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Jennifer and the Alien Badass

Page 5

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Siril watched, his gaze heated. The clenched fists at his sides said he wanted to touch her, but for some reason he refrained. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than his hands on her body. Reaching for one of his fists, she unfurled his fingers and placed his palm over her breast. Her nipple puckered in response and a jolt of desire shot through her.

  His grip was light as he explored her body, and his callused fingertips gave her goose bumps. Siril gripped her waist and lifted her, laying her down across the seat of the limo, he braced his arms on either side of her and settled between her legs. Her heart pounded in her chest, feeling like it was running a race. Slowly, his head lowered to hers. He hesitated only a moment before brushing his lips against hers. They were warm and firm, and she melted as his tongue swept inside for a taste. Siril took his time. The kiss was languid, as if he wanted to savor every moment.

  Jennifer slid her hands up his arms to grip his biceps. His muscles flexed and she moaned as her pussy pulsed with need. Her panties felt soaked, and if he teased her much more, her jeans would be too. Her thighs encased his hips and she could feel the hard ridge of his cock as he pressed against her. It seemed he was proportionate everywhere, and that thought alone almost made her come. Too many layers, too many clothes. She wanted to feel all of him, skin to skin.

  The limo hit a bump and they tumbled to the floor. Jennifer ended up on top of Siril once more and couldn’t help but laugh. He smiled up at her, also amused by the situation. Pressing against him, she thoroughly kissed him before unsteadily climbing off. As much as he said he loved the boots, they had to come off for her jeans to do the same. The limo toppled her onto her butt, startling another laugh from her, as she tugged off one shoe then the other. Jennifer shimmied out of her jeans and panties before sliding to the floor again. Siril had eased his pants down, but seemed hesitant to remove them completely. She’d give him time and show him that he was sexy just the way he was, metal leg and all. Next time, she’d get his clothes off.

  “Just so you know, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been with anyone,” Jennifer said. “So, I’m clean. I mean, I’m not carrying anything.”

  “I’m thoroughly tested after every mission,” Siril said.

  Straddling him, she reached between their bodies and held his cock as she eased down onto his length. A moan tore from her lips as he stretched her. When she’d taken all of him, she rocked her hips and splayed her hands across his abdomen. Siril’s hands gripped her hips as she rode him. Every stroke was more delicious than the last, and her need became stronger. Sweat coated her skin and her breath came out in pants as she chased after the incredible sensations that were rolling through her, knowing there was more to come.

  Siril groaned beneath her and she felt his cock pulse. He was close, but her orgasm was just out of reach. She needed… something.

  “Touch me,” she begged. “Make me come.”

  His hand cupped her breast and tweaked her nipple. Shockwaves of pleasure shot to her clit, but it wasn’t enough. Jennifer reached between her splayed legs and teased the bundle of nerves. So close. She rode him harder, faster. Siril pinched down on her nipple as her fingers flew over her clit, smaller tighter circles, until she was screaming out her release.

  Siril gripped her hips and thrust upward, spilling himself inside of her. Thankfully she didn’t have to worry about pregnancy, courtesy of a little procedure she’d had done when Lila was born.

  Out of breath, and more relaxed than she’d been in forever, she collapsed onto his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat. His arms came around her and they just laid in the bottom of the limo, basking in the afterglow. The moment was perfect and she wished it could last forever.

  After they’d caught their breath, they pulled their clothes back on and Siril tapped on the dividing window, asking the driver to return to the Terran Station. Jennifer eased onto the seat next to him, their hands clasped. They’d had one hell of a first date, and she couldn’t imagine they would ever top it. Their first time together would always be a fond memory for her, and she hoped Siril felt the same. No words were necessary as they cuddled on the seat and enjoyed what was left of the ride. At the Terran Station, the driver opened the door and Siril slid out first, helping her out of the limo.

  “I guess this is goodbye, at least for now,” she said.

  “You’re going home?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be there in about fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on how many red lights I hit. Thank you for tonight.”

  He brushed his lips against hers. “I’ll walk you to your vehicle. Even though this area is safe, you can never be too careful.”

  “And here I thought you believed me to be a badass who could handle herself.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt. I’m more worried about your attacker. I’m sure you’d land a direct hit to his balls and he’d never be the same again.”

  Jennifer threw back her head and laughed. “Well, if he’s mugging women, then he deserves a good kick in the balls.”


  She led him to her car and popped the locks, but she wasn’t ready for the night to end just yet. Going up on tiptoe, she pulled his head down for another kiss. Her body warmed and her pussy tingled, more than ready for another round. Perhaps one night he could prove that he’d turn her legs to Jell-O. He’d done a pretty damn good job of rocking her world tonight, but the limo had limited what they could do. It made her eager to see what would happen if they were ever alone in a bedroom.

  “May I pick you up in the morning?” he asked.

  “Fifty-five Mulberry Lane. It’s a mint green house with white trim. You’ll see my car in the driveway. Just not too early. I’m not a morning person.”

  “You don’t work tomorrow?”

