Scars of the Earth

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Scars of the Earth Page 10

by C. S. Moore

  I chose to put that shield there. She thought darkly, but she didn’t want to argue with poor Madgie.

  Cole came walking out of the fumes a few moments later. Amanda was relieved to see him until she took in the ghostly white face and dark red slime dripping from his hands. She sprang to her feet a little too fast and wobbled out of balance as she ran to him.

  “What happened, are you hurt?” She went to touch him and he took a step back.

  “Just give me a second…” He said in a rush. He took a breath and exhaled in a terrible sigh of pain.

  “What is it Cole, how can I help you.” She begged. He knelt down on the ground and held his hand out to her; it still dripped with the unknown goop.

  “I found Carter…” He said and looked down at Amanda’s hand. She followed his gaze. She had the same strange jelly on the tips of her fingers. “And so did you.” Her body convulsed with retching before her mind understood why.

  She was wrapped up in Cole’s thick wool cloak, one of the few things that escaped the acid. Her hair was still wet and it made her shiver, but Madgie insisted they wash up in a creek before the protective spells wore off.

  “So Carter is dead.” Amanda said. It wasn’t a question it was a statement, but Cole answered her anyway.

  “Yes, he was when I found him. I tried to get him out anyway even though he couldn’t have possibly been alive. I don’t know why I even tried he just…fell apart in my hands.” He shivered and she followed suit. “I’m glad that he is dead he wanted to kill you Amanda.” Cole said evenly.

  Her voice cracked as she spoke. “I didn’t mean to murder him.” Cole moved toward her and put his arms around her frail frame.

  “You didn’t Amanda, don’t even say that! You aren’t a murderer. If he was throwing a stunning spell, it would have just knocked him out. He killed himself. And I am glad that he did, when I first saw him I felt a stab of pity. It was like I had been run through. I wanted him dead, but that death…it was a shock.” He looked down at her and gently cupped her face in the palm of his hand.

  “But than I realized that that was the death he meant for you.” Cole’s deep voice shook with anger. “He meant for that lump of flesh in the field to be you.” Cole pulled her closer as he continued. “Don’t you shed one tear for him Amanda, he was consumed in darkness. Nothing good was left in him, and he had nothing but evil to bring to this world.” Amanda was surprised that she felt some what comforted by his words. When she had found out that Carter had died she thought that nothing could take away the pain in her heart, but Cole’s words did make her feel a little better. She wished that he hadn’t died, but Cole was right.

  All I did was throw up a shield, right? A shield that led to his gruesome, painful death. She thought.

  She felt calm in Cole’s arms but she knew that it would take time to get over what had happened. Even if Carter had wanted me to suffer what he had, wasn’t it selfish to chose her life over his? She shook her head and changed the subject they did have a lot to discuss.

  “So Madgie, where do we go from here?” She asked.

  “I have told you where I think you should go and how to get there. Do you remember?” Madgie asked.

  “Yes I remember, but…aren’t you coming with me?” Amanda didn’t like the way Madgie had said, ‘I have told you where to go’.

  “Well I do think it is best to travel together, at least until you are healed up from your burns. I figure that should take a good week.” Madgie said as she looked her up and down, Amanda had first and second degree burns over a good part of her body.

  I am looking more and more like an extra in an over the top cheesy horror film. She thought.

  Her wolf appeared by her side and plopped down next to her resting his enormous head in her lap. Nice of you to show up. She thought sarcastically but she stroked his fur lovingly anyway.

  Cole’s resting head shot up, having just processed what Madgie was saying to them. “Are you just going to leave her?” Cole asked with a hint of venom in his tone. Amanda was taken back but it was Madgie that spoke.

  “No I’m not just going to leave her. We are all going to leave each other.” Amanda and Cole looked like someone had slapped them across the face.

