Fighting to Save US

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Fighting to Save US Page 18

by Sarah Stevens

  “Hey, Fred! I've been good, really good. I'm going to be a daddy soon and just got a ring for the most beautiful girl in the world. Wanna see a picture of her?”

  I show him a picture of us that I have on my phone, while he gushes and agrees about how beautiful she is. I fill him in on some of the stuff that’s been going on, and we catch up with our personal lives. Now, on to the business side.

  “Jackson sent me to check on the property. He said it’s been a long while since anyone’s been in town. So how’s everything going?”

  “Nothing to report here. We have a couple new tenants filling the vacant places we once had. One is a business-driven couple and the other is a young lady who is a writer. Not sure what kind of writer, but she’s always upstairs, hardly ever goes out. Security has been fine. No problems to report and no complaints from the residents. Everything seems to be going great here.”

  “That’s good to hear. I hope every location I visit has the same sort of report. Just so you know, I’m getting out of the direct line. You won’t be seeing me around much anymore, but I’ll make sure to keep in touch and bring the family to see you.”

  “Glad to hear things are going so well. You better come see me, or I’ll get Jackson after you.”

  We both laugh and then I head to the elevator to go check on my place that no one knows I own, except for Jackson. This is the place that I shared with Clarissa when she was alive, and I still had a few ghosts living here, or so I thought. But when I walked into the place, I felt nothing—no sadness, no ghosts, just nothing. It scared me a little bit, but then I realized it meant that I had moved on. As I walked around the place, I came to a decision. I no longer need this place, and it was time to sell. I had a few things that I considered personal items, so I grabbed them up and then I walked out, closing the door on a place and time in my past.

  I say my goodbyes to Fred, and when I get back to the car, I call Jackson, telling him to sell my place. I’m suspicious he intentionally sent me here, trying to get me to come to this decision on my own. He's a tricky bastard, but he got what he wanted and what I needed.

  Four hours later, I’ve had dinner at one restaurant, drinks at another, and both were all good and running well. I have the driver take me to the last place I want to go to, but it’s on the list. Why would he send me to Jouir, his sex club, of all places? I am starting to think this whole trip is one big mind-fuck from Jackson and is his way of testing me. I reluctantly get out of the car and make my way to the back entrance of the club.

  It doesn’t take long for the girls to start recognizing me and word spreads. Soon I’m being approached by a never-ending parade of beauties. I walk away from each one of them after being polite and saying hi. I reach the office on the top floor and meet with the manager, Joel. He assures me that everything is going well, and there’s nothing to worry about. He asks me if I’m in need of any services tonight. I decline his offer and take a look at the books before I take a quick walk through and check on things myself. Everything looks like it’s running smoothly, so I head towards the back door to exit. Before I can make it to the exit, Julie, one of the regular girls—and one I used to fuck—approaches, trying to paw at me. I quickly grab her hand and remove it from my chest, telling her, “No, keep your hands to yourself, Julie. I’m not trying to be mean, but I’m not the same person I was before. I don’t want or need anything from you.”

  “You sure?” she replies with a sad puppy dog look on her face. I don’t know why I ever liked her in the first place.

  “I’m sure, I was just leaving. Have a good night.”

  She sticks her lip out in a pout, stomps her foot, and walks away like a little girl who didn’t get her way. Once back in the car, I think back on the day, to all the places Jackson had me go—all places I used to frequent before I moved to Boston and then on to Portland. The restaurants I used to bring Clarissa to, the apartment we shared, the club I would spend my nights enjoying, and the girls I was with after I lost her. Jackson was testing me, making sure I didn’t have any more ghosts to deal with before moving forward with Bren. I pick up the phone and dial Jackson. “What was this day all about, brother? Was it a test?”

  “You’re a very smart man, Max. I just wanted to make sure that your head was on straight. I assume you just came from the club?”

  “Yeah, I just came from the club, and that was a total low blow. I really didn’t need Julie in my space and touching me. Bren is the only one I need and want. I passed your damn test, and New York is in my rearview mirror. My life is with Bren and the babies.”

  I just realized the mistake I made with my last words. He didn’t know about the babies, but he does now.

  “Good, I—wait, what? Did you say babies?”

  “I was hoping you missed that. Bren is pregnant with twins. We only just told Kat and James yesterday. I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t know how public she wanted to make the news. But like I said, my full attention and focus is on my new family. No ghosts are following me into my new life, and I want the old life gone as much as possible. Except for you. You are my brother and family in every way that counts. When are you going to fall in love, anyway?”

  “Stop changing the subject. Babies, as in two? Twins? How long have you known?”

  “We found out about the pregnancy when Bren went for her follow-up appointment after her surgery. Apparently, she was so early into her pregnancy when she had her surgery that no one knew until after. We wanted to make sure that everyone was safe and healthy before we told anyone. Now that Bren is almost ten weeks along, we’re almost past the danger zone. Everything is still early, and complications can still happen, but we’re feeling good about it all. Bren has her ten-week appointment next week, but we couldn’t wait any longer to tell our family.”

