Destined for the Alpha

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Destined for the Alpha Page 11

by Winifred Lacroix

  “Mine, my mate.” he whispered, only loud enough for her to hear and his teeth sunk easily into her mark, causing her to tighten around him and her body to melt. She felt him begin to pump in and out of her rougher, each thrust was no longer for her pleasure but for her possession. She was slack against him as long as his teeth were inside of her marking. His moans turning into animalistic growls that made her body respond eagerly. She felt the familiar tightening of her lower stomach, all of her muscles were tense, her whole body wound into a tight spring. His teeth withdrew from her body.

  “Alpha,” she moaned sitting back up on him, her blonde hair tinted red from the bloody water. She began to grind herself against him, her pleasure was so close, her body thrumming with need, every inch of her was so close, so tense. She wanted to feel him fill her with his seed. She needed to possess him. She was frenzied and each animalistic grunt and growl, each part of his wolf side that leaked through while she rode his large cock, feeling it pulse inside of her, drove her higher. She threw her head back, her fingers digging into his chest as she felt the first wave of pleasure come over her. Finally, the tense build up in her body released, she fell apart, no longer in control of herself, like when Peter bit her mark, she just rocked against him, her orgasm running over her like waves in the bloody water. Her hands turning into small fists against his skin, her whole body arched up towards the sky like a wolf howling at the moon.

  Her consciousness pieced itself back together, vaguely aware that her body was moving without her doing anything. It was Peter, he was moving her against him almost desperately. He was still hard inside of her, his breathing was jerky, his eyes wild and water splashed over the edge of the tub as he used her body for his own orgasm. She met his thrusts eagerly, leaning down to crush his lips against hers. Her tongue seeking out his, and she let out a small moan when his tongue tangled with hers. His body tensed against hers, he moaned into her mouth as he slammed himself inside of her, his cock pulsating inside of her, filling her with cum. She was already so sensitive so she scrambled to get away from it but he held her in place until he was done. He smiled against her lips as he studied her features. Tears drying on her face as bloody water dripped down her skin from her blonde hair. She smiled down at him, warm and content.

  She was in the middle of a den of murderers, and was mated to the most ferocious of them all, he rocked her gently in the bath. She consoled herself in the thought that at least she was the alpha of the murderers, and not the prey.

  Chapter 10

  John took her outside of the compound the next afternoon. They were waiting for a tailor to come to the room, as Catherine now had no clothing. She was wearing her red cloak and one of Ivan's t-shirts that fit her more like a dress as the trudged through the forest in late fall. Ivan and Peter were doing more important business today, but Ivan had promised to join her for lunch at least. The fresh fall air filled up her lungs, even though she was tired from the events of the past few days.

  "I thought you'd like some time away from everything, Cat." her omega said as he trailed behind her.

  "How long before I change?" she asked looking out into the forest, all the leaves had died and animals were scarce as winter was upon them.

  "Less than two weeks now, tonight is the new moon." He replied and looked up at the sky as if it was there now.

  "I'm worried," she admitted quietly as she continued walking around the mountain

  "Alpha Peter wouldn't let anything happen to you."

  She turned around and noticed that the trees closest to her were growing green leaves in response to her presence, as if a thank you for her blood the other day. Was the forest alive as the sages had told her? She also noticed a man approaching them dressed in black. "Who is he?"

  John looked back to see what his alpha female was asking and pushed her behind him "it's Alpha Roland."

  "Alpha who?"

  "Cordelia's alpha."

  Catherine began to back away, if Cordelia wasn't the alpha, this man must be scarier than her. He seemed to be in front of them in an instant, damned werewolves.

  Alpha Roland was tan with long black hair that was done in braids down his back, he had a well kept beard and deep brown eyes that were almost black, he was shorter than her alpha, and less fit that Ivan. He wore a black suit and a black cloak much like her own. "Alpha Catherine, it's not hard to find you." he gestured to the trail of green that she was leaving

  "State your business with her Alpha Roland, or leave."

  "Oh please," he laughed at the omega and it made her blood boil, how dare he dismiss John like that. "If I wanted to hurt her a runt like you would be my last worry"

  "I'm not a runt!" John interjected but Catherine stepped up next to her omega and looked up at the alpha wolf that towered over them.

  "No I suppose it's not, how can I help you?" she asked, fear wracking her body but she attempted to put on a brave face for her omega.

  "I wanted to apologize for Cordelia yesterday, she can be a little passionate." He chuckled

  "It's not me you should be apologizing to, Philippe is the one she dissected quite easily with a silver dagger."

  "I have already apologized to alpha Philippe for her indiscretions, she can get a bit rowdy! I know more than anyone!"

  "Thank you for coming to apologize for her. We really must be going." Catherine ground out, irritated at how flippant this alpha was towards Cordelia's positively murderous behavior. Could he not see that she was going to kill other werewolves?

  She turned around and started walking in the opposite direction hoping that alpha Roland wouldn't try and continue this conversation anymore. "Wait, Catherine, if you have some time-"

  "No time!" she shouted back, not turning to look at him and wished she could find some door to get inside but nothing seemed to be appearing out of the blue

  "Alpha Catherine," she felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around, could no one in this bedamned place leave her in peace for five minutes?

