The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3 Page 3

by A. K. Michaels

  “That may be so, but I still like to check things for myself.” Francois cocked an eyebrow. “As do you, if I remember correctly.”

  “Yes.” Valentine nodded. “Why don’t we head inside? Cassius is eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

  “Certainly.” Calix’s face broke into a tight smile as he nodded toward them.

  Cassius raised a hand in welcome. “Come on, my friend, we have much to discuss.”

  “So I see.” Calix looked Rose over, his eyes lingering on her far too long for Cassius’ liking.

  “This is my mate, Rose.” Cassius’ tone much harsher than he’d meant. “She is off-limits, Calix, to you and your men, so make sure they know that. I wouldn’t want any unpleasantness due to some kind of misunderstanding.”

  Rose huffed beside him, her urgent whisper sharp and direct, “Behave.”

  Cassius leaned down, whispering into her ear, “I will, so long as they do.”

  Calix nodded. “I see. Francois, make sure to advise the men to stay clear of Cassius’ mate. I’d hate to lose any of them over a woman.”

  Rose sucked in a huge breath, shocked at the disrespect in Calix’s words. “Excuse me! But that’s kinda rude.”

  Valentine grinned, his eyes darting between Calix and Rose, as Francois looked confused and a little taken aback at Rose’s audacity. Valentine crossed his arms, smirking. “You definitely don’t want to cross her. She’s a trained assassin and I think she’d even give you a run for your money, Francois.”

  “Really?” Francois muttered, looking at Rose with renewed interest.

  “Yeah, really.” Valentine chuckled. “She’s fought Razor and she’s still alive and kicking.”

  “Razor? Are you pulling my leg?” Francois frowned as he peered at Rose.

  “Nope.” Valentine shook his head. “I’m telling you, you don’t want to mess with her.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” Francois mumbled.

  Calix strode toward the stairs, Rose still rankled by his comment, and her face was devoid of emotion as he joined them. When he held out his hand to shake hers, she hesitated, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as a shiver ran through her. “Rose.” Cassius’ hand landed at the base of her back. “This is Calix Ryn, one of my oldest friends. Calix, this is Rose, my mate.”

  Rose reached forward, shaking the offered hand quickly and pulling hers back. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Calix replied.

  “Why don’t you go inside and up to my room?” Cassius looked over to Francois. “You can accompany Calix and we’ll join you shortly. I just want to check with Valentine that everything’s organized for your men.”

  “Thank you.” Calix stepped away. “I could do with a drink of that fine Scots Whisky you keep hidden away. Still in the same place?”

  “Yes.” Cassius laughed. “Help yourself, I won’t be long.”

  Francois followed Calix and as soon as they’d disappeared, Rose swiped her hand on her thigh. “He’s your friend?”

  Cassius nodded. “Yes, I’ve known him a long time and we’ve had some interesting times.”

  “Hmm.” Rose’s eyes squinted, “I’m not sure about him, Cass. There’s something about him and what the hell was that crack he made? He’s lucky I didn’t punch him in the face instead of shake his rather limp hand.”

  Cassius reached for her and was relieved when she didn’t pull away. “He’ll grow on you.”

  “Like a fungus?” Rose quipped, her body shivered in his arms. “I’m telling you, Cass, there’s something about him I don’t like but I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “You better not.” Cassius cocked his head to the side. “I don’t want you putting anything on him, or anyone else, for that matter.”

  “Lame.” Rose stood on her tiptoes pecking his cheek. “Even for an old man like you, that was just awful.”

  He leaned down, his breath whispering across her ear, “I’ll show you how old I am later.”

  Rose inhaled sharply as he pulled away, smirking. Her eyes wide as his intentions were made very clear. Valentine’s voice interrupting them as he welcomed Calix’s elite guards.

  “Nice to have you guys. Hope you’re ready for a mighty rumble.”

  Cassius and Rose turned to watch as two further SUV’s emptied, a group of warriors exiting the vehicles. Several laughing as a high-pitched snarl erupted from the back of the pack of Vampires.

  “Hey, chauvinist pig, I’m not a guy!”