  “But why would we do that Madgie? I don’t think that splitting up is a good idea.” She said quietly. Maybe she regrets coming with us, I probably would if I was her. On the run from the Ancients, unable to go back to her home. I shouldn’t have let either of them do this. She thought. So much had happened to them in such a short amount of time and she wondered what was waiting for them in the future. When she pulled herself out of her thoughts she saw that Madgie and Cole were in a heated argument, well Cole was heated anyway. Madgie sat firm and patient while he threw his hands around.

  “I will not leave her side Madgie! You saw what just happened didn’t you? And that pales in comparison to what she has coming for her. Carter? He was one they will be sending the whole Guard no doubt. What will she do against that?” Madgie shrugged her slender shoulders.

  “What will you do against that?” Madgie asked. Cole’s face turned red in exasperation.

  “I will fight, I will protect her.” He said.

  “It will do her no good there are too many to fight. The best thing to do is to try and not get found. And it is harder to find one spirit among the billions on Earth, than to find three. We will stick out like a sore thumb together; we would be much easier to track.” Madgie said and just before he could respond Amanda butted in.

  “Hold on one second. The Ancients have a Guard, like an army?” She asked.

  Chapter 11

  Classes had been canceled ever since Amanda and Madgie had fled and Nell was more than a little angry at them for leaving her behind.

  How could they leave me here! She thought furiously as she sat in the dinning hall listening to the latest in the speaking campaign against her friends.

  The Hovel’s walls were splashed with Amanda’s face. Posters of anti-Amanda propaganda were strange enough, but the new presence of the Guard had turned her home into a prison. She tried to calm her thoughts.

  They could not have guessed what the Hovel would turn into in their absence. They probably thought I was safer here. She thought kindly. Of course, they were wrong. Well meaning, but wrong.

  She had awakened the day after Amanda had vanished and was surprised to see strange men lining the Hovel, putting up a kind of perimeter around the entire institute. She, like many, had never known about the Guard. It was hard for a girl of her age to adjust to the fact that the life she had known was over. But she knew that it would forever be different. Nell sighed and started doodling on her notepad as Frey continued his speech.

  “I was there, brothers and sisters, when she fled. I pleaded with her to stay; I told her that the Ancients wouldn’t rest until she was safe. I said perhaps death is not the right way. We might yet find an answer, if only she stayed. I told her that we all cared for her. And what does she do?” He asked.

  Attack you. Yeah-yeah. Nell thought.

  “Attacks us. She opened an attack using dark magic that I had never before seen, and then she just vanished into thin air! But not before murdering my good friend and mentor Danimir.” He said in a pained voice.

  “Amanda was cold, calculating and deadly. She showed no mercy to him. The Ancients were right when they ordered death upon her. I only wish that I had seen that sooner. I foolishly thought that we could find another way, but she is too far gone. I can not be silent about the things that I have witnessed. They have affected me too much, they are still affecting me. My friend Carter is still missing.” He announced choking up.

  He looked down at the podium for a long moment, apparently fighting back tears. His golden ringlets and round face made him look like a suffering angel, but only to those who didn’t know him.

  Sure look down so that no one can see that you aren’t crying. You are probably trying with every fiber of your being, but you need a
heart to cry. Nell thought.

  “She took him with her in a rage. He was so brave and he is probably dead now. I will never question the Ancients again, it is obvious to me now that they know of things that we can not grasp.” He said firmly.

  “So take comfort in them, they have only ever wanted what is best for you. The Ancients love us and we must not forget that in this difficult time. That is why the Guard is here with us. In every room that you tread they will be there, for your protection. Feel their love and your troubled hearts and minds will be calmed.” He finished to some applause. It looked to Nell like the Guard members were making note of who did and did not applaud. And she guessed that she wasn’t the only one who noticed as the applause grew suspiciously louder.

