Destined for the Alpha

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Destined for the Alpha Page 9

by Winifred Lacroix

  "Oh." it was a soft noise that left her lips, the hurt of being betrayed even though she was probably not even in the mind of her alpha at the time made her heart fall to her stomach. Catherine opened the door and stumbled forward to see her omega sitting near the fire pouring over a book, the fire stoked and the room cleaned.

  "Catherine!" Her omega got up quickly to steady her but the alpha grabbed her waist first.

  He leaned down to her ear, Peter's hot breath traveling down her neck "There is no one but you, my Catherine, do not mistake my loyalty." his whispered words sent shivers down her spine and she squeaked in surprise. Still jealousy ate at her heart. She turned her head to meet her alpha's lips and gave him a chaste kiss which led to something more, a soft tracing of his tongue on her lips and a small sigh gave him the opening to intertwine his tongue with hers. A soft moan as he brought her closer to his body, his hug almost crushing her against him. She heard him growl against her lips and she broke the kiss, breathing heavily.

  "No rest for the wicked, alpha." Shawn cut in behind them and she heard the bigger werewolf sigh before sitting his mate down on the bed. John quickly gave her a glass of water and Peter sat down next to her. Catherine's legs felt heavy and she sighed looking down at her dress, her feet peeking out from beneath the hem.

  Shawn smiled at her briefly; she didn't know her deltas as well as she knew everyone else. John was always waiting on her and Ivan and Peter were with her as mates. Peter briefly looked over the letter; it had a wax seal on the top that weighed the paper forward slightly. The blonde looked over to see elaborate script that seemed to go on past the page.

  "Cordelia did this once again, we're playing janitor." Peter tossed the papers on the bed "and who delivered it?"

  "It was here when I arrived, alpha, what are we to do with her?" Shawn replied, running his fingers back through his hair, he was worried and wearing all black, as what seemed to be his wont.

  Peter kissed her gently on her head, "Ivan?"

  "You know Ivan must come along for such a job!" Shawn looked back towards the door expecting the werewolf in question to come through the heavy wooden door. "What about John?"

  "Don't make me laugh."

  "What about Philippe?" Catherine chimed in.

  Chapter 8

  was John who dropped her off in the library she was in not a few days ago. Philippe was dressed in grey tweed pants and a slightly askew cotton button down. He had a glass of brandy as he stood up to welcome the Helian and her escort.

  "I knew you'd be back my little pup." He welcomed the small girl with open arms and she padded on bare feet into the lush carpeted library. She looked back at John who was watching her with a wary look in his eyes. "We will be back soon, Catherine." John said quietly and turned back down the hall.

  She knew as she sat down quietly on the sofa that had comforted her so much earlier that Peter was no pleased to have her in the custody of another clan. His prized possession with another alpha.

  "How did you get that beast to leave you with me?" He asked boredly sitting back down next to her, flipping open his book and relaxing as the sun was hanging low in the sky

  "I asked" she replied simply and heard him take another sip of his drink.

  It wasn't simple as she stated it; Peter had looked trapped at the suggestion like a caged beast frantically looking for a way out. He had called Ivan over and asked the beta if they could take her and keep her away from the task at hand, and after awhile she was gently pushed out of the room to hear Peter begin to raise his voice to the beta, something she had only heard once or twice. John had looked down at his hands that were laced together in front of him. "Is this type of mission routine?"

  "Yes," he had responded and looked away from the small female who was still feeling rather weak from her escapades the night before. She had wondered why her omega would not meet her eyes and instinctively felt something was wrong. "John?"

  The door swung open almost off its hinges. Ivan was breathing heavily, his hands balled into white-hot fists "Ivan?" Her beta shot her a glance before storming off down the stone hallway. Peter had emerged last "There is nothing to be done, John take her to Philippe." He kissed her roughly, his teeth drawing blood from her lips. She brought her fingers to her lips and watched him follow his beta, and he didn't look back.