  “I took today and tomorrow off, not knowing what I was going to do about Lila. I’ll have to go back the day after, though, or I might lose my job. Chain stores don’t generally care if you have a personal crisis. They put you on the schedule and expect you to be there.”

  “Then I’ll enjoy tomorrow with you, and do my best to convince you to return to my world with me the day after. Then you won’t need your job.”

  She smiled, rather liking that plan.

  Siril stood in the parking lot as she got into her car and drove away. As she pulled onto the street, she saw him watching her. Jennifer waved, even though she wasn’t certain he could see her, then she headed for home. She’d gotten to live in another world for a short time, a place where limo rides and expensive restaurants were an everyday thing. For her, the night had been a once in a lifetime experience. She’d had the best meal she’d ever tasted, ridden in a limo for the first time, and had the most incredible sex ever. And with an alien no less. She wasn’t sure anything would ever top tonight.

  Her street was quiet when she got home, but getting out of her car, she was still ever vigilant. She wasn’t exactly in the “bad” part of town, but she was on the fringes. Close enough she still dealt with drug dealers and burglars. The house she was renting had been broken into three times over the last few years, but her landlord still refused to install more secure windows or one of those security doors. Thankfully, she didn’t have much of anything someone would want, but they always made a mess when they broke in.

  She let herself into her house, locked the door, and flipped on the lights. Tonight hadn’t gone as she’d planned. While she at least knew where Lila was, if she didn’t go with Siril, she’d never see her daughter again. It still hurt, knowing that Lila had run away, had planned to never see her again. It had just been the two of them for eighteen years and now she was alone. The house didn’t feel as welcoming, knowing she’d never hear her daughter talking down the hall or laughing with her friends. She’d built her life around her child, and now she had nothing to show for it.

  “I hate my job. I hate this house. I hate my car. The only thing I loved about my life was Lila, and she left me.” Jennifer flopped onto the couch. She pull
ed off her boots and tossed them onto the floor then stretched out, her head resting on a throw pillow. If there was nothing she liked about her life, what was the point? She’d liked being with Siril tonight. It was hard to picture spending the rest of her life with him, knowing so little about him, but there was nothing keeping her here.

  Except Lila. If her daughter had gone to another world to escape her, how would Lila feel when Jennifer showed up anyway? Her daughter had hurt her deeply, but she still loved her and wanted what was best for her. If Lila needed to be on another planet in order to find her happiness, should Jennifer leave her alone? It was hard, thinking about never seeing her again. And lonely. So damn lonely.

  Even if she didn’t go to another planet, it didn’t mean she had to stay here. She had her money in savings. She could use it to start over somewhere -- but it wouldn’t change the fact she was alone. No matter what city, state, or country she travelled to, it would still just be her. There was nothing wrong with being alone; plenty of people did it every day. But she was older now and wanted someone to share her life with. She’d never thought about what would happen when Lila grew up and moved out on her own. She’d always taken things one day at a time.

  Tomorrow. She’d see Siril again tomorrow, spend more time with him, and then she’d have to give him her answer. He made her laugh. No one had made her laugh in a long time. And he’d made her feel safe. Spending time with him had been effortless, almost as if they were supposed to be together. Which was ridiculous. Jennifer didn’t believe in fate, not so much anyway. She did, however, trust her instincts, and they were screaming that Siril was someone she could trust, that he’d take care of her if she let him. She’d taken care of herself for so long, having someone by her side to help during the stressful times sounded nice.

  And he was sexy as hell. He looked intimidating because of his size and eye patch, which worked for him. He claimed to be the best at what he did, and she believed him. There was a dangerous vibe about him, and yet he’d been tender with her, shown her a softer side of himself. A vulnerable side. It showed how strong he was, that he’d allowed her to catch that glimpse. Not many men would show any sign of what they deemed a weakness, but he’d let her in.

  She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but she looked forward to spending more time with him. Just the thought of his arms being around her, his lips against hers, was enough to make her smile and anticipation to hum in her veins. It had been a long time since she’d reacted to someone so strongly, if ever. Was this what that fabled love at first sight felt like? She didn’t kid herself into believing she loved Siril, but she definitely liked the hell out of him.

  She stretched then rolled to her feet. Padding down the hall, she decided calling it a night early was the right thing to do. The sooner she went to sleep, the sooner morning would get here. And with morning would come Siril.

  Chapter Five

  Siril stared at the structure in front him before surveying the neighborhood. The homes were old, their paint faded. Most of the vehicles were dented or rusted. Her driveway was cracked, but the windows of her home sparkled. She might not have much, but she seemed to take care of what she had. What would she think of his home on Zelthrane-3? It would be a palace compared to this place. He made his way up to her front door and knocked loudly, hoping she was awake. He’d waited until seven, even though he’d been awake since five this morning.

  After a few minutes, he knocked again. When Jennifer still didn’t answer the door, he began to worry. She was home alone. What if she’d fallen and hurt herself? Or what if someone had broken in and harmed her? Gripping the knob tight, he twisted until the lock snapped then put his shoulder against the door to break the second lock. The wood frame around the door gave a loud crack and the door flew open. He’d owe her a new one, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it.