  “Congratulations! I can’t believe the changes in the past year. First, James and Kat and now you and Bren. I think it’s best that I stay far away from the love bug you all are sharing in Portland. Next it will be Mike falling for some unsuspecting female at any moment.”

  “Ha! You’re probably right. So, yeah, life is good. I’m good. Don’t worry, I have no plans of screwing this up. I’ve got one last restaurant to visit in the morning, and then I need to get home. I don’t like leaving Bren right now…she’s had terrible morning sickness.”

  “I’ll have the jet ready and waiting for you at noon. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great. The ring is perfect, by the way. I hope she likes it.”

  “Can’t wait to see it wrapped around her finger. Hey, can you do me a favor, though? When you go upstairs, look in the safe. I’ve left an envelope, and it will have your name on it. It’s for you.”

  “What do you mean for me?”

  “While you were blowing your mind away in grief, drinking and fucking anything with legs, I put this aside for you when you got your shit together. Sounds like the perfect time to give it to you.”

  “What the hell is it?”

  “Just look and see when you get upstairs.”

  “Fine, whatever you say. We’re just pulling up now, so I guess I’ll give you a call later.”

  “Bye Max. Enjoy your gift.”

  Once I got upstairs, I went directly to the safe, found the envelope and tore it open. Inside was a letter and tucked into the letter was a check.


  I know that you’ve had it rough lately, but I knew one day you would find your way out of your grief. I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come since the day that I found you, so lost. You’re my brother in all the ways that count, and I love you.

  This gift is what I made sure you didn’t blow while you were grieving Clarissa. One million dollars should have you set up for a long while and if you’re reading this, then I think you’re ready to have it.

  Lots of brotherly love,


  I stand there, totally shocked. I take the letter, and the check, along with the ring, and sit on the couch. I sit and look back
at my life—where I was and where I am now. I’ve come so far, and the people that I have surrounding me are just who I needed and at the perfect time to have them come into my life. I went from a scared, fucked-up man to one who has so much love for his family, a family that loves and supports me just the same. I have so much to be thankful for.

  I call Jackson back and thank him. Then I call my girl, hoping that she’s still awake. The phone rings once, then twice, and on the third ring she answers.

  “Hey, baby, how was your day? I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “Hey, right back at ya. No, I was just getting ready to snuggle up in bed. My day was boring. How was yours?”

  “Mine was one long test that I didn’t know I was taking.”

  “What do you mean by test?”

  “Jackson sent me on this mission of memories to check my head. Thankfully, I apparently passed his test. He had me check on the restaurants I used to go to with Clarissa, the condo building where I lived with Clarissa, and then I had to go to his club tonight—one of the sex clubs he owns, where I used to spend too much time. I didn’t even want to walk into that place. I had no desire to be in there. I went to one restaurant and I ate, and then I had a drink at another place, checked on the condo and decided to sell it, and then did a round at the club, checked the books, and now I’m here. Jackson was testing me to see if the ghosts I had were gone, and they are, babe. My only concern is you, the babies, and our life together. I love you.”

  “A sex club?”

  “Out of all that, you heard sex club and nothing else?” I laughed at the outrage in her voice.

  “Did anything happen at the club that I need to know about?”

  “Babe, I went to the office, checked on the books, declined all services and then after my walk through the club, I was approached by one of my old friends. She tried to get me to pay attention to her, and I said no, so she stomped away mad and then I left. Nothing happened.”

  “Okay, I guess I can deal with that. So, you have no more ghosts from the past?”

  “I have no past, because you weren’t in it. You are my present and my future.”

  “That goes for me, too. I love you. When will you be back?”

  “I have a flight at noon tomorrow to come home, where I belong.”

  “I can’t wait to see you. I don’t like when you aren’t next to me.”

  “Me too. I have no idea how I’ll get any sleep tonight, but you need to try and sleep. It’s late, so I’m going to let you go. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I’ll do my best, night! Love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  “Love you most.”

  I hang up the phone, stare at the objects that are in front of me again, and marvel over where my life has led me. I shed the guns and my clothes and get into bed. I toss and turn most of the night, missing my girl.

  The next morning, I go to breakfast, check with management, and again everything is looking good and running smoothly. Once I’ve collected my belongings, I grab the car and head to the airport to catch my flight home.

  Chapter Forty-One


  I don’t know when it happened—when I couldn’t live without Max in my life. He hasn’t been gone that long, and I miss him like my next breath. I tried sleeping but ended up tossing and turning all night long. I need his heat next to me at night. My pregnancy sickness has finally started to subside with the medicine I was given, and I was able to eat a decent breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese, some fruit and my decaf coffee. Probably one of the most delicious meals I’ve ever had, just because I could eat it and not feel sick. Once I finish up breakfast, I move on to take a shower and get ready for the day. Max will be arriving sometime in the early afternoon, and I want to get a few things done while I’m feeling better.

