Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 9

by Aaron Hicks

  She kissed him, and he said, “It’s going to be one of those showers?” She pulled away, nodded and removed her shirt and shorts. She stepped into the bathroom and as he lost sight of her, her hand came back into view with one finger holding a bra, which she quickly dropped. Then her panties were thrown into the bedroom. Uktesh smiled and removed his shirt while he hopped out of his shorts. He quickly removed his underwear as he heard the water start, I’m the luckiest man on Earth!

  When they were done with their shower, one that took much longer than had they taken two separate showers, they got dressed, and left the house to eat lunch. Laurilli locked the door behind them and they walked hand-in-hand down to the dining area. Uktesh couldn’t keep from smiling, and Laurilli punched him lightly, “Quit smiling or my mom will know something’s up.” He felt his eyebrows lift and his jaw drop in shock. “You’re impossible! She’ll know we’re trying to hide something from her.”

  Uktesh kissed her cheek and said, “I’ll stop grinning if you stop blushing.”

  Her face turned a brighter shade of red and his grin grew wider. She said, “That’s the last time we do that, then, if you don’t stop teasing me.”

  Uktesh knew it was a lie, but even the threat of it was enough to wipe the smile off his face for a moment, until he remembered their shower and the smiled returned. He said, “I can’t stop grinning! But I’ll stop teasing you,” He ran his thumb alone her shoulder blades and felt her shudder. “Unless you don’t want me to.”

  She punched him again, “Not fair!”

  Uktesh held up his hands in surrender. “I give up. I won’t say I’ll stop, because we both know that’d be a lie, but I will say that I’ll stop for now.” He thought about a way to change the subject and asked, “How did your sparring go?”

  She said, “Fine. They are both still new enough to the Beletarian style that I can stop most of their balanced attacks, but once they get the hang of it, I’ll be hit a lot more.”

  Uktesh nodded and said, “I saw that at times you were using the wrong balanced forms to defend yourself. As they get better so will you. When they are able to continuously attack in a balanced form and correctly execute the forms nine out of ten times, we’ll have to switch to one-on-one fighting.”

  Laurilli asked, “How long do you think you’ll be training with the dragons for?”

  Uktesh thought, “Probably the rest of the time we’re here, but I think I’ll only train exclusively with them for the first week or two.”

  Laurilli said, “Two weeks? What am I going to do for two weeks?”

  Uktesh said, “You could try their test, or train in their basic skills.”

  Laurilli said, “I don’t know. Do you think they’d let me?”

  Uktesh shrugged, “There’s only one way to know.”

  Laurilli said, “Well you can ask, and then once we know if I can or can’t, I’ll decide.”

  Uktesh said, “Sounds good,” but he couldn’t help the fact that the grin he’d tried to change subjects to avoid had come back.

  Laurilli sighed, rolled her eyes, and said, “You’re impossible.”

  Uktesh smiled and didn’t say anything as they made their way to the table to find only Repus and Esolc there. Esolc asked, “Have either of you seen Heathyr?”

  They shook their heads and Laurilli said, “Not since breakfast.”

  Uktesh said, “She’ll show up soon. It’s lunchtime.”

  Laurilli nodded and didn’t say what all four were thinking, that it was halfway through lunchtime and of the five in the group Heathyr was the only one without plans. Uktesh and Laurilli got food and by the time they set it on the table and there was still no Heathyr the mood had turned dark. Laurilli and Uktesh returned to the food area to get drinks, and Uktesh couldn’t help but think back to Pamfilo and the argument with her father. What if after our fight he took it out on Heathyr? He was skilled enough that he’d probably win a fight with her, especially if he attacked by stealth.

  Uktesh and Laurilli returned to the table and the four of them ate in silence. Each seemed to grow angrier as the time passed. Uktesh asked, “Have you two had any issues with islanders not liking that you were dating an island girl? Have any called you a pale skin?”

  Esolc said, “Some, but nothing I couldn’t handle. What about you Repus?”

  Repus answered, “I thought it was just me, because of the Curiel situation. You don’t think someone did something to Heathyr, do you?”

  Uktesh said, “As far as we know, she’s only been gone for a few minutes. Let’s not jump to conclusions.”

