The Perils of War Book 3

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The Perils of War Book 3 Page 2

by Don Wright

  On the way home Linda asked Sammy, “Do you really think we can do this?” Sammy replied emphatically, “Yes, I do. I know my family and we can do anything as long as we stick together.”

  The next day Sammy had the utilities turned on and after work they all went down to see the building and make plans. Sammy pulled up and parked in front of the community center. Dale looked around the area and noticed gang members standing on the corner watching them. “That is definitely going to be a problem.” Sammy agreed.

  While sitting in the car, Linda noted, “Nearly all the windows are broken out and the gangs have had a field day with graffiti. The landscaping is a mess and there is absolutely no security; not even a fence. It’s wide open!” While they sat there, a patrol car with two cops pulled up next to them. Dale noticed the gang members on the corner suddenly disappeared. The cop that was driving asked Sammy, “Are you the ones that are going to try to open the community center back up?” Sammy replied, “Yes, but we are not going to try, we are going to open it!” The cop looked at Sammy like he was sizing him up and stated “That’s a good thing! The chief has ordered more patrols in the area and has authorized a task force from the gang unit to crack down on the gangs. The commissioner has involved the DEA as well. But none of this will help if the community doesn’t get involved.” “We know” said Sammy. “We have to figure a way to do that. Got any suggestions?”

  “Well the commissioner has scheduled an open neighborhood meeting Saturday. If you go, it will give you a chance to state your case; if anyone shows up. The gangs are going to try to stop you. The people living here are afraid of the hoods. The best way to stop you is to kill the support from the community.” Sammy said, “All we can do is take it one step at a time and hope for the best.” The cop continued, “The building is in shambles. It’s going to take a lot of work and money to get it up to city code.”

  “We know” Sammy said. “But we have some help coming. Twenty veterans have volunteered to help, and there’s more if we need them.” The cop said, “Look we want you to succeed but we don’t want a war down here either. You keep those vets in check. Let us take care of the gangs.” Sammy looked at the cop with a stern expression, “We won’t start anything with the gangs, but we have a right to defend ourselves. If they leave us alone, we will leave them alone. We don’t want a war either. We are trying to help the community, not hurt it. But if they start it we will finish it I promise!” The cop looked at Sammy and drove off.

  Linda looked startled. She’d never heard Sammy talk to anyone like that! He was always so cordial. Dale had the audacity to tell him he did a good job letting the cops know where the family stood. “Don’t encourage him!” stated Linda.

  Sammy and Dale walked around the building while Jeff and the ladies went inside. The place was a mess. The city had kept the grass cut but there was trash everywhere. Dale remarked they would probably find a body or two in all the rubble. Sammy said “Don’t be so morbid! We need a fence.” Dale said with sarcasm, “Yeah, a tall barb wired one.” After making the round outside, they joined the others inside.

  Inside was just as big a mess as outside. There was a kitchen area with a big commercial stove and refrigerator. However, the stove was covered in filth, grease, grime, rust, and much more. The fridge was growing science projects inside and out. They would have to get someone out to see if they could clean them up and get them to work. Trash was everywhere. Looked like someone made beds out of cardboard boxes and newspapers. The broken-out windows would have to be replaced right away.

  A lot of cleaning had to be done was an understatement! Jeff made the comment it wasn’t as bad as he imagined. How much worse could it get? The whole outside needed repairs and paint. That was not going to be cheap. The thought of everything that had to be done was overwhelming.

  The logical one in the family, Linda, said, “First things first. We need to figure out how much cash we have for this project and how much we will need. Sharon, any word from your friend on donations.” Sharon was having lunch with her friend tomorrow and would report back to them. Sammy would go back to the city manager and see if they could contribute anything else that would help. Vickie would call someone to look at the stove and refrigerator. Dale would get some type of bedding for the vets. Jeff would get a couple of bids on the windows. “Ok” said Sammy, “we all have our to do list. Let’s go home!”

  The next morning Sammy went into his office and tried to get some work done. But all he could think of was the community center. He was impressed with the enthusiasm of everyone, but he also knew how difficult and dangerous it was going to be. The gangs would have no problem doing whatever it took to stop them. Even though the police presence had increased, they couldn’t be there all the time. He was going to keep his family safe no matter what. They had reached a point of no return. They had to move forward. He knew what he could do to secure everyone’s safety, but he didn’t know what kind of repercussions would come down.

  The twenty vets that were coming would help but would it be enough to deter the gangs. If they could get the community involved that would make the biggest difference. This Saturday’s meeting would tell the tale. There was no way to predict how many would show up at the meeting. Without the community involvement the project would fail.

  Sammy tried to put the center out of his mind and get some work done. He knew everyone was engrossed in the center, but he hoped they would at least attempt to do their jobs. They still had a hospital to run and their patients deserved their total attention. As much as he and the family wanted this project to succeed he couldn’t let their responsibilities to their patients diminish. Did he know the answer to balance between their jobs and the center? No, but he knew he was the head of the family and this department of the hospital. He was expected to make the right decisions, but sometimes it was over whelming!

