SEALed Embrace

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by SEALed Embrace [Evernight] (mobi)

  “Sorry, lass. I can’t take your word for it.”

  Lass? He didn’t detect a Scottish accent, but the dialect combined with the scar was forming a rather terrifying picture in Garren’s mind. The man was paid to get rid of Isi, and there was only one mercenary Garren knew of that fit the description of the ice-cold shifter in front of him.

  “Mac, let her go.”

  The man smiled, sending a shiver down Garren’s spine.

  “So you know of me. And who might you be?”

  “Garren Douglas. SEAL Team 7. Former SEAL Team 7.”

  The man’s brows arched. “You’re the leader of the tracking team that hit the streets about a year ago. All SEALs, if I remember correctly.”

  “That’s right, and my entire team is on premises. Don’t you think it would be better to let Isi go? She’s under my protection.” He swallowed hard. “She’s my mate. If you harm her, there’s nowhere you’ll be able to hide. I’ll track you down like the dog you are and slit your throat while you sleep.”

  Mac laughed. “You’re assuming I sleep.”

  Despite his flippant words, Garren noticed his hold had slackened a little. Isi’s color was evening out again and she fought against him one last time, earning her freedom. She rushed across the room, throwing her arms around Garren’s waist and burying her face against him. He could feel her heart pounding and smoothed a hand down her hair to ease her.

  “I don’t suppose you’d tell me who hired you if I asked?” Garren said.

  “If she’s yours, what are you still doing here? Everyone knows you’re based out of Galveston.”

  “I promised to take care of the threat to her life before I take her home. I look over my shoulder enough already. I don’t need to add something else to the list.”

  Mac nodded. “Fair enough. You know I can’t tell you who hired me, but as a professional courtesy, I will tell you that you need to get your mate as far away from this pack as possible. Its alpha is a twisted man who is poisoning those under his control.”

  “Alpha Henry sent you?” Garren asked as his eyes narrowed.

  “No, but I believe he’s the puppet master. Nothing happens in this pack without him knowing about it. So even though he didn’t call in the hit on your mate, he knew it was taking place. The fact he isn’t here to stop me should tell you everything you need to know.”

  Yeah, it unfortunately told him more than he wanted to know. It wasn’t the first time he’d come up against a corrupt alpha, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last, but the fact the asshole was after Isi was what set Garren’s teeth on edge. No one messed with his mate! Not without paying the ultimate price. Alpha Henry wanted her? Well, he’d have to go through Garren and seven other men first. Maybe it was time to be proactive and not reactive.

  Mac cracked his neck. “I’ve never gone back on a deal before, but I’ll tell them the woman is too well protected for me to get to her. Money only goes so far. Sometimes, there are more important things at stake. Like integrity. I didn’t serve my county, but I’ve aided many over the years as a gun for hire. As far as I’m concerned, that makes us brothers. And if there’s one thing more important than money, it’s family.”

  Garren nodded.

  “You need me, you call.” Mac pulled a white business card out of his pocket and set it down on the bathroom counter. “Day or night, I’ll be here fast as I can. Don’t try to go up against the alpha on your own because he won’t come at you head on. He’ll have someone sneak in from behind, giving him the upper hand.”

  “Noted. And thanks, Mac. I owe you one.”

  Mac laughed. “Trust me, lion. You don’t want to ever owe me one. I always collect on my debts, and it may not be something you want to do.”

  Garren’s mouth tightened. “You’re sparing my mate’s life. I can never repay you for that, but if you ever need help with something, you come find me. Doesn’t matter what it is.”

  Mac nodded. “I’ll remember that.” His gaze flicked down to Isi. “You watch over her and keep her safe. Not many women will look at this face,” he said, pointing to his scar, “and not run in fear. She faced me and fought back. You’ve found a very worthy woman.”

  Garren tightened his arms around Isi and stepped out of Mac’s way as the mercenary passed them by. He watched the shadow cross through the bedroom and then vanish. Lifting Isi in his arms, he set her down on the bathroom counter and pushed her hair out of her face.

