Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1)

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Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1) Page 18

by Selene Kallan

  “Wow,” she murmurs.

  I take the copper handle of the tall door and knock. Dinah caresses the pillars beside the door, gasping at the feel of magic.

  “Come in,” comes the refined voice.

  I open the door and make sure to stay beside Dinah as she takes in the polished floors, the massive skylight above the carved stairs. Khaylen descends the stairs with usual nonchalance, emerald eyes flickering on me and then focusing on Dinah. She blinks several times as if not quite believing what she’s seeing; I remember Isir’s reaction was much the same. All fae are gorgeous, but the Royal-born bear just an extra edge of unearthly perfection.

  Khaylen reaches the bottom of the stairs and smiles at Dinah, reaching out his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Dinah.”

  Dinah licks her rosy lips and gives Khaylen a firm shake. “A pleasure to meet you Khaylen, you are not deformed.”

  Trust Dinah to be unpredictable.

  Khaylen lifts a blond brow as he flicks a glance at me. “And you are not ‘barely more than a child’.”

  I smirk. “I’ve no idea what you’re both talking about.”

  Dinah snorts. “Yeah right.”

  Khaylen chuckles, placing Dinah’s hand at the crook of his elbow. “He’s a difficult one, isn’t he?”

  Dinah rolls her eyes. “That is a blatant understatement.”

  They edge around me and walk towards the back of the mansion, acting like old friends. I smile behind their backs, ignoring the spark of jealousy.


  “You have a gorgeous home,” I praise, ignoring the tingling on my back as I feel Nox’s intense stare.

  Khaylen smiles. “Thank you. My sister and I did most of the work.”

  His voice is rich and cultured. He smells like some exotic dark flowers I can’t name and white chocolate. I’ve seen fae before, but not up close, and the sight is arresting. Khaylen’s features are unearthly symmetric and elegant, forest green eyes with golden specks surrounded by long, dark gold lashes. His hair falls on his collar, waving a bit on the end, a curtain of liquid gold parted by the swift points of his ears. He’s dressed simply in a buttoned, long-sleeved white shirt and dark green trousers, but the clothes show his lean, athletic physique. I have to slightly crane my neck to look at him, he’s about six-foot-four.

  “I can feel magic everywhere,” I muse, letting my fingers graze against a polished column.

  “We used magic to grow the trees from which we harvested all the wood, and strengthened it to make it last for a long time,” Khaylen explains. “There are also wards preventing hostile entrances.”

  We’ve entered a massive space with large windows and French doors that face the forest. The scents of polished wood, sunlight, magic, flowers, and tea are everywhere. A large dining table on the left and a kitchen worthy of a chef on the right.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?” Khaylen asks, gently releasing my hand.

  “Please,” I say. He smiles and walks towards the kitchen.

  My eyes fall to the table again. I barely notice the yummy looking biscuits in a bowl on the center of the polished cedar, there’s a massive array of weapons displayed there. Swords, sai, daggers, and circular things I’ve no name for. I rush towards the table, not daring to touch them, they’re gorgeous. I notice they’re organized in sets. The difference lies in the gemstones embedded in the silver hilts. Sapphire, emerald, onyx, ruby, and amethyst.

  The blades are all made from solid crystal; I cock my head one way and the other, not quite believing my suspicions.

  “Am I hallucinating or are the blades made of diamond?” I ask, feeling Nox’s presence beside me.

  “Partially,” says Khaylen from my right, surprising me. I realize I’ve almost stuck my nose to the blades. Standing straight, I receive the offered tea and take a sip. It’s delicious.

  “It’s an alloy of diamond and sapphire with a dash of other stones and crystals to give it the correct properties,” Khaylen explains.

  I blink. “Precious stones can be alloyed?”

  Khaylen smiles. “With magic. Anything is possible if you’re powerful enough.”

  “Wow,” I gasp.

  “Pick one,” says Nox.

  I turn to gawk at him. “I can’t afford it unless Khaylen here accepts kidneys as payment.”

  Khaylen laughs.

  Nox arches a brow, lips slightly lifting on the corners. “Do not worry about that, they owe me a favor.”

