The Three Barons

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The Three Barons Page 10

by J. W Lateer

  So how do we wrap up the story of George de Mohrenschildt, as it relates to our theory of the JFK assassination?

  An Oswald babysitting operation was run through the “White Russian,” Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) or a similar connection, not directly through the FBI or the CIA. Since the St. Nicholas Church had a ready-made group of militant anti-Soviet and politically motivated people all under one roof, that may have been the connection.

  Paul Ragiorodsky, leader of St. Nicholas is high on the list of JFK suspects and he may have been the point-man for the Oswald babysitting because of his gravitas within the oil industry, inside Dallas and with the White Russian Community there.

  When Oswald moved from the White Russians to living with the Paines, he switched from being supervised by the White Russians to the true international Nazis through Walter Dornberger (possibly in concert with Dornberger’s friend Wernher von Braun). Dornberger was the supervisor of Michael Paine at Bell Aerospace. This setup was probably masterminded by West German Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen who was high up in the true Nazi network worldwide and in their role in the assassination plot. Gehlen may have masterminded the entire scheme of the assassination, at least from the European and Nazi side. Or it could have been masterminded by other Nazi cohorts, possibly in cooperation with ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles.

  The supervision of Oswald in his alleged ordering of weapons was supervised through Senator Dodd and his SISS/Juvenile Delinquency Committee in partnership with their friends in the ATF. Alternatively, Oswald could have been acting under instructions from Roy Frankhouser/Dan Burros/National Security Council channels. Both of these would have fit a very similar pattern with the weapons possession issue as the pretext for the contact and interactions with Oswald. Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon was in charge of both the ATF and the Secret Service.

  When Oswald was in New Orleans, he was supervised by Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, through the Catholic activist/European Permindex/Dr. Alton Ochsner connections. Alternatively, when in New Orleans, Oswald could have been acting as an agent and reporting to the SISS committee chaired jointly by Senator James O. Eastland and the Nazi-connected Senator Thomas J. Dodd. Or very likely, both could have been true at the same time.

  All of the above connections were compartmentalized and kept totally separate from the actual shooters. The Oswald babysitters likely never knew that LHO would be a patsy or that the assassination was even in the works, excepting Ragiorodsky.

  George de Mohrenschildt was a “temp.” That means he was always on the hunt for an opportunity to profit financially by working on projects for the Nazis during World War II and for the CIA, German interests, White Russians or ex-Nazis in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Like Oswald, he was too unstable and financially-motivated to be a long-term CIA agent like J. Walton Moore. His babysitting of Oswald was only at the request of and under instructions from his “big oil” and White Russian friends. He was probably not privy to advance information about the pending assassination or the precise role of Lee Harvey Oswald in it. However, when he fled the U.S. and went to Haiti in mid-1963, he probably had figured it out, at least generally.

  George de Mohrenschildt’s finances may have been subsidized in a major way by these one-at-a-time intelligence assignments. He didn’t seem to have a large enough source of income based on the sparse jobs which he officially held to maintain the lifestyle he was leading.

  To summarize, George de Mohrenschildt is on the JFK organizational chart because he did certain acts necessary to the assassination under orders from the organizers of the plot. At minimum, he was an Oswald babysitter. He could also have had a role in the Oswald weapons situation and information gathering and reporting certain things to the plot organizers when asked for specific information.


  See Wikipedia “George de Mohrenschildt,” retrieved 10-9-2016, last modified 10-5-2016 for general information about the life of George de Mohrenschildt.

  Rinella’s editing work on de Mohrnschildt is called Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him by George de Mohrenschildt, author, Michael A. Rinella, editor (2014).

  The Faux Baron: George de Mohrenschildt, by Nancy Wertz Weiford is cited frequently and is an outstanding JFK assassination resource.

  Author Joan Mellen’s book in George de Mohrenschildt is: Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic by Joan Mellen.