  “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “I wanted to call out to you, but he threatened to kill you if I made a sound.”

  “Isi, you can always call for me. I don’t care what some asshole threatens. I need you to believe that I can protect you, that I can handle myself enough not to get killed. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “Do you really think Alpha Henry was behind my abduction?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I really think he’s behind everything.”

  “What are we going to do?” she asked, looking up into his eyes. “I know you don’t want to leave things unfinished, but the longer I stay here….”

  “The more danger you’re in.” He sighed. “We’re going to have to up our game. The full moon is tomorrow. Will your pack shift and hunt together?”

  She nodded.

  “Then we’ll strike tomorrow. I’d really love to know who arranged your abduction and Mac’s contract, but maybe they’ll make themselves known. Someone is going to be surprised tomorrow when they see you’re still alive, unless Mac contacts them tonight. I’m hoping he holds off a bit. The element of surprise is always a good thing.”

  “Let’s get some sleep,” Isi suggested. “I won’t leave the bed again, I promise.”

  He fingered the t-shirt hanging to her knees. “While I prefer you naked, I’m glad you thought to put on my shirt before you went to the bathroom. I don’t think I’d have kept my cool if I’d seen his arms around you while you were naked.”

  She smiled. “I was cold.”

  Garren leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead before picking her up and carrying her to the bed. Once he had her tucked in, he crawled in beside her and pulled her into his arms. He hoped she’d be able to sleep after the attempt on her life, but he knew he wouldn’t. Garren couldn’t afford to let his guard down twice in one night. No matter how delectable his mate was, he had to keep his head screwed on straight and maintain his focus if he wanted to take down the men responsible for harming her.

  Once this was behind them, they could celebrate and spend a week in bed if that’s what she wanted. Until then, he’d have to keep his dick in his pants.

  Chapter Six

  Isi munched on a sandwich the next afternoon while Garren went over the game plan with the two teams. Everyone gathered around the island in the middle of the kitchen, a map spread out on its surface. She half listened as he detailed when they would strike and how it would go down. A nervous energy flooded her because she knew her friends would be present and she didn’t want them to come to any harm.

  “Garren,” she said. “What about Tomi, Hailey, and Grace?”

  “What about them?” Dallas asked.

  “I don’t want them to get hurt when you attack the pack. What if they get in the way? Or what if Alpha Henry uses them against me? He knows I would do anything to keep my friends safe, even give myself up.”

  Garren looked from her to the men surrounding him. He pointed to Lee. “You go after the women. Gather them up and bring them here.”

  “What if someone comes after them while we’re attacking the pack?” Parker asked.

  “I’ll stay and guard the women,” Eli offered.

  “I’ll stay too,” said Colton.

  Garren looked at the others. “I’ll need the rest of you with me. I’m taking Isi. No offense to Eli and Colton, but I’m not letting her out of my sight. I’ll make sure she’s armed in case she needs to defend herself, but she’s going.”

  Isi watched him as she took ano
ther bite. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being “armed”. She’d never really dealt with weapons before and was worried she’d end up hurting herself instead of anyone who attacked her. Maybe he’d give her a gun. Surely she could just point and shoot? It couldn’t be all that hard.

  “Maybe you should bring my friends here now. If they’re home close to the gathering time, I suspect Alpha Henry will make sure they are present for the full moon run tonight, even if two of them can’t shift and run with the pack. He makes Hailey and Grace remain behind to watch everyone’s clothes and set up a table of food and drinks.”

  “I’ll go get them now,” Lee said, pushing away from the island. “Might not be a bad idea to fill them in about what’s going on.”

  “Tell them to pack their things,” Isi said. “I don’t want them going home again. When we leave, they leave with us.”

  Garren watched her with a raised eyebrow, but he didn’t correct her.

  “They’re moving in with us?” Parker asked his lips twisted.

