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Dire Page 12

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I forced myself to lay there unmoving with my eyes shut for a few minutes. I could tell she’d woken up, and I knew if I spoke to her in that moment I’d say something I’d regret. Instead I waited until her breathing evened out.

  The living area was empty as I hurried through on my way outside. I needed to run. I needed to embrace my Dire before it killed me searching for a way out.

  I shifted before I’d even left the back porch.

  The anger and jealousy dissipated slightly as I let my Dire side take over. My emotions were easier to digest when I embraced my animal side. I couldn’t take my anger out on Mary Anne. It would only push her farther away, but how could I pretend it hadn’t happened? She’d been dreaming about another man while lying in bed with me. A fleeting thought of what I wanted to do to Gage flashed through my mind, but that wasn’t me. I couldn’t kill what I’d created because my mate had feelings for him. That was the problem, my Dire side roared, she wasn’t my mate yet. I needed to change that. I needed to really make her mine.

  I sprinted around the property several times before calming down enough to return inside. Jocelyn was waiting for me on the porch holding my pants. “We’re coming with you.”

  “You’re what?” I jumped into the jeans.

  “We’re coming,” she repeated. “We can help you.”

  “I still don’t know what we’re doing. I will contact you as soon as I do.”

  “You do know what you’re doing. Why else would you be going to New Orleans?” She narrowed her eyes. “Maybe you haven’t told your pack, but you’re making your move.”

  There was no reason to pretend. Jocelyn would only get angry. “It’s the perfect place to hide. The Pterons will never look for us there, and the witches would never step foot in New Orleans considering the kind of magic they are playing with. They’d be sentenced to death—or worse.” There were far worse punishments than death in the paranormal world.

  “And we can help you. “

  “You haven’t moved in years.” They’d settled down far longer than I’d expected them too. It had easily been three years already.

  “That makes it more important that we do.” Jocelyn tapped her foot.

  “We have it under control.”

  “Are you sure?” She leaned in. “Are you sure you couldn’t use some extra help? Perhaps an extra female around to help your mate feel comfortable? She did seem a little bit overwhelmed last night.”

  Jocelyn was a manipulator. She played people like chess pieces. I overlooked that part of her personality because of the other things she could offer. “What’s the game, Jocelyn?”

  “Who says there’s a game?” She batted her eyes.

  “There’s always a game with you.”

  “Fine.” She sighed dramatically. “I want to be part of this.”

  “Part of what?” Why couldn’t she just spit it out?

  “Part of the takeover, of course.”

  “There is no takeover.” Jocelyn had wisely sided with me when things went down with my brother, but she had more of a blood lust against the Pterons than I did.

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay. The end of the hunt.”

  “If you are looking for a war, you need to look elsewhere.”

  “Fine, we’re still coming with you.”

  “You admitted to wanting to go against my wishes, and you still think I want you along?”

  “What’s the alternative? Leaving us to our own devices?” She smiled coyly.

  She was threatening to stir up trouble. “You’re going to kill me one of these days.”

  “Are you done fighting with my wife?” Isaac stepped out onto the porch.

  “She says you guys want to come with us.”

  “We do.” He sat down on a chair. “How does it sound to you?”

  Jocelyn sat next to him.

  “Do I even have a choice?” I took a seat on a chair facing them. “Jocelyn just threatened to cause me a massive headache.”

  “I also promised to provide much needed female company for your mate.”

  “She has Marni.”

  “Marni’s a kid. I’m more like a mother figure.” She leaned back in the Adirondack chair.

  “Mother? You’re ten years older.”

  “I have plenty to teach her.”

  “And none of that teaching involves you messing with her. Did you have to freak her out about wanting a foursome?”

  Jocelyn laughed. “I couldn’t resist. Her reaction was priceless. She actually believed me.”

  “Her reaction was normal.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  “I’m fun when I want to be.”

  She crossed her arms. “We’re already packed, so we can leave when your pack is ready.”

  “You’re already packed?” I shook my head. “What would have happened if I’d said no?”

  “We would have followed you and bothered you until you said yes.”

  “Sometimes you sound like a child.”

  “We’ve known each other since we were children, Hunter.” Her words said a lot more then they seemed. Yes, we’d known each other since kids. We’d grown up together, learning to run and hunt on the shores of Lake Placid.

  “Remember what I told you about Mary Anne,” I reminded her.

  “I’ve got it.”

  “I better get back inside in case Mary Anne wakes up.” I stood.

  “Glad we’ll be seeing so much of you,” Jocelyn said.

  “I’m thrilled.” I walked inside, letting the door close behind me. Life was about to get even more complicated.

  I slipped back into the bedroom to get dressed and to drop off Mary Anne’s extra clothes, but then I walked right back out. I was calmer, but that didn’t mean I was in the mood to see her yet. I wondered if she’d even remember the dream.

  I knew she was up when I heard the water running in the bathroom. A few minutes later the door to the room we’d been sharing opened, and she walked out. Her steps were tentative and she wasn’t looking me in the eye. She remembered the dream. “Morning.”