  Two excellent books which portray the role of J. Edgar Hoover and his role in counter-intelligence during WWII are The Origins of FBI Counterintelligence, by Raymond J. Batvinis (2007), Hoover’s Secret War against Axis Spies: FBI Counterespionage during World War II by Raymond J. Batvinis (2014) These two books are published by the University Press of Kansas.

  A good discussion on Count Konstantin von Maydell can be found at, John Bevilqua article on Konstantin von Maydell and his status as an agent of the Nazi Abwehr of General Reinhard Gehlen.

  For a broader picture of Pierpont Morgan Hamilton who was an associate of George de Mohrenschildt, see Wikipedia “Pierpont Morgan Hamilton,” retrieved 10-10-16, last updated 6-11-16.

  For information supporting the claim in this chapter which involve the CIA and the Russsian Orthodox Church see Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case Second Edition Edition by James DiEugenio, p194.

  The Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945 by John J Stephan (1978) is valuable reading about the Russian fascists in the U.S., the most prominent of which was Anastas Vonsiatsky of Connecticut. Some JFK researchers assign a significant role in the assassination to Vonsiatsky although there isn’t a great deal of convincing evidence available to support the specifics of this claim.

  Chapter 7

  Baron Tscheppe-Weidenbach a/k/a

  Gen. Charles A. Willoughby

  Charles Willoughby Immigrates to the U.S.

  Our second Baron who was very likely directly involved in the JFK assassination was General Charles Willoughby. To assassination researchers, the most significant fact about Willoughby is a claim made by an anonymous and totally unidentified source. This is virtually the only alleged fact in all of the assassination literature that was and remains totally unattributed. Yet it carries such a ring of truth that the two top JFK authors, Caulfield and Russell, both give it a prominent place in their stories.

  This was a claim from a source in Canada that Willoughby was the top person in the JFK assassination plot. This unknown source suggested that this had been determined by computer. The recipient of this tip, Dick Russell, featured it in his book The Man Who Knew Too Much (TMWKTM) which is the best and most comprehensive books ever written on the assassination. The most famous line from the anonymous letter was:


  Charles Andrew Willoughby, according to his own reporting, was indeed born in Heidelberg, Germany but his name was, according to him, Adolph Karl Weidenbach. He claimed to be the son of Baron T. Tscheppe-Weidenbach whose wife’s name was Emma Willoughby Tscheppe-Weidenbach and she was said to be from Baltimore, Maryland. A reporter from the New York Journal tried to verify these facts in 1952, but came up with questions. His birth name and lineage is still in dispute to this day.

  What is certain is that Willoughby emigrated from Germany to the U.S. in 1910, and in October, 1910, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He rose from private to sergeant and was honorably discharged in 1913. It is claimed that Willoughby gained admittance as a senior to Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania because he had studied both at the University of Heidelberg and the Sorbonne. He graduated from Gettysburg College with a B.A. in 1914. Since Universities routinely maintain records of their attendees one would think that Willoughby’s attendance at those institutions could be verified, but it has not.

/>   Upon his graduation in 1914, he again went into the military, this time with a commission as a second lieutenant in a Reserve Corp. He spent that time teaching German and military studies at some prep schools while a Reserve Officer. But with World War I in the offing, he went into the regular army under the name of Adoph Charles Weidenbach and became a captain in the American Expeditionary Force.

  Suspiciously, he changed his name from Adolph Charles Weidenbach, Tscheppe-Weidenbach or whatever it had been, to Charles Andrew Willoughby. As a young man, he could speak fluent English, Spanish, German, and French while later in life he added Japanese.

  The military career of Willoughby was meteoric. He became a Second Lieutenant and then a First Lieutenant all in the same day, then Captain before that same month of June was out. He was then trained as a pilot by the French Military. Suspicion surrounded him because of his involvement with a female French spy who was later shot. Then he was called back to Washington and investigated by U.S. Army intelligence for being a pro-German sympathizer, or implicitly, a spy.

