Unending Love

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Unending Love Page 13

by KaLyn Cooper

  His temper tantrum over the Katlin situation had gotten him another month of visits to the agency psychologist. At that point, Jack didn’t care. Finding Katlin was the most important thing in his life.

  The preceding beep of his intercom interrupted his sulking.

  “Mr. Ashworth, I have a Barry Howell on the line demanding to speak with you. He’s Katlin Callahan’s attorney. He claims to have information about her.” Jack bolted upright in his chair and adjusted his tie as though it were going to be a video call. “Put him through, Mrs. Ward.”

  As usual, he let the phone ring several times before he picked it up. People needed to know what a busy man he was. “Jack Ashworth,” he announced.

  “Mr. Ashworth, I’m Barry Howell, attorney for Katlin Callahan. She asked me to call you to let you know that she will not be back to work for a minimum of six weeks. Her neurologist has reserved the right to extend her medical leave for up to six months. At that time, she may be forced to go before a medical review board in order to stay in the military.”

  “Where the fuck is she?” Jack demanded, unable to wait any longer.

  “Ms. Callahan is in a safe location.”

  “Where. Is. She?” Jack was losing his temper.

  “Ms. Callahan is in a safe location.” Mr. Howell repeated. “I am not at liberty to tell you her location. She has specifically asked that you stop spending valuable resources searching for her. She is in excellent hands and has already started her rehabilitation therapies.”

  “Mr. Howell, do you know who kidnapped Ms. Callahan? I intend to bring federal charges against the men who took her out of the hospital, thus kidnapping a federal agent.” Maybe that will scare him, Jack thought smugly.

  “First, Mr. Ashworth, I feel the need to point out that Katlin Callahan is not a federal agent. She is a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy. As such, she personally spoke with General Lyon at USSOCOM informing him of her condition. This is simply a courtesy call to you since she is temporarily assigned to Section Seven of Homeland Security.”

  “While assigned to my division, she was an acting agent of Homeland Security.” Jack volleyed back.

  Barry Howell chuckled. “You’re going to have a tough time defending that to any judge, especially with General Lyon across the aisle. Moving on with your accusations, my second point is that Alex Wolf, her legal executor, had her removed from Walter Reed Medical Center in fear of her health and well-being. Your plan for implanting embryos you fertilized into Ms. Callahan's body was discovered just in time to have her removed from the premises. Thus, there was no kidnapping.”

  “I’m going to bring multiple murder charges against Alex Wolf. He killed my babies. There were viable embryos that have disappeared.” Jack was breathing hard. Every time he thought about Katlin’s belly round with his babies, raising them beside him, his anger boiled. Everything he’d planned so precisely had disappeared that morning with her.

  Howell burst out laughing, which just made Jack more furious.

  “Mr. Ashworth, I look forward to following that case, which I’m quite sure would end up in the Supreme Court. As I’m sure you’re aware, those embryos have a forty-five-hour lifespan and cannot be refrozen. So, technically, you killed them when you insisted they be thawed, knowing that if Ms. Callahan were conscious, she would never agree to such a procedure.”

  No. He was not responsible. It was Alex Wolf’s fault.

  “But since you brought up the subject,” Howell continued, “we would like to know exactly where and how you came into possession of eggs harvested from Ms. Callahan several years ago. According to the records at the fertility center where they were being held for her later use, those eggs disappeared along with several others from similar mothers. It was presumed they were stolen and sold on the black market. Exactly how did you come to be in possession of Ms. Callahan’s eggs?”

  “That’s none of your Goddamn business. I haven’t heard any charges, nor have I been Mirandized, and you’re not a law enforcement officer so I don’t have to answer any of your questions.” Then he countered in a sassy voice, “Oh, but I am a law enforcement officer. I do have a federal badge. Perhaps I’ll drag your ass in for questioning. Mr. Barry Howell, have you been associating with terrorists? Have you had contact with anyone who is a threat to the United States of America?”

