Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1)

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Demon Warden: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy (The Cursed and the Fallen 1) Page 28

by Selene Kallan

  I frown. “Where did he slip away to?”

  “Hell, where he belongs,” Xander says, slightly curling his lip.

  “He won’t be able to regain a corporeal form in a while, and once he does it’ll be rather difficult for him to leave Hell,” Nox says. His gaze screams ‘I will make sure of it’.

  I sigh, closing my eyes. A small win then, considering we still have no idea who wanted me weak in the first place.

  “I don’t understand what his deal was with me,” I say aloud. “I’m sure there are plenty more interesting Nephilim out there to torment.”

  I lift my gaze and find four pairs of multi-colored eyes staring at me in disbelief. “What?”

  “There aren’t that many Nephilim,” Isir says, head cocking to the side, “since not many Asteri are in the habit of having children. And both Asteri and Nephilim females are infertile. Plus despite not having reached your full potential, you are quite powerful, Dinah.”

  I squirm, looking at Nox for confirmation.

  “There are hierarchies among Asteri, similar to what you must’ve read in holy texts,” he says. “The high circles rarely reproduce at all, there have been few cases. I don’t know how Kazzian found out, that is one mystery that I can’t wait to unravel, but you are most definitely the descendant of what you know as an Archangel.”

  “At the very least,” Isir murmurs.

  A strangled sound leaves my throat. “Dammit, I can’t even be a normal Nephilim, that’s so not fair!”

  Nox and Isir both look at me with fond exasperation.

  Xander nods, slightly smirking. “So unfair.”

  Spence chuckles. “Yes darling, I’m afraid you are condemned to be a weirdo, no matter what.”

  I stick my tongue out at him.

  “When did you figure it out?” I ask Nox.

  “After you managed to save Spencer,” he admits.

  “Right, so, uh, what happens now?” I ask, still not willing to fully let the information sink in.

  Spence groans. “I’d kill for more sunbathing days.”

  “No need to become homicidal,” Isir says with a smile. “You lovebirds are welcome to stay for as long as you want.”

  Spence grins. “Thank you.”

  “We are in your debt,” Xander says with a small bow of his head.

  Isir bats her hand, but I can tell she’s pleased.

  “I can’t afford more beach days,” I say, wrinkling my nose. “I still have mountains of coding to do.”

  “Then beach days shall be your incentive to finish the app,” says Nox, his eyes warm with affection, make me dizzy with joy. “Say the word and I’ll portal you here.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  Isir stretches. “I need to return as well, Qetesh doesn’t run itself.”

  I look at my friends and feel a bit steadier. Nox takes my hand under the table and my heart hammers. Everything will be fine.



  I squint, looking at the clock on my PC’s screen. I’ve managed to spend eighteen hours straight building the app, except for food and loo breaks, of course. But I can finally relax now that the simulations are running smoothly, and the interface looks sleek and attractive.

  Not only will the app help to organize random ideas, but will also help people with ADHD do tasks, hopefully. Provided with the right information, the app will extrapolate what task is more relevant to do each day, and for every task completed will provide a reward. Which consists of a gif with congratulations and fireworks. It can be better, but it isn’t bad, and I have no intention of allowing myself to be humiliated again.

  I’ve fought demons, dammit, I can handle a pain in the ass teacher.

  Well, one demon, but still! That’s more demons than most people have ever fought, right?

  Okay, I need to rest, I’m losing the plot more than usual.

  “I’ll have to agree to that,” says a deep, rich voice.

  I look over my shoulder and see Nox standing under the arch of my door, leaning against the frame nonchalantly.

  He’s dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit, as usual. A swath of inky hair half obscures one amethyst eye, and it’s all I can do not to run and cling to him like a koala.

  “Have I been talking to myself again?” I ask warily, closing the laptop and standing, feeling my limbs tight and a bit numb.

  He stalks in then, standing just two feet away from me. “For two whole minutes.”

