Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2 Page 17

by Aaron Hicks

  Larut said, “Does your tattoo magically communicate with other dragons?”

  Yes, tell him that.

  Uktesh nodded, “Yes, that’s exactly right.”

  Laurilli glared at her mother, “Mother.”

  Heathyr said, “Don’t glare at me. Of course we can move it up a week. I want to both to be safe.”

  Uktesh changed the subject, “Larut, what’s your news?”

  Larut said, “It’s not half as exciting as what you guys have been up to. We finished building the wall. We decided to make it an actual fortified compound so the wall is buried twenty feet below the ground and is forty feet above the ground. It’s also ten feet thick.” Uktesh felt his jaw drop. “We’ve finished all the houses so when you, well when we, get back we can move right in. Heathyr, we didn’t know what you would keep so we just put Laurilli’s bed in her and Uktesh’s house.”

  Laurilli said, “That’s all we’ll need for the first few months anyway.”

  Uktesh was certain she meant because she would be cooking at her mother’s house, but everyone around the table blushed and Heathyr covered her face. When Laurilli realized what it had sounded like her face turned a dangerous shade of red, and Uktesh feared she’d faint from embarrassment. Pippy fortunately broke the awkward silence by saying, “I only have a bed.”

  Uktesh nodded and said, “There you have it! If it’s okay for Pippy, it’s okay from us.”

  Laurilli said, “I just meant we’ll be cooking at mom’s.”

  Larut coughed and continued, though he avoided looking at both Heathyr and Laurilli, “We took Uktesh’s suggestion and built a wire ceiling that lets in light and rain, but should defend us against flying Afflicted.

  “Afflicted attacks have become more frequent and bounties are placed each day. You heard about your dad and the minotaur. That wasn’t a posted bounty. He was just showing me how to throw knives when it attacked us from the forest.”

  He shook his head, “I’ve never seen anyone move like that. He dodged it by an inch! Less! Slid under it, and while sliding, stabbed it in both eyes. He left the knife in the second eye and when it fell to its knees he barely avoided being crushed! He jumped on its back and slammed a rock, where he’d gotten it, how he’d seen it, is beyond me, into the hilt of the knife and killed the beast in far far less time than it takes to tell the story.”

  “Aside from that, the Afflicted beasts seem to be getting smarter, or have learned that for safety they need to group together in larger groups. Some of the villagers said they saw a dragon, but I think it was Wosn, maybe a Hine, at worst a Wyvern.”

  Uktesh said, “It wasn’t a dragon.”

  Larut said, “You seem sure. Why?”

  Uktesh said, “Dragons are massively huge, beyond description, and terrifying.”


  That wasn’t flattery, just the truth.

  Uktesh continued, “The one I saw was at least eight hundred yards long,” Uktesh thought about it. “No, it was definitely bigger than that. Maybe as much as a thousand yards long, and not thin like some of the tattoos, but thick like mine.”

  Are you calling me fat?

  Massively huge, I believe.

  He smiled with the dragon and said, “They see better than we do during the day, and better than most animals at night. They’re constantly hungry, and require huge amounts of food. If someone had seen a dragon they wouldn’t have lived to tell about it.”

  What are you doing for food?

  In this form I don’t need any.

  Wow that’s useful!

  Larut said, “How did you survive?”

  Uktesh said, “It’s a secret?”

  He hoped they’d let it drop at that, but it looked like Pippy was about to ruin it when she added, “Da dragon lives in da volcano. Tesh and I saw it.”

  Uktesh smiled and nodded, “Yup! That’s the only time I saw him. He was big wasn’t he?”

  Pippy said, “It was, and it spat lava at us.”

  Uktesh said, “But we were far away by then. He wasn’t trying to hurt us.”

  Pippy nodded and said, “Yeah. It was just playing with us

  So many,“its!”

  Sorry, I tried to correct her.

  Uktesh changed the subject, “Any other news?”

  Larut said, “The war’s basically over. We beat the Beletarians and they came begging for a truce. No offence.”

  Uktesh said, “If it ends the war, I don’t care who starts the talks.”

