The Magical Forest (Box Set)

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The Magical Forest (Box Set) Page 6

by Marteeka Karland

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come with me.” Kris hugged her tighter and thrust deeper as if he were afraid she’d try to wiggle from underneath him and run away, denying him the ultimate satisfaction.

  But she didn’t. Rose clung to him even as he clung to her. Within seconds both of them howled. Not once, but several times before the wash of pleasure faded. Kris was acutely aware he’d come deep inside her and wasn’t sorry. The sooner she conceived, the sooner he’d be tied to her forever.

  When they had settled, Kris rolled them to their sides, but he didn’t let her go, nor did he remove his cock from her. He still felt like it had been too easy. Something was likely to take her from him if he wasn’t careful.

  “Mmmm,” Rose purred. “That was…”

  “No kidding,” he chuckled. He wanted so much to be light-hearted, but he knew something was about to happen. He just had a feeling.

  “You came inside me, didn’t you?” Despite the accusation, Rose was grinning. She didn’t seem upset about the fact that she could very well be pregnant as a result of their lovemaking.

  “I did, and I won’t apologize.” He kissed her forehead. “I’d love very much to have a child with you.”

  She hugged him. “You’re such a man. But I want it too. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”

  The tightness in Kris’s chest had just started to ease when, as if on cue, there was a sharp rapping at the door.

  “Kris! Open up!” Glendon. There was no mistaking the rich voice of the Forest King.

  Kris groaned. Damn.

  He got up, not bothering to cover himself, and threw open the door. Rose barely had time to pull the covers over herself. Letting the King see her snug in his bed was the only way he could think of at the moment to stake his claim.

  “What?” he growled, then immediately winced. Though everyone knew they were free to speak their mind, one did not generally take that tone with the King of the Forest. Glendon merely raised one eyebrow.

  “Are you planning on staying here all night?”

  “Actually, yes. I think I am. I’m a little busy.” Kris moved aside slightly so Glendon could get a good look at the blushing faery in his bed.

  “For Mother’s sake, Kris.” Rose retained the sheet, but got out of bed and moved to his side. “It’s after eleven! If you’re delivering presents tonight, you’d better get a move on.”

  For a moment, Kris was confused, then the sane part of his brain kicked in and blood suffused his face. “Omigod!” He looked at the king, who was smirking openly. “I’m sorry, sir. I was so worried about keeping Rose I completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing.”

  Glendon merely chuckled. “Believe me, I know how you feel, my boy. But why in the world would you be worried about keeping her? Does she not love you?”

  “He knows I do.” Rose smiled and laced her arm through Kris’s. “At least, I hope he does. I told him so.”

  “I was just thinking,” Kris began, a little defensive now, “that this was too easy. I mean, it took hardly any effort to get Rose where I wanted her. I just knew something was going to happen to take her away.”

  “Easy?” Glendon’s other eyebrow hopped up to join the first near his hairline now. “You call what you’ve done over the years since you first met Rose easy? You’ve totally transformed your body just because you thought she wanted you to. You’ve worked hard every single day since then, all to impress her and convince her she was supposed to be yours.” He snorted. “Easy, indeed.”

  Rose giggled softly beside him and Kris immediately turned to her. “Oh, Kris.” She moved into his arms and kissed his chin. “For the record, I loved the way you looked. I was afraid of looking like a dork in front of you. I wanted to be with you when you first asked me to dance. I was just afraid of falling on my ass.”

  Kris just blinked. He felt like he’d been hit by a train. Well, damn.

  “I -- I never considered that,” he managed. “I was just trying to please you, Rose.”

  She hugged him fiercely. “And you did. Though not necessarily with your new body. Don’t think I don’t love it, I do! You’re totally yummy! I love everything about you! I just mean you impressed me with your possessive lovemaking and that you even remembered me after all these years.” She pulled him down for a quick kiss. “It seems to me you worked pretty damned hard to get me here, Kris. Just so you know, I have no intention of leaving.”

  Kris couldn’t help the crooked smile. “Well, shit.”