  The others separated as a female pushed her way forwards, her hands on her hips, and her eyes flashing angrily. She stopped in front of Valentine and Cassius saw his friend appreciate the view before him. The woman was around five and a half feet, with blonde hair, held up in a high pony, ice blue eyes that were now focused on Valentine. She reached forward, poking him in the chest.

  “My name’s Sydney, and I thought the days of sexism were long gone. You,” she poked him again, “big guy, should know that we can fight just as well as you. A warrior needs brains just as much as brawn. I see you’ve got the brawn, maybe you’re lacking in the brain department.”

  Cassius looked on as Valentine’s mouth fell open, but he was sure he saw an inkling of interest in his friend. “This could be interesting,” he mumbled to Rose.

  “Ya think?” Rose laughed. “He’s almost panting like a dog after a bitch in heat. And she’s just as bad, look at her, for all her shouting, she’s never taken her eyes off his.”

  “I noticed,” Cassius replied, anxious to see what happened next.

  Valentine held up his hands in front of himself, palms outward, and a cheeky smile on his face. “My sincere apologies, Sydney. You must be new to the guard, it’s always been exclusively men until now.”

  “Well, now it’s not.” Sydney’s tone quieted as she glared up at Valentine. “So get used to it.”

  “Oh, I think I can do that,” Valentine retorted far too quickly.

  “And I want a room of my own.” Sydney pointed over her shoulder. “This lot snore and I’m not sharing with any of them.”

  Valentine stared down into Sydney’s eyes, a twinkle in his as he smiled. “I’ll make sure you have a nice quiet room all to yourself, and I’ll have it close to mine so I can ensure you have all the peace and quiet you want.”

  Sydney glowered up at Valentine, but both Cassius and Rose, caught the softening of her eyes as she nodded curtly. “I guess that’s okay with me.”

  As soon as Sydney finished there were loud guffaws from the remaining guards who were standing watching the entire show. Valentine’s face hardened as he snarled, “Enough of that, get your asses inside and my men will show you where you’re sleeping.”

  Cassius waited until the men filed past then motioned for Valentine to join him. “Everything all set for them? We have enough donor blood?”

  “Yes.” Valentine snuck a glance behind him where Sydney was tugging out a large backpack from the second SUV. “We’ve enough blood to keep an army satisfied, boss, and everything else is sorted. Sue made sure there were enough rooms allocated and made up.”

  “Good.” Cassius followed Valentine’s eyes as he again peeked over his shoulder at Sydney. “She’s rather unique, wouldn’t you say?”

  “She sure is,” Valentine whispered.

  Rose snorted. “You’re like a little puppy dog, staring at her with big puppy eyes.”

  Valentine whirled around, a slight flush on his face. “What? What’re you talking about? I meant she is the first woman to join Calix’s elite guards, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, right!” Rose laughed, raising a hand to wave at Sydney as she lugged the backpack free.

  “I’ve no idea what you mean,” Valentine blustered. “But I’ve got to go and show her where her room is.”

  “You do that.” Cassius smirked as Rose fought to control herself.

  “Right, boss, see ya later.” Valentine loped down the stairs to Sydney.

  “An hour, Valentine, and th
en I want you to join me so we can go over some plans,” Cassius said firmly as Valentine gave him a wave and a nod, before focusing firmly on Sydney.

  Cassius took Rose’s hand. “I guess he’s found someone to be interested in, just hope she doesn’t knock him on his ass. She reminds me of you, Rose, powerful and deadly.”

  “Awww,” Rose batted her eyelashes up at him, “you say the most beautiful things to a gal.”

  Laughing he pulled her along with him, back inside, and toward the elevator. “Let’s go and chat with Calix and see if he’s on board with joining our fight.”

  “Hmmm,” Rose mumbled. “I’m sorry, Cass, but there’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way.”

  “He better not rub you any way, or there’ll be bloodshed!”

  “Pfft.” Rose pinched him as the elevator rose up quickly. “You know what I mean. How well do you really know him?”

  Cassius was thoughtful for a moment. “A long time, Rose. We’ve been friends and business colleagues for too many years to count.”

  “And you trust him?”

  “Of course,” Cassius said firmly. “I wouldn’t have allowed him to come here with his guards if I didn’t.”

