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Dangerous Love

Page 7

by Casey Clipper

  The look on her cousin's face was morbid. Derk leaned over to Smith and murmured, "Call Derrick."

  Smith quickly and quietly left the area.

  Sean went straight to his mother and his aunt. "Aunt Sarah, I’m so sorry," he said softly.

  "Oh God, Sean. Please, please, please," Courtney cried out. ""

  "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Murphy," the elder doctor said sympathetically. "We did everything we could."

  Courtney stumbled back, her hand going to her head. "Dad," she whispered.

  Derk jumped behind her, catching her before she hit the ground. "Come, Mrs. Murphy, let's sit."

  She looked up at Derk, her eyes wide, filled with terror. "Derrick."

  "We called him."

  Sean approached her, taking her off Derk's hands, and wrapped his oversized arms around his cousin. Their ongoing battle temporarily forgotten. Mrs. Millen cried into Ryan's chest while their mother sobbed into her husband’s stunned body. Ryan and Sean's father and Courtney's father were brothers.

  Derk wanted to protest Sean comforting Mrs. Murphy. The asshole had been nothing but cold and unforgiving to her. She deserved better than his compassion, which Derk would bet anything would be short lived. Fucker.

  Not five minutes later, Derrick Murphy bolted into the waiting area and went straight to his wife. Sean sent her to her husband. Courtney sagged into his arms and looked up at him, her eyes red with tears streaming down her cheeks. "My dad."

  Murphy kissed her hard on the lips then pulled her into his body, holding her head tight to his chest. "I know, baby. I know."

  Derk watched the scene before him in utter amazement. This wasn't the first time he witnessed Mr. Murphy wrapping himself around Courtney to bear the burden of her broken heart. How did that feel? To love a woman so deeply he'd gladly steal her pain. He understood he'd never experience that raw emotion. But being on the outside looking in, it briefly struck Derk how that was something his own parents had lacked. A loyalty to the other’s emotional health. A partner to lean on through the thick treads of life. They never had that all consuming love that a spouse needed. Could Derk ever love a woman enough to comfort her in her most heartbreaking moment? He’d never considered it, as women were just a pleasant diversion for him.

  Probably not. Honestly, he didn't care enough to be that dependable of a man for a woman.


  Derk and Smith, along with Jack and Carl, escorted Derrick and Courtney into their home after spending hours at the hospital. Apparently, Mr. Millen suffered a massive heart attack in front of his wife. Sean explained the man left this world quickly. That was little comfort to his only daughter.

  Once they left the hospital, Courtney continued to sob into Derrick's chest the entire car ride home. It was painstaking to witness. She had been a daddy’s girl to a career military man, who had adored his only daughter and loved his wife. Tomorrow, funeral arrangements would be made. Jack and Carl already pulled Derk and Smith aside explaining the funeral would be larger than normal because Mr. Millen was a retired Marine officer. Then, the fact that his only daughter was the Northeast crime boss's wife, anyone who knew Derrick would come to pay their respects to his wife.

  "Can I get you something to drink, honey?" Derrick asked softly when they stepped into the million dollar Murphy home.

  She shook her head, her large sapphire blue eyes puffy and fair features blotchy. Though that didn’t take away from her breathtaking beauty. They stood in the hallway, unmoving when she grabbed a hold of her husband's hand.

  "I can't let you go on thinking I'm having an affair," she cried.

  Derrick blanched.

  "I know that's what you've thought. I'm awful. I've allowed you to continue to think that way for weeks. I would never cheat on you, Derrick. I love you." She opened her purse. "I've been working on this for a while with Carlo Bartuzzi‒"

  "The watch designer," Derrick interrupted.

  "Yes. I had this made for your birthday next week." She sniffled. "I wanted it perfect for you," she said. "You deserve nothing less."

  She handed Derrick the black box. Slowly, he opened it and inhaled sharply when his eyes landed on the expensive gift. Courtney stepped up next to him, pulled out the watch, and turned it over so he could read the script.

  "This is how I feel about you, Derrick. I...I..." She broke down.

