Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 15

by Aaron Hicks

  You’re overthinking it, on this island everyone would know what you’re trying to prevent.

  Uktesh had to agree with the dragon’s logic, and asked, “Pippy, do you see a dragon?”

  Pippy said, “No.”

  Uktesh tried to stir the lava with his fire gift and when it worked, he said, “Look, you can see the dragon moving!”

  Pippy crawled forward and said, “I see him! I see him!”

  Sure the pipsqueak knows I’m a man. The luscious ladies are all, ‘it’s a dragon!’ It’s a damned shame is what it is.

  Uktesh rolled his eyes and pulled Pippy from the edge as she came forward again. He lifted her into his arms and said, “That was cool, wasn’t it!”

  Pippy said, “I wanted ta say hello ta it!”

  She just said, “it.”

  Uktesh had to point out, “He probably heard you. Dragons have really good hearing.”

  Pippy shouted at the volcano top, “Hi, Mister Dragon! I’m Pippy an’ I want ta be yer friend!”

  Uktesh concentrated and caused a bubble of lava to lift to the lip of the volcano before he let it burst. Uktesh said, “He said he wants to be your friend too, but he’s probably too big to leave the lava, and it would probably be too cold out here for him.”

  Pippy nodded and said, “When I grow up, I’m going ta live in de lava too, so dat we can be friends.”

  Uktesh said, “Well just don’t hurt yourself.”

  Pippy remembered their run and said, “Is it running time?”

  Utkesh nodded, picked her up, Stepped, and then Charged down the mountain to the peals of laughter from Pippy. He slowed to Hawk Soars as he started to need to dodge people, but Pippy just kept laughing.

  When he finally Soared to her grandfather’s her hair was more tangled than straight, so he found a shop that sold combs and bought her one. He combed her hair straight and gave her the comb as they walked into her grandfather’s store. They found the fat jewelry store owner and two men, who were clearly thugs, harassing Pippy’s grandfather. Uktesh used his command voice and said, “Is there a probable here?” He immediately thought back to the last time he’d used those words and tone against Baloce and Dekan when he’d first met Laurilli.

  The fat man turned and saw Uktesh, “No no problem here, we were just discussing business. You may go on your way.”

  Uktesh said, “Okay, do you know what this is?” He held up his tattooed arm.

  The fat man swallowed and said, “Either a fake dragon tattoo, in which case you’ll be dead soon, or a real one. Either way our business discussion is none of your business.”

  Uktesh thought, rotate around my arm please. As the tattoo rolled around his upheld arm Uktesh took a step forward, and the three men took a step back. “I’m not just a dragon, I’m a grand master, maybe even the Grand master, we’re not sure yet! Either way, I’m telling you that this shop is under my protection and so is the bar by the pier that is owned by Leilani. If something happens to either place, I’m going to question you first. Trust me when I tell you, you won’t enjoy my questioning. Now leave.” The three of them scrambled to the exit and Uktesh could hear them running down the street.

  Uktesh yawned, and said, “Pippy, make sure you protect your grandfather, cause that’s what the dragon would want you to do. Right?”

  She saluted, and said, “Right!”

  Too adorable!

  Uktesh had to agree with the dragon, but he saluted her back and said, “At ease soldier!” She must not have known what that meant because she saluted again and marched into the back of the store. He nodded to the grandfather, whose name he still didn’t know, and left the store.

  I’ll ask Leilani his name later. He Walked to Leilani’s bar and when he saw that the door was closed he sat on a hill facing the door, then lay down, and watched the clouds as they drifted along the winds.

  Hey can I Shadow Walk through water?

  No, but you can Shadow Walk over water if you are strong enough.

  What do you mean?

  Well, I think with your current strength that if you knew a place well in Jubay you could Walk there, but since you don’t we won’t worry about it. The more you Walk the more strength you’ll have and that will mean you can go farther and take more people with you.

  But I’m not currently strong enough to bring someone with me? Uktesh’s question was rhetorical and the dragon knew it. What can I do with the five powers you gave me?