  In the book The Secret War Against the United States in 1915, by Heribert von Feilitzsch, the author describes in great detail the intricate German spy network in the U.S. beginning in the 1890’s and continuing on without interruption (likely to this very day). German spies were paid through Bayer Company and Hamburg-American Cruise Lines. After describing the situation of Willoughby 1910 to 1918, in a personal e-mail to this author, von Feilitzsch gave a “clear yes” to the question of whether Willoughby would likely have been a German spy at that time. And it does not seem to demand rocket science, according to von Feilitzsch, to figure that out.

  In the book by von Feilitzsch, it is made clear that at least two major German spies in 1915 were essentially double agents and this seemed to please the U.S. side quite well. Frederico Stallforth and Felix Sommerfeld were both known to be running the German spy ring, yet they were not touched by wiretapping or prosecution. Stallforth even went on to join the OSS in World War II.

  In the early 1920’s, Willoughby became involved in American military intelligence while stationed in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Willoughby served as attache in Ecuador, Columbia and Venezuela, then in the 1920’s was decorated for some reason by Mussolini. Around this same time he was toasted in Madrid by General Franco and his Falangist Party, Franco being a general whom Willoughby admired second only to his mentor, General Douglas MacArthur. Willoughby then went on to teach at the Army General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

  The most noteworthy of the postings of Willoughby was when he became Chief of Intelligence for General MacArthur in World War II. He achieved the rank of Major General on April 12, 1945. He remained Chief of Intelligence in Japan under the American Occupation which was commanded by General MacArthur.

  So only a few chapters into our story, we have two of the Three Barons, Willoughby and de Mohrenschildt, having been formally investigated for being suspected German spies. And the third, Wernher von Braun, was an acknowledged member of the SS under Hitler. Does anyone see a pattern here?

  Author Dick Russell got the goods on General Willoughby very early in his virtual bible of assassation research, TMWKTM. On page 124, he relates some valuable information about General Charles Willoughby.

  Willoughby Becomes Intelligence Chief Under


  It is not stretching the point, writes Russell, to say that Charles Willoughby was a racist, anti-Semite, that MacArthur referred to him as “my little Fascist” and that he was an “odd, clever and little-known man”. MacArthur’s reference to “my little Fascist” is all the more intriguing since Willoughby stood 6’ 3” and weighed 220 pounds. (Apparently MacArthur looked at the world through distorted goggles).

  Another personal note is that the notorious right-wing eccentric Clare Boothe Luce and Willoughby had an affair when she was in the Far East, (a claim that can easily be found by a search on both their names on the web).

  McArthur and Willoughby kept the wartime OSS (predecessor of the CIA) out of the territory of MacArthur’s command while the War was in progress. This was because MacArthur thought there were too many leftists in the CIA. Following the War, when MacArthur was in charge of the occupation of Japan, the two Generals often put CIA personnel under surveillance around the CIA base at Atsugi, Japan near Tokyo.

  A Japanese national named Kushiro Hattori had been the private secretary to Japanese General Tojo, who was hanged as a war criminal in 1946. Willoughby was head of MacArthur’s intelligence in the occupation. Despite his connection to Tojo, Willoughby allowed Hattori to set up his own post-war spy agency in Japan, affiliated with the U.S. Army G-2 intel command.

  Mentioned by Dick Russell, was the fact that a son of this same Hattori had visited Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald was stationed in El Toro Marine base in California in 1959. Willoughby also allowed a man named Jack Canon to start up a group called the Zed group in the late 1940’s. This group has been linked by a Soviet author named Mikhail Lebedev to CIA hits, an international fascist movement, and even to the JFK assassination, although this is not supported by any other source.