  “All right, I guess I have to trust him too,” Rose relented grudgingly.

  “Once you get to know him you’ll see he is a good friend and ally,” Cassius said as the elevator doors pinged open. “Come on, let’s try and remedy that now.”

  “Sure,” Rose replied unenthusiastically.

  Cassius pushed open his door, finding Calix sitting in a plush armchair, sipping his single malt Whisky. “I see you found it okay?”

  Calix nodded, lifting his glass and swirling the amber liquid around. “I did. I’m enjoying it as much as I always do when I visit.”

  “Where’s Francois?” Cassius asked, looking around.

  “He’ll be here momentarily, he’s just making sure the men are settled.” Calix’s eyes flicked to Rose, nodding once. “I look forward to getting to know you, Rose.”

  “Likewise,” Rose mumbled as the hair on the back of her neck stood up once again.

  “Do you want a drink?” Cassius asked her.

  “Nah, I’m good.” Rose walked to Cassius’ favorite chair, settling on an arm, as he sat down.

  “So, Calix, let’s get down to business.” Cassius sat forward, his elbows propped on his knees. “Are you joining us in the fight against the Demon King?”

  Calix eyed Cassius, then Rose, then his drink, taking another sip slowly, before answering. “Can we win such a fight? Demons are hard enough to put down, Cassius, we’ve fought a few in our time, and they are difficult to defeat. How much stronger would their King be?”

  Rose’s body tensed as Cassius sat upright, staring hard over at Calix. “Yes, they are difficult to fight, but we’ve fought, and won, more than once. In fact, we’re just back recently from rescuing Rose from Hell, and Basilius’ guard dog, Razor, was destroyed in that confrontation. So, Calix, I’d say we can win, even if it won’t be an easy victory.”

  Calix’s eyes flickered over to Rose then back to Cassius. “Is there no chance of meeting with him and sorting this out without a battle?”

  Cassius jumped to his feet and started to pace before his friend. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you. What’s going on, Calix? You do know that he wants Rose, don’t you?”

  “I’d heard something of the sort. But, Cassius, you know we’ve never shared your love for Witches, and from what I gather, Rose is one and that’s why he wants her.” His gaze flickered to Rose. “Sorry for being so blunt, Rose, but is it worth losing a lot of good men and women over this?”

  “Over this!” Cassius exploded. “She is my mate, Calix. I’d fight anyone who posed a threat to her, but that’s not the only reason we need to take down Basilius. He is planning to overthrow the Council and take over the human realm for his own ends. That is not something any of us can allow.”

  Rose glared at Calix. “I think we can manage this on our own, Cass, we don’t need his help.”

  Calix held his free hand up. “I didn’t say, no, Cassius. I just wondered about alternatives.”

  “There are no alternatives,” Cassius ground out. “Basilius cannot win, cannot take Rose, and most definitely, cannot rule the human realm. I will not allow that to happen, Calix, so, old friend, tell me. Are you in, or not?”

  “If you put it that way, I’m in.” Calix shrugged. “Didn’t mean to offend you, Cassius, or you, Rose.”

  Rose stood, her tone cold as ice as she strode away. “That’s perfectly all right, I wasn’t offended in the least.” As she pushed open the bedroom door, she turned back, “Not.”

  Cassius couldn’t blame her. He’d told her Calix was a friend, an ally, and he basically offered her up on a platter to Basilius to avoid a fight. “What’s going on with you?” he asked. “I’ve never had to do more than suggest I required assistance and you’d be there, offering your support. And here, now, when it’s the most important thing in my long life, you were almost ready to hand her over to an enemy.”

  “No.” Calix shook his head. “I was just playing Devil’s Advocate.” He smirked. “Ooops, sorry, bad analogy.”

  “Not funny.” Cassius stopped pacing, staring intently at his friend. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Something I should know?”

  “No, of course not.” Calix sipped the last of his Whisky. “As I said, I was only looking for a peaceful solution. Any fight with the King of Demons is going to have major casualties and I was trying to save some of our men that will, undoubtedly, perish.”

  “That’s not something you’ve concerned yourself with in the past.” Cassius finally sat down, sitting back and crossing his legs as he stared at Calix.