  She touched her lips absentmindedly while sitting next to Philippe, remembering the events of this afternoon. "Would you like some dinner?" he asked while turning a page.

  She looked over at him and shook her head, her heart skipping a beat as he flashed an award-winning smile. She looked out the large window and wondered what her clan was up to and hoped they would be okay. She knew that she would be no help to them "cleaning up" whatever that meant exactly.

  "Your clan often plays janitor, they're high ranking because of their ability to get jobs done. You should be proud of such a group ma petite chiot."

  "I don't know what that means, I just want them to be safe." Catherine admitted and Philippe offered her his glass of brandy she hesitated but he nudged it into her small hands

  "I have a feeling it's going to be a rough night for you," he smiled at the small girl and she watched him warily before taking a sip. The liquid tasted bitter and burned all the way down. She wondered why anyone would drink this stuff willingly, but held onto the glass in silence. An hour passed before the sun finally set and Catherine had finished the glass of brandy, feeling tired she leaned over to lie on the armrest. She felt Philippe’s hand rub her back as she yawned. How was it with her own clan she never felt so calm, but with Philippe she was a puddle within an hour. Was it the atmosphere? Was it the peace? Or perhaps the lack of other wolves? A few more minutes went by

  "What's the changing like?" she asked, staring out the window, watching the waning moon climb higher in the sky.

  "I was born a werewolf, George will know, he was recently changed."


  She heard footsteps from down the hallway at a brisk walk but did not move to see who it was; they probably weren't on their way to this room. She yawned and closed her eyes.

  "Sir?" A well built man, with a hair cut much like Philippe’s, combed backwards but still rather long stood before them and startled the small blonde, knocking the empty glass onto the floor "Oh! Oh sorry!" She went to pick it up worrying that the water would stain the carpet but George had gotten to it sooner.

  "Meet my delta George, Catherine, ask him your question." She sat up so quickly her head was dizzy.

  George had almost military like attention, his posture was rigid and he did not look at them but down the hall. "Can he sit down? It looks uncomfortable" she leaned over and whispered and Philippe laughed

  "Do as the lady asks."

  Two regal chairs were across the room near the window she often found herself staring out at, worn in red velvet with deep oak inlays. George took a seat and looked at Catherine expectantly. There was no fighting or unnecessary talking; Philippe’s clan was much different than her own. "What was your changing like?" Catherine ventured quietly and George looked over at his alpha before answering slowly

  "It was painful and frightening the first time, but it felt like achieving some kind of new ultimate freedom. If my alpha had not been with me though, I probably wouldn't have made it." He lapsed into a silence for a second "It is much different once you change, you become more powerful, more aware, and more connected to your pack."

  George looked at her expectantly, waiting for the next question like an obedient dog ready to please his master. She felt so warm all of a sudden and pushed some hair out of her face. "Why did your alpha have to be there?" she asked genuinely curious, her pack never exhibited a pack personality except for John who constantly got yelled at. Her beta and alpha were always fighting and she hardly saw her deltas.

  "The pain makes you try to stop the transformation if you're not one with your wolf, you'll die. Alpha Philippe helped me through mine."


  "Sometimes, ma petite chiot, your alpha gives your wolf a push in the right direction." Philippe closed his book and looked over at George who was sitting waiting for the next question.

  "Bring us food, delta, refill her cup, and do it quickly. I'm hungry." He said boredly. Philippe reminded her of royalty the way he ordered everyone around but when it came to her, he seemed just content to lapse into a comfortable silence.

  George almost ran out of the room and Philippe looked over at her and smiled "I run a tight ship, are you surprised?"

  "A bit." she admitted. Philippe seemed almost lazy when she was around; he was always in this small piece of heaven, reading a book by himself. "It's just different than mine." she sighed and looked back out the window wondering exactly what janitor meant and why so often her clan was called for missions.

  She felt a tug at her arm and turned to see a panicked Philippe pulling her back into the library "Phil-" He put his hand over her mouth and dragged her further into the room, pressing her up against a wall. What was he doing was he going to hurt her? Was this his true nature? Did Peter know?