  I bite my lip. And what about how much I owe him?

  “We do, indeed,” says Khaylen. “Go on, take whichever you like, or all of them.”

  I gulp down the rest of the lukewarm tea. “Okay.”

  Nox takes the cup from me. My hand shakes with giddy excitement as I take the sword with the sapphire on the hilt, I gasp. My power strains towards the blade, asking to be unleashed. I fight it down, reluctant to risk setting something on fire. I can feel the eyes of both males trained on me as I pick up different weapons. The pulling on my power is exhilarating, I can tell the precious stones will help me hone and direct it.

  I leave the amethyst set for the end. The second my hand wraps around the hilt of the sword, my power gives a chaotic flare. My sight bathes in orange and I can see Nox’s amethyst aura flare with the corner of my eye; Khaylen’s golden-emerald aura is almost as strong as Nox’s. The blade ignites blazing orange with my power; I know I can unleash it through it if I want, but somehow I feel in control.

  “I think we have a winner,” says Khaylen.

  I gasp-chuckle. “I think so.”

  Khaylen smiles mischievously. “Fond of amethyst are you?”

  “My favorite color,” I confess, trying hard not to think of how blue was my favorite color until a certain tall, dark, and grumpy demon showed up in my life.

  I can feel said demon’s eyes trained on me and I hope the faint orange aura surrounding me covers the blush.

  “I believe you had a good response with sapphire too, take both,” says Nox.

  I bite my lip but nod. Urging my power to simmer down before placing the sword carefully on the table.

  “Where did you get these sexy weapons?” I ask Khaylen.

  He smiles, retrieving a leather wrap from one of the seats. “My sister made them, I helped her a bit.”

  “Wow, she is an artist.”

  Khaylen opens the leather, it has different buckles where to place the weapons. “I’ll be sure to tell Dhanika how much you loved them.”

  “No need for that, brother,” I turn on my heels towards the feminine voice and my jaw slackens.

  She’s like a female version of Khaylen, same height, eyes, and hair color. Her features are more delicate, her pointy ears are completely on display thanks to the long braid that falls over her shoulder to her waist. Dressed in jeans and a fitting navy blue blouse, she looks regal and her figure would make both supermodels and athletes cry with bitter envy.

  “Hello, I’m Dinah, you’re talented as hell,” I say, stretching my hand towards her.

  Khaylen chuckles.

  Dhanika smirks just a bit and takes my hand, her fingers are long and elegant. The moment I touch her, I can see her blazing sea-green and silver aura, feel a tendril of her power wrap around me, examining me. I return the gesture automatically, sensing curiosity, a touch of wariness, surprise, acceptance, and a faint trace of ancient pain that has nothing to do with me.

  She gives me a knowing look. “A pleasure to meet you, Dinah. You’re older than I thought.”

  I frown, releasing her. “Oh?”

  “Yes, well, how was it?” Dhanika taps her index finger against her chin in mock contemplation as she eyes Nox. “‘She’s barely more than a child and I must protect her from everything including herself’.” She imitates his deep voice eerily well.

  I turn towards Nox, his amethyst eyes are trained on Dhanika, he somehow manages to scowl without breaking the impassive mask.

  “Dammit, dude, I’m twenty-three!” I snap, glaring at him

  He scoffs. “Precisely, not even half a human lifetime.”

  I roll my eyes, regretting it because it makes me look immature. “Age is just a number, experiences shape our maturity, not orbits around the sun. And I dare say I’ve lived through enough shit. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “You just got told off,” says Khaylen with a grin as he hands Nox the bundle of leather and weapons.

  “I like her,” says Dhanika, a real smile curving her perfect rose-pink lips.

  Nox’s expression doesn’t shift, but something in his eyes makes me think he’s a bit embarrassed. “I suppose you have a point.”

  I resist the urge of snorting. His eyes are cutting through me, making me feel exposed. Blinking, I turn towards the Fae siblings but it’s almost worse, they’re looking at both Nox and me with identical knowing, amused little smiles. My cheeks heat.