  “Nice diversion, Mr. Ashworth. Good luck with that. Now, returning to the reason for my call, Ms. Callahan will not be able to return to her duties until she is released by her neurologist and a psychologist. It is estimated that she will be out at least six weeks. If you try to contact her during her rehabilitation, I’m prepared to file a restraining order against you.”

  “What the fuck?” Jack was devastated that Katlin would take out a restraining order against him.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Ashworth, but what part didn’t you understand?” Barry Howell was rubbing Jack’s last nerve raw.

  Jack would figure out a way to talk to her. He needed to hear her voice, reassure himself that she was okay. “What if I need to confer with Katlin about one of her previous missions?”

  “Should you need to discuss anything business-related, you are to contact General Lyon at USSOCOM. If you need his number, I can give that to you.”

  “I have his fucking number.” Not that Jack would ever use it for anything other than official business.

  “Excellent.” The attorney sounded gleeful. “I will consider you informed of Ms. Callahan’s wishes and her doctor’s orders. If anything changes in her condition, you are on the list to be notified. On a personal note, I find you to be the lowest of slime on this earth for what you attempted to do to my friend Katlin. I can assure you, we’re going to address the issue when she’s healthy.” The line went dead.

  Jack hung up the phone and rubbed his temples. He knew Guardian Security had retrieved the remaining eggs from the fertilization clinic he used for the IVF last week. But those weren’t their only embryos. He had more stashed in a Pennsylvania fertility clinic. Three had already made it past genetic testing.

  He grinned. His backup plans always had backup plans.

  His intercom buzzed again. “Mr. Ashworth, Agent Chernakov is here per your request. Sir, Operations Control needs you right away.”

  Jack didn’t bother answering his administrative assistant. He opened the door and strode past her desk. “I’ll be in operations.”

  “Agent Chernakov, walk with me.” Jack loved how the woman took orders, at work as well as in the bedroom. He mentally chuckled as he recalled all the places outside of his bedroom he’d fucked her, including the office he just left.

  “How soon is Katlin coming back?” Nikkole asked as soon as they were out of hearing distance of Mrs. Ward.

  “She won’t be back for at least six weeks, possibly as long as six months.” Jack’s heart broke at the thought he’d have to go months without seeing his Katlin.

  On the other hand, Nikkole could barely contain her excitement. “Does that mean you’re putting me on the Black Swan team?”

  “I have something much more important for you to do.” The woman beside him had always been Plan B. If he couldn’t have Katlin Callahan, at least he could have a part of her in his life. “We’ll discuss it tonight at my house.”

  His covert Kat purred. “Good. I bought something special to wear just for you,” she whispered just before she turned down a side hall.

  He’d chosen Nikkole years ago because of her blood type…and willingness to do anything he asked. She and Katlin were both blood type AB, the same height, and similar build. Over the last several years, he had personally paid for Nikkole's new breasts, the blond hair that tickled his thighs as she sucked his cock, and several personal gifts. But the Agency had paid for her new nose due to an unfortunate training accident. With her specially made blue contacts, she looked as though she could be Katlin’s sister.

  He hoped she would agree to be Katlin’s surrogate. Jack didn’t think Nikkole would make a good mot
her, but women still died in childbirth and he could find good nannies.


  The moment Katlin walked through the door of Guardian Security D.C. Center, she was attacked by one hundred pounds of love and licks. Alex wasn’t sure which was happier to see the other, dog or master.

  Watching her eyes light up blue as a mountaintop summer sky when she greeted Damnit, her Mastiff Rottweiler mixed rescue dog, lifted Alex’s heavy heart. She loved that dog, and seeing her smile for the first time since waking up, filled him with hope.

  “How’s she doing?” Tanner Hill, the dog’s trainer and kennel owner, asked as Katlin fell to her knees and hugged her dog.

  “The doctor believes she is recovering well. She’ll sleep better when she’s upstairs in our bed.” A place he wanted Katlin to go, now. She was exhausted from the trip over. She had a long way to go before she was mission ready…if she ever made it there.