  Well at the moment nothing. You used all your strength trying to expel me. I had to help you with the lava for Pippy.

  If I expel you will you die?

  Not at this point, we’re two separate entities, and I’m just loaning you my powers when you need them.

  All your powers? Am I unstoppable?

  No, I can only give you as much power as you can handle. You nearly killed both of us with that stunt earlier today outside of Dayho’s room. You should notice, however, that you can see better, and you’ll find that your skin is stronger. Nothing close to a minotaur, so keep wearing that jacket, but your cuts will be more shallow and if you try sledding again with Laurilli you won’t have any scrapes.

  Awesome! How long will it take before we can’t separate?

  The dragon laughed at him. Longer than you’ll be alive.

  What happens to you if I die?

  I’ll leave your body and go back to my volcano.

  So what can I do with your powers through you?

  Little things, but what those little things are is up to you, and they’re also for you to discover.

  How old are you?

  Again Uktesh felt the dragon laugh, I’m so old I no longer measure my life in years, but in cycles. This is the fifth cycle where the Afflicted rose and needed to be put down.

  Do all Afflicted need to be killed?

  The dragon made a mental shrug. Kill or don’t, they’re just people with powers. Normal people never accept them. In every cycle there are completely corrupt Afflicted like your Voukidists and also Afflicted who fight with the regular people to destroy the corrupted, but they are always turned on and betrayed. Before you start to worry, I know you’re Afflicted.

  Utkesh was stunned, I am? You’re sure?

  He felt the dragon nod, it’s one thing to guess that you are, but to have it confirmed, is unsettling. What am I?

  You’re something new. You’re not a necrolan, not a tree-speaker, not a beast tamer, not a banshee, and not a siren, but it has something to do with your voice.

  All of those are voice powers?

  Yes, to speak to and command the dead, plants, and animals, a banshee has a shout that causes fear or can render a person unconscious. A siren makes people do what they ordinarily wouldn’t do, but with sirens the person has to have the hidden desire to do what the siren requests. For example you and your lady, you both want to have a more mature relationship. Neither of you would normally act on those urges, but a siren could make you.

  So if you were in a battle a siren could make everyone get a drink of ale?

  Well, it only works on those with weak wills, or those who would rather drink some ale than fight.

  So if Laurilli and I aren’t weak willed we can’t be forced to be together in that way?

  You’re worried about something that won’t happen. If there were a siren on this island, why would they want to make you do what you want to do, but are just waiting to do? Plus you’re not weak-willed on your own. With me in your mind we’ll never be controlled.

  Uktesh heard Laurilli’s voice, “Earth to Uktesh!”

  He blinked his eyes and saw her standing over him with Pamfilo and Leilani.

  Mnnnn the dragon growled at the sight of them.

  “Hey, how long have you three been there?”

  Laurilli frowned at him, “Long enough to get worried! What were you doing?”

  Uktesh glanced at Leilani and Pamfilo and said, “I guess I was either asleep or day dreaming deeply. This is what happens when you’re not aroun
d, so if you don’t want me to sleep all day you have to make good on your promise to marry me.”

  Pamfilo and Leilani looked at each other with shock, and Leilani said, “Ya actually hav’ ta marry ‘im now. If ya don’ Pamfilo and I will be in big trouble far teaching ya da Mujra.”

  Laurilli smiled and held out her ringed hand to Uktesh. He gripped it and she pulled him to his feet saying, “He was just kidding, nothing’s going to stop us from getting married! We’ve already done one of the four tasks mom required, after we move my stuff out of our home and into my mom’s we’ll have done half, and the other two are being worked on!”

  Pamfilo nodded to Leilani and Leilani said, “How was Pippy? Not to muchova trouble?”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “We had a great time! We got ice cream, she spilled all over herself, and we went into the water and cleaned off.”

  Leilani interrupted him, “Pippy went inta da wata?”

  Uktesh nodded, and said, “Yeah, I held her hand the whole time, and we only went to my knees.”

  Leilani wiped a tear away from her moist eyes, “She’s been too afraid ta go near da wata since her da died at sea.”

