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Firewall Page 9

by Sierra Riley

  Now people were paying more attention to him and didn’t look uncomfortable to be in his presence. Justin wasn’t used to this but he had to steel himself and play it up. Whenever he had the chance, he threw out the building of his new firm. Through these people, he might be able to find workers and other valuable helpers.

  By the end of the event, Justin was so relaxed that he was actually joking around. Once or twice, he got a light elbow in the side, which probably signaled not to go any further with the line of conversation, but he otherwise seemed to be doing fine by Calder’s standards. It was tricky for Justin to know how far to take a conversation sometimes. A lot of times, jokes went over his head, since he required a bit more time to think about them.

  A newfound confidence was emerging from within and Justin loved it.

  It was almost time to go. Justin couldn’t believe they had spent nearly all afternoon there. So many people had come and gone but Calder had been determined to keep them there. Justin was starting to get tired by all the stimulation at this point.

  “All right, I think we’re good to go,” Calder insisted. Calder was so observant that Justin had little doubt that he knew Justin was on the verge of burning out.

  “Okay, let me just find Laura and let her know that we’re going,” Justin said with a nod, scanning the crowd.

  “Hey, aren’t you Justin West?” a girl nearby asked.

  “Yeah, that’s me.”

  “My brother worked with you.”

  Nervousness crept up, a little shiver crawling up the back of Justin’s neck. “Oh?”

  “His name is Wallace. Do you know him?”

  Justin went rigid and swallowed. “Yeah, I know him.” Did she know what kind of asshole Wallace was? She had to.

  Calder pressed a hand to the small of Justin’s back. The touch grounded him and reminded him that Calder was there for him.

  “H-How’s he doing these days?” Justin asked, trying to make conversation but keep it light as well.

  “He’s been okay,” the girl shrugged. “He still talks about you a lot, though, and about how great you were. I think he was always a bit jealous, to be honest.”

  Justin laughed meekly. “Of me?”

  “Yeah, he likes to think of himself as being the brainiest brain that ever brained,” she chuckled. “And I think he may have had a crush on you.”

  Wallace had been interested? Oh, man, everything really made a whole lot more sense now. If Justin had been more vigilant, maybe a lot of the mess could ‘have been avoided.

  “Sir, we have other things to do,” Calder spoke up in a calm, firm voice. Hearing himself addressed as “sir” intrigued Justin, but he couldn’t focus on the shivers that it gave him right now.

  “Yes, we do, you’re right. Anyway, it was nice speaking to you,” Justin said to the girl, who wasn’t too much younger than himself. He had no intention of getting her name and just wanted to get out of there.

  Calder guided him away from the girl and toward the front door.

  “What about Laura?” Justin murmured.

  “You can catch up with her later. I think it’s best that you leave the premises right now.”

  Justin wasn’t going to argue. Even as he walked away with Calder, his mind was racing. It wasn’t until they were safely in Calder’s car that Justin brushed his hands quickly back through his hair and stared at him.

  “He did have a crush on me. I really should’ve known.” If he had known and dealt with it, maybe none of this would be happening.

  Then again, if none of this was happening, Calder wouldn’t be there with him right now.

  “Calm down,” Calder soothed as he started up the car and drove away.

  “He’s going to know about the firm now.”

  “He was bound to find out about it, anyway.”

  “What if he tries to sabotage it?”

  “I’m here to help prevent that. Justin, we’re taking you to the top and I’m going to make sure you get there safely, all right?”

  Justin swallowed as he gazed out the window at the passing cars and buildings. Silence fell between them, and that was fine with him. It gave him time to recover and calm himself down. The event hadn’t been overly noisy but it didn’t take much to make Justin tired.

  “You did good today,” Calder spoke up after a few minutes.

  Justin tore his gaze away from the window and locked it on Calder. “I did?”

  “It took you a bit to warm up but when you did, you were doing really well. You were much more approachable. We have to work on some of the topics you chose to talk about but...”

  Justin frowned. “I think they were all perfectly suitable topics.”

  “No, they really weren’t,” Calder laughed.

  Justin blushed with embarrassment, but had to laugh at himself. “You did pretty well at the event, too.”

  “Mm? What do you mean?”

  “A lot of people were attracted to you.”

  Calder grinned, glancing between the road and Justin. “So, you don’t notice some guy hitting on you at work for ages but go to one event with me and you’re suddenly aware?”

  Justin opened his mouth to protest but closed it again with a huff, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Were you jealous?” Calder followed up.

  “No, that’d be ridiculous,” Justin stubbornly snorted.

  “If it helps, I was a little jealous, too.”

  Justin was surprised, snapping his head back around to stare at Calder. “You were? When?”

  “Near the end of the event, there were a lot of people interested in you. The guy with blue hair, for one.”

  Justin paused for a moment to recall that guy. He really was clueless when it came to recognizing when people were flirting with him. He hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary with the conversation. Maybe because he had been too busy bragging about his collection of drones.

  Some things never changed.

  “Maybe he just really likes drones.”