  Alex would be okay if she didn’t ever return to active duty. She owned half the stock in Guardian Security and the company made more than enough money for the two of them to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. She also had investments in real estate, stocks and bonds. Most certainly, they would never starve.

  As Alex gingerly stepped past the reunion, Tanner asked, “Do you think Katlin would be up for a visit from Bailey? She’s been so busy working and training that she hasn’t seen hardly any of the women she served with.”

  “What a great idea. The rest of Katlin’s team is away training. She’s hoping for a call from them soon. Have Bailey call and set up a time. Is she still training for the Paralympics?”

  Katlin’s giggling was the only thing that kept Alex from pulling the large dog off her.

  “Always. She now competes in both Summer and Winter Paralympics.” Tanner chuckled. “She’s in better shape than I am.”

  Katlin stood, leash in hand. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you boarding him when I’m gone.”

  The trainer grinned. “Oh, you’d find somebody to take care of Damnit.” He reached down and scratched the dog’s ear. “He’s just a big old gentle giant. Give me a call when you leave town again and I’ll come get him. My kennels are his second home.” Tanner waved on his way out the door.

  As the three of them crowded into the elevator, Alex automatically moved away from the dog.

  He’d never been comfortable around the big dogs. Growing up on the seedier side of D.C., he wasn’t allowed to have a pet. That would’ve just been one more mouth to feed and his parents were stretched as thin as they could be feeding their family of five and half the neighborhood children whose parents couldn’t bother.

  He wasn’t afraid of Damnit, he just didn’t know what to do with the big dog. It was a good thing the mutt never left Katlin’s side, even as Alex tucked her into bed ten minutes later.

  “What was his name?” Katlin asked just above a whisper.

  “Whose name?” Alex glanced down at the big dog.

  “His trainer. I should know his name, but I just can’t think of it.” Katlin seemed distressed so he took her in his arms.

  “That’s Tanner Hill. He married your friend, Bailey. Do you remember her?” Alex looked her in the eye so she wouldn’t lie to him.

  “Uhm. No.” Her eyebrows drew together. “Maybe.”

  “Sleep for a couple hours if you can.” Alex kissed her on the forehead. “I’m going down to my office door for a while. I’ll bring supper up with me.”

  When he turned to walk away, Katlin grabbed his hand and pulled him down for a kiss. With her arms around his neck, she held him in place.

  “Have I thanked you for everything you’ve done for me?” Her eyes filled with tears. “Jack…if he’d—”

  Alex put his index finger on her lips. “He didn’t. And his fuck-up made it possible for us to have a family someday, hopefully. Silver linings, babe. I don’t want you to worry about anything. I’m going to take care of you. We’re going to get you better.” He ran his fingers down the side of her beautiful face and wiped the tear off her cheek with his thumb.

  All this crying was new. His Kat never cried. Never. She was hard as steel inside and out. Perhaps as she regained her muscle strength, her fortitude would return as well. He reminded himself once again, Dr. Tobias had warned him that she might not be the same woman she’d been before.

  “Sleep, babe.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Damnit followed him to the bedroom door then plopped his large body down in the open jamb, positioned like a sentry guarding his queen. He carefully watched Alex as he strode out of the apartment.

  In his D.C. office, Alex caught up on business phone calls before he tackled personal ones. He didn’t recognize the telephone number, but the area code was definitely Los Angeles.

  Hitting play he instantly recognized JJ’s voice. “Hey there, hunk in my life. I got the part of the kick-ass detective. How soon can you get that tight ass of yours out here and teach me some moves? They want me to do as much of my own fight scenes as possible. They’ve got me taking some martial arts classes, and I’ve already had a few self-defense courses, but I’m sure there’s so much more my personal bodyguard can teach me. Call me. Oh, by the way, this is my new cell phone number. I had to get a new one. Some motherfucker gave out my last one and I had all kinds of creepers calling me. Talk to you soon. Love you. Bye.”

