Broken Free (The Broken Series)

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Broken Free (The Broken Series) Page 12

by Boone, Azure

  Daniel felt instantly better. “Yes, for our precious…son.” He still had a hard time calling him Danny, Danny boy, or even Daniel, but Danny was the closest thing he liked because Seth called him that.

  “So we’ll have to do three showers?” Sofia asked.

  “Yeah, we can throw them a double shower.”

  “Noooo! How would that be fair? It’ll look like we think our baby is better than theirs.”

  “Well we do think that.”

  She gasped. “No, I don’t, I love our baby more maybe but don’t think he’s better. Daniel.”

  “Well that’s what I mean.”

  “Still, we can’t make them feel like we think that.”

  “Okay, we’ll throw Dara a small one first then we’ll do Sarah’s and Seth’s, then save yours for last.”

  “We’ll have to make them all the same, I think.”

  “What? No!”

  “Baby,” Sofia turned her upper body toward him. “You can’t go all Hollywood for me and trailer park ghetto for Dara and Sarah.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of doing that. For Sarah,” he mumbled.

  She gasped. “You better start treating Dara nicer honey, I mean it.”

  “Well I would if she wasn’t trying to cause shit every time I turn around. She invited my fucking father to Christmas baby! Of all fucking things! I still can’t believe she did that, I swear, I’m two cents away from paying a hit man to rocket launch her ass back to Romania, I’m telling you.”

  “I’m sorry sweetie, she thought she was doing something nice for you, she doesn’t know all the dirty details.”

  “Really?” He didn’t believe that for one bit.

  Sofia worried at her lower lip. “I mean she knows you had a very bad life.”

  “With my father,” Daniel added.

  She nodded. “Yes, but still, I think she’s thinking this will somehow help, and don’t worry, I will tell her to call him and let him know she jumped the gun on that one.”

  “And if she thinks she’s inviting another internet sex tool twerp, she’s so wrong, this is our home and she is not going to be inviting the world and his brother lover into it.”

  “Baby, she’s just trying to find somebody.”

  “Well she’d better do it the old fashioned way, ‘cause playing click-a-dick online isn’t happening in our home. It’s dangerous. Just like her not going to a doctor. Which reminds me, when is the appointment that she didn’t schedule?” Daniel realized Sofia was looking out the window, upset. “Fuck baby, I’m sorry.” He was being like a rabid dog about everything to her, but dammit he liked having her to talk to, vent to. Only, she was so sensitive to his needs and when it caused a conflict with other people’s needs, it pressured her.

  When they got to the parking garage at the doctor’s office, Daniel hurried to help Sofia out of the car then promptly pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry baby, we’ll throw Dara a nice party. We’ll make it Romanian, we’ll do it so that she’ll feel special, okay?”

  Sofia laid her head on his chest for a long while, seeming content to never move from there. He stroked her hair and she finally looked up and gave him a happy smile and placed his hand on her stomach. “Somebody’s awake.”

  Daniel’s heart skipped a beat at feeling the hard kicks against his hand. He gushed an awed laugh, never getting tired of that. “Wow, does that hurt? He’s so strong.”

  She giggled. “Sometimes he kicks in spots that go ouch,” she mused, holding his hand and moving it to various places.

  Daniel laughed in amazement when he felt a huge wave. “He’s cutting flips in there.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “He wants his daddy.”

  For some reason, those words hit Daniel in an unexpected way. His throat closed up and his chest tightened. His baby wanted him. Needed him. It was his baby, all his, and that baby loved him. Nothing had ever moved or touched him more. He hugged Sofia, mostly to hide his emotions. He gasped on her shoulder, and she cooed to him. Of course she knew. She knew him so well. He hugged her tighter, loving that, and that it was okay. All of these feelings were all good. Normal.


  Sofia watched the small town go by, letting the crisp colors of early winter excite her, soothe her. The doctor said the baby had turned, he was no longer breech. That was good. But she’d been thinking that the baby being breech was the reason for all her fears. That it explained that weird dream of the baby just suddenly being taken out of her like in a C-section. Not that she wanted a C-section, but why else would she get one now?