  They ate in silence and after all four had had a second helping of food and drink they sat in silence. Uktesh’s mind pondered the disappearance of both Guy and his wife Annabeth and wondered if they would find that Heathyr had succumbed to the same fate. None of them had ever stayed at lunch long enough to see the servers start to clean up, which they were now doing. Laurilli turned to Uktesh, “Can we start jumping now?”

  Uktesh had to unclench his jaws before he growled, “Let’s get our weapons.”

  Repus jumped in front of the two of them, “Woah! Before we storm a metaphorical castle, let’s see if Pamfilo, Leilani, or Holyt know where she is.”

  Uktesh said, “We can ask them just as easily while armed.”

  Esolc joined Repus, “Look we know you two haven’t had the most peaceful life, especially when it comes to new places or people, but we two have,” he said pointing his thumb back and forth between himself and Repus. “So please, let’s just talk, unarmed. If we need weapons we can always get them later.”

  Uktesh didn’t know if he was being unreasonable, or if they were being naïve. He scratched his chin and glanced at Laurilli who nodded, “We’ll try it your way.” They all gathered their dirty dishes and dumped them in the dirty dish bin.

  The first place they went to was Leilani’s bar. It was closed with a sign that said, “Helping with the play today.” Next they went to the amphitheater and spoke with Holyt, Leilani, and Pamfilo. When it was clear none of them knew where Heathyr was, Uktesh pulled Pamfilo aside and said, “We’re trying to find Heathyr. We haven’t seen her since breakfast. I hate to ask, but do you think your dad would take out his anger on her?”

  Pamfilo said, “No, I’m sure she’s fine. You’ll see her at the play, I’m sure of it.”

  They left the amphitheater and headed to Heathyr’s house. There was no answer at the door, and they couldn’t see anyone inside or any sign of struggle, so they split up into pairs to look around. Repus and Esolc headed toward the shops while Uktesh and Laurilli headed to the docks. Uktesh stopped before they’d gone more than a few feet. “You should stay here, in case she comes back.”

  She shook her head, “I’m going with you.”

  Uktesh said, “I can Soar over more ground on my own then we can Rush.”

  She didn’t like it, but she accepted it. “Come back as soon as you can. Don’t make me wait here for long!”

  Uktesh Rushed then Soared away. As he sped down the path to the docks he ignored the shocked looks and the angry words. He skidded to a stop at the docks and didn’t see her on the pier. He Rushed, then Soared through the sand and continued up the beach until he’d passed both the beach where they trained and the beach where he and Laurilli had tried to skinny dip together. As he continued to Soar along the beach his eyes scanned every shadow and every path up to the main path. When he ran out of beach and into the mountain that hid the lagoon he continued to Soar up the steps from the beach and then down the dirt path to the lagoon. He Soared through the gap in the mountain and scraped his arm along the edge. He slid down the path as if on ice, as his feet couldn’t find purchase enough to stop his momentum. He stopped and gasped for breath. When he looked around all he saw were the surprised faces of people he didn’t know.

  “Don’ go inta da wata! Dere’s a shark in der!”

  He turned to the speaker and shouted, “Did anyone get hurt by it?”

man shook his head, “No, it jus’ happened! We was swimming at da time, bu’ we all got out righ’ quick.”

  Uktesh shouted, “Thanks!” He turned around, Rushed, then Soared back up the path and to his and Laurilli’s house. He found her there pacing with Repus and Esolc. That’s not a good sign. Uktesh again skidded to a stop and asked, “Nothing from you guys either?”

  Laurilli said, “No, but maybe she’s at the beach.”

  Uktesh shook his head, “I just ran from the docks to the lagoon along the beach and I didn’t see her.”

  Repus asked, “And back here? We just got back from the shops. You must’ve been flying!”

  Laurilli said, “We can congratulate Uktesh later. Where else could she be?”

  Uktesh shook his head, “We’ve only got a half hour before the play. Maybe she’s there now.”

  The four of them Rushed to the amphitheater to find that Heathyr was not there. By then the play was scheduled to start in twenty minutes and Holyt insisted that they get ready. He exclaimed at Uktesh, “You’re bleeding! Someone bandage Renkanto’s arm!”

  Eventually Holyt had to agree that if Heathyr wasn’t found by the end of the play that he’d hire a hundred people to comb the island for her. Uktesh looked at Laurilli and they both shouted, “We can hire people to look for her!”