  Sammy was working on admissions when Jeff came into his office. Jeff wanted to talk to him about the center. Sammy chuckled, “Yeah, I’m sure that’s on everyone’s mind. What’s up?” Jeff replied, “I really want this to happen!”

  “Yeah, I know you do, but you must understand the gangs have a tight grip on the neighborhood and the people that live there are frightened by their presence. If we can’t get them involved, then all the work and money is for nothing. They have to want this just as much as we do.” Jeff agreed and then added, “I don’t believe they are going to trust us with just one meeting. I have an idea. I want to give up my job here and move into the center; just me and the vets. I can over see everything, get out into the community and get to know the people in the neighborhood. But more important they will get to know me.” With a concerned look on his face, Sammy said, “I don’t know about that, Jeff. If we can’t get the center going, I’m not real sure I can get you hired back here. Plus, the more you are known around the community the more the gangs are going to target you. I’m not going to lose one of my brothers over this.”

  “Come on, Sammy, I’ve been through a war. Plus, I will have our vet friends with me. You know how we watch each other’s back. As far as I can figure, this is the only way it will work. I intend to do everything I can to make this happen.” Sammy said, “Ok, we’ll tell the family after work. We will meet at our usual restaurant and discuss it. I’ll call Mama and ask her to watch the kids.”

  They were all together when Sammy said, “Before we start, there are a few things I want to say. This is an important project we are undertaking. I want you to realize that it is going to take a lot of planning, money, work, and it may not be safe. Unless we get the community behind us, it’s not going to work. I’m proud of each one of you for the dedication you have shown. Having said that, I want you to remember that we have a responsibility to the veterans at the hospital. They are counting on us and I refuse to let them down for any reason. I expect everyone to devote their time and effort to them first. This project is second! With that in mind, Jeff has come to me with a proposal and I have decided to back him up
on it. Jeff the floor is yours.”

  Jeff explained his intentions. Everyone sat there in total silence. When he finished, Linda looked at Vickie and asked her how she felt about this. Vickie said, “I am not happy about it, but I will support my husband.” Sammy asked if anyone had any comments. Dale said, “I think it’s a great idea. Jeff can take care of himself. It will take a lot of pressure off the rest of us. We would still do what we can, but Jeff would be there to coordinate everything.” Sammy said, “It’s settled then. Jeff, I insist you don’t move in until the vets get here. And, under no circumstance are you to wonder off by yourself. Agreed?” Jeff agreed.

  Sharon, Vickie and Linda had put together a list of things to be done before the vets arrived. Linda stated, “We have made some phone calls and got estimates. It’s going to take a lot of money even if we do the painting and cleaning ourselves. With us working full time at the hospital, I am not sure we can be ready for them.” Sharon made the comment, that if the people in the neighborhood would chip in they could get it ready. Dale said, “I’m not sure that is going to happen. Getting them to the point they do not fear the gangs is going to be hard. I believe we must show them we are as strong as the gangs.” Vickie said, “And just how do you purpose we do that?” Dale just looked at Vickie. Sammy said, “The same way we did in Vietnam; by standing up to them.” A few sparks began to fly. “Wait a minute” Linda said. “Are you talking about guns? You heard what the cops said; NO WAR.” Sammy said, “Yes, and you heard what I said; we will defend ourselves!”

  For the first time Sharon spoke. “I want to say something. I want this project to succeed as much as anyone, but you are my family and now you are talking about going to war with a bunch of thugs that have no problem shooting you. There must be another way!” Sammy’s rebuttal was, “No, we are not going to war with the gangs! Let me explain something. Those people are cowards. They hide behind threats and numbers. The only reason they are successful is because they intimidate everyone around them. They don’t want a war because cops would cover the neighborhood and disrupt their drug trade. All we are talking about is a show of force; let them know that we are not going to back down or cower under their threats.” Sharon wanted to know if guns would be involved. “I hope not, but we will defend ourselves. We will get this center open and we will do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Are we all in?” Everyone responded with a resounding yes. Linda knew that once Sammy made up his mind, there was no stopping him. This made her extremely nervous.

  The next day at work, Sammy was in his office working on some paperwork when there was a knock on his door. Three men walked in; one older guy and two young guys. Sammy noticed they all had military haircuts. The older guy shook Sammy’s hand and said, “My name is Master Sergeant Daniel Gillis, this is Corporal Billy Shelton and Corporal Donald Tillson. You can call me Daniel.” Sammy said, “Ok. How can I help you?” Daniel said, “You can’t help us because we are here to help you! We are with the 5th Special Forces Division and heard what you are trying to do with the community center and the problems you are facing. We have been in contact with the leader of the vets are coming here Saturday and another group the following week.” Sammy stood there dumbfounded, “I don’t know what to say.” Sergeant Gillis said, “Don’t say anything. Oh, by the way, one of the guys you saved in Vietnam was my brother. This is the least we can do! The other two you saved will be here next week as well with some equipment we need. They will be working with us!”