  I groan and cover my face. He chuckles and pulls me into a half embrace, hesitantly. My resolve breaks and I do the koala routine. Burying my nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply his scent and allowing his cool aura to soothe my tired agitation. His hands roam my back in a calming pattern and I melt into his touch, a small embarrassing moan escapes me.

  “You need to rest,” he says, warm breath caressing my shoulder.

  I can feel his wariness too. “So do you. Speaking of that, do you sleep?”

  He pulls back and takes my hand. We sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Not often,” he responds. “I can be awake for a week without much inconvenience. However, it is best not to let it go on for too long.”

  “Gotta reboot the system at some point,” I murmur.

  He smirks. “Speaking of rebooting, I’m certain your processor is overheated.”

  I can’t stop the rush of heat from reaching my cheeks. There’s something really sexy about hearing him use my usual terms.

  He tries to fight down a smile.

  I groan. “I knew it! You can hear my thoughts all the time.”

  Nox chuckles. “Not all the time, just when your thoughts become loud and you start, erm…”

  “Swooning pathetically?” I supply.

  He huffs with amusement. “You aren’t the only one who gets distracted, Dinah.”

  My stomach tightens with anticipation, my heart begins to pound. “No?”

  He shakes his head with a small, almost predatory smile. “Not at all.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see the door close gently. I’m not sure which of us did it.

  I bite my lip as he leans forward and places a kiss on my right cheek, then the other. I shiver when his breath caresses my neck.

  “I love your neck,” he murmurs, kissing a tortuous path from the hollow of my neck to my ear. “And those eyes,” his expression is open, earnest, and I can barely breathe. I sigh and close my eyes—reaching out blindly to take a hold of his neck as he kisses my eyelids, feather-soft. One of his hands wraps around my waist, caressing my ribs through the thin fabric of my white tee.

  A small gasp escapes me.

  He chuckles. I blink, holding that burning amethyst gaze.

  He strokes my abused bottom lip with his thumb. “These are my favorite though.”

  “Predictable,” I say in a husky voice I barely recognize as my own.

  His eyes darken a bit, and then he’s kissing me with toe-curling intensity. It’s different from the kisses of a couple of nights ago, more urgent, less controlled. I moan, pulling him towards me with more strength than intended, feeling his chest against mine. He Pulls me close and moves up on the bed, bracing himself on the mattress with one hand not to place his full weight on me.

  I run one hand under his hair, raking slightly on his scalp with my short nails, echoing the shiver that runs through his body, wrapping my other arm around his back. My energy lurches for him and is returned immediately. I arch tighter against him, soft waves of energy pulsing through my whole body, curling right beneath my navel.

  Nox deepens the kiss with a low growl vibrating in his chest. I caress his tongue with mine, arching again as he runs his fingers under my shirt and touches my bare skin. The pulsing, almost painful sensation in my lower belly grows. I want to feel him against me, I need to. He places his hand right against my belly, under my navel. I resist the impulse to urge his hand lower, half-wondering where such bold desires are coming from. His warmth seeps with ease
through the yoga pants.

  More of Nox’s energy wraps around me, making me shiver. Tendrils teasing every nerve end, stroking and tingling, sending little waves of pleasure through my whole body. I let out a moan, holding tighter to him as the throbbing need makes me feel on fire. He bites my lower lip and sends just a bit more of that teasing energy until the tension breaks and I buckle against his gentle but firm hold of my lower belly.

  He devours the cry that crawls up my throat with warm lips and a skillful tongue. I almost purr with pure contentment, both of my hands tangling in his hair. Nox pulls back slightly, kissing me softly; I open my eyes, not surprised in the slightest to see my room bathed in orange and amethyst energy.

  When the insane pleasure dims, I realize what just happened and blink owlishly. “I just… you gave me an… that’s never happened before.”

  He arches a brow, rolling to lay on his side next to me and pulling me close. “Never?”