  Alex shook his head and hit the icon to call her back. He was surprised when she answered. “Please tell me you’re already here in town. I need your help.” She dragged out the word need.

  “I’m not sure when I’ll get back out to Los Angeles.” Although he needed to visit each site, he wasn’t about to leave Katlin. “but I have a whole office of former special operators and I’m positive they can teach you anything you’ll need to know for the movie. You’ll like them.” Grinning, Alex could imagine the men in his L.A. Center fighting over the chance to teach the starlet, up close and personal.

  “But I want you, Alejandro,” she whined in Spanish.

  “As soon as I get to Los Angeles, I’ll take over your training, but in the meantime, I’m going to call my office manager there and have him call you. Can he reach you at this number?”

  “Yes,” she pouted out the word. “But you’d better get here soon. You’re the only one I truly trust.”

  “I know, Jae.” Alex thought about his beautiful woman sleeping upstairs in their bed. “It might be weeks before I can get there.”

  “What could be more important than helping me?” JJ pleaded.

  Typical Jae. The world revolved around her.

  “My fiancée was in…” Alex almost said an accident then he remembered Katlin’s words. The RPG was hardly accidental. “Was badly hurt. I’m taking care of her.”

  “Get her a nurse or something. I need you out here.” She made an impetuous noise. “Let me talk to the producers and see if they’ll pay for a nurse for her. They’re paying well for your services.”

  Well, at least his men would be paid for working with her, a point she’d neglected to mention earlier. “Jae, I don’t need them to pay for a nurse. Katlin is still under a doctor’s care and we can’t leave D.C. right now. You’ll just have to do with my men from the LA office.”

  “Fine.” She huffed. “But you’ll get here as soon as you can?”

  “Yes, Jae. Be sure to take the phone call from my office manager. He’ll make all the arrangements. I’m quite sure you’ll be satisfied with the men we send you.” Before she could protest again, Alex said, “Goodbye, Jae.”

  “Alex,” she quickly interjected before he could hang up. “Thank you for looking out for me, just like you did when we were kids. I’ll always love you, you know.”

  “I know. I’m hanging up now, Jae.” Alex ended the call. As he sat there with the cell phone in his hand, memories of his last day in that small clapboard house with the dirt yard came to him as clear as though it were yesterday.

bsp; He’d known he was in trouble the moment he stepped into the house. His mother stood in the middle of the living room with her hands balled into fists and planted on her hips. Jael Jimena Martinez stood beside her, arms crossed under her voluptuous breasts, making them practically pop out of her low-cut tank top.

  You fucking little bitch. “You told her, didn’t you?” Alex accused the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood. He only told her because she’d been targeted by the gang who was recruiting on their block.

  Lifting that little pointed chin of hers into the air she admitted, “I did.”

  “So, it’s true.” His mother didn’t ask the question, she’d made it a statement.

  He knew better than to lie to her. His mother ruled the house, even before his father had been murdered.

  “Yes, Mamá. I’m an initiate.” Alejandro hadn’t officially joined the gang. His loyalty was still being tested, but when the leader told him he had to lure Jael to the empty house two blocks away so all the initiates could gang-rape her, he couldn’t do it. He had loved her since they were in kindergarten. He just wasn’t in love with her.

  Instead of doing as the gang had demanded, he’d gone to Jael hoping she’d tell her parents, not that he was sure they would do anything about it. Many adults in his neighborhood were as afraid of the gang as the kids were.

  It was obvious—she’d told his mother about his gang involvement instead.

  Within days, Alejandro had found himself in Little Havana, Miami living with his Nana Rosa where he’d finished high school…and met Katlin.

  Jael had saved his life.

  His mother had saved hers. Jae had moved into the Lobo house, sharing a bedroom with his younger sister until she graduated two years later.

  Both Alex and JJ had repaid his mother back a hundred times over. As soon as Alex could, he moved his mother out of that neighborhood and into a nice townhome with her second husband. Recently, JJ had bought his mom another new car.


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