  “Equipment?” Sammy asked. “Don’t worry about it. You’ll see when they get here.” Daniel replied. Sammy was concerned that with this show of force on the streets, all-out war with the gangs would occur and the community center would never be opened. Daniel assured him, “We are not here to start a war! We are here to make sure everyone is safe and to show the gangs they can’t intimidate us. Just a small show of force! We did some recon of the area before we came here. The gang’s strength is about 75 to 80 members. We know who the leaders are, and we will put them in their place!”

  “How do you plan to do that?” asked Sammy. With a grin on his face and a chuckle in his voice, Daniel said, “The six of us are more than capable of handling the gang without starting a war. We will just appeal to their better nature.” Sammy wasn’t sure they had a better nature. “Well, we’ll see!” said Daniel.

  Continuing, Daniel told Sammy it would be better if no one knew they were there. “So, please DO NOT tell your family or anyone else about us. This is just between you and me. We are here to keep everyone safe and to drive the gangs out; let us do it our way! We have secured our base of operations and brought some of the equipment we need. My brother will be bringing the rest. You will get your community center opened! You just work on getting the people behind you and we will take care of the rest. The gangs will resist at first, but they will come around to our way of thinking. When you cut off their supply of drugs, you dry up their supply of money. Then they lose their stronghold on the neighborhood and stop being a threat to the community. Guess what happens then? Maybe, just maybe, the young people will start coming to the center! We are here because the police can’t stop the gangs. The police have rules they have to play by; the gangs don’t! We don’t either! We can go where a cop can’t. It is vital to our operation that no one, including the cops, know we are here! Do you understand that?” Sammy said an emphatic YES.

  The three men left. Even though Sammy sat at his desk stunned, he had a good feeling the community center was going to become a reality! A couple of hours later the phone rang. The voice on the other end of the line said, “Sammy, this is Kenneth Davis one of the wounded vets you helped when you were volunteering at the VA. You helped me through some very tough times. As a result, I’ve been able to move on with my life. Thank you.” Sammy said, “Your welcome! Glad to hear you are ok.” Kenneth said, “Yes, I am and that is the reason I am calling. I am now a reporter for the Chicago Sun and there are several things we need to talk about, but not over the phone and not now. We know everything about you. I have been following your career since I left the VA. I am also aware of your adopted family. Is there a place where you can get your family together and talk?”

  “Yes” said Sammy. “We have a favorite restaurant we go to for meetings after work. Why don’t you join us there and I will treat you to dinner?” Sammy gave Kenneth the address and Kenneth said he would be there.

  After Sammy hung up, he called Linda and asked her to step into his office. Linda came in and sat down and told her about the phone call from Kenneth, but omitted the part about Daniel and the others. He didn’t like the ideal of keeping it from his wife, but he understood why Daniel was persistent. It also meant that if Linda knew about them she would worry that Sammy would get caught up in it. Sammy told her to do her thing and get the family together after work at their favorite eating place and hear what Kenneth has to say. Linda said she would and then said, “Things are progressing faster than we thought it would. Amazing!” Sammy agreed. “You realize, Linda, it all boils down to Saturday and how much the neighborhood is behind this. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  That evening Kenneth met the family at the restaurant. After introductions were made, Kenneth explained what he was going to do and what resources were coming. Until the gangs are under control he strongly suggested the ladies stay away from the neighborhood. “Tomorrow morning one of our volunteers who is a CPA will be here to help you set up a bank account and all the paperwork needed to accept donations. The Chicago Sun is going to start your donations with $100K. Tomorrow afternoon I have scheduled a news conference with the media to explain what we are doing and hopefully get more people involved. The more aware people are, the greater chance of success. This will also entice the community to attend the meeting Saturday, we hope.”

  The family members were all in shock. “How did you know about the Saturday meeting?” asked Jeff. “I have been thoroughly briefed on everything” Kenneth replied. “We have already done the reco
n of the area. We began that as soon as you made the phone call asking for help.”

  “I don’t know what to say” said Sammy. “Don’t say anything” replied Kenneth. “The work and dedication you people give our wounded vets is amazing and that’s the least we can do. Believe me, we are turning people down that want to come and help. The headcount of vets coming to help has increased to thirty-five. That’s all we can handle right now. This community center will be opened, and the gangs will be controlled!” Sammy explained to Kenneth how Jeff wanted to work on the center full time. Kenneth told them that was an excellent idea. Jeff could be the point of contact man and coordinate everything. Kenneth said, “One more thing, I really need to talk to the guys alone for a few minutes.” Linda informed Kenneth that whatever he had to say could be said in front of the whole family. Sammy looked at Linda then turned toward Kenneth and said, “Yes, go ahead.”

  With a stern look on his face, Kenneth stated, “Ok, our recon tells us that the gangs are gearing up to stop you. They are telling the community that anyone that cooperates with you will be dealt with.” Linda asked, “Does that mean guns?” Kenneth responded, “Yes! That is why I suggest we treat this as a military operation. We need to have a show of force. The cops will help us out but only to a certain point. We really are going to have to do this on our own. City hall wants the neighborhood cleaned out and the gangs gone but they don’t want a blood bath either. So, we must do this tactfully. If we do this right, it will change a lot of lives. Isn’t that the reason for the whole thing?” Everyone agreed whole heartedly.


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