Violet's Valentine: A Clean Friends to Lovers Romance (Love in Holiday Junction Book 1)

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Violet's Valentine: A Clean Friends to Lovers Romance (Love in Holiday Junction Book 1) Page 1

by Tami Franklin

  Violet’s Valentine

  Love in Holiday Junction, Book 1

  Tami Franklin

  Copyright © T.M. Franklin, 2019

  Published by Calava Press

  The right of T.M. Franklin to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

  This work is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover images by:

  © Syda_Productions

  © yellow2j

  Cover design by: Tami Franklin

  Visit the Author’s Web Site at

  Created with Vellum

  It takes a leap of faith to go from friendship to forever.

  Violet Chalmers never thought she’d move back to Holiday Junction, but when her Broadway dreams fizzle, going home is the only option. When she runs into an old flame, Liam, and sparks reignite, Vi is convinced the man of her dreams is the one she left behind—and now she has a chance to win him back.

  Kade Rivera has carried a torch for Violet since high school, but putting the “boy” in front of “friend” was never an option. Best friends since childhood, they lost touch over the years, but Kade’s never forgotten the girl who stole his heart. And when he sees her again, her bright eyes and sunny smile still make him weak in the knees.

  Now that Vi is back in town, it could be Kade’s big chance to prove he’s more than the boy next door. The only problem is Vi’s determination to reunite with her first love. When Kade and Vi are roped in to planning the big Sweetheart Ball, can Kade make her see that the one who got away, is the one who was there all along?

  Welcome to Holiday Junction, the town that takes it holidays seriously… and the perfect place to fall in love…


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Special Thanks to…

  Also by Tami Franklin

  About the Author

  Welcome to Holiday Junction, Est. 1898

  Violet Chalmers sighed as the bus rumbled past the sign marking her hometown's eastern border. They'd already switched the decorations—wide pink and red ribbons wrapped around the two side support posts, and the plaque featuring clinking New Year's champagne glasses had been replaced with a big red heart. Valentine's Day was coming, and as usual, Holiday Junction was ready.

  Vi should have felt warm and cozy about coming home, but instead, the failure that sat in her stomach like a rock rolled around a bit, and she swallowed against a wave of nausea. Ben would have mocked her for that, called her melodramatic and overemotional. He—

  No. She wasn't going to think about Ben. Not right now.

  Instead, Vi dug in her purse for a compact and lip gloss, grateful that there was no one in the seat beside her. If there was one thing Vi couldn't have handled on the long trip from New York, it was making conversation with a stranger. She frowned at her reflection and patted on some powder in a fruitless attempt to hide the dark circles under her eyes. They were expected after a six-and-a-half-hour flight and a three-and-a-half-hour bus ride, but no less jarring. Her mother was sure to notice them . . . and just as sure to comment on them. She swiped on a little pink gloss and shrugged. This was as good as it was going to get.

  Vi tucked away her things as the bus splashed through the slushy puddles and pulled up to the Greyhound station at the edge of town. Dirty, gray snow still sat in piles around the low, dingy concrete building, but most of it had melted on the sidewalk and parking lot. Holiday Junction was in that murky drabness between the sparkling snow-covered brilliance of winter and the pink-budded beauty of spring. The bus hissed to a stop and Vi stood, drawing her bag over her shoulder and bracing herself for what was coming.

  She didn't want to be there. But she didn't really have a choice.

  Following the line of bedraggled travelers down the aisle, she spotted her mother waving wildly from beside her little red car. Despite herself, Vi couldn't keep from smiling. Louise Chalmers—Lou to her friends—was a force of nature with her spiky blonde hair, a few shades lighter than Vi's own, Audrey Hepburn sunglasses, and a black wool coat over jeans and wedge-heeled leather boots. Her mom would be fifty-two on her next birthday but didn't look a day over forty. Thanks, she was quick to say, to her hairdresser, monthly facials, and a glass of red wine with dinner every night.

  She hurried over to the bus just as Vi stepped off. “You're here!” she said, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. “It's about time!”

  “Hi, Mom.” Why was it no matter how old you were, a hug from your mom made you feel like you were ten years old?

  “Are you hungry? You must be hungry. I have some cookies in the car.” She pulled back, holding on to Vi's shoulders as she scrutinized her face. “You look tired. Are you sure you're all right?”

  Vi resisted the urge to roll her eyes—barely. “I'm fine. Just a long trip.”

  Lou frowned, not buying it. “It's Ben, isn't it? You don't need him, honey. He doesn't deserve—”

  “It's not Ben,” she said, maybe a little too loudly. Vi cleared her throat and lowered her voice. “I promise. I'm fine. I just need some sleep and maybe dinner?”