  Uktesh scratched his head and said, “She was great about it, I didn’t even know.” He looked at Laurilli and she shrugged.

  “Then we went to the top of the mountain and looked down into the lava. She saw a dragon moving around in it. Then we chased off a rival jewelry merchant from your dad’s shop.”

  Leilani said, “Ya didn’t hurt dem did ya?”

  Uktesh said, “No, I just scared them into leaving him alone.”

  Leilani said, “How did ya do that?”

  Uktesh said, “I just told him that I was a dragon and that you and he were under my protection.”

  Leilani hugged Uktesh and said, “Thank you! Everyone knows that my dad has da best jewelry. But every time he sells a piece of jewelry, that fat bastard sends his goons to collect a ‘tax’ for being allowed to have a business that is the same as his.”

  Uktesh hugged her back awkwardly. Wow am I glad I’m wearing a shirt!

  If only you’d gone swimming!

  Uktesh ignored the dragon and said, “Why didn’t you just report the situation to a Justicer?” A Justicer was the local law enforcement officer for the island. As far as Uktesh knew crime was nearly non-existent because there were only four Justicers for the whole island.

  Leilani pulled away from him and rubbed the tears off her cheeks, “Dey’re bought and paid far by dat fat weasel!”

  Uktesh said, “What are the odds that the other jeweler will stay away? And what are the odds that the Justicer will force your dad to pay the, ‘tax?’”

  Leiliani frowned and Uktesh Walked to her father’s store. He went in and found Pippy manning the counter again. “Tesh!

  Uktesh smiled and said, “Is your grandpa here?”

  The old man came out from the back moments later, “Come ta give back tat ring? I thought it might be too much, but den ya paid.”

  Uktesh shook his head and asked, “Have those three been back?”

  The old man smiled and said, “Ya’re actually following up on dat? I’ll be fine young man.”

  Uktesh said, “Well, I just found out that the Justicers are in the other jeweler’s pocket so I thought if they came by I’d see if I could do something about that too.”

  Laurilli skidded to a halt inside the store and said, “Good timing Uktesh. Two Justicers are heading this way now. I Rushed past them, but they’ll be here soon.”

  Uktesh nodded and asked, “Can I borrow that stool?”

  Pippy jumped off it, and carried it to Uktesh, “Yup ya can have it if ya want!”

  The old man knocked her on the head and said, “Don’t give away my things!”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “I only need to borrow it.”

  Uktesh set the stool in the shade of the building and took a seat. He crossed his arms and lowered his head as if he was asleep. He didn’t know how the dragon knew, but Uktesh knew that the two Justicers had just turned down the street and were heading toward the store. Again, he didn’t know how, but he knew that the fat jeweler and his two bodyguards were following them. When they approached the door Uktesh said, “What’s your business here?” He didn’t need to look at them because he had mental image of where they were, and how they stood.

  The lead Justicer said, “It’s none of yer business.”

  He took a step toward the shop and Uktesh Stepped into his path. He looked at the two of them for the first time and saw that they both wore the Justicer feathered cap, and both were dragons.

  Makes sense. Who could enforce laws against dragons, except other dragons. “You misunderstand my purpose here. I have availed myself to watch over this store. You see, there’s a little girl in there who may just be the cutest thing on this island, and I don’t want you to upset her.”

  Both Justicers smiled at Uktesh, though their smiles never reached their eyes. The lead Justicer said, “We have da authority on dis island ta dispense justice. Now move aside.”

  Uktesh nodded and said, “I see! What did the little girl do that’s so bad?” He chewed on one of his nails in an unconcerned manner, because he knew it would upset the two crooked Justicers.

  The lead Justicer again spoke, “She didn’t do anything and ya know it!”

  Uktesh feigned confusion, and noticed a gathering crowd, “If she didn’t do anything what justice are you going to enforce? Forgive me, I’m new to this island, but I thought a crime needed to have been committed for justice to be served.”

  The second Justicer spat, “It was Abrym dat broke da law!”

  Uktesh sucked in his breath in shock, and said, “Oh no! I just bought something from him today! What crime has he done?”