  Larut nodded and added, “Other than that it has been quiet; mainly because you’re gone. You seem to be a magnet for trouble.”

  Uktesh said, “Hey! Four months we’ve been here and other than an act in a play it’s been quiet.”

  Larut said, “If you don’t count the slavers, oil bombs, and rock slides. And just today, the local law enforcement.”

  Uktesh said, “Yeah. That’s almost nothing for us.”

  Larut smiled and said, “Beause you attract trouble?”

  Uktesh sighed and said, “I guess you’re right. Laurilli’s a magnet for trouble.”

  Uktesh ignored her, “Hey!”

  “Before you leave if you would help us clear out a,” Uktesh looked at Pippy. “Can you cover your ears and hum for a minute please?” She scowled at him, but did as he continued, “clear out four necrolans?” He tapped on Pippy’s head and nodded that she could stop.

  Esolc sighed, “You found them?”

  Repus added, “We kind of hoped you wouldn’t.”

  Uktesh felt like they’d both gut-punched him, “What? That’s half the reason we came, I thought!”

  Esolc shook his head, “We came for a vacation. You only added that once you found out the dragons trained here.”

  Uktesh thought the difference was negligible, “But now that we know, we have to kill them.”

  Esolc looked at Repus and Repus said, “No, we don’t. You don’t want Thulmann to hate you if you become Afflicted, but you’re unwilling to do the same for them.”

  Utkesh said, “But they’re,” he looked at Pippy, “bad people.”

  Esolc said, “You assume.”

  Uktesh didn’t like the fact that he agreed with them, so he asked Laurilli, “What do you think?”

  She shrugged and said, “Maybe you’re letting your prejudice affect your thinking. All we know is that one of them gave Riu the ability to heal. We don’t know why.”

  Uktesh took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said, “Okay, maybe I’m wrong. I don’t think I am, but I might be. I guess there’s only one way to find out. I’ll go say, hello to them.”

  Laurilli said, “Don’t joke about that.”

  Uktesh said, “I’m serious! If I get into trouble I can always Shadow Walk away.”

  Laurilli said, “Not until after we get married then.”

  Uktesh nodded his agreement, “Uh yeah! I’m not going to do anything dangerous until then. Except maybe have a few conversations with Justicers. Maybe we’ll do some Heroes for Hire jobs. We’ve been neglecting the posting board.”

  Larut said, “I’m already moved into my house, but now that we’re done eating what, do you normally do here at night?”

  Heathyr said, “We usually just relax in the pool, because it feels cleaner when you get out of it than the ocean.”

  Uktesh said, “We can do that or something you want to do.”

  Larut said, “I don’t really know what there is to do.”

  Laurilli said, “We could look at the activities board.”

  Repus said, “Tonight there’s dancing at the amphitheater. Leilani already told me we’re doing it.”

  Esolc nodded his agreement and Laurilli said, “There’s dancing and I didn’t know about it!” She turned to Pippy, “I think Tesh was trying to hide it from me.”

  Pippy said, “Why?”

  Laurilli replied, “He doesn’t like dancing.”

  Uktesh clarified, “I don’t like dancing for four hours.”

said, “That’s just cause he’s a fuddy duddy.”

  Pippy laughed and said, “Tesh is a fuddy duddy!”

  Uktesh said, “I am not! Plus I’ve been recovering from a near death injury.”

  Larut said, “Now that you’re alright though…” and he left the thought hanging.

  Uktesh mock-glared at him. “Fine, we’ll move Laurilli out, while you four have fun at the pool. First I’ll take Pippy home. Then we’ll join you at the pool and after that we’ll go to the dance. Does that sound like a plan?”

  There was a collective acceptance of the plan and Uktesh picked up Pippy. After he and she put their dirty dishes in the bin, he said, “Okay, Pippy, say goodbye to everyone.”

  Pippy waved and said, “Bye! I’ll see ya tomorrow!”

  Uktesh Walked to Abrym’s shop and arrived just as two Justicers appeared. Uktesh put Pippy down, knelt next to her, and said, “Go tell your grandfather you’re back.”

  She hugged him and said, “Thank ya Tesh. I had fun today.”