  Rose laughed and hugged him. “Now, Santa. Get your ass to work so you can get back in my bed. You can’t disappoint the children.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He looked to Glendon. “I’m sorry, sir. Won’t happen again.”

  “Well, I sincerely hope it happens again. I had to prod the last Santa out of his wife’s bed every Christmas from the time he first took over the job.” He slapped Kris’s arm good-naturedly. “Now, get to work. And get back to your woman. Next Christmas, we’ll give you two a proper introduction.”

  Kris turned to Rose. She was beautifully flushed. Her hair was tousled with that I-just-had-great-sex look. She took his breath away. “I love you, Rose.”

  “I love you, too. Now get to work. The quicker you get done, the quicker we can make love again.” She winked at him. “I’ll be right here. Waiting. Come home and make me howl again.”


  SnowFlower’s Bear

  Marteeka Karland

  Faeries in the Magical Forest simply love to explore carnal delights.

  Snow and Rose, two Faeries from the Magical Forest, are chased back to their earthen home by lightning witches during a late spring storm. When they run into an injured bear, the last thing these lovers expect is to get to know the bear a whole lot better…

  Chapter One

  Spring in the Magical Forest was no less ferocious than it was anywhere else in the world. The storms each year brought much needed rain, but sometimes even the forest Faeries had to take cover when the wind gods and thunder titans came out to play.

  “Still think building the house in the bloody tree was a good idea?” Snow, the winter Faerie, huddled under a table with Rose, her best friend and lover. She shook so hard her teeth chattered together. Snow was pretty sure she’d never been so scared in her life. Where the thunder titans were, so were the lightning witches.

  Snow had always been convinced the lightning witches had a taste for winter Faeries. Especially for brunch. True, no one she knew had actually been fried by a lightning witch, but in her mind, it was better not to take chances.

  “Sure. It’s just not a good idea to live here in spring.”

  The two Faeries had been together since they were children and were pretty much inseparable. Strange, considering they were so very different, not only in magic, but in appearance. Snow’s ivory white skin was contrasted sharply by Rose’s lovely ebony complexion. Where Snow was lithe and almost scrawny in body, Rose was voluptuous and lush.

  Another flash of lightning was followed by a deafening crash of thunder, and both women squealed. Rose giggled almost immediately afterward.

  “Wow! That was a close one!” She continued to giggle, and Snow would have ground her teeth in frustration if she hadn’t been so scared.

  She punched Rose in the arm. “You’re completely nuts! The lightning witches will get us for sure if you keep mocking them.”

  “Lighten up, Snow. They’re not going to cook you for dinner.”

  “Do you really want to chance that?”

  Another sharp flash and another deafening crash punctuated her question. The floor actually shook, and Snow was sure she could feel the little house swaying in the branches.

  When Rose didn’t answer, Snow responded to her own question. “That’s what I thought.” She waited a few heartbeats before scrambling up from her hiding place under the table. “I’m getting out of here and back to the earth house. Stay if you want, but don’t expect me to come after you when the light
ning witches cart you off.”

  “I’m not saying you’re right --” Rose followed her just as quickly. “-- but I’d hate to leave you to brave the wind gods out there by yourself.”

  The two climbed down the tree quickly -- they didn’t dare try to fly in the strong winds for fear of ripping their delicate wings to shreds -- and clung to each other as they ran the few hundred feet to the little hill where they’d originally carved out Snow’s house. Rose had said she’d wanted to live in the treetop and overlook the forest in all its glory. Snow had replied that she was sure Rose just wanted to look out over her domain like a queen. Rose had scoffed, but winked at Snow, never truly denying it.

  Now, they squealed with each clap of thunder and darted through the rain to the shelter of the earthen house. Just as they reached the door, a soft growl stopped them. Snow sucked in a breath and gripped Rose’s arm tightly.

  “Ohmigod! A bear!”

  “I know it’s a bear, Snow.” Rose clutched at Snow, but sounded irritated even through her fear. Snow knew her friend well enough to recognize she was trying to hide what she perceived as weakness. Besides, Rose trembled as violently as Snow did. “He looks like he’s been hurt. Look.” She pointed to the bear’s front paw, which was blackened around the snow-white fur. “His paw is burnt.”