  Stupid dream. It was just a dream. She just wished that nagging fear would leave. It wasn’t as bad, but she could feel it lingering in the back of her mind. Really, she felt like it was all okay. It was. She was probably scared out of habit no doubt.

  “You okay?”

  She turned to Daniel and smiled. The look of real concern on his face made her want to confess. Maybe she’d feel better. “I just thought that the baby was going to be breech.”

  He glanced at her several times like he was trying to figure out how that was a problem.

  “I mean that dream I had that freaked me out, well when I found out he was breach, I realized that that’s how I could have a baby with no pushing, if they did a C-section. The doctor had said if he didn’t turn, they’d do that or turn him but it made me think, that’s what happened in that dream, I didn’t push a baby out, it was just taken out.”

  He still wasn’t getting it she could see.

  “Now he’s turned. So why the dream?”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “Baby, I know you don’t want to hear this again. But your fear. Is completely. Natural. Please believe me, I hate to see you tormented.”

  She waved his worry away with a hand. “I’m not tormented just curious now.” She felt bad for lying but there was no use trying to convince him of her phobias. And really, she was ready to be done with them herself. “So we have a lot of parties to plan.” She gave him an excited grin.

  That immediately changed his mood. “Yes. You think we should do Dara’s then Sarah’s then yours?”

  Sofia nodded. “I think so, yes, are you okay with that?”

  “Absolutely. That way we have practice and when we get to yours it’ll be perfect.” He grinned naughtily and it made her think of the other things that came with that grin. Like her. She came with that grin.

  “Fuck you look sexy when you’re hot,” he murmured.

  Sofia looked at him, the deep lusty sound in his voice triggering some serious chemicals. She was suddenly insanely aroused and parted her lips to breathe through the assault tingling through her.

  Daniel saw it all. “You have to wait, please.” His whisper was desperate. He wanted to be where he could do her good.

  “Claim your prize?” she whispered, staring at his huge bulge in his jeans.

  He glanced at her, shifting in his seat. “The bet?”

  “Yes.” She raised her gaze to his cute profile. “Fuck me in my ass.”

  “Oh my fucking God,” he whispered. “Yes. I will.”


  At getting back, Daniel led Sofia quietly into the house and managed to make it to the bedroom without being seen. Sofia was out of her clothes and sitting on the bed before he turned from locking the door. Daniel ripped his clothes off on the way to her, his eyes locked on her breasts and belly.

  “You’re so beautiful baby. I want you riding on me.”

  She held her hand out to him and when he took it she brought his cock to her lips and sucked him with a ravenous hunger.

  God yes, yes. He watched her mouth on him then angled his head wanting to see all of her. She had her legs open, playing with herself. Her belly was huge and amazingly sexy. He stopped her with a groan when she swirled her tongue along the ridge and flicked his slit. Drove him crazy. He pulled her up and kissed her, loving the taste of himself on her mouth. That’s where he belonged. All over her, in her.

  His world sp
un with desire as he laid in the bed and helped her straddle his waist. “Beautiful,” he gasped, looking at her. She braced on his stomach, causing her full breasts to squeeze together. She took hold of his cock and rubbed it along herself, gasping. “Make love to me first,” he whispered, wanting inside her.

  She obliged with a moan and slowly lowered on to him. Then she sat there on his waist with him buried deep inside her. An ethereal sight, that’s what she was, her lips parted and head back in ecstasy. She moved her hips a little, her fingers on her clit while she palmed the peak of her nipple slowly, moaning.

  Daniel was crazy with hunger.

  He let her have her fill, fighting to keep his orgasm at bay. She finally looked at him and raised up. She took hold of his cock and moved it to her ass and Daniel shoved a pillow under his head to watch, his heart jack hammering. “Go slow baby, easy.” The words were mangled with the raw animalistic urge this particular act brought him. He didn’t want to hurt her, that’s one thing he knew. More than all his desire combined, his desire to protect her and love her was greater. And that alone was such a joy and relief to experience. It was like…he was normal.