  Grabbing her face into his hands, he kissed her soundly then scooped her up into his arms and whisked her away upstairs.

  Mr. Murphy thought Courtney was having an affair? Since when? No one mentioned a word to him.

  "Did you know he thought she was cheating?" Derk asked.

  Smith shrugged. "I heard him mention it to Jack and Carl."

  "Why wouldn't he say anything to us?"

  Smith looked at him like he was a dumbass. "Because we like Mrs. M too much. Mr. Murphy feels if it's a choice between him and her, we'll pick her."

  "What the hell?"

  "Wouldn't you?" Smith challenged.


  His partner cocked a brow.

  Well, there was a slight possibility he'd have Mrs. Murphy's back. He did like her.

  Derk watched the couple disappear up the steps. So much of Courtney's life had been wrapped up in tragedy since meeting the Murphy men. How had she stayed sane?

  She possessed everything a man could want. Beauty, kindness, inner strength, loyalty. Kind of like Mackenzie. Few women capture his attention, but these two held it firmly. Courtney, because he admired the hell out of her and would consider taking a bullet for the woman. Mackenzie, because she had quickly caused his mind to be tied up in knots.

  Off and on, for the past two weeks, he'd seen Mackenzie nightly, and he couldn’t get the woman out of his thoughts. Especially, when they were apart. It had been weeks since he’d had sex, which caused him to jackoff in the shower every morning and night. Talk about unsatisfactory releases.

  Each day he picked her up for work and dropped her off. After her shift, he picked her up again, usually took her for a late night bite to eat, then dropped her off at her apartment. But not before copping a feel or two. Man, he was so screwed over her. If he could just get inside her body, he knew this mind fuck would end.

  Pulling out his cell he glanced at the time. It’d been a long ass day and he needed to see Mac. He’d like to lose himself and get his grind on with her. But who knew how long she’d make him suffer with this permanent hard on. Technically, they didn’t have a commitment, and there’d been times he’d been tempted to call on Claire for a quick blow job. But that fucking nagging voice in the back of his head told him if M found out she might rip his balls off. With his luck, it would be before he got to sink into her.

  “I need a drink,” Derk said, rubbing a tired hand down his face.

  He looked over to the man he considered to be his best friend, whose gaze hadn't left the stairs. Smith was a difficult man to read, but his obvious enthrallment with Courtney had always been evident. Smith never approved of how the Murphy men took her for granted or the hell she'd been put through. Derk agreed.

  “You comin’?” Derk asked, his hand on the doorknob.

  Smith nodded and followed him out of the house.


  A few minutes after ten, Derk and Smith sauntered into Cards to find it filled with wall to wall drunks.

  "Holy shit," Derk spat.

  Mackenzie was on top of the bar with Kayla and two other bartenders doing some sort of dance, gyrating to the pulse of the music. He could have sworn he felt his blood pressure spike. Fuck this shit. It was bad enough she just recovered from a concussion from dancing on that cesspool of a bar, but to be on display like a pole dancer. Forget it. Not his girl. She needed to find a goddamn secretary job.

  Seeing red, he stormed right up to the bar, shoved drunk bastards out of his way, until he stood below her. It only took a moment for her to catch his eye. A flash of fear lit those beautiful blues. Luckily for her and everyone else nearby, it was
the end of the number. She jumped off the bar to a round of applause and went right back to pouring drafts. Conveniently out of arm’s reach. When she approached him, he reached across the bar and yanked her close.

  "I don’t like it," he growled. Eyes narrowed, he studied her as she nervously bit her lip. The caveman in him wanted to toss her over his shoulder and cart her the fuck out of the disease infested place. Buuuut, that would more than likely have her screaming, and the only time he ever wanted to hear her shriek was when he was pounding into that tight body.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  How the hell did he deal with this? He wasn't used to wanting a woman so badly he went all alpha or whatever. It made him, like he was gonna lose his shit.

  "You realize you don't have a say in what I do for a living," she challenged, her voice unsure.