  “Well, yes, of course, but not with anyone,” I flush, but words keep pouring out of my damn mouth. “I’ve only had sex once after getting tipsy, just to tick it off the list and see what the fuss was about. I was curious and didn’t want the first time to be forced on me. I never saw the guy after, nor did I want to.” I cover my face. “Oh gods, I know what that must sound like.”

  I feel my power coil inside me again as shame washes over me. Warm hands pull mine gently off my face. I risk a peek and find him staring at me with intensity.

  “It sounds like you wanted to make sure no one took that decision away from you. Like you wanted to experiment. Nothing wrong with that.”

  I swallow hard. Part of me hates having to need such reassurance, but another is beyond pleased with the honesty and lack of judgment.

  “And I need to stop babbling everything that goes through my head,” I mutter embarrassedly.

  Nox chuckles, kissing my forehead. “You could try, but I’m certain that’s a core trait of your adorably insane personality.”

  I mock scowl, covering my mouth as a big yawn escapes me.

  “Sleep time,” Nox says, cradling me against him and getting me under the covers with a lot more ease than I thought possible.

  “Erm, what about you?” I ask, feeling my cheeks heat despite the exhaustion.

  He shrugs. “It’s not quid pro quo, you know? And I can wait.”

  I smile, feeling my eyes heavier. “Would you stay for a bit?”

  He blinks, then lies beside me atop the covers. Too sleepy and sated to be self-conscious, I crawl closer and toss an arm around his chest. He accommodates me gently, my head on his shoulder, and a heavy arm around my waist.

  “Goodnight, Dinah,” Nox whispers against the top of my head.

  “Goodnight, tall, dark, and grumpy.”

  I feel him chuckle and smile contentedly as sleep claims me.

  * * *

  I wake up feeling extremely well-rested and slightly disappointed to be alone in bed. There’s a note leaning against a glass of water that’s magicked to be cold.

  I gulp down the water and sit, unfolding the thick paper.

  There’s an important mission I must take care of. I would have loved to stay until you woke up. Good luck with the presentation, not that I think you’ll need it.

  I’ll be back as soon as possible.


  I bite my lip, remembering what happened last night.

  A sharp knock on my door gets me out of the reverie.

  “Hurry up, you lazy bugger!” Isir calls, way too loud for someone who’s just arrived from working all night.

  “Coming, mother!”

  Isir chuckles.

  I take a much needed cold shower, idly thinking about how my libido seems to have woken up completely and is currently jumping around demanding attention.

  Strangely, I’m not nervous as I get dressed in black jeans, tennis shoes, and the usual combo of T-shirt and a button-down shirt. With a jolt, I realize the blouse is purple. I’m still smiling like an idiot as I enter the kitchen, feeling warmth spreading inside my chest at the sight of the ceramic pan covered with red, pulsating magic. It disperses when I open it and inhale the mouthwatering scents of cheese, bacon, eggs, chicken, and veggies. I grab a fork and devour the giant omelet in record time, then gulp down a glass of orange juice and go back to my room to grab my stuff.

  Once I’m ready, I peek inside Isir’s room. She’s laying on her back, wearing the same clothes I saw her leave with yesterday, smelling like she’s fed recently.

  She supports herself on her elbows and blinks. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, but you should sleep, I’ll go grab Bryce.”

  “Sure?” she asks.

  I smile, examining the sexy mess of her hair and feeling the lazy, sated energy buzzing around her.

  “Of course, see ya later.”

  Isir groans and lays back. I’m still smiling as I zoom downstairs to Bryce’s flat and knock softly. Derek opens the door, putting on a T-shirt and giving me a flash of tanned skin and impressive abs.

  “Erm, let me guess. Bryce is dead to the world.”

  Derek smiles, smug satisfaction on his face. “He had a busy night.”

  I giggle. “Tell him I’ll see him later.”

  Derek shakes his head. His slightly humid hair falls in a straight curtain to his neck, much like Nox’s. “I don’t think so, Miss Novak, you aren’t supposed to be alone. I’ll take you to school.”