  Holyt grabbed Uktesh before he could run off, “You two need to get ready! And you need to get bandaged!”

  Uktesh saw Pamfilo and Leilani pull both Repus and Esolc aside. He tried to gently remove Holyt’s hand from his shirt, but he knew he’d used too much strength. In a clear tone that brooked no argument, he declared, “I care about this play. I want it to succeed. I want my mother to live to see tomorrow more. If you try to stop me, I’ll kill you.”

  Holyt took a step back, “She’s getting ready for the dragon attack scene.”

  Uktesh felt anger rise from him. He heard the promise of death enter his voice, “Speak the truth! Where is Heathyr?”

  Holyt paled, “She’s with the dragon getting ready for her scene.”

  Laurilli grabbed him, “She is the dragon! How can she be with the dragon!”

  Holyt said, “It’s part of the play! We’ve rehearsed this part without you on purpose. Let the play proceed as it should!”

  Repus and Esolc stepped in front of Holyt as Uktesh took a step toward him. Esolc said, “Uktesh Pamfilo and Leilani just told us what’s going on. It’s okay, it’s part of the play. They were vague, and we don’t get it, but this is the way they do it here.”

  As Uktesh felt his anger beginning to spin out of control, he glanced to Laurilli, who shrugged. He took a deep breath and said, “We’ll decide if it’s okay after the play.”

  As Holyt collapsed into the arms of one of the stage crew, Uktesh heard them mutter.

  “… thought he was going to kill Holyt.”

  “… looked at me! I thought I was …”

  “… couldn’t have lied if I wanted too!”

  “… voice? Sounded like …”

  When they were too far away for him to hear the rest, Laurilli melded against his side and he held her while he calmed down. When he was calm he said, “Let’s get this over with.”

  They changed in their costumes, and waited less than patiently. As the curtain raised on Leilani and Curiel sitting at a table, Laurilli walked onto stage and exclaimed, “Mother, thou canst not force me to marry that man! He’s a beast and …”

  Uktesh tuned out the play and decided to look around until it was his turn to go on stage. He looked around the back of the stage as he heard the crowd laugh. He searched for, but could not find a dragon costume, or even parts of one. He heard someone whispering his name and hurried to find the backstage manager frantically gesturing him toward her. “You’re on in seconds!” she whispered frantically.

  Uktesh took a deep breath, headed up the stairs, and waited for his cue. When he heard Laurilli shriek he walked onstage and fell into the role he’d practiced for more than a month. He said his line correctly, but couldn’t focus on the play. When the scene was over he walked off stage for his wardrobe change and soon it was time for Act Three, Scene Two--the fight with the dragon. He walked onstage, leaving Repus, Esolc, and Laurilli behind.

  They didn’t say anything; they didn’t need to. They must have seen his barely reined in fury. If Heathyr was not onstage when he walked up the stairs, the play was going to end far more differently than the audience was expecting. There was a surge of excitement as Uktesh heard the curtain rise. The stage manager whispered to him, “If you want her to live, go all out.”

  He was about to ask her a question when he heard the dragon roar and the stage manager pushed him onto the stage. There stood a man with a knife to Heathyr’s neck. “I am the dragon! Fight me or I shall kill-”

  Uktesh Rushed, Soared, then attacked with enough strength to break whatever he hit in a perfect Palm Strike. The man threw Heathyr to the ground and somehow blocked Uktesh’s attack. The crowd roared in approval.

  Uktesh didn’t let up. Instead he flowed through unarmed forms faster than he had ever before. The man stepped to his left into the shadow of a paper tree and disappeared. Uktesh didn’t know how he knew, but he knew the man was now behind him. He spun in the imperfect Spinning Elbow and connected with the man’s head. While the man reeled from the unexpected blow, Uktesh attacked in the perfect Rising Knee. Before his knee could connect with the man’s face, the man somehow got a hand between Uktesh’s knee and his own face. The crowd, once deafening, sat in a stunned silence.