  “Right, we must return to the City,” Nox says.

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  I smile at Khaylen and his sister. “Thank you. For the tea and the gorgeous weapons.”

  Khaylen takes my hand gently and kisses it. “Visit us soon if you can.”

  Dhanika nods. “We’d love to give you a proper tour of our small town. It might not be fancy, but the doors are open.”

  I blink, surprised. “Thank you.”

  Dhanika smiles.

  Khaylen leads Nox and me to the entrance. He stands there as we leave the property and I wave at him before entering the forest.

  Nox is carrying the weapons with one arm, face impassive as usual.

  “I’m sorry if I, er, embarrassed you back there,” I almost whisper.

  He blinks. “I could say the same.”

  We come to a stop and I walk into the circle of his body; I wonder if he feels the static energy thrumming between the few inches that separate us. The jump is fast, but he’s right, I’m getting used to it.

  As soon as we stand on the balcony Nox hands me the weapons. They’re surprisingly light, or maybe my concept of heavy has changed.

  “Thank you,” I say, catching his eyes, realizing I’m getting used to the intensity. “For everything.”

  His stony face softens just enough to make my heart stutter. “You are welcome. Now go inside, I know you have a class in a few hours.”

  “Yeah, see you tomorrow?” I ask, feeling stupid.

  The corners of his mouth lift in a demi-smirk. “Yes, before dawn.”

  I groan. He holds the door open as I go inside. I watch him disappear in a flash of amethyst light.




  I steel my mind and imagine it like a maze; the walls made of green numbers. Every secret, every dark thing that makes me squirm and want to scream is locked away behind a wall of numbers that requires a password. Why the hell didn’t I think of this before? I wonder as Isir’s brow furrows, and she pushes harder to get me to stand up and dance.

  There’s still fear, there’s still the wariness of knowing someone can barge in and see all my broken pieces and play with them. But I reckon there’ll always be.

  So instead of denying it to myself, I embrace it; fear can be a powerful incentive or a weakness, and I focus on the former.

  Isir’s azure gaze is locked with mine, I can feel slight dampness in my brow but I won’t budge. I will not bow down.

  A new crazy idea sparks and I blast a song loud as I can in my mind. Isir blinks and draws back in her chair. I try to keep random thoughts out and focus on the loud rock music, the walls of green numbers, the alphanumeric passwords I’ve devised after a sleepless night, and random clips of different movies.

  “What the fuck?” Isir murmurs, pushing harder, and I push right back.

  My head is a mess, and I was wrong to try to vacate my mind when trying to keep my fears private. Space means an entrance, I realize now.

  With a wince, Isir shakes her head, and her telepathy recedes completely. She blinks and rubs her forehead. My frontal lobe aches too.

  “Okay, that was like entering a lucid nightmare,” Isir says, a grin curving her plump lips. “Brilliant, absolutely fucking brilliant.”

  I sigh. “Let’s hope I can keep it up when confronted with Kazzian or any other.”

  Isir leans back in her chair. “Indeed, we shan’t stop training, but that was a great leap.”

  “It was about time,” I say.

  Isir shrugs. “All in due time. I will push you harder next time, but for now, I need a headache potion and some sleep.”

  She yawns and I follow, we’ve been having a mental battle for hours. It’s almost midnight, the club is a buzz of activity, I can see the dance floor and some tables from my sitting position.

  “You should invite your friends over on Friday night,” Isir says, examining my reaction. “The wards have been strengthened.”

  I sigh. Earlier that afternoon, I had a video call with Spence. We skirted around the subject of supernatural presence. But I know he knows something happened. It’s just not the sort of conversation that I’d like the CIA to hear.

  “I’ll be meeting Spence for coffee tomorrow, I’m not doing the hiding thing.”

  Isir smiles as she rummages in her desk drawers. “Good for you.”

  I bite my lip, taking the anti-headache potion Isir offers me. “I’m not sure Nox will be too happy about me not lying to Spence.”

  Isir downs the potion, bats a hand away. “Meh, he simply wants to make sure you’re safe, and that includes not having your friends killed in the crossfire. What matters is, do you think Spence will be more or less safe if you tell him the truth?”