  Once I’m ready, I clean up the apartment and then go grocery shopping. Max hasn’t been doing a lot of cooking or feeding himself well, because I haven’t been able to eat or keep much down. Now is the time to change that. I want to make him a nice dinner tonight.

  I get the grocery shopping done and all put away, but after that I'm tired and decide to grab my laptop, put my feet up, and search for houses. I come across a few that I like and mark the listings but fall asleep while searching. The next thing I know, Max is taking the laptop off my lap.

  “Hey, beautiful. Have a good nap?” he chuckles

  “Hey, handsome. I guess I needed it.”

  He leans over and kisses me like he hasn’t seen me in a month. “I missed you.”

  “Me too. Everything go well this morning?”

  “Yeah, I shouldn’t have to go back, ever. I talked to Jackson last night and told him I wouldn’t be coming back; that’s when he let me in on his little test. He told me I passed with flying colors, by the way, and he also gave me a present.”

  “Oh, what kind of present?”

  “One that I don’t deserve. The kind with six zeroes. He said to buy a house and furnish it. He also wants me to take you on a vacation.”

  Immediately, my hand goes to my mouth in shock.


  “One million dollars. Apparently, when I wasn’t looking out for myself a long time ago, he was. He made sure that I had money put away and didn’t blow it all. He wanted me to have it for when I got my head out of my ass, and this is why he tested me. He wanted to make sure my head matched my heart.” Looking down at the laptop he asks, “Did you see any houses that you liked?”

  “Ha, you saw that, huh? Yeah, I marked a few that caught my eye.”

  I pull the laptop back into my lap and start showing the houses to him. We sit there for a while looking at houses until my tummy starts to rumble. “I think I’m hungry.”

  “Sounds like it, what do you want me to go get for a snack?”

  “A sandwich is good. I’ll get up and make it. I went grocery shopping earlier this morning and got the house stocked.” While in the kitchen I call out, “I plan on making you dinner tonight, too, so don’t make any other plans.”

  He joins me at the counter, wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my neck, “Looks like you’re feeling better. That makes me so happy.”

  “Me too. I finally got to eat breakfast this morning and keep it.”

  “Hopefully things will continue to get better for you. I’ve hated seeing you sick all the time.”

  “I bet not as much as I’ve hated being sick.”

  We both laugh and then bring our sandwiches over to the couch to continue looking at houses online. After a while, Max makes a call to Jackson’s agent so that we can make appointments to look at some that we’ve both agreed on. Once we're all set for a long day of house hunting tomorrow, we decide to sit back and cuddle on the couch for a little bit before I have to start making dinner.

  The following day we meet up with Candace to look at some houses. The first one wasn’t anything like what it looked like online, and we both decide that it isn’t the right one for us. We continue our search throughout the day until we get to the last house. When we pull up I fall in love with it, especially the stone accents around the entryway. The house is a nice gray cape style with white trim and a maroon door. Once we step inside, I fall in love with the modern design and the light colors that I envision painting and making my own.

  I whisper to Max, “This is it.”

  With a nod, he agrees, but we continue to move on throughout the house. The bedrooms are the perfect size, and the master bath is breathtaking, with big windows and a soaking tub big enough for us both. We walk out onto the back porch and see the pool that has a fire pit off to the side. The yard is huge, too. I can picture our kids playing on a play set out there. Once we go back into the house, I look at him with pleading eyes, begging him to love it as much as I do. He hasn’t said much of anything to lead me to believe one way or the other. Candace leaves us to talk about the house for a few minutes. When she is out of sight, I start jumping up and down. “Please, plea
se, please, tell me you love it as much as I do.”

  “Shh babe, we don’t want her to know how interested we are in the house. We want to be able to make a deal, but I agree, it’s perfect. Let’s see if there are any other offers and go from there.”

  I try to calm myself down as much as I can, but I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Candace comes back in. “So, what do you think?”

  “We like it, but are there any other offers on the house yet?”

  “Let me make a call and find out.” She walks away to make her call, and she comes back within a few minutes. “No offers have been made. Do you want to make one?”

  The house is listed at $725,000, and we decide to make an offer of $690,000 cash. We all leave and go our separate ways, with Candace saying she will call when she hears back.

  Once we’re back at the apartment, I can’t sit still. I want to know if the house will be ours. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long, because we get a call forty-five minutes after we walk in the door. Max puts his phone on speaker so I can hear.

  “The owners accepted your offer. Tomorrow morning you can come into the office and sign the acceptance papers, and we’ll go from there to get closing scheduled.”

  Max turns to me. “We got the house, babe.”

  I shriek with excitement as Max lifts me up and spins me around, taking possession of my lips. He gently sets me back down on my feet and thanks Candace before hanging up and turning back to me with a grin on his face.

  My life has become such a whirlwind lately, from cancer to Max’s near death, then pregnancy, and now buying a house. I can’t wait to start fresh with Max in our new home, and preparing for the twins to arrive.

  Over the next few days we get the paperwork signed and set the closing date for thirty days out. I also have my follow-up appointment, clearing me for full activity. My health is on the right track, and I can’t believe how far I’ve come in the last year.


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