  The great bear held it off the ground, favoring it. He didn’t make any move toward them, or even growl at them again. If anything, he studied them curiously.

  “You think the lightning witches got him?” Snow glanced at the sky, wary of the deadly bolts the witches spun.

  “Maybe…” Snow recognized the pensive look on Rose’s face and sighed.

  “OK. Come on. Might as well help him inside now. I don’t want to waste time arguing about it. I just want away from the lightning witches. They make me nervous.”

  Rose raised an eyebrow at her. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  The two women approached the bear cautiously, but he still made no threatening moves, gave no sign he was dangerous. Rose reached out a hand first and laid it on his shoulder.

  “Easy, my friend. We just want to help.”

  As if he understood them, the bear stood, careful not to put any weight on his injured foot, and hobbled to the round door of their earthen home. Snow and Rose steadied him so he didn’t have to put down his burnt paw and guided him into the house. He was a mass of wet, silky fur, and, despite the warm spring evening, he shivered a little.

  The bear shook once, spraying droplets of water all around him. When the women squealed, he immediately stopped and looked at them helplessly.

  “It’s OK, sweetheart,” Snow crooned. “I know you need to dry yourself. We just weren’t expecting you to shake all over the place.”

  Despite the situation, Snow giggled. The expression on the great animal’s face was just too male. He looked like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “Rose, go build a fire. I’ll get a big ole rug for him to rest on and some nice fluffy towels so we can dry him.”

  The bear seemed to sigh and dropped his head, shivering a little. He also waited patiently exactly where he was while the women prepared his bed.

  Snow returned shortly with several towels and began rubbing his paws -- except for the injured one -- vigorously until she was satisfied he wouldn’t leave wet, muddy footprints on her clean floor. Then she ushered him to the fire where she and Rose took the towels and briskly rubbed every inch of him. When they finished with his back, they urged him to roll over, and they rubbed down his tummy.

  Then she turned her attention to the injured paw. It wasn’t as bad as she’d first thought, but it still needed attention and she had just the thing.

  “Rose, will you bring me the jar of Faerie dust? He’s not burned as badly as I’d first thought and I think a little sprinkle will heal it nicely in a few minutes.” Sure enough, after a light coating of the sparkly dust, the injured tissue faded slowly to pink, healthy flesh.

  By the time they finished with him, his eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply, his tummy facing the fire.

  “Well.” Rose wiped her hands on one of the towels. “I’d say he was tuckered out.”

  “Poor thing.” Snow tapped her chin in contemplation. “He’s probably hungry, too. I don’t think we have enough meat for a bear, but surely we have something.” She looked worriedly at the big animal, who only dropped his head to his paws and looked at her with gentle eyes. At least, she hoped they were gentle. Maybe they were just hungry. “Hopefully, it will make us look less appetizing. I wonder why he was out in the rain to begin with?”

  Rose shrugged. “Beats me. And I’m sure he’ll appreciate the meal. Make sure it’s enough for one his size.” She smiled as Snow went about making her wish. The fountain was just inside the cabin door, and, once Snow made her final wish, it vanished with a tinkling chime as the food appeared in front of the bear.

  As the bear sniffed at the meal in front of him, Rose tossed the last of the towels into a bucket by the door and started undressing. At first Snow was uneasy. There was, after all, a strange bear in their living room. Then she simply sighed and watched.

  Snow understood why the flower Faerie wanted out of her clothes. Her own dress was damp where she’d brushed the bear before he was dry. She knew she needed to undress as well, but she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off Rose. No matter how many times she’d seen the flower Faerie nude, it still took her breath. Rose’s skin was dark perfection. It gleamed in the firelight, and fine muscles played underneath the surface of her skin.

  Rose looked at her, giving her a wicked little smile as she let the last of her clothing puddle to the floor at her feet. “See something you like?”

  Snow sighed appreciatively. “You, Rose. You know how much I love your body.”

  “Only as much as I love yours.” Rose gestured to Snow’s own clothing. “You going to take off those wet things, or do you want me to do it for you?”