  The house was even smaller than he’d imagined and he found her room easily. She was tangled amongst her bedding, her hair wild about her head and an arm flung out. Her toes peeked beneath the edge of the blanket. Relief filled him, then amusement. The woman could sleep through anything. Gripping the bottom of her bedding, he eased the covers off her body until they pooled on the floor.

  She grumbled in her sleep and reached for them blindly before huffing and cuddling closer to her pillow. Siril sat on the edge of the bed and caged her body between his arms. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers. Jennifer hummed in her sleep and wound an arm around his neck. When he drew away, she was still dozing. With a shake of his head, he stood and then pressed his hands up and down on the mattress, shaking the bed until she jolted awake.

  “What? What’s…” She blinked up at him. “Siril? How did you get in my home?”

  “I broke your door.”

  Her eyes went wide and she looked from him to the open bedroom door then back again. “You broke my door? As in the front door? It was bolted!”

  He shrugged. “Not anymore.”

  “How do I explain to my landlord that an alien broke my door?” she demanded.

  “I’ll pay to replace the door. When you didn’t answer, I worried something had happened to you.”

  “I’m fine. What time is it?” She squinted toward the window. “Why does it look like the sun is still rising?”

  “Because it is.”

  “Seriously? You’re waking me up before the sun’s even all the way up?”

  He frowned and looked at her window. “The sun is up. There’s light outside.”

  Jennifer sighed and buried her head under her pillow.

  Siril ran a hand up one of her shapely legs until his fingers brushed the hem of her shorts. The pillow shifted enough that she could peek from under it. He let his hand wander a little higher, a groan torn from him when he realized she didn’t have on anything under the shorts. Siril adjusted himself and heard Jennifer snicker. At least she was amused by the situation. If her front door weren’t broken, he’d have stripped and crawled into the bed with her. Doubtful she’d be laughing then. She’d be too busy screaming his name.

  “Whatever is required for you to be ready, get up and do it,” he said.

  “Oohh. Bossy. Someone hasn’t had their morning coffee yet.”

  He sighed and reminded himself that she was damn cute before turning and leaving her to get ready. He’d have used his time to explore her home, but he could stand near the front door and see pretty much everything. The kitchen and dining area were all one room. Her living room was small and only had a couch and TV. He’d been so focused yesterday on how sexy she was, and how fierce, that he hadn’t noticed the tell-tale signs that she was hurting for money. Her boots lay by the couch. He bent down to retrieve one, remembering how great they’d looked on her. But now he saw the soles were well-worn and didn’t have much thickness left.

  Even if she didn’t go to Zelthrane-3 with him, maybe she would accept a little money. Since her daughter had signed up for the bride program, she was owed some money to his way of thinking. Usually families received some cash as an apology for their loved one moving so far away, but that hadn’t happened with Jennifer and her daughter. He wondered if Lila had requested the money be delivered to her account instead of her mother’s. If that were the case, she was a selfish brat and her mother was better off without her.

  Jennifer stumbled out of her bedroom and into a room off the hall. A door slammed and he went to check out the rest of the space. He assumed she was in the bathroom, and he’d seen her room. He was curious about the daughter’s sleeping space. The room was smaller than the other bedroom, but not by much. The walls were a soft lavender and while it was obvious Jennifer had tossed the place looking for clues to her daughter’s whereabouts, he now saw where most of her money had gone. The closet stood open and it was still bursting with clothes and shoes. There was a TV on the dresser and a bookshelf full of movies.

  Jennifer had been wearing her shoes almost all the way through, and her daughter had all this abundance, and had sti
ll abandoned her mother. What she needed was a firm hand across her ass until she couldn’t sit down. He pitied whatever male ended up with her. It was obvious that she didn’t appreciate the things she was given, and would likely demand more, even if her male couldn’t afford it. He’d met females like her before and wondered how she’d slipped into the program. There were personality tests to help weed out that sort.

  Disgust filled him and he left the room. While he waited for Jennifer to finish, he called the Terran Station and arranged for someone to come replace her front door. He was assured someone would come by to keep an eye on the place until the new door was in place and the keys would be waiting for them at the station when they’d finished their outing. It took a while for Jennifer to finish getting ready, and by the time she was done, one of the maintenance crew from the station had arrived.

  Jennifer came into the living room wearing another pair of jeans that showed off her legs, and another off the shoulder top, this time in mint green. She pulled on her boots while eyeing the new alien in her living space then came forward.

  “Is he going with us?” she asked.

  “No. This is Kwintex. He’s going to remain here until your door is replaced, then we’ll pick up your new keys from the Terran Station later.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Kwintex.”

  Kwintex smiled and winked at her. Siril hid his annoyance and reached for Jennifer, pulling her against his side. She fit perfectly, and felt so damn right pressed against him. He hoped that things went well today and she agreed to move to his world with him. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than her as his mate. He escorted her outside to the waiting limo. She paused on her front stoop and stared at it before casting a glance around her neighborhood. There was a woman across the street, peering out around a curtain, but otherwise he didn’t see anyone around.


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