  The two Justicers looked at each other and the leader tried to push past Uktesh, who centered his body weight, and anchored himself to the ground with Earth. He man strained when he tried again push passed Uktesh without making it look like he had to try hard to do so. He gave up after a few seconds. He kicked at Uktesh who Stepped back, then Stepped forward once the foot passed where he’d been. “Hey now! Why are you attacking me? Is asking questions a crime on this island? Or are you breaking the law yourselves by committing violence against an innocent person? I know that I’ve done nothing wrong. All these people can attest that I’ve just been asking some questions that should be ever easy to answer. Although you both seem to be unable to answer any of them.”

  The crowed murmured their shock at the behavior of the two Justicers. Suddenly unsure of the situation the Justicers stepped back, but the lead had to have the last word and said, “We won’ forget dis.”

  Can you crawl across my face, and then go back to my arm? Uktesh saw the two Justicers pale as he stepped toward them, “I hope you don’t.”

  The lead Justicer tripped over the second Justicer, who was frozen in place, and they both fell to the ground. They took off running when Uktesh Stepped next to them. Uktesh smiled at the crowd who stared at him in shock. “Oh this?” Uktesh waved his tattooed arm, “it’s representation of a promise I made with the Grand master.” Kinda.

  The dragon laughed at him as the crowd seemed willing to believe him. Laurilli came out of the store and said, “That was awesome! ‘What did the little girl do?’” She said in a parody of Uktesh’s voice and then pretended to pull out her hair, “‘Nothing! It was da owna!’” She changed her voice back to Uktesh’s voice, “‘Oh no! What did he do?’ And of course they had no answer for that, cause he just didn’t pay an extortion, ‘tax.’”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “My lady,” and held out his hand to her. He pulled her close and they Walked to Leilani’s bar just in time to see the two Justicers push Leilani aside as she tried to block the doorway. “Gentlemen, I think we may have a problem here?” When they turned to look at who’d said that, he Walked between them and the door, and tapped the lead Justicer on the shoulder and said, “Yoohoo! Right here!”
r />   They both turned again, and their eyes bulged when they saw who it was. “You again!”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “Me again! Please advise me of her crime, as she must have done something serious to be thrown to the ground and treated so roughly!”

  The leader said, “Get out of our way, boy! Dere’s no crowd her ta save ya!”

  Utkesh kept his pleasant smile on his face and said, “I think you’ve got that backwards. There’s no crowd here to save you from me.”

  He breathed a small flame at them just to push them along as they ran away. Leilani stood up and hugged him for a second time. He couldn’t help blushing, glad for a second time that he was wearing a shirt.

  Laurilli asked, “How did you do that flame! That was amazing!”

  And tiring. No more today, or you might kill us both.

  Utkesh answered Laurilli, “Um, it’s kinda a secret, and I can’t tell you, but I know how smart you are so you can probably guess what happened today that made me suddenly able to do it.”

  She pouted, “I wanna scare people with fire breath too!”

  I’m more than willing to invade her!

  That’s just gross when you say it like that!

  What? I was just-

  I know what you were just!

  He ignored the dragon’s laughter for the tenth time in two hours, which just made the dragon laugh more. Laurilli said, “Do you know when you agree with…” she paused and didn’t look at Pamfilo or Leilani, but Uktesh knew she was censoring herself because they were there, “with yourself, you make faces.”

  You’re making me look like an idiot!

  No, you’re making yourself look like an idiot!

  Uktesh said, “I’m just going to pop by Abrym’s shop real quick to make sure nothing’s happening. He Walked to the shop and saw Pippy sitting on the stool behind the counter and said, “Hello Pippy! I’m just checking in.”

  “Hi Tesh! Okay! Have fun! Can I come wit’ ya?”

  Uktesh thought about it and said, “If your grandfather says it’s okay.”

  She turned on the stool and shouted, “Granpa can I go play wit’ Tesh!”

  Abrym came out grumbling about how busy it was today. “Ya leave him alone, he’s got no time far ya.”


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