  Uktesh straightened up as she went inside. He looked at the two Justicers and stepped in front of Abryms’ door, as if to get out of their way, and gestured toward the street, “Sorry to get in your way. Thank you for your dutiful patrol of this area.”

  They glared at Uktesh as he smiled back. They walked on and Uktesh thought, that was really good timing. He Walked to his and Laurilli’s house as she Rushed up to it. He unlocked the door and held it open for her. Together they packed up all her clothes into the two trunks she’d brought, and had just found that they had at least another two trunks worth of clothes still left to pack when Heathyr knocked on the door. Uktesh shouted, “Come in!”

  Heathyr looked at the piles of clothes, the two already full trunks, and said, “I unlocked my door,” she handed Laurilli a key. “There’s the spare key. Lock up when you’re done.” She left as Uktesh grabbed both of the trunks. Laurilli held the door for him and then hurried to Heathyr’s door to open that for him too. Once they were inside, Uktesh realized that he’d never been inside Heathyr’s house on the island. He found it as clean as he’d expected.

  Laurilli dumped all the clothes onto the bed and headed back to their house. Uktesh grabbed the trunks and followed her. Once in their house, he placed both on the bed, and to this surprise they only filled one of the trunks and half of the other. He carried them both to Heathyr’s and Laurilli dumped them out too. Uktesh Walked to what was now his house, locked up, and Walked back to Heathyr and Laurilli’s house. He went in as Laurilli was changing into her swimsuit and he froze at the sight. He blinked a few times, then Walked back to his house and changed too. He took three calming breaths before he Walked to Heathyr and Laurilli’s door and knocked. Laurilli came to the door wearing her suit and a pareo, “Yes?”

  Uktesh grinned and said, “Well, I figured I’d knock this time.”

  Laurilli said, “I hope you remember what you saw because it’s likely to be the last time you’ll see it until we’re married.”

  Uktesh grinned wider and said, “I’m not likely to forget.”

  She walked back into the house and said, “Help me fold my clothes. You seemed certain that my father would accept Afflicted people, but you looked my way when you said it. Am I Afflicted?”

  Uktesh nodded, “Does that scare you?”

  Laurilli shrugged, “A little. Do you know what I am?”

  Uktesh nodded and said, “A beast tamer.”

  Laurilli said, “That’s not so bad. What can they do, besides the obvious?”

  Uktesh said, “Well they can tame animals, and the really good ones can tame Afflicted animals.”

  Laurilli shrugged and said, “Well, we’ll have to see what happens, and deal with it as it happens.” For the next half hour they folded clothes and Laurilli put them away in the closet that they’d found empty. Once they were done they left, with Laurilli locking the door behind them. Uktesh put his arm around her waist, and Walked them to the pool. Laurilli said as she leaned into him, “That’s so useful.”

  They threw their towels onto the lounge chairs that the group had left for them, then they slipped out of their sandals, Uktesh waited while Laurilli took the extra step of removing her pareo. Uktesh had to admit to himself that she looked great. She punched him on the arm, and said, “Stop staring! You’re making me uncomfortable.”

  Uktesh knew she wasn’t fully serious after she winked at him, but as she walked passed him, he hugged her from behind, and said, “I can’t help it! You’ve always been beautiful to me, but you’ve only grown more so in the year I’ve known you.”

  She leaned into him, hugged his arms to herself, and said, “You’re not so bad yourself.” She gently pulled away from him and dove into the pool. Uktesh followed her example and together they swam to the shallower area where the four adults were relaxing. Uktesh had gotten used to seeing people with their shirts off. Repus and Esolc were built like normal fighters; similar to the rest of the islanders. Larut, however, had such well-defined muscles that he looked like a wrestler who never lost. Although he did seem like an incredibly pale wrestler.

  Larut was in the middle of telling the group about his fiancée Sara, “So I went to the chandler shop to get some candles, soaps, and lamp oil, and there she was. Turns out she took over the shop when her father died. So I put in this huge order for candles, soaps, and oil, and she asks if I had a preference in the smell. I said, ‘not disgusting,’ and she laughed and said, that she made candles and oils that smell when burned and soap that left a residual smell! I said whatever smelled best, so now we have soaps, oils, and candles that smell like wildflowers.”