  The commander of the well-documented department of military intelligence called the “FOI” claimed that Willoughby was the one who started it. As is discussed in another chapter, military intelligence agent Richard Case Nagell was affiliated with the FOI. Since Lee Harvey Oswald was in the Far East, serving in Japan around the early days of the FOI and doing some spying there, some have speculated that Oswald was also affiliated with the FOI at some point. This has never been proven.

  The FOI began as a joint venture between Willoughby’s Far East intelligence operation and the CIA. But when President Harry S. Truman famously fired General Douglas MacArthur for insubordination in April, 1951, Willoughby was also terminated.

  In the Spring of 1950, however, Willoughby had information about a Soviet spy ring called the Sorge organization. He turned over this information to the stongly anti-Communist Richard M. Nixon.

  After his firing in 1951, Willoughby began his career as a private sector, right-wing, self-appointed operative whose activities began to span the globe. In April, 1952, Willoughby accompanied an American military mission to Franco’s Spain. At that time, there was thought of placing American bases in Spain. But after the mission ended, Willoughby stayed there for another three months. Coincidentally, at the same time ex-Nazi Otto Skorzeny came to Spain to set up his international Nazi network or ratline. Skorzeny had been an SS colonel under Hitler.

  Per Dick Russell, the Odessa Organization which was made up of reprobate Nazis, included three branches. Odessa had been set up in 1943 by Nazi Martin Bormann, who realized the Nazis would lose the War. One branch of Odessa was the spy ring of General Reinhard Gehlen which became part of the CIA. Next was the system of “ratlines” or escape networks for Nazis around the world. It operated in countries such as Paraguay, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Indonesia.

  The third branch of Odessa was a system for moving Nazi money. Otto Skorzeny was the son-in-law of Nazi financial genius Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. Schacht was Hitler’s brilliant banker and all-purpose financial manager and deal maker. As all criminal financial enterprises are prone to do, Schacht set up a maze of front companies to disguise the nature of his purpose. It was just such a front company known as Permindex in Switzerland, funded with Nazi money, which provided and/or laundered the money for the JFK assassination.

  Author Russell provides the rawest of raw meat regarding Baron Charles Tscheppe-Weidenbach Willoughby: in a letter dated March 17, 1955 to CIA director Allen Dulles, Willoughby made an astounding proposal.

  In this letter, which Russell discovered at the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives in Norfolk, Virginia, Willoughby reveals the smoking gun regarding his role in the JFK assassination. Willoughby starts by bragging about his connections with Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco in Spain. Then he says he can develop the same sort of fascist connections in

  “My father’s family (though a divorce took place), is unimpeachable in Wilhelminian society. I am in touch with very high level people.”

  This single sentence was the proverbial mouthful. It shows the following:

  Willoughby was very likely the son of Erich Franz Theodor Tülff von Tschepe und Weidenbach, who was a very high-ranking Prussian general in World War I and the only known Tscheppe-Weidenbach who could qualify as unimpeachably Wilhelminian.

  This heightens the likelihood that Willoughby came over from Germany as a “Wilhelminian” spy for Kaiser Bill himself and that he maintained divided loyalties his entire life. He must have been torn between the German way of life, America, and a love of authoritarian anti-democratic politics of whatever variety, in whatever country.

  Willoughby longed to bring back the glory days of Prussian nobility, which was part and parcel of White Russianism, European Monarchism and all the rest. He apparently shared this desire with Baron George de Mohrenschildt, though not necessarily with von Braun. After all, von Braun actually wanted to work for a living and accomplish something, unlike the would-be European pretenders to “nobility.”

  Hitler’s regime was, in actuality, transparent to these Wilhelminians. Hitler was merely an annoyance. The Nazi’s were laid low, but to Willoughby, the Wilhelminians were back in the saddle and operating in the same way that they always had done. In the 1950’s, per this letter, they apparently outranked even the most successful “ex”-Nazis who were in power in West Germany at the time. This would include former Nazis such as Hans Globke, Ludwig Erhard and Foreign Minister Heinrich von Bentano.


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