  “Of course!” Vi waved a hand. “You must be starving. I can't believe you wouldn't let me pick you up in Seattle. We could have gotten a nice dinner at that seafood place—”

  “I wasn't going to make you drive all the way to Seattle,” Vi replied quickly. “Besides, I like the drive. It was nice to see the mountains.” That part was true. The Cascades were beautiful at this time of year and it was one thing she had missed while she was in New York.

  They retrieved Violet's bags and packed them into the car, smooshed between the boxes and bins from her mother's various events. Lou was on the planning committee for all of the town's festivities—and when you lived in Holiday Junction, there were a lot of town festivities. As the brochure said, Holiday Junction is the place to celebrate every holiday . . . and it's where the holidays come to celebrate.

  No, it didn't really make sense, but it got the point across.

  “How was your flight?” Lou asked once they'd gotten into the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “Did they give you anything to eat besides mustard pretzels?” She made a face.

  Vi laughed. “I had a sandwich,” she said. “But I've been dreaming about your roasted chicken . . .” She gave her mom a hopeful look.

  “Well, you're in luck,” Lou said, turning onto Main Street. “It's in the oven and should be about ready once we get home.” She smiled and patted her daughter's leg.

  “Can't wait,” she replied, looking out the window. “The town looks good. The same.”

  And it did. Holiday Junction seemed
to be trapped in time—a quaint small town that looked like it had been plucked out of somewhere in New England and plopped down into a mountain valley in central Washington. Store fronts bore striped awnings and stately columns, wood and brick facades and brightly painted doors. And, of course, the holiday decorating was already underway.

  “They have the lights changed,” Lou said, pointing up at the pink and red twinkle lights twined through the trees running down both sides of the street. “But the mayor thinks we need new hearts for the lamp posts and it's causing a whole thing—” She twirled her fingers in the air. “So that pushed everything back and now we're behind schedule.”

  “Well, it's not even February yet,” Vi pointed out.

  “It will be tomorrow.” Lou pushed her sunglasses up and shot her an offended look. “Besides, there's a schedule for a reason,” she said. “Holiday Junction isn't Holiday Junction—”

  “—without the holidays,” Vi finished with her.

  She pursed her lips. “It's just another—”

  “—small town that's nothing special.”

  “I hate it when you do that.” Lou turned the corner, but her lips quirked.

  “Sorry,” Vi said. “You're right. The mayor is being unreasonable, and the schedule must be kept!” She pounded a fist on the armrest.

  “Do you want me to turn this car around?” Lou flicked on her blinker. “Because I will turn this car around.”

  “No!” Vi folded her hands, begging. “Mom, if you do, who will eat the roasted chicken? Think of the chicken!”

  Lou fought it for a moment, then burst out laughing. “I'm so glad you're home.”

  Well, Violet couldn't say exactly that, so she settled for, “Love you, Mom.”

  They pulled into the driveway in front of Violet's childhood home, a bungalow with a wide front porch and white shutters. “You painted the house,” she said. The main floor was no longer green, but a pale blue, the second-story dormer a darker blue, and the front door, bright yellow.

  “Didn't I tell you that?” Lou asked as she put the car in park. “I think it's better, don't you? Cheerful.”

  “Yeah, it's nice,” Vi replied, getting out of the car. Her eyes drifted to the similar house next door, painted in shades of gray with white trim. “Hey, is Kade still around?”

  “Hmm? Oh, yes. Such a nice kid. He helped me out when the furnace broke last month.” She opened the trunk and yanked out one of Vi's suitcases. “I better check the chicken,” she said, rolling it toward the front steps. “Can you get the rest?”

  “Sure, no problem.” Violet rounded the car, her gaze taking in the street where she played as a child; learned to drive as a teenager. Like most things around Holiday Junction, it hadn't changed much. The trees were a little taller, maybe, and the historic street lights now had LED bulbs, but other than that it looked pretty much the same.

  Ten years. It had been just shy of ten years since she’d been back. Vi felt bad about that, but as a struggling actress, she could never afford the trip. Money was tight for her mom, as well, but she’d made it to New York a few times over the years—twice for Christmas, the two of them crammed in Vi’s tiny apartment. It had been fun to share the city with her mom during the holidays. They’d walked through Central Park, ice skated in front of Rockefeller Center, and ooh-ed and ahh-ed over the extravagant window displays.

  Of course, the last time Lou had flown out, it was after everything had happened—after Ben had left, and—

  Well, it was not a fun trip, that one.

  Vi sighed, her stomach rumbling. It was only a little after four, but she'd been up since three in the morning, New York time, and hadn't had much to eat other than the sandwich on the plane. She tugged on her bigger suitcase, frowning when it refused to budge.

  “Come on,” she muttered, shoving aside one of her mom's boxes before taking hold of the bag once again. “Come on, I've got chicken waiting.” She propped a foot up on the bumper and pulled harder. It barely moved, so she took a deep breath, tightened her grip, and gave it a good hard jerk.

