A Demon's Wrath Novella: One Night with the Demon King

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A Demon's Wrath Novella: One Night with the Demon King Page 6

by Alexia Praks

  She looked up toward the entrance and saw giants. She was sure they were giants, for they were as big as pine trees.

  “You scoundrel, you dare to hurt my son?” the man with dark-blond hair growled, his deep-set eyes glaring at the captain. The intensity in that gaze could send a man running in tears.

  It almost did, but Captain Jackson stood his ground. “Give me a sword!” he shouted at his men.

  “But captain—” one said, his voice quivering as his eyes flickered from one giant to the other.

  “I said my sword!” the captain growled, reaching his hand in the air. One threw him a sword. He caught it and nodded toward the giant addressing him. “You, let’s fight man to man.”

  “I am no man, you bastard,” Adam growled, taking a step forward.

  “Look at all those scary little humans,” Gerick said from behind. “I’ll take those ten there.” He nodded to the bunch on his left.

  “I’ll take the captain,” Adam said, taking a step toward the leader.

  “You will not,” Drake said, handing his bow to Leon. “You will take your son home. He needs you.”

  Adam frowned darkly. He wanted to kill the bastard human who had hurt his son. If that boy hadn’t shoved aside Lucifer to take the blade himself, Lucifer would be dead by now. He was still damn angry, but Drake was right. Lucifer needed him right now.

  He grunted loudly to show his displeasure for not having the chance to kill the captain.

  “I’ll take the captain,” Drake said, sliding out his thick, sharp sword. “We will fight man to man,” he said to the captain.

  Jackson swallowed. “I’ll kill you all, demons,” he screamed and rushed toward Drake.

  Drake stepped aside and rewarded Jackson’s neck with the back of his hard fist.

  Captain Jackson fell forward. He scrambled up and rushed for an attack. They were fighting with their fists and feet—blow to blow. Both Gerick and Leon charged the other men and began their combat.

  Adam went to his son. “Lucifer?” he said, kneeling beside the boy.

  “Papa?” Lucifer said through the sounds of swords slashing and men grunting. He rushed up to the hug Adam. His tears flowed down his little cheeks. “Papa, I’ve missed you. I’m so scared,” he admitted.

  “I’m here now, son,” Adam said, picking up Lucifer. He turned to look at Cecelia. “Come on, boy. Let’s get out of here.”

  Cecelia stared at him, at a loss. She had never seen any man as tall and big and muscular as this one. His face, she saw, was quite handsome.

  “Come!” he said again, dragging her up none too gently and leading her toward the passageway.

  “What about the others?” she asked.

  “Do not worry yourself about them,” he said, pulling her after him.

  “But Captain Jackson has many men. There are only four of you, and now you left your comrades. They will not escape.”

  Adam didn’t reply and kept dragging her toward the clearing. She had to keep up the pace by running so she wouldn’t fall. It was only a short time later that they were out again.

  Out in the clearing, Cecelia saw four animals. She supposed they were horses of some breed, for they had horns like those of a unicorn. Their bodies were bigger and more muscular, however, which she supposed indicated strength. Their colors were of particular interest to her. One was beige, two were grey, and one was a sinful velvety black.

  Adam led her to the beige one. When she was standing beside the horse, her head barely reached the saddle.

  “CloudStorm!” Lucifer shrieked with delight, patting the animal’s long nose.

  Adam placed his son on the ground and turned to Cecelia. She took one look at him and knew what he was going to do.

  “Nay, I can’t—” She could go no farther, for she was being lifted up and swung over the saddle like a doll. “Thank you,” she said. Her backside was quite sore because he’d dumped her on the saddle none too gently.

  Adam picked up his son and easily climbed on the saddle in front of her. He made his son comfortable sitting on his lap and took the bridle.

  “Hold tight,” he said and slashed the reins.

  The stallion hissed and rushed forward. Cecelia had to quickly grab for Adam’s coat so she wouldn’t fall back from the force. She didn’t know how long they were going to ride until they got to somewhere safe. But she didn’t care, for Lucifer was safe with his father.

  Somehow, she knew she must find a way to get that pearl. The thought of her mother was at the forefront of her mind as she drifted off into a slumber.

  Not long afterward, Adam heard the thunder of hooves approaching them. He didn’t slow down, for he knew they would catch up to him soon enough. Then three stallions were riding alongside him. Adam slowed his stallion to a slower pace. Gerick took the lead, while Leon took the rear as guard.

  “How is he?” Drake asked, looking at his nephew.

  “Doing fine,” Adam said, gazing down at his son. “Brave boy,” he said, glancing at Cecelia sleeping behind him.

  “Must be tired,” Drake said. “Here, let me take him.”

