The Fire Within (The Fire of The Soul Series)

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The Fire Within (The Fire of The Soul Series) Page 2

by Racquel Kechagias

  "You may have her for the night and you may do what you wish with her. If it helps to quiet your own demons Father, then my daughter is at your service. Though make sure you are off of my land by morning, for I will punish you and there are things far worse than death," my father sneers at the priest, and then he turns away from him, from me before he begins to walk away. I know it is futile to call out to my father; he will never turn back to save me. It isn't long before I am alone with the priest; there is a dirty look in his eyes and a sly smile on his lips. He slowly approaches me, and for the first time this evening I scream out in horror. For as this man approaches me, I slowly learn of what he means, when he said that he wanted me.

  I roll over in bed and wrap my arms around my body, trying to shake the memory from my mind. I had only been ten, nothing more than an innocent child and to be subjected to that was more horrific than anyone could believe. Although I had been exorcised, I hadn't become the victim of Father Wright that night; no I had a saviour who had come to my rescue. That saviour’s name is Simon. He had been a sixteen-year-old boy at time. He was only present in the stables that night because he worked and slept in the stables. He had fought off Father Wright, and had released me from my bindings. Simon and I had grown close ever since that night, he had become my saviour, my protector, my guardian and friend. I'm indebted to Simon for saving me that night, but I had never found a way to repay my debt.

  Today was meant for celebrations, as it was my seventeenth birthday however it's also a day to be dreaded, for even though it is my birthday, today, or rather tonight, it would also be my engagement. There is to be a grand ball in my honour tonight, on the pretence of my birthday. In fact, in my father's and mother's eyes, it is in honour of my engagement to one of the several gentlemen, my father has been considering promising my hand in marriage to. As these things always go, I will have no say in the matter nor does that of true love; if only I knew what that really is.

  Three sharp knocks in quick succession resound on my bedroom door. I sit up in bed and wrap my night gown around my body. "Who is it?" I call to the person standing on the other side of my door.

  "Annabelle darling, open the door, it's past nine and you should be ready by now," My mother's voice resounds on the other side of the door. God, I hate it when she uses my full name. It just sounds so proper.

  "Or what you'll send Simon to knock down the door? Because God only knows that father would not be able to do so," I retort, amazed at how swiftly the words has come to me.

  "Annabelle Louise VanDyken, I command you to open this door now!" I groan, She just has to be like this, as if she has any control over me. I don't want to obey her but I do, knowing that tonight it is not just my father's choice, but my mother's as well. I walk over to the door purposefully slow and open it.

  "There, happy?" I ask, her eyes open widely as they take in my state of dress, which is no more than my undergarments and my purple silk night gown.

  "Am I happy? Am I happy? Annabelle you are not dressed and Rupert is waiting in the carriage, yet here you stand in nothing but your undergarments and that ridiculous piece of cloth that you call a night gown, asking me if I'm happy!" She exclaims, I notice Meg rush into the room, frightened by the tone my mother is using. She opens the wardrobe and pulls out a robin blue dress - one which she knows is my favourite - and I assume she is trying to please me and not my mother; which is absolutely ridiculous as she doesn't need to please me, she is my best friend after all.

  "Not that one you imbecile, the cream one, with the lace." I don't like the way she talks to Me, it simply isn't right. I just can't understand how she can talk to another person as if they are nothing. Meg is just as important as my mother, but in my mother's eyes, in the social structure of the world Meg is nothing, and that is just the way my mother has been brought up.

  I am thankful to whatever God there is that I am nothing like my mother, well, at least personality wise because looking at my mother I know that saying I am nothing like her would be a lie. I have inherited some of her beauty, such as her chocolate eyes, and her dark auburn hair and thick lips, and we are also quite the same size in our feminine structure. I have inherited my pale skin from my father. He is so pale that at times when I see him late at night I mistake him for a ghost.