  She gasped when his head penetrated her tight opening.

  Daniel wanted to control her pace but he couldn’t think past the throbbing in his groin. He gripped the bedcovers tight, the pleasure bowing his back. He wanted to flick his hips. He growled and trembled with the urge, breathing carefully through the ordeal of her slowly lowering onto him. How could anything feel so good? His mind and body were fully engaged saying This! This is the fucking shit right here, this, right here, is your ecstasy. It made no sense, he didn’t even like the idea and yet, he loved it.

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d endured before he realized Sofia was moving up and down on him, rubbing her clit and moaning. Really moaning. He gasped, studying her face, her body, to make sure she wasn’t in pain.

  “Oh baby, yes,” she gasped, rubbing her nipple too.

  He grunted and flicked his hips a little and her moans grew.

  “God, baby, yes, fuck my ass,” she cried.

  The end. Daniel grabbed her waist and dug his fingers hard to keep from ramming her onto his cock and Sofia chose that moment to orgasm all over him. Daniel bowed on the bed as she clawed his abs and literally hopped up and down on him. The orgasm that rocked him stole his breath. He could only writhe through the endless flames that gripped him clear down to his soul.

  He slowly recognized his own voice in the loud groans of the aftermath. Right alongside Sofia’s amazed ones. Had it been good for her? To think he might be able to get that again even only once a year made him giddy. “Did I hurt you,” he finally managed between gasps.

  She shook her head. “God no, you didn’t. Wow, it actually felt amazing.”

  “Oh shit,” he whimpered.


  He tossed his head from side to side, hand over his eyes. “I’ll want it now.”

  She giggled. “That’s fine by me. But, you’ll have to settle on maybe having it once a month. It can be our special night or day thing.”

  He gasped in joy. “Serious? Once a month? I was thinking once a year because it’s not the best sexual practice, but I’ll be careful.”

  “I know you will.” She paused and looked down at her belly. “Um. I need to get up and I seriously don’t know what that’s going to feel like.”

  He took hold of her hips. “Just go slow. How’s my son?”

  “I think he’s not happy.”

  Daniel grinned. “Why?”

  “Too much racket for him.” She slowly rose off of him and Daniel found he was nearly hard again. “Ew, you better shower,” she said.

  He snickered at her cute face. “Come with me.”

  “Yeah, you need to wash my butt.”

  “Mmm, yes, I need to touch your butt.”



  She laughed. “Not yet, I think I’m going to be sore.”

  He rolled his eyes, hating himself.

  “It’s fiiiiine, it’s hardly nothing. And after, we can go shopping, it’s Black Friday, remember?”

  He smiled and sat up, kissing her all over her face and helping her out of bed. “You ready to shop till you drop?”

  “Oh yeah baby.” She did her sexy belly rub dance on her way to the bathroom and Daniel laughed, so wishing he could catch that one on video. But he dared not risk anybody seeing her. Only his. All his. All the time from the beginning of time and forever, if he had anything to say about it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sofia waited till Daniel was breathing deeply and carefully got out of the bed, making her way to the kitchen. She’d been a good girl during shopping and it caught up to her. Now, that chocolate bar called her name from the far back of that cabinet where she’d hid it. Ugh, she hated sneaking like this, but it was better than putting up with Daniel’s whining. She knew he was being overboard and protective, and she also knew there was absolutely nothing, nothing wrong with a little goddamn chocolate. It was healthy. She’d Googled it.

  She stood in the kitchen at the pantry door listening to the sound of silence, making sure it remained undisturbed. She opened the door, remembering to jerk quickly past the creaky spot then slowly moved a chair inside the doorway and set it in place. She was very careful with this part, she didn’t want to risk falling and killing herself or the baby for a piece of chocolate. Jesus.

  She got the forbidden candy then sat in the chair. “Ohhhh yes,” she whispered, slowly unwrapping the loud ass paper. When it was open enough, she took a huge bite then sagged in ecstasy, letting her mouth have that orgasm it’d been craving, mmmming all over the place.

