, leisurely letting them linger before gently kissing them goodbye.

  Between whispering his name and softly moaning, Zach could feel her trying to lift her pelvis and wriggle underneath him. He knew she was trying to signal that she needed his cock, and as he slid down her body, kissing her skin and shimmying ever closer to her soft bush, she split her legs apart.

  “Is there something you want?” he asked lifting his head and glancing up at her.

  “Yes,” she bleated, “I need to be touched, I need you inside me.”

  Continuing on his journey he heard her groan as he bypassed her pussy to suck the sensitive milky skin of her inner thighs, and when he whispered a finger across her wet slit, she wriggled urgently, begging for more.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  “Please, what?”

  “Please touch my pussy.”

  “I just did,” he teased moving to her opposite thigh.

  “Really touch, finger me, fuck me, please.”

  “Since you said please, and asked so nicely,” he replied his voice husky, “I’ll be happy to.”

  Shifting his position, he separated her swollen lips with the fingers of his left hand, then toyed and teased with the fingers of his right, and when he thrust them inside her soaking hole she let out a squeal of delight.

  “Zach, oh, my, God, Zach,” she wailed. “I want you so much.”

  Her uninhibited appeal sparkled through his cock, and stretching across her body he managed to open the drawer of the nightstand and pull out a condom. Kneeling up, he tore it open and hurriedly slid the thin membrane in place, then grasping her hips he pulled her into his pelvis, wetting his cock in her slick pussy juice before slowly pushing home.

  Kylie closed her eyes. Her bottom was tingling and burning, her nipples were deliciously throbbing, and as he slid inside her she had to fight an overwhelming desire to loudly wail. He started fucking her wit
h slow, measured strokes, and lost in a sea of sensation she gave herself up. He could do as he wished. Her body was his.

  He felt her surrender, and it struck him that she was probably a woman who directed her lover during sex, telling him what she wanted and how she wanted it. Gripping her tightly he increased his pace, watching her carefully as the minutes ticked by, and when her chest began to rise and fall, and she started uttering strange mewling sounds, he abruptly stopped.

  “Ooh, no,” she wailed, “why did you stop?”

  Impaled in her depths, his cock was throbbing, aching to climax.

  “I could feel you were about to come,” he said softly.

  “I was, that was incredible,” she moaned. “My whole body is tingling.”

  Without speaking he dropped his head down and consumed her mouth with a deep, consuming passionate kiss.

  “Why did you stop?” she repeated breathlessly.

  “I have another rule,” he whispered. “You must ask permission.”

  A ripple of need shuddered down her spine.

  “Oh, I love that,” she groaned. “I hate it and I love it.”

  Still buried in her succulent depths, he rose back to his knees, and grabbing her ankles he lifted her them in the air.

  “You know what I expect,” he growled as he began to pump.

  Gazing down at her glorious body he submerged himself in the moment. Her pussy was sopping, her tits were bouncing as he thrust, and her cries of pleasure were softly echoing in the air. His cock was full, yearning to erupt, and when she begged for permission he let himself fly, turning his cock into a piston.

  “Yes,” he said gruffly, “come for me, come for me now.”

  Her fingers gripped the bed sheets, her head began thrashing from side-to-side, and he could see she was trying to stifle her cries.

  As his orgasm took hold, shooting through his being, he clenched his teeth fighting the loud, deep, guttural groan that wanted to explode from his mouth. When the last of the spasms rippled away and he collapsed at her side, her whimpering told him she had experienced the same, deep, powerful release.

  Panting heavily she rolled on to her side and gazed at him.

  “You are Superman,” she said breathlessly.

  “Come here,” he huffed pulling her into him.

  Closing her eyes she laid her head in the crook of his shoulder. She could hear his heart hammering, and with her limbs tingling she felt herself drift in the bliss.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed when he lifted his arm from under her head. She felt the covers being laid over her, then his warm, strong body returned to lay next to her. His lips touched her forehead, and she heard whispered words telling her to sleep well.

  Staring at the ceiling Zach let out a heavy sigh. There was a connection between them, a connection that was real and strong. Her response to his Dominance was beyond anything he could have guessed, but it was more than that.

  She needs me. She needs what I am, who I am. She wants my authority, she wants my control. She knows I’m with her because of her, not because she’s Justin Hartman’s daughter, or for any other reason, but it also goes the other way. She’s with me because of who I am, not because I’m an executive at Titan. She feels safe with me. I have no agenda. Holy crap, this is something that could work.

  Shifting his gaze to stare down at her, for the first time since they’d met she looked at peace. Letting out a sigh he closed his eyes. He felt it too. Serene, calm, drained and happy.


  Accustomed to waking early, when Zach opened his eyes and found the room was dark he thought for a moment he’d stirred before dawn, then he remembered he’d closed the drapes and they were blackout curtains. Kylie was curled around his body, and reaching across to the nightstand he found his glasses, slipped them on and focused on the clock.

  I don’t believe it. 9:17 a.m. That’s impossible. I never sleep this late. I also never sleep so heavily. Wow.