  I groan. “I wish you guys would stop calling it school, it makes me feel like I’m ten.”

  Derek chuckles, picking up a leather jacket that was a foot away from the door and putting it on. “I am about two-hundred years older than you, so…”

  I stick my tongue out to him; he smirks and crosses the living room towards the bedroom; I hear Bryce’s raspy voice say indistinct words.

  Derek is back in no time. “There, I’ve been cleared for bodyguard duty for this morning.”

  I roll my eyes. We take the elevator.

  “You know, I’m probably as strong as you are now,” I tease.

  Derek snorts. “Stronger, I’m sure. But I’m certain our friends would have a heart attack if you leave alone.”

  I sigh. “Overprotective mama bears the lot of them.”

  Derek smirks. “To the core.”

  He truly is stunning. He’s six-foot-six; his shoulders are slightly broader than Bryce’s and he emanates easy-going energy that immediately has me feeling comfortable around him despite not really knowing him well.

  We arrive at the parking lot; I follow him, not surprised at all to see the huge black motorcycle.

  “I guess I could drive the limo,” Derek muses.

  “Hell no, I’m having a few words with Nox about that monstrosity. It’s not like I’m a princess.”

  Derek chuckles, handing me a black helmet. “I’m sure you are to him.”

  I mock-scowl, feeling a flush crawl to my cheeks. “Princesses have manners and are poised and elegant, you don’t know me very well.”

  Derek smirks, sitting astride the motorcycle, I follow him holding onto his shoulders.

  “Princesses are also smart and brave, so you can get away with having no elegance,” Derek comments.

  I chuckle, holding onto his waist as he speeds out of the parking lot.

  * * *

  There’s no stuttering or insecurity when I make my presentation. Carson gives me some snide comments and instead of rising to his bait, I feign innocence and he’s forced to drop it or look like even more of a bastard. Amy and I exchange emails to talk about our respective software and I leave the classroom feeling content and relaxed.

  Derek is waiting for me right outside. He managed to charm his way into getting a tour but apparently left the flushed girl behind somewhere.

  “How did it go?” he asks.

  I take a deep breath, “great. Let’s go get some food for those lazy immortals.”

  Derek smirks. “Sounds like a plan.”

  We walk down t
he hall to the left, taking the longer route outside, probably to avoid the guide. Something heavy crashes against my neck and I freeze in place, unable to move as I feel something cold wrap around my throat.

  Derek looks back at me. “Dinah?! What-”

  I look up to see a flash of something bright. A scream crawling up my throat as pain lances down my spine. Derek’s eyes widen and he stays still. A thin trail of blood begins to seep across his neck in a straight line. The scent of burnt flesh embeds in my nose. I try to move, to scream, but I can’t. I can do nothing but watch as Derek’s head falls to the floor, followed by his body.

  I’m almost convulsing with the need to scream or doing something, but I’m paralyzed. Then I notice the tall figure looming close, holding a bloodied light sword. The edges of my vision darken and I feel myself fall.

  Aaron’s face is the last thing I see.

  * * *

  The first thing I’m aware of is that I’m no longer paralyzed. I know I can move if I want to. But I remember Nox’s instructions: always examine your surroundings, make sure your enemy doesn’t know you can hear them, learn before acting.

  I force my body to stillness and my breathing to stay regular. There’s no way to stop the faster beating of my heart as I feel a presence and hands squeezing my right arm.

  The memories push through, blood and pain, and…

  Derek is dead.

  Lycans can survive many things, decapitation isn’t one of those.

  Even worse, decapitation with a Light Sword.

  Bryce… when Bryce finds out… did the bastard leave the body to be found?

  And why?



  A warm hand settles on my right thigh, squeezing, and my self-control snaps.

  I’d already calculated where to hit and I strike with all the strength I can muster, jumping up as I do so and taking in my surroundings. There’s a male on the floor, pinkish blood seeps from his left cheekbone, murderous blue eyes set on my face.


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