  “No, they’re going to take the second house,” Garren said. “I know we talked about using it for work purposes, but I think this is more important.”

  Dagan snorted. “Yeah, because your mate wants them. You can’t sit there and tell me you care one way or another if they come with us.”

  “They’re important to Isi. That makes them family.” Garren’s look said that was his final word on the matter, and Isi had a feeling his word was law with his team.

  Lee ducked out of the kitchen and Isi watched as the other men shared a look.

  “Maybe you aren’t thinking objectively,” Dagan said.

  Garren growled. “Are you questioning me? Do you think you can do better?”

  Dagan held up his hands. “No. I just… are you sure you want Isi there?”

  “If they don’t see her, they won’t realize their attempt to kill her last night has failed. I want everyone looking for the faces that show surprise at seeing her tonight. Those are the ones we take down first and then we go after the alpha.” Garren looked at his men. “We end this tonight.”

  “What happens to the pack when you take out the alpha and his men?” Isi asked.

  “One of his sons will either take over, or the pack will scatter. Hopefully, we’ll be leaving them to a better life than the one they have now.” Garren folded his arms over his chest. “Regardless, your friends are welcome with us.”

  Isi smiled her thanks, tossed her plate in the trash and then walked up and kissed him on the cheek. Colton made kissy noises at them and she laughed when Garren flipped him off. Giving her mate’s bicep a squeeze, she hurried out of the room, not even caring when she noticed she had a shadow. Isi stepped out onto the porch and settled on the swing as Dagan came outside. He leaned against a porch post and surveyed the area.

  “If they think I’m dead, I’m sure I’ll be safe. Until tonight anyway.”

  He shrugged. “What if Mac told them he failed? Ever think of that? We’re hoping for the element of surprise, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to get it.”

  “True.” She sighed. “I’ll be glad when all of this is over and I can have a fresh start. No more stares and whispers. No more feeling inferior.”

  Dagan came forward and knelt at her feet. He took her hands in his. “Isi, you’re far from inferior. Garren wouldn’t love you the way he does if you weren’t an amazing woman.”

  She smiled sadly. “He doesn’t love me, Dagan. He hasn’t even said he cares about me. I know he’ll watch over me because I’m his mate, but it’s only biology at this point. I always wanted something more, but I don’t think I’ll ever have it.”

  Dagan squeezed her hands. “Trust me. I know that lion better than anyone, and he loves you. He’d never think twice about walking out of here without ending this if he didn’t feel something. He’d be devastated if he lost you, Isi. You didn’t see the look on his face when we found you. All it took was one sniff and he knew you were his mate. I’ve never seen him be so gentle with anyone before, and I’ve known Garren a really long time.”

  “You really think so?” she asked, feeling hope for the first time since meeting her mate.

  “Yeah, I really think so.”

  She smiled and hugged Dagan. “Thank you.”

  “Dude, don’t let Garren see you getting that close to his mate,” Parker said as he stepped outside. “He’ll tear you to shreds.”

  “What’s up?” Dagan asked, pulling himself away from Isi.

  “Lee just got back with the women. The pack is already starting to gather. Garren wants us to head out in an hour so you need to get your shit together.”

  “Come on, Isi. Time to go inside so we can prepare.” Dagan pulled her to her feet and nudged her toward the door. “We can’t stand out here with you and prep at the same time.”

  Isi allowed him to herd her inside and she went in search of her friends. She found them gathered in the living room, whispering to each other, each with a bag at her feet.

  “Lee said we’re leaving tonight,” Tomi said, her arms crossed. “A little advanced notice would have been good. I’m leaving a ton of shit behind.”

  “You can buy new things,” Isi told her. “But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

  “She has a point,” Hailey said. “I’m going to miss my adoptive parents, but they’ve been acting strange lately. It’s definitely time to get the hell out of here.”

  Grace wrung her hands. “Will we see our families again? I left a note, but… Mom will worry about me.”