  Nell was one of the last to leave the dinning hall, not wanting to take the long trek back to her room. She decided that she had procrastinated long enough when the room was emptied of all but the eerie Guard. She shuffled down one of the many hallways of the Hovel careful to keep her eyes on the floor. She had never seen her home so bare of Healers. The hallways were scarce of familiar faces and filled with ones that she had never seen before. Having the Guard members lined up around every corner, including the girl’s dormitories was so unsettling to her.

  I have met Healers that were snobby, self righteous, deluded and sometimes down right rude. But I have never seen Healers full of such darkness. She thought.

  She took her eyes off of the floor long enough to sneak a peek at the men lining the hall. Her eyes quickly glanced above her lashes and she stopped dead in her tracks. All of the Guard members were looking at her not even one pair of eyes was otherwise occupied. She looked down the hall in front of her and then behind, she was the only Healer in sight. She was alone. Panic overwhelmed her and she could not explain why. She started off again doubling her pace.

  “Where do you think she is off to in such a hurry?” One of the men asked loudly.

  “I don’t know, but it seems awfully suspicious. Maybe you should question her Chet.” A fellow Guard member laughed.

  Nell kept her face down not wanting to invite anymore unwanted attention, but it didn’t help her. She felt a meaty hand clamp down on her shoulder and having not seen it coming she screamed in surprise.

  “Ha-ha, how do ya like that? This one squeals!” Chet said to his comrades. Their deep chorus of laughter echoed strangely down the hall. Nell spun away from his grasp and started walking again hoping that he had had his fun and would leave her alone.

  Just don’t look up, just don’t look up. She thought. He grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around, but she didn’t scream again not wanting to show fear.

  “You do not turn your back on your superiors. It’s rude. Don’t you agree?” He asked still holding on to her wrist.

  “I do agree.” She said quickly, trying to dissolve the situation.

  “There you go, pup. That’s how I like it.” He said squeezing her wrist until her bones cried out. He obviously wasn’t done playing. So she tried a different approach. Maybe he will leave me alone if I stand up for myself. That’s what people say about bullies, right? She thought.

  “Luckily, there aren’t any superiors around. So I don’t need to worry about turning my back on one.” She said attempting to free her hand. Chet was silenced by her remark, but his friends started laughing at him.

  “She told you!” One cried out.

  “Wow, smart mouthed by a little girl.” Another said. Chet’s face was red with anger and he pulled her nearer him.

  “Aw, she ain’t so little.” He said.

  “Stop!” Nell screamed as he pulled her hair tie out. He combed his fingers through her long blonde strands. She struggled against him but he was too strong, she couldn‘t move an inch. He began to run his hands down to her hips when a voice rang out.

  “Get your hands off of her!” One of the Guard members shouted while stepping out of his place in line.

  Nell looked up; her wide eyes streaming salty tears, and saw that he was one of the younger members of the Guard, although he was taller than most of them. His face was smooth and void of any imperfection, making him look younger than he probably was. The overhead lights shined off of his golden hair and Nell imagined a halo around his head.

  “What did you say?” Chet asked letting go of Nell and turning to face him.

  “You heard me. Leave her alone she is no business of ours.” He said in a strong authoritative voice. Chet took a step closer to the young man squaring his shoulders.

  “Listen blondie, I don’t take orders from anyone. So if you are going to try and start something here you better be able to back it up. Cause I’m not afraid of a fight, especially if that fight is with some little baby-face teenager who’s balls ain’t even dropped yet.” Chet took another step towards him. “You feel me?” Chet asked.

  Nell’s hopes deflated as she saw the wind go out of her would-be rescuers sails. His shoulders dropped and his face looked unsure, even frightened.

  “Ya, ya. I feel you.” He said quietly. “Sorry man. Damn, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He apologized as a smile spread across Chet’s face. “Here man, no hard feelings okay?” He said offering his hand. Chet shrugged and took it.

  As soon as Chet’s meaty hand was in his the stranger spun him around, pulling his hand between his shoulder blades elbow high in the air.

  That can’t be comfortable. Nell thought happily.