  I consider it, Xander must have said something to him already, and he is aware of supernatural existence. Pretending I don’t know what’s after me would only be selfish and stubborn on my part. “Safer, it’s best if he knows what he’s risking while being around me.”

  “Then that settles it,” Isir says, making a gesture towards my potion.

  I take out the cork and down it in one swig. My whole brain tickles pleasantly and the pain evaporates.

  Isir yawns again. “Now off you go. Get some sleep, you’ll need it for tomorrow.”

  I groan while getting up. “Thanks for helping me, Isir.”

  The succubus smiles. “You’re welcome, honey.”

  I yawn as I walk down the stairs that lead to the VIP section; keeping my face impassive, I chant to myself ‘I’m not a prude, I’m not a prude’. Several couples are kissing, tangled on the comfortable sofas. A male has his mouth against a young human woman’s neck, and I have the feeling he’s not just kissing her.

  There are several vampires in Qetesh most nights. A tall blond one smirks at me as he strolls past me, winking. I don’t really find them that scary, not only because a blast of my power could churn one should they try to drink my blood, but because there are rules. Isir has an iron-strong no-harm policy and any supernatural who breaks it has to deal with her and Derek and Stephan. And no one in their right minds would cross Isir.

  Bryce and Derek are talking by the balcony that overlooks the dance floor, shoulders touching. I bite my lip, forcing my tired brain to open to them, sensing attraction, lust, curiosity, and affection. Azure eyes search mine and I smile sheepishly, Bryce says something to Derek who leans and steals a quick kiss.

  Bryce approaches me, cheeks slightly flushed. “Ready to go, darling?”

  “Gods yes, I have less than four hours of sleep,” I yawn.

  Bryce chuckles. “We better hurry then.”

  He places his hand in the middle of my back and I allow him to guide me towards the crowded stairs that lead to the first floor. Derek catches my eyes and gives me a dazzling smile that I return at once. I sway a bit and Bryce pulls me closer; the bright red and blue lights do not help the heaviness in my eyes, and the combined body heat is almost suffocating.

  “Some reparations are being made to the private corridor, sorry,” Bryce murmurs near my ear, probably feeling my tension. I sigh
and focus on putting one foot in front of the other.

  “You look like you could use a drink,” says a vaguely familiar voice. Bryce’s arm tenses around my waist and he pulls me a bit behind him.

  I squint, focusing on the slate gray gaze of the tall Nephilim.

  “Aaron,” I grumble.

  “Get out of our way,” Bryce warns and I sense a flare of heat leaving him.

  We’re near the exit, a few feet away from the bar.

  Aaron doesn’t move, he looks down at Bryce from his meager height advantage. He’s almost as tall as Nox. “I think Dinah here can decide if she wants to speak to me.”

  Bryce half-scoffs, half-growls. “Yes, but she doesn’t, now move.”

  Aaron’s eyes lock with mine, a tingle runs down my spine. “Cat got your tongue? Are you their mascot?”

  That sends the sluggishness to hell. I narrow my eyes at the haughty bastard.

  “Bryce, it’s okay, I’ll meet you outside,” I say.

  Bryce frowns, looking at me appealingly. I give him a nod.

  “Five minutes,” Bryce warns Aaron. “And if you as much as take a hair of her head, I’ll burn you to the ground.”

  Aaron’s upper lip curls in a contemptuous grin. I fight down the desire to drag Bryce back to my side, missing his solid and warm presence.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Aaron asks.

  “Four and a half minutes,” I say, realizing at once I’m quoting Nox.

  His jaw clenches. “You look horrible, drained; tell me, are you letting the succubus feast on you?”

  I feel my nails cutting through my palms as I glare at him. “Maybe, I can’t see how that would be your problem.”

  His eyes flare harlequin-green. “How can you lower yourself to be around them? Do you have any idea of what they truly are? Have they brainwashed you so badly?”

  My sight bathes in orange. “I know who they are, my friends, the ones who’ve protected me. Who the fuck do you think you are insulting them and me?”


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