  Calder laughed, shaking his head. “He was definitely interested in more than drones.”

  “Why are people interested in me in the first place? I’m nothing special.”

  “That’s not true at all,” Calder asserted. The sternness to Calder’s voice caught Justin off-guard. “Sure, you may be a bit on the socially awkward side but you have lots to offer, Justin.”

  “I do?”

  “Yeah. Once you’ve come out of your shell a bit, you’re expressive and passionate. Even if some of what you say goes over people’s heads, they can’t help but to listen.”

  Justin leaned more into his chair and adjusted his glasses. “I never really thought about that.” Geeking out was a turn-on?

  “So don’t beat yourself up over things like that. It might take a little more practice for you to find someone but I’m sure you will, if that’s what you really want.”

  Justin’s heartstrings twisted as he nipped his bottom lip.

  But I want you.

  The silence that fell now was more awkward than anything else before. While Calder was so good at getting people to talk, he rarely revealed anything about his innermost thoughts.

  But the fact that Calder had admitted that even he had been jealous had been amazing. What insecurities did Calder have to cause those insecurities?

  Maybe that kiss they’d had hadn’t been completely out of the blue.



  The charity event had gone well enough. Justin had really come into his own during it and it had been amazing to see. He knew socializing wasn’t easy for Justin, but he was glad to see Justin giving it his best.

  Justin had really glowed that afternoon once he had got into it. Everyone tended to write Justin off, not giving him a chance to warm up, but today was different. Today, people had been able to see more of Justin than he normally had a chance to share. Today had seemed to be a good day for Justin.

  As oddly pleasing as it was to see Justin
flourish, it had caused just a hint of jealousy as well, which had taken Calder by surprise. He really hadn’t been expecting that, although he should ‘have.

  But what exactly made him feel threatened? Was it the worry that Justin would suddenly become so popular that he wouldn’t have time for Calder? Through his work with A-list people, Calder had seen many relationships crash and burn. No, it was ridiculous to think on that kind of scale but he couldn’t help it. Everyone experienced similar fears at some point in their lives.

  Calder had more important things to worry about than that right now. Wallace’s sister had confirmed that Wallace had had feelings for Justin. As much as Calder liked to think that Wallace was going to do the smart thing and stay away, his history said otherwise. Plus, if jealousy about Justin’s work was an issue, then Wallace sabotaging Justin’s new firm was a real possibility.

  Calder was believing more and more that Wallace had been the one that got Justin fired. He didn’t have solid proof but he had to trust the little signs and his instincts. He had seen scenarios similar to this play over and over.

  He had to keep Justin protected at all costs.

  Now back at Justin’s place, Calder moved to the office while Justin retreated to his room to place some video games in peace. Calder used this time to catch up on his work and take down his notes.

  Things were pretty quiet for the next couple of days, with the convention being right around the corner. Calder was absorbed in learning as much about the Security Secrets convention as possible and also about Justin’s new firm. For the most part, Calder let Justin do his own thing, although he had to help with a lot of it still because of his position as a personal assistant.

  Working closely with Justin on the business front was interesting, too, and it gave Calder a better glimpse into Justin’s world. And his mind. It was amazing watching him work. While Justin seemed to have a lot of things under control, Calder still got in touch with accountants and lawyers on Justin’s behalf to make sure they were doing everything right.

  With Justin investing so much in this new dream, the last thing Calder wanted was for him to crash and burn. Helping Justin get his own business on track kept Calder’s mind off the fact that he didn’t have anything lined up after their contract was done.

  He’d worry about that later.

  And, of course, he was worried about Wallace being at the convention, too. He hoped Wallace wouldn’t cause a scene. At the same time, though, he burned to discover if Wallace really was the one behind Justin getting fired. At least then, Justin would have closure on that incident. If he wanted to pursue something in court, there’d be something to work with.

  That afternoon, Calder was in his office doing some work when he caught movement on the computer surveillance screen. He lifted his head, spotting two women approaching the front steps. He recognized them as Laura and Sarah.

  Calder pushed away from his desk and headed downstairs just as the doorbell rang. He moved to get it but Justin had already beaten him to it, which annoyed him greatly. He should ‘have been the one to get the door. What if it had been Wallace or anyone else that meant Justin harm? Calder would have to have a talk with Justin about that later.

  “Good afternoon!” Laura said as Justin opened the door.

  “Good afternoon,” Justin returned, then grunted as he was hugged. Laura’s hug was strong and fierce while Justin looked like he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with his arms.

  Justin didn’t even hug his family that much?

  “Hello, Calder,” Laura smiled as she stepped inside with Sarah close behind.

  “Hello,” Sarah greeted, nodding toward them both.

  “Anyone want anything to drink?” Justin offered.

  “I’ll have a soda,” Laura responded.

  “I’ll get it,” Calder offered, deciding to play up the personal assistant role, even though they were at home. “Anyone else want anything?” When both Justin and Sarah asked for sodas as well, Calder headed off into the kitchen.

  He hadn’t been expecting Laura and Sarah at all but Justin hadn’t been surprised. Had Justin invited them over without consulting with him? Calder definitely needed to go over some ground rules again.