  Whilst I am thinking to myself, Meg has returned the blue dress and has pulled out the cream dress that my mother has requested. It isn't the fact that it isn't beautiful that I don't like it, rather it is the fact that it is uncomfortable, and that my mother had brought it for me. The dresses collar frames my neck and shoulder bones and ends in a large swooping neckline. The material of the dress ends at my elbows but bells out down the rest of my arm with the same lace of the collar and neckline, the dress ends at my ankles, the hem containing more lace. Meg lays it down over a chair as my mother makes her way over to my door.

  "I will give you five minutes Annabelle. I expect you dressed and ready to go out into town to meet with Mr. Sitzman." My mother says, before she leaves the room. Meg gives me an apologetic smile before she beckons me to her, so that she could help me get into the dress. I don't understand why she puts up with my mother, if I was her I would have left a long time ago, but I am not Meg, and there is no way that I can escape this place, without having to marry a man of nobility.

  "I'm sorry Anna; I wish you didn't have to go through tonight's ordeal," Meg says, a note of sincerity in her voice, which brings tears to my eyes.

  Meg is the one person that I can rely on, the one person I can trust, and I am wondering why she doesn't escape. We both know I wouldn't be able to survive, if she left me here alone.

  I meet her eyes in the mirror and I can see the sorrow within my own eyes.

  "I am too Meg," I whisper, my throat choking upon the words.

  She helps me slip on the dress, before I sit down and slip on my beige leather boots. Meg quickly fixes up my hair, and when I look into the mirror I realize that I look exactly how my mother would want me to – like a princess.

  It is the idea that today is my last day as a person who has no problems, whom is not tied down, and whom has a reason to live, that makes me hesitant to walk out that door. For I know once I take a step out into the world, that time is going to fly by, and that tonight would be here before I know it and my day, the last day I have to myself will be gone. All of those things will no longer be mine by the end of tonight. I turn to Meg, and she hands me a handkerchief so that I may wipe the tears from my eyes, we hug quickly before I exit the room and find my mother waiting for me.

  "It's about time Annabelle. I was beginning to worry," My mother states, as we make our way down the hall. It is as lavish as any other part of the castle, though it is most certainly boring.

  "Why would you worry mother. I was only getting dressed," I reply sarcastically. She gives me a disgusted look, probably for the tone that I just used on her, but she does not chide me. It is like she is literally offended by my offhanded tone. It isn't long before we reach the front doors, but in the silence my mother and I share, it seems as if it takes forever. It isn't like I hate my mother, but I cannot forgive her for allowing my father to be as cruel as he is, or allow him to hurt the only people that I care about; Meg and Simon. My relationship with my father isn't the greatest either, so I am not exactly surprised by his spiteful attitude when we finally enter into the carriage.

  "What took you so long Darleen?" He asks my mother, without even giving me a sign that he acknowledges my presence. My mother keeps her eyes locked on his for a while before she casts down her gaze, looking away from his uncaring eyes.

  "I apologize Rupert; Annabelle was not dressed as I had hoped she would be," She replies without meeting his eyes. It is clear that she is terrified of him and sometimes - I have to admit - I am afraid of him too; however this is not one of those times.

  "Do you have anything to say for yourself Annabelle? Or are you just going to behave like a mute?" My father asks, taking his gaze off of my mothe
r and placing it onto me. I move my gaze from the outside world, to my father and look him square in the eyes.

  "I have nothing to say Father," I reply curtly, trying as hard as I can to keep the venom out of my voice. My father is ultimately the one who will decide my fate for me tonight, and I want to do as much as I can to lessen the cruelty of his choice before then.

  "Good, I expect you to be on your best behaviour today. You know that you will only make things worse for yourself if you do not behave well." He gives me a knowing look, and I understand completely what he means. The consequences would not only be him choosing the worse person possible for me, but he would harm the ones that I care for.

  "I understand father," I say, succeeding to keep the disgust out of my voice.