  Tomi snorted. “Gracey, you’re how old? Don’t you think it’s time you ventured out on your own? You might find you like independence.”

  Grace didn’t look too certain. She’d been coddled her whole life by her father and was close to her mother. But at the same time, Isi agreed with Tomi. It would be good for Grace to get out on her own, and she wouldn’t be completely alone. She’d have her friends to support her. It was obvious her mate wasn’t part of the McGraw pack, so maybe she’d have a chance to find him by venturing outside of the pack territory.

  “I want you to be happy,” Isi said. “If it will only make you miserable to leave, then you can stay. I’ll miss you, but I don’t want to hurt you for anything in the world.”

  Grace sighed. “No, I’ll go. Maybe Tomi is right. Maybe this is what I need.”

  “So.” Tomi propped her hands on her hips. “The men are leaving us here with guards. Are we supposed to just sit here and let the big, bad, men protect us?”

  Isi smiled. “Why don’t you ask them for a gun?”

  Tomi huffed. “I think I will.”

  Before anyone could stop her, she marched out of the room. Isi looked at Hailey and Grace with raised eyebrows. “Does she actually know how to fire one?”

  Grace nodded. “She’s been going to the shooting range a few towns over at least once a week for the past few months. She tried to get me to go with her, but guns really aren’t my thing.”

  Yeah, Isi couldn’t see the soft and gentle Grace shooting anyone. If someone came to kill her, she’d probably just ask where would be most convenient, or worry about getting blood on the floor. She knew her friend had a backbone because she’d seen it one time, but it only came out under extreme duress. Maybe being around Garren and his men would be good for Grace.

  Colton poked his head around the door. “Isi, Garren needs you.”

  Rubbing her hands up and down her thighs, she blew out a breath and went to the kitchen. She saw Dallas fitting Tomi with a gun and holster before turning her gaze to her mate. There were several weapons spread out in front of him and she wasn’t sure which one she would get. No way he was giving all of them to her.

  He beckoned her closer. “Tomi said you’ve never fired a gun before. This one,” he said picking up a large gun, “has a lot of kick, but it’s more accurate than the smaller ones. I want you to promise me you’ll shoot to kill if someone comes after you.”

  Her hands s
hook as she reached for the weapon. It was heavy in her grip, but she held onto it. Garren wrapped something around her waist, then took the gun from her and slid it into the holster. He picked up a wicked looking knife and strapped it to her thigh.

  “If someone comes in close, you can use the knife. But if it’s a man, I want you to go for the gun first. Anyone stronger than you can easily get the knife away, but you can blast them with the gun before they get that close.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “Got it.”

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  “I think so.”

  Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready for it. The events of the past few days had shown her she was stronger than she thought and that she was a fighter, but the thought of killing someone made her nauseous. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to pull the trigger when it came down to it, but there was only one way to find out.

  They loaded up into two vehicles and drove to the gathering place, stopping at the outer ring of cars near the woods behind Alpha Henry’s home. Isi fought her nerves, but her hand trembled in Garren’s as they approached the gathered wolves behind the large home. She saw her parents across the way, the disapproving looks on their faces letting her know which side they’d chosen. Before she could process what was happening, the men surrounding her had launched themselves at some of the men and women in the pack. Rapid fire blasted her ears as she watched the wolves fall one after the other.

  Her eyes were wide as Garren charged toward the alpha, shifting mid-air into a gorgeous black lion. The massive paws kicked up dirt as he bounded forward, intent on his target. Henry had a sneer on his face as Isi’s mate neared him, but the look was quickly wiped from his face when Garren began to attack, paws outstretched, claws unsheathed.

  She wasn’t sure where to look first. She didn’t want to tear her gaze away from Garren, but the hairs on the back of her neck rose, telling her that danger was near.

  Isi looked around the pack and saw a woman bearing down on her. Rebecca had hated her for as long as she could remember. Isi watched as the compact human body exploded into that of a snarling she-wolf. The beast charged her, saliva dripping from its jaws.


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