  When he returned with four sodas, the trio were already comfortably seated on the couch. They were all talking lowly amongst themselves but stopped suddenly when Calder appeared. He eyed them suspiciously but no one gave him an inch.

  “Here you go.” Calder handed sodas out to everyone and took a seat near Justin. What had that been about? Calder was half-tempted to slip off to the surveillance room and check the tapes but that’d be overkill. Judging by the all-too-innocent looks on their faces, he had a feeling it had been gossip that he wasn’t privy to.

  “So, the charity went well!” Laura enthused after accepting and cracking open her soda. “We raised a lot more money than I thought we would, which will be great for getting more books.”

  “And how did the books that people dropped off do?” Calder asked.

  Laura made a face. “Some of them were gems but most of it not so much. Some of them weren’t even gay literature! Oh, well. You win some, you lose some. All in all, it was a great night. But enough about me, I want to hear more about you.”

  Calder sipped his soda, sitting straight and calm as always. “What do you want to know?”

  “I know you were working a pretty good gig back in Los Angeles. What made you accept a job with my brother?”

  “I wanted a change of pace, and what kind of guy would I be if I didn’t help my best friend?”

  Laura and Sarah exchanged quick glances from their corners of their eyes that Justin might have missed but Calder caught. It was clear that they were digging for something more.

  “And he’s been great, too,” Justin spoke up. “It’s been good having him here these past few days. I didn’t realize how quiet the house was.”

  Calder’s chest tightened at these words as he gazed to Justin.

  “No?” Laura prompted.

  “The house is a bit big for a bachelor.”

  “And that’s not going to change anytime soon?” Laura asked.

  Calder eyed Laura and there was no denying that mischievous look.

  Justin looked a little confused for a moment but then blushed. “Oh, stop it. We’re just friends.”

  Friends that happened to fool around—friends with benefits? Even if it was just once?

  Laura smiled and sat back. “Sorry. I just know you’re both single and a big sister’s always going to want the best for her kid brother.”

  Calder barely managed to hide his surprise. Did Laura think that he was the best for Justin? The thought made him warm inside.

  “Anyway,” Sarah spoke up. “Tell us more about this new company you’re starting.”

  The conversation flowed more easily once they steered away from the awkward relationship subject. Calder listened to Justin lay out his plans for the new IT security firm, excited about it. That spike in energy was addictive and this was a side of Justin that Calder always enjoyed seeing.

  And after the business conversation, Calder gently steered it back to Laura and Sarah, although Justin seemed more than eager to keep talking about himself. Some things never changed but Calder was helping Justin work on that.

  “Well, we won’t keep you guys,” Laura announced as she rose to her feet. “We better be going.”

  “Thanks for dropping by,” Justin said. “I’ll walk you out to your car.”

  When Laura, Sarah, and Justin slipped on their shoes and headed outside, Calder stepped out onto the front steps. He surveyed the surroundings and didn’t see any immediate threat. Once Justin was at the car with Laura, Calder saw Laura hand Justin a large bag. Then, a few moments later, the car drove off as everyone waved.

  Justin walked back up the lane to rejoin Calder, the bag at his side. “That went well, huh?”

  “I didn’t know they were coming,” Calder said casually while giving Justin a mo
re pointed look as they both stepped back inside.

  “Oh, I probably should’ve told you...”

  “Yeah, that would’ve been good—as both your bodyguard and your PA.”

  Justin winced. “Sorry, it slipped my mind.”

  “Don’t let it slip too much. I need to be in the know, too.”

  Justin looked guilty and glanced away. Calder wasn’t too mad at Justin but how could he be, anyway, with a cute look like that?

  “Anyway, what’s in the bag?” Calder asked to defuse the situation.

  Justin lifted the bag and held it out for Calder, looking up and meeting his eyes. “It’s for you.”

  Calder furrowed his brow and accepted the bag, then opened it. Carefully, he removed a canvas. It was the same waterfall painting that he had been admiring at the silent charity auction the night before.

  “Justin...!” Calder let the bag drop away to hold the painting up and admire it.

  “I saw how much you liked it and couldn’t resist.”

  “How much did you pay for it?”

  “I’m not telling you that. Just enjoy the gift.”

  Calder laughed, looking between the painting and Justin. “I do. Thank you. I can hang it up in the guestroom.”

  “Your room,” Justin corrected. “You’re welcome to stay in that room as long as you want.”

  Calder wasn’t sure what to say as his grip tightened on the painting. Up close, the painting was even more magnificent, since the brushstrokes were more visible.

  And Justin had gotten him this as a gift. His mind flashed back to the night before where Justin had put in his ballot. Of course it had been to get it as a gift. Calder had dismissed it as a piece Justin wanted for himself as well.

  His mind was still reeling from the fact that Justin had invited him to stay indefinitely, too. How long would that invitation really stand?

  “I’ll bring it upstairs,” Calder said.

  “We could find room down here. It’d be a shame not to show it off,” Justin uttered as he glanced around.


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