  Uktesh stayed on the offensive and the man again stepped into the shadows. Uktesh spun, but realized the man had stayed where he was. Uktesh felt a foot strike his back. He flew in the air and landed in a roll that became a Rush. He then Soared at the man and then attacked in the perfect Palm Strike. Uktesh set his feet, sucked in as much air as he could, as the man deflected his attack, and Uktesh followed it up with a second Palm Strike with his other hand. He found that this attack was one he could use continuously, and attacked in a flurry of perfect Palm Strikes that were connecting more often than they were blocked. The man accepted a Palm Strike to his shoulder, but as he kicked out to put distance between them, the shoulder was dislocated. Uktesh let out the breath he’d been holding, and gulped in air.

  As the man attacked, Uktesh tightened his stomach muscles. After he was hit, he Palm Struck the man’s leg, breaking it cleanly. The man grunted and for the first time looked nervous. He glanced at the shadow to his right and Uktesh attacked in the perfect Cannonball Surge and adapted it from a sword attack to a tackle. Even though Uktesh wouldn’t normally grapple with an adult, this adult had a leg and an arm that were both useless. The man didn’t stop fighting, though. Uktesh took two quick punches to his face before he was able to retaliate in the imperfect Ram’s Hello and head-butted the man between his eyes. He got hit with a knee to his side immediately following.

  Uktesh continued into the perfect Palm Strike and after the first was blocked, the second, third, and fourth Strikes hit with thunderous noise. He pulled back for a fifth Strike when he felt someone tackle him. He attacked in the balanced Subtle Twist, a knee kick, which connected into the side of the newcomer, who grunted and rolled away. He felt someone grab him from behind and he rolled forward. When the man rolled forward with him, Uktesh attacked in the balanced Look to the Sky, and slammed his head into the face of man behind him. The arms released him and, suddenly free, he saw that there were four new people. That made seven all together onstage, the unconscious dragon, himself, and Heathyr included.

  Uktesh rolled to his feet and felt a foot hit his side. He rolled away from it and absorbed most of the damage. Another kick came, this time from the other side, and again Uktesh rolled, but this time he accepted more damage in order to attack in the imperfect Wooden Post. His foot connected with the man in front of him. That man grabbed Uktesh’s foot and spun it to the left in order to break Uktesh’s ankle, but Uktesh flipped in the air and man
aged to avoid that. He kicked the man in the face with an adapted imperfect Rainbow Kick and landed on his side. He quickly flipped to his feet, only to be kicked again, this time from behind. Uktesh pivoted as if he were going to attack behind himself, but instead attacked in the imperfect Instep, where he again knew his attacker would be if he continued his turn. Another man materialized in front of him and he stomped on that man’s foot.

  Uktesh felt bones break and was again kicked from behind, this time toward the man who had just appeared. Uktesh flowed into the perfect From Below, a punch to the chin that Uktesh started in his toes, up through his knees, waste, and shoulder. It was an attack that would’ve ended with the man’s spine breaking, but the man jumped with the punch. Instead of killing him, it threw him into the audience. Again Uktesh was kicked from behind and he spun to take in the situation. Of the five attackers, three were left. One was unconscious in the crowd, and two members of the stage crew were dragging the first man Uktesh had conquered.

  Heathyr was still onstage, but mostly forgotten. Uktesh felt another kick from behind him and noticed that one of the three men that had been in front of him was gone.

  Uktesh didn’t know if this was still part of the play, nor did he know what the stakes were, but he remembered what the backstage manager had whispered. He felt a kick land on his back, and used it to propel himself at the man in front of him. Uktesh Rushed, then Soared at the man in front of him, and at the last second used the perfect Serpent Strike to attack the man to his right, whom he recognized as Pamfilo’s father. He curled his knuckles into a half punch called a rabbit punch, and dislocated the man’s left shoulder, and just as quickly his right. He guessed that a kick to the back was coming so he continued in the perfect Cat Landing on Fence. It was meant to be defensive, but with someone Uktesh couldn’t see behind him he adapted it into a forward flip that actually moved him backwards. Then he extended his right leg blindly.

  He was rewarded by connecting with someone behind him. He landed on his feet, somehow, and attacked the man he’d just hit, who was still behind him, with the imperfect Spinning Elbow. He connected with the man’s head and flowed into the perfect Sweep the Leg at the man who he’d originally Rushed toward. Uktesh didn’t know if the man was where he thought he would be, or if this person could seemingly teleport too, but his question was answered when his foot connected and broke the man’s leg. Uktesh continued his spin and came up with a perfect From Below that Uktesh knew the man couldn’t block, dodge, or lessen the impact.


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