  She suddenly froze at hearing a noise. Shit. Before she could think of what to do, the pantry door opened. She threw the candy behind her and stood quickly as a bright light hit her face. She covered her mouth with one hand and blocked the light with the other.

  “Sofia, what are you doing?”

  Daniel? What was he doing? Shit, shit. “Um. I was…I heard scratching. In the pantry.”

  “Why are you covering your mouth?”

  Sofia realized he had his phone aimed at her. “I was feeling kinda sick. What are you doing with your phone?”

  “I heard noises too and I thought I’d catch Dara in here.”

  “Are you…videoing?”

  “Yes.” He aimed the phone down at the floor. “What’s that?” he asked, all casual.

  Sofia turned and looked. “What?”

  “That on the floor, is that…chocolate?”

  “I don’t know,” she said a little defensively, moving the chair. “Oh, wow, yes. Maybe Dara came earlier. She does like chocolate.” Sofia picked it up and examined it. “Or maybe we have rats.”

  Daniel aimed the camera back at her. “Are you still sick?”

  “No, I’m…yeah just a little.”

  “Why is there a chair in here?”

  She looked at the chair. “Huh. I don’t know, it was just here.”

  “Can I smell your breath?”

  “What? Ew, no, it’s the middle of the night, no you can’t smell my breath.” She waved her hand toward him. “Turn that camera off, you’re frickn blinding me.”

  He didn’t turn it off or lower it. “Sofia, who brought that chocolate into this house?”

  “What?” She pushed through him and went to the kitchen and turned on the light. He followed her with his camera and she regarded him. “I don’t know, why are you asking me all this and following me around with your camera, interrogating me like some private investigator? It’s two in the morning.” Geeze.

  “I know what time it is. Who buys the food here?”

  She stared at him with raised brows. “What kind of a question is that? You. There, are we done?”

  “That’s right. Me. So who brought that chocolate into this house?”

  She shook her head at him. “You’re seriously making me answer these questio
ns? You brought it into this house, you, Dr. Daniel Fletcher, Dr. D., Doc. Are you happy now that you made the pregnant woman answer your silly questions?”

  He chuckled, a deep sexy sound. “Almost. So, who do you think I brought that chocolate into the house for? Dara?”

  Dara. Very funny. “I don’t know, maybe for your girlfriend Sarah? Or Gammie?”

  “Ohhh, baby,” he nearly moaned, sounding turned on. “Or maybe Sofia.”

  Sofia’s tummy tickled at that and she couldn’t stop her smile. “What? What are you saying? That you bought me this chocolate just to tell me I couldn’t’ have it?”

  “Mmmm. More like to make you want it.”

  She gasped, and a tingle zapped through her clit. “Why would you do that?”

  He shut off the camera then looked at her with that sexy ass look and panty melting half-cocked grin. “Do you know how hard my dick gets when you crave food? When you finally get it and make all of those noises while eating?” he whispered, a near ache in his words.

  Gooooood heaven almighty. She nodded, suddenly breathless.

  “Baby…” He slowly approached until he stood right next to her with no shirt and those thin black boxer pants. “Makes me want to fuck you in this kitchen. You…leaned over on this snack bar.” He pressed his hard-on into her hip. “You remember that? The first time I sank my cock into you? Deep and hard?”

  “Oh God, yes,” she gasped, closing her eyes as his mouth covered hers.

  “Mmmm,” he licked along her lips. “You taste like naughty chocolate.” He slipped his hand into her pajama bottoms while lifting one of her legs. “So wet.” His finger slid inside her then out and slowly all over her throbbing parts.

  She clung to his shoulders until she was nearly hyperventilating with need. He pulled his finger out of her and straightened. He took the chocolate from her, sucked her essence off his finger then bit a piece of the candy and chewed slowly, hooded eyes on her. “Mmmm.” He swept his tongue sensually over his lips. “Now that’s dessert.”


  Daniel tossed and turned until he laid awake and stared at the ceiling. He took a deep breath but it was like sucking air from a balloon. He finally sat up and put his head in his hands. Fuck.


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