  "You really want to get into it with me, Mac? Do you?" he countered, totally turned on by her defiance. Shrugging, she looked him dead in the eyes. "Do you really want to get into this debate with me?"

  She squared her shoulders and straightened her spine, ready for a battle.

  Assaulting her mouth, he kissed her hard, his tongue reaching as far back as it would go. He was so fucking hot for her, he wanted to take her on the dirty-ass wood bar. Apparently, she was just as hot, because she met him stroke for stroke as their tongues danced violently. He dislodged their lip lock. "Mac, you're mine tonight."

  Her eyes glittered excitedly. "You think?"

  "You don't have a fucking choice, M. I'm tired of waiting for you. No more." Derk released his grip on her and reluctantly allowed her to return to her duties. Raking his eyes up and down her fine body, little did she know what she was in for when she clocked out in a couple hours. Waving toward the far end of bar, she let him know where she was stationed for the night. He and Smith muscled their way and not-so-gently escorted two barely twenty-one year old punks off two stools.

  Mac quickly slid a beer in front of them, then went about her business. Derk ran a hand through his hair and released a long breath. He picked up his longneck and took a drag, his eyes plastered to Mac. As if she could feel his penetrating gaze upon her, she turned his direction and her cheeks pinked. Snorting, he crooked a finger at her. The minx sauntered over to him and leaned on the bar, teasing him with her perfect breasts.

  "You're coming home with me after work," he demanded.

  Narrowing her eyes, she said, "Are you asking or telling me?"

  About to admit that was a direct order, he clamped his mouth shut.

  "Will you?" he asked, with only a hint less demand.

  She rolled her eyes which caused Smith to chuckle. A rarity for the man.

  "You look tired."

  "It's been a shitty day," he admitted.

  Nodding, as if she sensed that, she relented. "Okay."

  "I'll pick you up," he said. "Three?"

  "No, midnight. I get off early." She gave him the most awesome wicked smile.

  He leaned over into her personal space. "You don't have to work here, you know."

  Furrowing her brows. "What do you mean?"

  "Just saying." He shrugged.

  Shit, what the hell was that? Sometimes that brain filter thing shut off on him. Now wasn't the time to spew stupid crap like she could live with him and he'd take care of her.

  Beside him, Smith quietly chuckled, again. He'd kick the bastard if he didn't think Smith would retaliate with a bullet to his knee cap.

  Derk picked up his beer and downed it, tossed some cash on the bar, then stood to leave. Leaning over, he grabbed Mac at the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a blazing goodbye kiss.

  When he had enough of her taste to tie him over until later, he stalked out of the place before he opened his mouth and said more crazy, stupid shit.


  All night Mackenzie worried about Derk. His aura screamed he was stressed. It had been written all over his worn features. Unshaven and deep-set lines around his eyes aged him. How was it a guy could look tired and it made him look more handsome? On a woman, she would look haggard, as if she aged ten years.

  As she moved about the bar cleaning at the end of her shift, it occurred to her she really had no idea what Derk did for a living, even though she’d quizzed him. Whatever it was, he seemed to have free range of his time, and she assumed was the cause of his strain. Though she was positive he was the type to never admit his work issues.

  After counting her drawer, Mackenzie shoved her two hundred dollars into her purse and stepped out the bar doors. Leaning against his truck, his long, dark denim-clad muscular legs crossed at the ankles, looking both dangerous and relaxed, Derk zeroed in on her immediately. His eyes never wavered from her as she crossed the parking lot and approached.

  “Good night?” he asked.

  Her heart fluttered. Her jackass husband never asked how her workday was. “Yes.”

  Grinning, he pushed off the truck, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and led her to the passenger side. Opening the door, he lifted her inside. Unable to help herself, a schoolgirl giggle escaped her lips. Apparently, Derk liked carrying her. His deep rumbled chuckle caused her to laugh aloud. When she situated herself in the seat, he closed the door, then sauntered around the oversized vehicle and slid inside. He leaned over and planted a firm, wet kiss on her lips.

  “Thanks for seeing me,” he said when he pulled away.


  He turned to her as he started the engine. “What, babe?”