  "That's my girl," He sneers. How my mother could sit there and be oblivious to my father's actions and words I would never know, but I cannot allow myself to be oblivious, and so I am grateful when the carriage pulls up to the little restaurant near the shoreline. My father gets out of the carriage first and helps my mother out, and then offers me his hand to help me out of the carriage as well. I grudgingly take his hand, and I quickly release it when my feet are firmly upon the ground.

  My father and mother walk hand in hand throughout the fairly empty restaurant to a table with three occupants, that of two men and a woman. None of seem to be "bound" to the other, and I wonder which of them is the infamous Mr. Sitzman that we are meant to be meeting.

  "Good Morning Mr and Mrs VanDyken, I hope you do not mind that I have brought a few friends with me." One of the men says, he has platinum blond hair and dazzling blue eyes that sparkle like sapphires. The other man's hair is like wild fire and the woman's hair is a soft silver. Their eyes are unusual colours as well, the woman's being a harsh silver and the man's is beyond explanation, as it changes every time I look at him, as if his eyes cannot decided which colour they wish to be.

  "That is not a problem Mr Sitzman; I would like to present my lovely daughter, Annabelle Louise VanDyken." My father says to the blond man, or rather I should call him Mr Sitzman. Mr Sitzman gets to his feet and in a show of exaggeration, bows at the waist and gently kisses my hand. Mr Sitzman is dressed in a black tux, his red tie almost as bright as the other man's hair. His light hair is pushed back and there is no stubble upon his face, giving him a clean cut look.

  "Please forgive me; I have failed to introduce my friends. The Gentleman with me is Fawkes, he is my adviser and the lovely Lady is Talia." Mr Sitzman says, there is a round of hand shaking and my mother and Talia smile politely with each other. Everyone soon takes their seats, and a waitress comes and takes our order.

  "I'm sorry that our arrival is quite late. I was informed of Anna's betrothal a few weeks ago, however because of our distance it took us a while to get here." Mr Sitzman says, his blue eyed gaze focusing on my father.

  "Well it is good to finally meet you Mr Sitzman, I have heard very highly of you. However, you weren't exactly what I had in mind. Some how your reputation exaggerates your age, you appear quite young after all." My father says, and I wonder how long he has known of Mr Sitzman.

  "Ah yes, well truth can often be twisted when travelling from mouth to mouth. I may appear young but that is only by appearance, at heart I am far much older. Regardless, I am old enough to know how to rule over a prospering kingdom." Mr Sitzman says, and I wonder if he has taken offense at my father's words. Although Mr Sitzman's eyes never leave my father's face I can feel him watching me.

  "I apologize if I've offended you Mr Sitzman; it was not my intention. I was simply commenting on your youthful appearance." My father says, and I can understand what he means. Mr Sitzman looks to be about my age, if not a few years older. My father and Mr Sitzman appear to be getting along well and it raises hope within me, perhaps I will be wedded to a man close to my own age after all.

  Our brunch passes quickly and in good conversation, everyone seems to be getting along well, and it makes me wonder if everything is finally going in my favour for once.

  "You all are more than welcome to follow us back to the castle, if you have no other plans for the day." My father says to the trio, as we rise from the table to leave.

  "We will take you up on your offer Mr VanDyken; as we have only just arrived in town and we have no where else to go." Mr Sitzman says and our two groups leave the restaurant together.

  My father, mother and myself climb into our carriage and wait for the trio to get into their own. I watch Mr Sitzman through the small window at the back of the carriage, I watch him say something to their driver before he climbs into his carriage. The carriage begins to move and I move my gaze away from the window. I catch my father's eyes and I can see that he has been watching me the entire time. I refuse to give him any acknowledgment but he smiles slyly anyhow. Somehow, I know the arrival of Mr Sitzman is not in my favour.

  Chapter 2 – The Threats of Life

  Anna's P.O.V

  "You behaved well enough Anna, though I'm sure Mr Sitzman would have appreciated you to join in the conversation," My mother says to me as we get out of the carriage and make our way inside. "I could tell that your father was quite pleased with you." Her words stir something within my mind. My father is pleased with me. That is something that I have never heard before, and I am not quite sure how to feel about it.