  "What do you want, alpha Roland?" She heard another male voice and saw Ivan walking towards them John looked relieved and Catherine sighed.

  "None of your business beta wolf." he cleared his throat and looked down at the irritated blonde "We were wondering if you would join us for dinner?"

  "No!" Ivan and John replied together.

  "No one was asking you." Roland snapped

  "I'm very busy, I can't give an answer without my alpha's consent." Catherine said diplomatically "Ask him what he thinks about dining with a woman who would rather have my blood than my company."

  She huffed and walked off, John trailing behind her followed by Ivan. "Why are you out here Ivan?" She looked up at her beta that was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt with bare feet.

  "It's almost lunch and I promised my little cat some time this afternoon." He picked her up and kissed her gently.

  Catherine was unfazed, there was something that made her nervous about Ivan "I need to go by Philippe’s wing, I forgot medicine." she said as he sat her down.

  "Thinking of other men already?" He joked but his face fell "That's fine, but I don't trust that wolf after last night."

  "I'm not asking you to trust him, but Frederick gave me medicine and I need it."

  "Let's go, let's go." Ivan sighed, looking back at the trail of partially bloomed forest that lead up to where Catherine had been standing.

  When they dropped by his wing, Philippe was absent much to Catherine's dismay but George gladly handed her the vial and was happy to see that she was doing better.

  Catherine sat down for lunch that was served by a quiet John across from Ivan who dug in without even bothering to say a word. She had not noticed that they had a dining room in their wing.

  "How many rooms do we have? I've only been in two…" she looked around the huge dining room, everything was done up in the signature dark oak, with dead animals gracing the walls in different ways, from pelts to horns almost every inch of the wall was covered in trop
hies from hunts. The table was raw wood, that had dents and bangs in it, the chairs were hand carved but the plates were delicate china with blue designs.

  "As a high ranking clan we have one of the larger wings, twelve rooms, a common area and a dining room."

  "Oh, I didn't know we had so much space…" she said in awe as she ate lunch slowly.

  "Let me show you my domain then, after we eat."

  He ate a steak, and she ate some too but not as savagely, after some water he got up and wiped his mouth. "The tailor should be here soon. Let's look around."

  As they traversed down the hall from the dining room he kept opening doors to well decorated rooms much like Peter's and saying "empty." She didn't realize her clan really was so small but had such large rooms, everyone seemed to sleep with Peter in his room after missions. They reached the end of the hallway and he opened up some double doors to reveal a large common room with marble flooring covered with pelts as rugs here and there, a large fire and some books scattered on tables, large windows that stretched to a ceiling that was three times as high as she was looked out over a placid lake she didn't even know existed. "We never use this room but the view is beautiful."

  She walked up to a window and pressed her nose to the glass, looking at the forest that was mostly branches and no leaves for winter, the glass, unlike all the others was clear and newish. The lake was completely empty and the sky only held a few white clouds. Ivan kissed her head and snaked his hands around her waist. A few seconds in silence went by before her beta spoke again.

  "Are you doing okay?" he asked quietly

  "I'm not sure." she replied honestly "my powers and the changing. I don't know."

  "Peter and I will both be there, trust your alpha and you will be fine." He kissed her again, this time on her temple and hugged her tightly against him "We're not allowed a second chance with you until after your changing." he grumbled as he bent down and kissed her neck, making her shiver. He chuckled into her neck "Your reaction is enough for me for now."

  "Catherine, the tailor?" John interrupted them and Catherine turned to look behind Ivan

  "Send him in?" she smiled at her omega that rewarded her with a smile back.

  The tailor was an ancient man who was shorter than her and looked like at any second the wind would just blow him into dust, with barely any white hair left yet a gorgeous navy suit he fitted her for a few dresses and admitted that he bought most of the clothing and did not sew much but he had told her by the end of the fitting that he could perhaps sew her one gown. She thanked him for his time and looked over at Ivan who had watched boredly the entire time, for what reason she didn't know but she was happy to have a bit of normalcy after so many days of violence. Catherine sat down next to her beta that yawned as John showed the tailor the door.

  It was the mark of many days of normalcy and as she leaned against Ivan for a late afternoon nap before dinner, Catherine thought about how nice it was to be around her clan at times like these.

  It was a week later, while she was having breakfast with Philippe in her rooms and he was discussing with her some research he was doing into Helians that he handed her the dagger that had stabbed him earlier "This dagger is a ritual dagger. I have a feeling it will be more use to you than me."

  "What do you mean?" She asked, running a finger down the blade. It was shiny and the hilt was decorated in rubies. The handle was wrapped in dirty cloth.

  "This is used for sacrifice, if you unwrap the hilt you'll see more designs. It is said to increase the potency of the blood used." She gently unwrapped the cloth to see more designs, it looked almost like vines carved into the silver, and rubies seemed to be flush with the surface.

  "Why was it wrapped in such a way?" Catherine asked

  "A werewolf can't touch silver, you saw what happened when I was cut with the blade."