  Moving gently, trying not to wake her, Zach slipped out of bed, and picking up the towel from the floor he wrapped it around his waist and padded into the living room. Closing the door softly behind him he moved across to the minibar, and grabbing a bottle of the hotel’s complimentary water he drank half of it before stopping for a breath. Carrying it with him he moved across to the closet and retrieved his phone, then dropping down on the couch he called Sam.

  “Good morning,” Sam answered. “Out late?”

  “I was,” Zach replied.

  “You’re entitled. Couple of things. First, my dinner canceled so I decided to take a gander at your script, that Moonbeams thing.”

  Zach sat up, gripping his phone.

  “What did you think?”

  “I think it’s a winner,” Sam said decisively. “I have a few notes, the most important is that the lead needs to be sympathetic earlier on. It comes too late. We have to like him sooner, and we have to know why he’s doing what he’s doing from the outset. At least, that’s my take.”

  “I agree a thousand percent,” Zach said eagerly.

  “It’s an easy fix, assuming the writer sees it our way. Let’s get it on the conveyor belt. Be in my office 8:30 a.m. Monday morning. I have something else to discuss with you as well.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “One more thing. Not pleasant.”


  “Curtis Fielding. He’ll be clearing out his desk today.”

  “I’m not sure what to say,” Zach murmured.

  “Nothing to say, I just wanted you to know.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “Have a good weekend,” Sam finished. “See you Monday.”

  “You too, see you Monday.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  Kylie’s soft voice floated across to him, and lifting his gaze he saw her standing in the doorway wrapped in a hotel bathrobe.

  “I’m not sure how to answer that,” he said meeting her eyes. “I have some fabulous news, and some, uh, other news.”

  “What’s the fabulous news?” she asked walking over and sitting on his lap.

  “I’m at the Bel Air with this gorgeous creature who is full of surprises,” he chuckled.

  “That is fabulous news,” she giggled. “Who’s the lucky girl?”

  “Cute,” he grinned. “The other fabulous news is that a project I’m crazy about just got the green light from Sam.”

  “That’s fantastic.”

  “It is. It’s also officially day one of the many days ahead when anything could go wrong, but I have a good feeling about it.”

  “What’s the other news?”

  “Hold on to your hat, and it’s confidential until it’s been made public.”

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “You don’t have to worry about working for Curtis Fielding. He just got canned.”

  “What? You’re kidding?”

  “I’m not. I can’t say I’m surprised. He hasn’t exactly led a blazing trail over the last couple of years, but it still feels a bit sudden. Come to think of it, I saw him leaving Sam’s office yesterday. He didn’t look very happy, but Sam would have said something when I saw him if he’d been given his walking papers then.”

  “Curtis called me yesterday, a couple of times,” she remarked. “The first time he asked me if I’d finished with my other interviews, and if I’d made any decisions. The second time he wanted to know how he could entice me to join his team. It was so annoying. I told him I’d decided I didn’t want to work in television but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. It was right before you picked me up. That’s what took me so long coming down. He wouldn’t get off the phone and I didn’t want to hang up on him.”

  “Huh, that’s interesting,” Zach frowned. “I wonder why he was so determined to hire you. Maybe he thought recruiting you might save his bacon.”

  “I have no idea, but I’m glad I don’t have to worry about him calling me again. He was weird and so annoying
. He couldn’t stop talking. I think he was stoned or on coke or something.”

  “Enough about Curtis,” Zach said firmly, but for a brief moment he wondered if her suspicions could be right. “On a completely different subject, I have three questions for you.”

  “Three? Okay, what’s the first?”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Hungry? I’m absolutely starving,” she said vehemently.

  “Good, me too. Let’s order room-service. The second, is your butt still sore?”

  “What?” she said punching him. “What kind of a question is that?”

  “I want to make sure, because if it’s not I’m going to freshen it up. Make sure you behave a little while longer.”

  “Yes, it is, you don’t need to worry. I’ll be a good girl,” she promised. “Next question.”

  “Would you like to stay another night? Go home tomorrow afternoon? We could take a run into Beverly Hills in the morning, have lunch, do a bit of Sunday shopping.”

  “A mini-vacation? Sunday shopping?”

  “Sure, why not? After we eat we can pick up a few things at the notoriously expensive hotel shop, then pamper ourselves. Have massages, lay by the pool…”

  “We can be naughty, make all kinds of noises, have the manager banging on the door,” she laughed.


  “You’re serious?”

  “I’m absolutely serious,” he said, “unless you have other plans.”

  “I don’t, and I think it’s an absolutely fantastic idea.”

  “Great! Let’s eat breakfast, and then I’ll ravage you some more.”

  “Before we go to the notoriously expensive hotel shop?” she giggled.

  “Yes, before that,” Zach chuckled.

  “Zach,” she said dropping her voice. “Thanks for all this, for everything.”

  “Even your spanking?”

  “NO,” she scowled.


  “Gotcha,” she laughed.

  “You are so naughty,” he said with a mock frown.

  “Uh-huh, and that’s why you like me so much,” she quipped, then softly she added, “and the true answer to your question, even my spanking?”

  “Yes,” he pressed.


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