  "Alpha Philippe?" a familiar female voice called, her eyes widened, it was Cordelia. Catherine looked up at Philippe who nodded and stepped back from her. The small Helian girl tried to press herself further into a wall and Philippe put his finger to her lips and she closed her eyes. The Cordelia woman was someone she did not want to mess around with.

  "What is it, you insufferable woman?" Philippe walked away from where Catherine hid, between two shelves and underneath a large painting.

  "Is that any way to address your superiors?" She replied

  "What brings you to the slums then?"

  "I heard you're babysitting the Helian brat, and I was wondering if I could talk with her."

  "Word travels fast, but as you can see she is no longer here." Philippe sounded nonchalant but there was true fear in his eyes when he left her.

  "You are a liar, Philippe." Her voice turned into a hiss and she heard soft steps on the plush carpet. "Catherine, little Helian girl, come out and have a chat with me?"

  "What do you want with that slip of a girl anyways?"

  "None of you idiots have noticed that she's far more than what she seems, and I'd like her for myself."

  There was a pause and she felt her throat close up in fear. What would Cordelia do to her?

  "Leave now Cordelia, don't make me deal with you."

  "Give me the girl Philippe and I won't deal with you. Come out Catherine before I hurt your friend. Aha!"

  Cold, Long Fingers with red nails grabbed her wrist and yanked her out of her hiding place and Catherine realized she could not scream. A strong arm came around her waist and she was pulled away. It was Philippe, no longer composed, his eyes wild. "Leave her alone Cordelia, she is not yours."

  "Why are you so protective you stupid halfling scholar?" shrieked Cordelia, her eyes seemed desperate. Catherine couldn't find anything but panic. Philippe was nowhere near as strong as her alpha, he was fit but Cordelia was right, he didn't look as if he had ever seen a battle. "Give her to me, and I won't hurt you, Philippe."

  The man in question pushed her back behind him, "I know far more than you do, you stupid wench. I will not be handing her over."

  It was a flash of silver but suddenly Philippe was clutching his arm and screaming, Cordelia had a blade, a blade that looked strikingly similar to the sacrifice blade she had seen with the sages. "What do you want from me?!" she cried and Cordelia stopped herself from stabbing the alpha again. "Leave him alone!" She stepped in front of the wounded wolf, hoping to prevent him from any harm. Why was it that everyone around her always got hurt?

  "I knew a Helian would sacrifice herself before others, Philippe you played along nicely." Philippe attempted to pull her aside but Catherine saw the wound on his arm, which was a cut, surrounded by an angry burn, and was the knife on fire? She felt her eyes well up with tears, she had caused her scholar this pain, and it was always her fault.

  "Catherine, you must run." He said weakly but it was a strangled cry that made her look away from the wolf and back towards Cordelia. A small thud as the blade she used to harm Philippe fell onto the carpet. It was George who had put his hands around her neck, and was squeezing her until she rolled her eyes back in her head and collapsed.

  "Alpha?" George asked his eyes wide as he saw the blood dripping down his pack leader's pants.

  "Is she dead?" He tried to sound composed through gritted teeth.

  "No, I was-"

  "Get rid of her! Take her to her alpha now." Philippe fell to his knees on the carpet clutching his arm; blood splattering on the white dress that Catherine was wearing. It looked even worse. "Fuck, fuck, it's the silver in the blade."

  "How can I-I can't you're not in my clan, that's what Cordelia said." She remembered what Peter had said earlier when she had woke up "your blood can be used for any purpose." Could she risk losing any more? She looked down at the wound, the skin was turning purple. She turned around and grabbed the blade, turning it to her other arm. Catherine struggled to remember how the blood sacrifice went. If she could help Philippe she would do anything to help "Blood requested, blood freely given." she echoed the words that the sages had said before the sacrifice, was it possible to do the same?

  "Catherine no!" Philippe cried and she stared at the werewolf with determination in her eyes "say the words!"