  She hummed in agreement before wrapping the blade in the cloth napkin that was lying on her lap and put it inside her wardrobe. "How are you doing?" he asked seriously after he had finished another bite of his toast

  "Nervous, scared." She admitted looking down at her hands, which she had folded in her lap, she was wearing a light blue dress today that the tailor had brought back.

  "Tonight is the half moon feast, are you going?" Philippe sipped his champagne, Catherine understood that Philippe loved to drink at any time of day.

  "I wasn't told of any feast, so I guess not." she replied, no one in her clan had mentioned it, but she was put out. It would be nice to attend a big dinner with everyone, she was so used to doing everything one at a time with her alpha or beta.

  She heard the door open and she turned to see Peter who had come in from outside it seemed, she saw small twigs stuck in his hair and smiled. "You're back so soon?"

  "The meeting with the sages went quickly. I see you've taken another alpha besides me in my absence?"

  She looked over at Philippe who choked on his drink and coughed, setting down his champagne flute.

  "Philippe says there is a dinner tonight? Can we-"

  "No, it's too dangerous." he pulled some leaves out of his hair as he tossed his cloak on the bed.

  "Just for an hour? I'd like to go." She complained "and my gown…"

  Her alpha grabbed some food off of her plate and gave her a serious look. "An hour only." he said firmly before disappearing into the adjoining bathroom "I don't understand why you can't wait until the next one."

  "Are you going?" she asked, secretly excited that she was even allowed to go at all,

  "Of course, dinner is free and the alcohol is flowing." he raised his glass "To an evening of fun for my Helian!"

  "You're a bad influence on me." she laughed but she enjoyed Philippe, he was her true friend, and one of the first friends she had made at the compound aside from her mates. She felt as if she could tell the scholar anything, and her secrets would always be safe with him. After breakfast was over, Philippe kissed her hand and told her that he would see her tonight, Peter watched the interaction carefully from the chair nearest the fire.

  He quickly exited and her alpha sat down across from her in the seat Philippe just vacated. Today he was dressed in red the matched her cloak. He had a deep red shirt and faded and torn jeans, his hair was still windswept even though she suspected he had went into the bathroom to clean up a bit. "Why do you want to go to this dinner so much?"

  He asked, picking up an uneaten apple and beginning to skin it with a knife. "Well, I'd just like to see it. You always keep me here or with Philippe."

  He cut a slice of apple and reached across the table to feed it to her. "Cordelia will be there, you know."

  "I had a feeling." Truth be told, she had hoped that Cordelia was not attending, but she didn't want to constantly be in hiding and make that disgusting woman think that she had the upper hand. "Her being there makes me want to go even more."

  "Do you miss her?"

  "I want people to know I'm a strong alpha for you, Peter. I don't want one woman have that kind of power over me."

  He laughed at her response "You've become so manipulative lately, my scared little pup is coming into her own."

  She blushed and looked away "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt anymore."

  "John, come in here and clean up this mess." he called and got up from his chair, wiping his hands off on his pants "perhaps it will be nice to introduce you to the rest of the clans."

  "Thank you." she smiled up at her alpha and he kissed her gently, he ruffled her hair

  "John will get you dressed after he gets in here and does his damn job." he called towards the closed door and the omega bust in looking flustered.

  "Sorry, alpha, but beta Ivan…" he started gathering plates and Catherine stood up and followed her alpha out into the hall.


  "Hmm?" He asked turning back to see the small girl standing in the doorway, her hands clasped together and fidgeting.

  "Do you think I'll really be safe in the same room as her?
" she asked honestly.

  "As long as I'm there, you'll be safe." he reassured her and pulled her against his body into a tight hug "trust me."

  Chapter 11

  The rest of the day she spent with her omega that seemed to be the only wolf that was ever around when she needed company.

  "So these happen every month? The feasts?" she asked as John zipped up her gown, it was shapeless white chiffon that hit the floor and came to a collar around her neck, there were no sleeves and it seemed to hide her figure and define it all at once.

  "Yeah, it's an excuse for everyone in the compound to get together and connect. We are a small society and as we all play an important part to create the whole, we should be mindful of the people we depend on." John was still dressed in rags, he only seemed to own two pairs of clothing, both of which were dirty and threadbare, she wondered how she could get the tailor to better dress her omega. "We usually do not go, or if we do, only the deltas attend. Alpha Peter says it's a waste of time."

  "Oh." she said as he buttoned her collar, "have you gone?"

  "Only once, it was just eating and then we left. There is supposedly dancing afterwards where everyone pushes the tables to the walls, but I am not sure."

  "Let's go Catherine, or we're going to be late." Ivan called from the chair, he was in the usual white t-shirt and jeans, and she saw a gaping hole in the shoulder of his shirt and poked at it.

  "How come you're not dressing up?" she asked, feeling terribly overdressed for the occasion.

  "I never dress up." he huffed "it's a waste of time."

  "Everyone else will look nice, don’t be obstinate Ivan" Peter interjected coming into the room adjusting the sleeves on his black velvet suit that she recalled him wearing the day of his trial.


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