  “Morning,” she said quietly.

  “Oh, you’re up!” Jocelyn walked into the room right in time to break the awkwardness between us. “Did you tell Mary Anne the news yet?”

  “What news?” Mary Anne asked.

  “We’re coming with you.” Jocelyn grinned.

  “Oh. Wow.” Mary Anne struggled to hide her shock.

  Issac walked in with a small bag.

  Jocelyn didn’t appear bothered by Mary Anne’s response. “It looks like you don’t need my number after all. We’re going to have plenty of time to hang out and get to know each other.”

  Why was she laying it on so thick? Was she trying to get to me?

  “Before I forget, here are the new ID’S.” Isaac handed me a stack of Driver’s licenses and another stack of papers.


  I flipped through the plastic cards before pulling out two. I held one out to Mary Anne.

  She accepted it. “Jane Sterling. Nice name choice.”

  I flashed my card at her. Mine read James Sterling. I smiled at Isaac’s decision on the name. I hadn’t asked him to give us the same last name.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything. I was sure she’d let me have it in the truck. “Are we supposed to use the new names for each other?”

  “Not within the pack, but if we’re in public.”

  “Ok. Thanks for getting my stuff.”

  “Of course.” I took her hand. She still wasn’t looking at me.

  “We’re going to be heading out soon.”


  “Most of your pack is out back.” Isaac stood. “I’ll get them.”


  Mary Anne stayed as far from me as possible on the bench seat as we drove through the morning. Was she feeling guilty? That would almost make up for the dream.

  “Is there anything you want to talk about?”

  “Why would there be
anything to talk about?” She looked out the window.

  “You are pretty quiet.”

  She turned back toward me. “Our IDs imply we’re married.”

  “They do.”

  “Isn’t that weird?”

  “No. It’s safer that way. It gives us protection.”

  “Oh.” She looked away again.

  “Come on, Firefly. Talk to me.”

  “Could you help put me to sleep? You claim it’s not you, but I don’t believe you.”

  “I can’t put you to sleep, but why would you want me to?” My anger had melted away and turned into worry. Was she really upset about the dream? That made it slightly better.

  She sighed. “Fine. What do you want to talk about then? The weather? Sports? I haven’t read or heard the news in over a week so I won’t be able to discuss current events.”

  “You’re sassy today.”

  “I’m sassy every day.”

  “Did you sleep well?” I needed her to come clean with me. When you’re upset the best way to move on is to get it out in the open.

  “Yes. Why wouldn’t I have?” She watched me, but her expression didn’t change. She wasn’t making this easy.

  “I wasn’t sure. You stirred a bit in your sleep.”

  “Oh yeah. Sorry about that.”

  “Did you have any interesting dreams?” I took my eyes off the road to look at her.

  She blushed and then looked away. “Not really.”

  “Are you sure?” I pressed.

  “Nothing worth discussing.”

  “Oh yeah?” I smiled. “You already pointed out there’s nothing to talk about, so I don’t mind hearing about it.”

  “No thanks.” She looked away.

  “Why not?”

  “It wasn’t the kind of dream I want to share.”

  “I’ve told you about my dreams about you.”

  “That was your choice.”

  “Want to listen to the radio?” If she wasn’t going to tell me about it, I couldn’t force her. She seemed to feel bad enough about it.

  “Sure. Sounds good.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mary Anne

  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the dream from the night before out of my head. The whole night after entering the bedroom had been messed up. I’d invited Hunter into my shower. I’d let him watch me, and I watched him. What was I thinking? Had I brought that twisted sex dream on myself too? Who dreamed about not one but two men? And the end. The anger in Gage’s eyes and face. I deserved that anger, but knowing that and seeing it were different. I wish I had a clue what he was feeling. Even if the feelings weren’t pretty, it would be better than not knowing.

  “Mary Anne?” Hunter was watching me instead of the road.


  “What are you apologizing for?” There was skepticism in his voice.

  “Not answering right away.” I assumed that’s why he was staring at me.

  He smiled slightly. “You answered as soon as I said your name.”


  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Me?” I put a hand to my chest.

  “No, I mean the other girl sitting next to me.”


  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear. “Yes?”

  “You think that’s the best idea? Couldn’t we find some place smaller? I’m sure Mary Anne doesn’t care.”

  Hearing my name got my attention. I looked over at him.

  “Fine. We’ll meet you there.” He hung up.

  “What won’t I mind?”

  “Jocelyn is insisting we stop at a local mall. She says you wouldn’t want to go to a discount store.”

  “I really don’t care where, and I don’t need clothes immediately.” I wasn’t in the mood to shop. There were far too many more important things to worry about first.

  “Jocelyn said there’s a decent mall close by. We can stop there.”

  “I really don’t care where we go. I’ve never been a fashion focused girl. Clothes that fit are all I’m asking for, and like I said it doesn’t have to be now.”

  “Jocelyn will be all over me about it if I don’t. My guess is she wants to do some shopping herself.”