  The young man’s face was tight in anger as he kicked him in the back of the leg bringing him to his knees. He pulled Chet’s arm down further throwing his shoulder out of its socket with a loud pop. Chet cried out in agony.

  “How do you like being touched?” The angry stranger yelled. Chet began sobbing and the baby-faced boy threw him to the ground. “I don’t want to see you get up, you stay there!” He ordered. He looked up to Nell, sky-blue eyes full of concern.

  “Are you alright?” He asked as he walked over to her. Nell tried to speak, but was still so shaken that she had to clear her throat multiple times before her voice sounded.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She squeaked. He looked at her for a second.

  “That didn’t sound very convincing. Here let me walk you to your room. Is that okay?” He asked, making sure that she felt comfortable with him.

  “Yes, that would be nice.” She said.

  He walked next to her down the hall, apparently oblivious to the angry glares that the other Guard members were giving him. Nell wished that she could ignore their stares so easily, but it was so frightening to be surrounded by so many hateful faces. She looked up at the man walking next to her and felt better. He had a grin on his face that was contagious.

  “My name is Armaan by the way. What’s yours?” He asked. She thought it was funny that he could ask such a normal question given what had just happened.

  “Um, Nell.” She replied.

  “So is Um your first name then or should I call you Nell?” He teased.

  “Nell is preferred to Um. But given what you just did for me, you can call me anything and I wouldn’t care.”

  “Okay I’ll call you ‘Anything’ if you really want me to. So Anything how long have you been at the Hovel?” He asked. She laughed at the way his mind worked; she had never met anyone like him. Most Healers were so serious.

  “I’m coming up on my fifth year. How about you?” She asked through a laugh.

  “I’ll tell you what Anything, I’ve been here almost seven years but it feels like one hundred.” He tried to say it with the same lightness that he had said everything else, but she could hear the torment in his voice. His smile was in place but she could see that it wasn’t his real one. Before she could study him further he looked away.

  “I’m sorry if what you did back there gets you into some trouble.” She said quietly so the Guard around them couldn’t hear.

  “Oh it’s alright.” He said brightening back up. “I’ve wanted to bring Chet some pain for a while. Heck I should even be t
hanking you.” He turned to her and put a hand delicately on her shoulder. “Thank you.” He said with whole hearted sincerity.

  “Um, you’re welcome…” She said unsure of what else to say. She didn’t know how to act around him, she had only known him for ten minutes and already it was hard to keep up. He was like the ocean, constantly changing. His eyes even looked like the ocean. They were a deep bluish grey and seemed to hide a million secrets below their surface.

  She had been taking in his every detail as they walked and felt conflicted. He was very kind and attentive to her, making her laugh, and cautiously searching her for signs of shock. But through all of his kindness she could still see darkness within him. She stopped in front of her room and the expression on his face changed.

  “Can I tell you something Nell?” He asked, looking at her pleadingly.

  “Sure.” She said. Armaan leaned down to her and put his mouth next to her ear.

  “Be here, outside of your door at midnight if you want to leave this place.” He whispered.

  What? What does he mean? Where else could I go? She thought, but he was gone before she could ask him any of the questions running through her mind.

  Chapter 12

  Amanda sat on the ground wrapped tightly in Cole’s thick cloak. The temperature was dropping fast so he had built a fire. It was strange, Amanda had never sat around a camp fire before, and it gave her the oddest feeling. The bright fingers of the fire lit their small circle and a few feet beyond. The flames stretched out and cast an orange hue across everything they touched. Even Cole’s dark eyes had a tinge of orange to them.

  Where the fire’s light couldn’t quite reach was a sheet of utter darkness that her eyes couldn’t pierce no matter how hard she tried. Their circle, suspended in light, made her think of the pre-Columbus days. Like if she took one step from the light of their circle she would fall right off the end of the earth.

  Madgie threw another log on the fire and Amanda snapped out of the trance that the flames had danced her into.


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