  A soft knock on the door announced Francois’ arrival. “Have I missed anything?”

  Cassius shook his head. “No, nothing important.”

  “So, what’s the plan for kicking some Demons back to hell?”

  Cassius took a moment to answer, and when he did, he replied, not with a lie, but not the whole truth either. “I’m just formulating things at the moment, Francois, as soon as I have firm details, I’ll let you know.”

  Calix raised an eyebrow but Cassius ignored it, instead he addressed Francois. “Your room is satisfactory? The men settled in all right?”

  “Luxurious, as always.” Francois smiled. “The men are downstairs now, talking battle stories, but for once Valentine isn’t in the thick of it. No idea where he is.”

  “I think I know where he is.” Cassius thought back to his friend’s reaction to Sydney. “I’ll be meeting with him later and if there’s anything you or Calix needs to know, he’ll come find you.”

  “Okay, so I’m not needed here at the moment?”

  “No, Francois.” Cassius inclined his head. “You can go and join your men, relax, and rest up, because this fight is going to be tough.”

  Francois headed to the door. “We’re ready for it.”

  “Good to know,” Cassius spoke to Francois’ back as he left.

  “Aren’t we going to discuss strategies? Or who else you’ve roped into this?” Calix enquired.

  “Nothing much to talk over right now. I’m still formulating everything.” Cassius’ face had closed down, no intimation of what was going through his mind showing.

  “I see.” Calix stood. “In that case, I’ll retire to my rooms. As you know, I’m not a fan of daytime.”

  “You’re in your usual suite.” Cassius also stood, holding a hand out and shaking Calix’s. “I’m glad you’re on board with this. I’d like you at my side when the fun begins.”

  “Always.” Calix nodded. “I’ll speak to you later, once I’ve rested the day away.”

  Cassius watched as Calix left, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his gut. Rose’s voice interrupting him as soon as the elevator doors pinged closed. “I don’t trust him.”

  “I’ve no idea what’s going on with hi
m,” Cassius admitted.

  “I’m sorry, I know he’s your friend, but something is off with him and I don’t fancy placing my life in his hands, Cass, or the lives of any of our allies.”

  “I’ll keep a close eye on him and I’ll speak to Valentine when he comes up later.”

  “Thanks.” Rose fiddled with her hair. “He makes me nervous, and worse, he’s making my Wolf go all antsy inside my head.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Cassius tried to convince her, or was it himself?

  “I hope you’re right.” Rose headed toward the door. “I’m going down to see if Sue’s got something ready to eat. I’m starving, but she’s too busy to be running up here, catering to me. I won’t be long.”

  “All right,” Cassius said absentmindedly, his thoughts still on Calix.

  Jaxon’s sleek, but huge, Dragon glided down to Zeeandra’s home, making a perfect landing in the huge field before her immense house. He saw her standing waiting for him, the most beautiful woman he’d ever encountered, and a Goddess to boot. Damn but that was just a shame. If she’d been human, he would’ve attempted to kiss her many years ago, with the hope it would lead to more.

  Her luscious lips tugged up in a smile as he transformed, striding purposely toward her, dressed in his usual garb of leather, his long dark hair held back by a simple cord. Once he reached the steps leading up to her porch, he stopped, going down on one knee, his right fist thudding his chest. “My Goddess, you summoned me. How may I be of service?”

  Zeeandra gave him one of her glorious smiles. The kind that always made his heart beat faster. Her voice was like liquid silk as she motioned for him to stand. “Jaxon, I’m afraid we have a battle that must be fought. One that we cannot lose. I know your Warriors are stretched thinly at the moment, but I would ask that you find one other to join us in the fight.”

  Jaxon frowned, confused. “Pardon? When you say ‘join us’ what exactly do you mean?”

  His Goddess turned, gliding across the porch toward her favorite spot, a swinging chair that she lowered herself onto. Zeeandra stretched out, lying fully on the soft cushions, an arm flung along the back. “By us, I mean I shall be joining you and your warrior. This is a fight of the most seriousness, Jaxon. A battle that cannot be lost. The repercussions for every single living being would be catastrophic.”


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