  “Okay.” There was no reason to spend too much time arguing about it.

  “I’m sorry you’ve had to wait so long for your own stuff. I don’t generally think of clothing as more than something you have to wear for society and in your case, warmth, but I understand it has different meaning to you.”

  “I’m not materialistic if that’s what you’re implying. Compared to everything else I’ve been worried about, clothes are nothing, but I wouldn’t mind some new stuff.” I especially needed new underwear. The new ones Marni had provided were nice, but also a very different type from the ultra-comfortable cotton I’d always choose for myself.

  “What else are you worried about?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Seriously? Are you really going to ask me that question?”

  “Besides Gage. You’ve made your feelings known on that.” He returned his eyes to the road.

  “I don’t want to talk about anything right now.” I looked out the window.

  “That’s fine. We’re almost there.” He turned off at the next exit.

  I wasn’t into malls. I wasn't much of a shopper. I generally settled on the first thing I could find so I could get away from the crowds and the "can I help you" questions of the salespeople, but after spending over a week in borrowed clothes that didn't quite fit, the site of the sprawling building was more welcome than usual.

  Hunter pulled into a parking spot. Instead of pulling in next to us, the other vehicles parked all over the large lot.

  Hunter got out and started toward my door. I opened the door myself.

  Hunter held out a hand to me. I ignored it and jumped down myself.

  Hunter grabbed my hand and started walking toward the front of the building. “Feel free to pick out anything you'd like.”

  That’s when it hit me. I’d be dependent on Hunter’s money to buy anything. I didn’t have any of my own now. Shopping had lost even more of its appeal. “Uh, thanks.”

  “I know you’re not materialistic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have nice things.”

  “Got it.” He needed to stop. I was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. I glanced over my shoulder. No one else was getting out. “Where is everyone else?"

  “We’ll do this in shifts. We don’t all want to be seen together.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s safer this way.” He released my hand and instead wrapped his arm around my waist.


  “‘Oh’ is your way of showing disappointment, isn’t it?”


  “Were you wishing someone else was joining us?" There was suspicion in his voice again. He somehow knew what I’d been dreaming about. That thought had my stomach tightening.

  “Just Marni or Jocelyn. I’m not used to shopping with a guy.” That was true. I never even shopped with my dad. It was always something I did with my mom, especially once I hit my teenage years.

  “You don't think I can help you pick out clothes?”

  “Do you have experience with that?" I had trouble picturing Hunter as the dutiful boyfriend helping his girlfriend shop.

  “Not really, but I'm a fast learner.”

  “Any chance I can do this alone?”

  “Mary Anne…” He held open the glass door to the building.

  “Not calling me Firefly today?” That change worried me. If he was upset with me what would that mean for me, and more importantly, Gage? He seemed fine waiting on the sex, but evidently having sex dreams about another man didn’t go over well.

  “Do you want me to?”

  “I'm getting used to it.”

  “Just tell me why you want to do this alone?” He paused inside the door. We’d entered right
into a department store.

  “Because it's embarrassing.”

  “To buy clothes?” He arched an eyebrow.

  “With you watching.”

  “I’ve seen you with nothing on, hun. You can handle picking out clothes with me.” There was an iciness to his voice that frightened me more than anything else he’d done. Hunter wasn’t a man you wanted to make mad.

  “Can you stop reminding me of that?”

  “Why? You like knowing it.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Yes you do.” His face lacked any of the lightness it usually had when we talked. “Where do you want to start first?”

  “I really can do this alone.”

  “Hunter, let the girl shop with a woman.” Jocelyn linked arms with mine. "We'll meet you at the food court."

  Hunter shook his head. “I'll go with you.”

  "Let your mate have some girl time. She can surprise you later."

  Hunter looked at me. “Is this what you want? You want me to give you some space to shop?”

  “If you don’t mind.”

  “Ok. I’ll see you both in one hour or less.”


  “Here. This should cover what you need.” He handed me a wad of bills.

  I opened it and looked. “That’s a lot of cash.”

  “Like I said, it should cover what you need.” He kissed me on the cheek. “Enjoy your girl time.”

  “Thanks.” I turned to Jocelyn. “I appreciate it.”

  She grabbed my arm. “Of course. What girl wants to try on lingerie with their man around? It’s supposed to be a surprise.”

  “Oh. That’s not it.” Not it at all.

  “Sure it isn’t.” She winked. “Let’s start in that department though.”

  Maybe having Hunter with me wouldn’t have been that bad.

  We took the escalator upstairs, and Jocelyn walked us right over to the intimates department. “What are you, a 34B?”

  “Did you just guess my bra size?”

  “It’s not that hard. You’re small, but not that small.”

  “Uh, thanks.” I eyed her ample cleavage on display through her fitted top. “I can take it from here.”

  “Nonsense. You’re the mate of a man like Hunter. It’s time to dress the part.”

  “Dress the part? But we’re talking bras. No one else is going to see them. Other than Hunter,” I quickly added.


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