  "Ma petite chiot please you can't-"

  "Say it!" she screamed

  "Blood requested"

  "Blood freely given!" she hissed as she sliced through her wrist again, watching it fall out of her wrist in rivulets and onto his wound. She felt lightheaded immediately and the words the sages had intoned fell freely from her lips "vlos belbaunin, joros emplaniilid" The same rush of power was almost euphoric as it flowed through her.

  "Shit." Philippe watched his wound close up slowly as if nothing had happened and the Helian fell forward onto him unconscious.

  Perhaps this is why Peter hadn't wanted her alone, or why she wasn't supposed to meet the sages, or Cordelia. The extent of her own power came at the extent of her sacrifices, and Catherine wanted to know how powerful she truly was.

  Chapter 9

  "Miss Catherine?" she fluttered her eyes open to see George leaning over her and groaned, her body felt completely tired, almost as if she couldn't move.

  "Is she awake?" She heard Philippe say but could barely move to look at him and she groaned again "Get her some water, or something!"

  She felt a hand gently turn her head to face him "Why did you do that?! Gods you barely even know me!" Philippe looked distressed, he looked tired, he looked scared, and the calm composure she had known was all gone.

  She smiled at him and he sighed and pressed his forehead against hers "When your beta finds out…" he trailed off and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently "Cordelia will be back. There is a reason she holds so much clout, you need to be more careful you silly girl." She squeezed back and he looked up at his delta. "George, get the doctor at least!"


  She exhaled heavily hearing him leave the room. She had never felt so weak before, but the rush of power was exhilarating, she had healed his wound so quickly. It amazed her that she could use her power outside of just her clan and she understood exactly why Peter had told her she was so valuable. She was like the sages, positively magical.

  "I figured it wouldn't be long before I saw you again" came a voice she faintly remembered.

  Philippe moved out of her vision to allow an older man and her eyes widened it was Frederick the man she saw on the night she met Peter. He had checked her over for wounds and made sure she was well cared for, it made sense, and she thought in retrospect, that he was the doctor. "Ohoho, yes, it looks like you've discovered too much already, clever girl."

  He opened her mouth and poured a vial of bad tasting liquid in her mouth, it felt like ice travelling down her throat and then suddenly, she was freezing, like she had be
en outside in the snow for too long. She gasped and felt herself shiver, her teeth clacking together. Philippe looked distressed "Can't you do something?"

  "I am doing something." Frederick looked irritated, Catherine wanted to tell Philippe she was alright but it was no use.

  She drifted in and out of consciousness, her body tense and no amount of heat from the fire George stoked, or the blankets that he brought seemed to make it subside. It was the third time, when the chill that seemed to be endless subsided to just enough for a blanket and when she finally could move her hand and Philippe who was reading a book on the chair next to her noticed the motion "Catherine?"

  "Philippe, I'm sorry." She rasped and she watched him hurried grab a cup of water and put it to her mouth, she drank slowly, the liquid lukewarm "I just wanted to help"

  "You saved my arm, the silver, it infects the body, and it’s deadly to a werewolf. To stop the infection I would have had to cut my arm off." Philippe looked over at the fire, blush had risen in his cheeks "No one would have made such a sacrifice for me."

  "It wasn't a sacrifice, it was the right thing to do." She replied and looked over to see George eagerly waiting next to the door. "What time is it?"

  "It's around midnight" George replied dutifully, looking at the grandfather clock on the far wall, 11:47, it was overly ornate for a clock with gold filigree and large hands.

  "Has Peter-"

  "No, they won't be back until later, if they're quick" the scholar was gently rubbing her hand and she attempted to sit up, her body was still sore but she felt refreshed like she had taken a long nap.

  "Awake finally?" Frederick asked stepping in from an adjoining room that she hadn't noticed until now, candles were lit everywhere and as she looked around to see ivory walls and high ceilings, it looked almost palatial, the gold shone in the soft candle light and there was gold almost everywhere.


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