  "Your Majesty, the servants need your direction, if you could come inside for a moment." A servant says to my mother the moment we walk through the door. My mother scatters off with the servant without saying another word.

  "You're mother's deduction was incorrect Anna," My father sneers into my ear, his hand twisting my arm around my back. "Although you behaved well I am not pleased with you. This morning we were late to the meeting. That alone has set you in my bad books today. You always cause trouble, do you really want me to hurt your friends so badly." He says as he pushes me into a little nook in the wall. I am not afraid for myself, my father has never laid a harmful hand on me, but Meg has suffered more than enough because of me.

  "Can I expect you to be well behaved Anna? Or will I have to go and seek out one of your friends? Perhaps that stable boy? Or that servant girl you're around so often? It would be a shame should one of them got harmed or lost a finger," My father grins, there is a dark loathing look in his eyes and I push him off of me.

  "I will be more than well behaved father. Just leave Megaera and Simon alone." I respond trying in vain to keep the venom from my voice. I begin to walk away from him but he grabs my wrist and turns me back around to face him.

  "I mean it Anna, behave or they will suffer." He releases me after a moment, and I walk away from him as fast as I can. I make my way through the castle to the kitchen, where I know Meg will be. That is exactly where I find her, chopping away at vegetables, obviously busy at preparing the feast for tonight.

  I pick up another knife and begin to chop with her. Quietly I whisper to her "Watch out for my father, he's not in the best of moods. Somehow I've upset him this morning and well now he's out for blood."

  "Alright I'll try to keep out of his way," Meg says with a worried frown on her forehead. "Are you alright Anna? He didn't hurt you did he?" She asks, her eyes rising from her job for a moment to look at me.

  "No, he knows that hurting me won't really change anything. He's learned that I'm more concerned for you and Simon then for myself." I say softly, as I look into Meg's eyes.

  "Did he threaten Simon as well?" Meg asks, concern for our only other friend is evident within her voice.

  "Yes, that's where I'm going to go next. I needed to warn you first, it was more likely that my father would have come looking for you first. Simon is more of a threat to the old man." I say, and this causes a giggle to rise in Meg.

  "I'll say, have you seen how big he's gotten lately. Especially in the past two years? He went from being a shrimp to the biggest guy in the castle," Meg says, before another giggle comes along.

  "No I hardly notice, although you clear
ly have. Have you told him yet? You must do so soon so that I can see the two of you together!" I say in a hushed tone as if we are talking about a conspiracy rather than Meg's true love.

  "No. I just don't ever know what to say to him?" Meg sighs and pauses for a moment before turning to me. "You should go and warn him Anna. I don't want to see him get hurt."

  "I'll go and tell Simon then. I'll see you later Meg," I say, finishing the last carrot that I had been chopping. I put the knife down, wipe my hands upon the tea-towel and make my way out of the kitchen, feeling a bit more relieved that I had warn Meg about my father's threat.

  It doesn't take long for me to get to the stables. I find Simon attending to Ruby and Steve two of the royal horses. Ruby is my own and her fine coat is an auburn colour. Steve is the general's war horse, a big black stallion and more furious than a lightning storm.

  "How are they? Is Ruby feeling any better?" I ask and Simon, lost in combing ruby's coat is startled by my voice.

  "She has recovered; though it wasn't a stomach bug as I had believed it to be. It seems that Steve has been giving Ruby too much attention." Simon says, getting down from the high stool that he had been sitting on and he walks over to me.

  "What do you mean?" I ask curiously, and he simply smiles at me as he takes my hand. He pulls me two stables down from Ruby's, and we peer over the gate to see the foal inside.

  "This is what I mean," Simon says and I stare at the foal in awe.

  "It's beautiful," I whisper so that the foal will not be woken.


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