  The bag came flying out and knocked her back. Vi fought to maintain her balance, but failed, landing on her backside with a grunt. The suitcase hit the concrete driveway and the zipper gave, the bag bursting open in a shower of clothing and accessories.

  “Perfect,” Vi muttered.

  “Need some help?” a voice asked.

  She startled, looking up to find a man watching her with humor in his eyes, and various items of silky clothing draped over his extremities. Vi scrambled to her feet, vainly attempting to brush the dampness off the back of her jeans. “I am so sorry,” she said, grabbing the clothing and wadding it up under her arm. She froze, finally focusing on the guy.


  He winked. “Hey, Vi. Heard you were back in town.”

  She tossed the ball of clothes into the trunk and threw her arms around his neck. “It's so good to see you!” she mumbled into his skin. He smelled really nice.

  Kade hesitated for a moment, then returned the hug. “Good to see you, too.”

  They pulled apart, and she was surprised to find herself looking up a little more than she used to. “Did you get taller?”

  He laughed, brown eyes crinkling at the corners. “Since high school? Yeah, maybe a little.”

  Kade was definitely taller . . . and bigger. Well, he was still lean, but not skinny like in high school. His shoulders were broader, too. Dark hair cropped short, and was that—

  She reached out before she could think better of it and scratched at the stubble covering his cheek. “This is new, too.”

  He swiped at her hand. “Give me a break. I didn't have time to shave today!”

  Vi's mouth dropped open and she pressed a palm to her chest in mock surprise. “You're shaving now?”

  “Shut up.”

  “You shut up!”

  “That's it.” He grabbed her around the neck and began to rub his knuckles on her head. “Say it!”

  “No!” she shrieked, struggling against his grip.

  “Say it!”

  “Let me go!” She couldn't keep from laughing.

  “Not until you say it!”

  Vi collapsed against him, defeated. “Kade is the king,” she mumbled.

  “And . . .” he prompted.

  She let out an annoyed sigh but was still giggling. “And I am but his lowly servant. Now let go!”

  He released her immediately, a smug smile on his face. “Glad we're in agreement.”

  “I take it back. You haven't changed a bit.” She grinned at him. “You're as annoying as ever.”

  His eyes widened. “I resemble that remark.”

  She groaned. “You're still saying that?”

  “Only to you,” he replied, and the thought made her feel warm all over. She'd missed him. He had been her best friend and they'd drifted apart over the years, but somehow, it seemed like no time had passed at all.

  She smiled. “So, how have you been?”

  He shrugged. “Good. You know, the usual. Filling young minds with the wonders of Calculus.”

  “Ugh.” Vi grimaced. “I can't believe you enjoy teaching math. I could barely tolerate it when I had to take it.”

  “It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.” He slid his hands into his jacket pockets and kicked one booted foot against the driveway. “I hear you'll be joining our distinguished faculty at good old HJHS.”

  She extended her arms with a flourish and gave a little bow. “The new choir and drama teacher, at your service. I start on Monday.”

  He winced. “I assume you know the reason for the sudden job opening.”

  “I might have heard something about the former teacher, a bottle of moonshine, and a rather unfortunate incident of streaking?”

  Kade shook his head. “Bertram Russell naked in the town square. That's something you can never unsee.”

  “Sounds traumatic.” She shuddered. “Well, fortunately, I have my lesson plans all ready
to go, and auditions for the spring musical are already done, but any survival tips would be much appreciated.”

  “Well, avoid the coffee and the vending machines and you should be fine,” he said. “And the moonshine, of course.”

  “Of course.” Vi nodded sagely.

  Kade looked down at his feet for a moment. “I saw you on TV. In that commercial for the orange juice?”

  “Oh no!” She covered her face. They'd made her wear a goopy facial mask for that one.

  “No, you were good!” Kade pulled her hands down. “You were always really good.”

  And that—that was something she really didn't want to talk about. “Well, at least one person thought so.” Before he could say anything more, she added. “You want to join us for dinner? Mom's making roasted chicken.”

  She held her breath, hoping he'd drop the subject. He did, of course. Kade had always understood her.

  “I wish I could,” he said. “But I have to be somewhere—” He looked at his watch. “—right now.” He backed away toward his car, a black SUV. “Rain check?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she replied. “We need to catch up.”

  He nodded and got in his car and drove away, leaving Vi surrounded by a broken suitcase and piles of dirty, wet clothing.

  “Good to be home,” she mumbled as she gathered it all up and headed inside. At least there'd be a hot bath and a good meal waiting.

  It took a good ten minutes before Kade's heartbeat returned to normal. He'd heard Violet was coming home—he did live next door to her mom, after all—but seeing her when he wasn't prepared . . .


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