  “When she delivered them she told me she’d seen me fight in the tournament and that she’d been impressed, even though I did lose to a child.”

  He mock-glared at Uktesh who said, “Hey, I had a lady of my own to impress!”

  Larut shook his head, Laurilli gripped Uktesh’s hand under the water, and Larut continued, “So she told me that if I didn’t ask her out that day she would be insulted. So I did and we really are great together. I asked her to marry me about a month after that, and then the next week your husband showed up.”

  Laurilli asked, “What does she look like?”

  Larut smiled and said, “Beautiful. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She’s tall too! I’d guess that she’s about six feet two inches and while she’s not fat, she’s thick and strong! She’s got big knockers too!”

  Laurilli rolled her eyes, “Is that all guys think about, Mom?”

  Heathyr said, “It is a sad fact in life, my daughter. Wee as a gender are valued first based on our figure, then face, and then lastly our personality.”

  Laurilli said, “Uktesh, you don’t do that, right?”

  Uktesh thought about it and said, “I don’t have to, because you’re perfect in all three categories. Plus that’s not always true. I don’t care at all what Pippy looks like.”

  Laurilli said, “She doesn’t count.”

  Uktesh said, “Well, it’s hard not to judge in that order. First you see someone, then you get closer and see their face, and then you talk to them and get to know them. I would hope that physical attraction isn’t the only thing men judge on, but you have to admit that without any attraction, the best you can hope for is a friendship. That is how I know that you think I’m good-looking, because you agreed to marry me pretty much the first day we met.”

  Laurilli said, “I said we’d date, with the undertone that it would lead to a more serious relationship.”

  Uktesh said, “So there you have it. Everyone judges based on looks at least a little.”

  Laurilli said, “But men do it more.”

  Uktesh shrugged and said, “I’d assume that’s true, which is why there are so many unfaithful husbands. But there are also unfaithful wives. Plus men usually hide their bodies in loose fitting clothes and women are expected to wear clothes that flaunt rather than hide.” Uktesh looked at the group and said, “Unless you’re swim
ming, or unless you’re on this island where everyone is clothed the same way.”

  Larut said, “Yeah I noticed that. Why do the guys here wear skirts?”

  Heathyr said, “You don’t want to know why the women don’t wear shirts?”

  Larut said, “I know why they don’t. During the day it’s like standing next to a fire on this island.”

  Uktesh said, “I’d guess that they’re cooler during the day than shorts or pants.”

  Larut said, “Have you tried them out?”

  Uktesh blushed and said, “Of course, though it was at night, and extremely breezy.”

  Esolc said, “I’ve tried them too.”

  Repus nodded, and said, “Since Leilani is an islander, I figured I’d try it once. I didn’t dislike it, but I also didn’t like the way it made her objectify me.” He winked at Heathyr.

  Larut said, “Wait. If Uktesh, Repus, and Esolc all dressed like an islander, that only leaves the question of you two?”

  Laurilli blushed, ducked her head mostly under the water, and nodded. Uktesh felt his jaw drop when Heathyr nodded too.

  Larut said, “Now I’m going to have to try wearing a skirt.”

  Uktesh said, “If you can find one in your size. You may have to have it made. People here on this island are a lot shorter than you.

  Larut asked, “What do you guys do all day?”

  Uktesh said, “Well, we all do different things, but then we up to do some things together, like meals. For myself and Laurilli, we’ve been training with the dragons in hand-to-hand fighting.”

  Larut said, “As if you weren’t good enough before.”

  Uktesh ignored him and said, “Then we eat lunch, and either train more, swim, play with some of the kids on the island, explore, shop, or pretty much anything. Then we eat dinner together, and either hang out here and tell each other about our day or do the activity that’s scheduled for the night.”

  Laurilli said, “I usually am doing what Uktesh is, cause he can’t stand to be apart from me for too long.”

  Uktesh nodded, and Repus said, “Esolc and I train after breakfast, then between lunch and supper, I either drink at Leilani’s, sit with Heathyr, take a nap, or wander.


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