  Snow giggled. “Well, if I have a choice, I think I’d rather you take them off for me.”

  “As you wish.” Rose smiled and approached Snow slowly.

  No matter how many times they came together like this, it always gave Snow a thrill. Rose was so lovely and the flower Faerie always knew exactly what Snow needed, exactly how to please her. No man had ever come close to making her feel the way Rose could with a simple kiss. It was probably why Snow had never done more than kiss a man. Men were always so rough, and Snow was too small for most of them. They all seemed to have rough hands that hurt her tender flesh. Rose, however, was such a gentle, caring lover, Snow couldn’t really find it in her to wonder why or even care why she didn’t want a man. She had Rose. They had each other. It was all they really needed.

  Rose peeled away Snow’s dress one slow inch at a time, and Snow’s skin erupted in goose bumps. Rose giggled and licked a path from Snow’s shoulder to her neck. “Cold, baby?”

  “Are you kidding?” Snow could barely breathe, she was so excited. “I’m on fire!” Snow didn’t even care that her words came in a breathy whisper. She loved what Rose did to her body, loved the way Rose loved her.

  It took only moments for Rose to finish undressing Snow, and when she had, she urged Snow onto the bed near the fire. The soft patchwork quilt beneath her caressed Snow’s back like a second lover, and she shivered again in anticipation. She didn’t have to wait long. Rose positioned herself between Snow’s legs, bringing her body flush with Snow’s.

  With a sigh, Snow opened her mouth to receive the other woman’s kiss. It was sweet and full of passion as always. Rose tangled her hands in Snow’s hair, and Snow let her hands wander down Rose’s back to her bottom. She squeezed one fleshy globe and held it gently as her other hand skimmed the side of Rose’s breast. They were mashed pleasantly breast to breast, and Snow wished there were a mirror beside them so she could see the stark contrast of their skin as they were wrapped in the intimate embrace.

  Snow could have gone on
kissing Rose for the rest of the day, but the flower Faerie had other plans. She pulled away from Snow’s mouth gently and trailed butterfly kisses down Snow’s body, delving her tongue into the winter Faerie’s navel. When she reached Snow’s smooth mound, she licked the silky skin above her clit slowly, teasingly. Rose lapped all around Snow’s now weeping cunt, never touching her clit.

  The music of Snow’s moans was the second most delightful sound Rose had ever heard. The first was that little sound she made when she came. She’d get to that later. First, though, Rose wanted Snow writhing in pleasure, and the best way for Rose to accomplish that was to eat her silly. The little winter Faerie simply delighted in having her pussy eaten.

  Rose smiled as she tormented little Snow, licking all around her pussy and clit without giving her the relief Rose knew she craved. It took a few minutes, but Snow began to writhe beneath Rose’s touch and push her hips at Rose’s mouth, seeking the pressure on her clit she would need to orgasm. Unfortunately, Rose wasn’t ready to give her what she wanted. If there was one thing Rose loved, it was to get the other woman to scream for release.

  Snow’s pale, slender thighs trembled with need and pleasure. Rose knew the gesture well. It meant her lover was good and turned on. But it still wasn’t enough for Rose. She wanted the other woman wild when she came.

  Licking one circle around Snow’s lovely -- and dripping -- little pussy, Rose flashed her a wicked grin as she climbed her way back up the winter Faerie’s body.

  “Sweet goddess, Rose,” Snow breathed, “please let me come.”

  “Oh, no, baby. Not yet. You know how I like you.” Rose licked one hard, protruding nipple as she spoke. “I want you so wild you scream. I want you to come so hard you pass out. Then I want you to come again.”

  Rose had loved Snow’s petite breasts since the first day she’d seen them. They were so small as to be almost nonexistent, more nipple than breast. Still, there was an ever-so-slight mound for each breast. Long ago, Rose had given Snow little crystal snowflakes to adorn her nipples and, as far as she knew, Snow never took them off. Rose swirled her tongue around the piercing, taking both the ornament and nipple in her mouth, flicking the little nub and swirling the gem around her tongue.


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