  She smiled at the endearment. “You can see me any time.”

  His eyes twinkled deviously. “Oh, now you’ve gone and done it, sweetpea. Giving me permission to let loose.” He leaned closer to her and whispered, “I’m taking you up on that offer.”

  His hot breath caressed the side of he neck, causing her hair to stand up and send a shutter down her spine. Instantaneous wetness seeped from between her legs, and she felt her nipples grow hard. How long had it been since she’d had sex? Over a year?

  Closing her eyes, she relished the warm sensation. She jumped when his tongue swept the length of her neck and he sucked the skin behind her ear. Eyelids fluttering, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she squirmed in her seat. The click of her seatbelt being unbuckled loudly resounded throughout the cabin.

  She opened her eyes in time to watch Derk reach for her thighs and yank until she fell flat on her back. Tossing his big body between her legs, he ground his solid erection against her, creating a friction that had her on the verge of a long overdue release.

  "Fuck, M. I want you so bad," he growled.

  Eyes locked into each other, she couldn't break away if she tried, entirely absorbed by him. Her body moved with his, her desire ramped. She didn't care if they were in a damn truck. Her physical needs trumped any rational decisions. Derk wasn’t the type of man she could count on for long term, she understood that. But he could do well to satisfy her short term needs. As long as she kept that in the forefront of her mind, she wouldn’t get hurt.

  Derk's hands were rough, all over her as he crashed his mouth into hers. Sliding her tee shirt up to expose her bra, he disconnected their kiss and attacked the nipple he popped free of its confines. Sucking her beaded nipple between his teeth, he laved and worshiped her breast. Her hands went to his unruly hair and tugged.

  "Derk, please."

  "What, M?" he inquired with a full mouth.

  Ass was messing with her. She groaned and tilted her hips into his pelvis.

  "What do you want, Mac?" He popped free of her breast. "Tell me," he ordered.

  "You, I want you."

  Smirking, he lifted her knees into the crook of his arms. "Want me how?"

  "Ugh." She closed her eyes in exasperation. He was toying with her. "Fuck me, Derk," she whispered.

  Moaning, he rasped, "All you had to do was ask."

  He went wild on her.

  His mouth was everywhere, on her mouth, her chin, her neck, his tongue delved int
o her ear and slid down her throat. Grasping his shirt, she yanked it over his head and gasped at the sight of his firm torso. Tattoos splayed across his muscular chest and one tribal tattoo started at his pelvis and disappeared down that beautiful happy trail, hidden by his denim.

  Derk broke his connection, reached for the band on her yoga pants, shimmied them off her legs and made certain to take her lace panties with them.

  "Oh, baby," he moaned appreciatively. His large forefinger slid between her bare, slick folds and sunk deep into her core. "Bare and soaked for me."

  With no control over her body, she pushed her pelvis into his hand, the heel of his palm caressed her tiny protruding nub.

  "That's it, baby," he strained.

  Her body rapidly reached for ecstasy, wanting and needing that euphoric place she'd been missing for oh so long. Closing her eyes, her nails left a trail down Derk's back that most certainly left marks. She allowed herself to become lost in the sensations he brought unto her.

  Suddenly, he was gone, leaving her bereft. Eyes flying open, she watched him slam open the glove box and pull out a condom. Somewhere in the back of her mind that disturbed her, but she wasn't capable of processing it correctly.

  Scrambling, he undid his belt and popped open his pants. Unzipping them, he pulled out the largest erection she'd ever seen on a man. His girth was almost as large as her thin wrists. Dear lord, he'd rip her insides apart.

  Rolling the condom on, he aligned himself against her and with one hard thrust, he was inside her, his large cock touching her womb.

  "Oh, God," she yelled.

  "Jesus, so tight." He strained and stilled. They both panted, adjusting to the volcanic invasion.

  Slowly he slid out then pushed himself back in, acclimating both of them to his oversized length. They moaned and groaned together, the sounds erotic in their enclosed space.

  And then he seemed to lose whatever remaining minute self-control he possessed.


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