  They moved their stallions closer and Drake lifted Cecelia and laid her on his lap. She snuggled against his large chest, sleeping in contentment. Drake wrapped one arm around her and then kicked his stallion to gallop faster.

  * * * * *

  Chapter VI

  CECELIA WOKE UP TO THE sound of laughter. She turned her head toward the window as a gentle breeze caressed her face. She sat up and looked about her surroundings. The sun was starting to set. How long had she been sleeping? She was about to get up when she saw a woman standing at the opened doorway. Her blond hair floated all the way down to her waist. Her blue eyes and fair skin made Cecelia catch her breath. Never before had she seen such beauty.

  Both Lady Rosanna and Lady Juliet could never compare to this one, she thought.

  “I apologize if I bother you,” the woman said.

  “Nay, you did not bother me at all,” Cecelia said, blushing, for she knew she was staring. She couldn’t help herself, of course. “’Tis me who should apologize. I’m ogling at you,” she admitted.

  “I am used to it,” Vera said and laughed. She came to Cecelia and touched her arm. “I thank you for saving my son.”

  Cecelia widened her eyes. “You’re Lucifer’s mother?”

  The woman smiled. “Aye, I was told by the king that I should not be here disturbing your rest, but I cannot wait. You see, Lucifer is very dear to me.” Her eyes softened.

  “I understand,” Cecelia said, thinking about her mother and Brian. Her heart suddenly constricted. It had been three full weeks now.

  “Oh Lord,” Vera said, “do forgive me, but I am a bad hostess indeed.”

  For a moment, Cecelia forgot she was supposed to be her brother. She quickly nodded at the woman who was now curtsying to her as to a king.

  “Welcome, Brian, to the Demon Kingdom.”

  Cecelia’s heart kicked in her chest. She blinked and stared wide-eyed at the woman. “Demon what?”

  Vera looked up to her then and repeated, “Demon Kingdom.”

  “You are?” Cecelia stared at the woman.

  “Lady Vera McNamara, wife of Lord Adam McNamara who is a cousin of the king,” she provided.

  “But… but,” Cecelia stammered, shaking her head in disbelief.

  Vera raised her brows. “But what?”

  “But you are not… demon-like, hideous,” Cecelia finished, blushing, for she knew she sounded stupid even in her own confused mind.

  Vera laughed. She couldn’t help herself, for she too had once thought of demons as hideous, monstrous creatures who merely lived to kill. That, however, changed when she had met Adam.

  “My dear boy, what did you expect? Demons looking like monster?”

  “Well, yes, I saw demons. They have beastlike bodies and faces like wolves.”

  “Do stop there, Brian. But if those are the demons you have just described, they are child’s pl
ay,” Vera said, though she didn’t at all sound very concerned or put off because Cecelia had just looked down on her husband’s kind.

  “I didn’t expect demons to look like humans,” Cecelia said.

  “Oh, do not be surprised, my dear boy. Demons are much the same as human.” She smiled. “Now enough talk. ’Tis getting late. Dinner is on soon. Would you like me to help you clean up?”

  Cecelia clamped her lips and her cheeks turned crimson. “Nay, but thank you,” she said quickly.

  “Very well, then. Those are your clothing for now. I do hope they will fit your small frame. Do you always keep your hair so long?”

  Cecelia touched her messy hair that was still tied at the nape of her neck with a black ribbon. “Aye, ’tis our fashion at the moment where I come from,” she lied.

  “Our men like to keep their hair short. It is a fashion led by Gerick. You could say he is the handsomest demon in our kingdom. The females fall for him no matter their age. Drake, our king, he is different. He likes his hair long. It reminds him of freedom, like when he was a prince. He likes sailing his own ship and does as he pleases. He has been to many kingdoms. But no matter, here I am muttering about things you must find very boring. I will leave you to your bathing now,” she said, thanked Cecelia once again for saving her son, and then left.

  Not long afterward, two maids brought in a hot tub, which they placed near the brightly lit hearth. Cecelia was able to bathe in peace once they had left. She stayed in the tub for half an hour, enjoying the lovely scent of herbs and rose petals and the warm water. She closed her eyes and relaxed her tense, tired body. When the water had gotten cold, she climbed out and got dressed in the breeches, shirt, and coat provided by Vera. Once her dark hair was slightly dried by the fire, she tied it at the nape of her neck with her black ribbon.

  She was walking out into the corridor when Lucifer rushed from the corner and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Brian!” he squealed.


  “Come, come,” the boy said, pulling her by the hand. “Dinner is starting. This way. I get the honor of showing you to the dining chamber.”

  “Oh!” she said, allowing the young demon to drag her across the great hallway.

  Without Lucifer’s aid, she was sure she would get lost indeed, for the castle was a maze of a place. There were so many doors that she couldn’t keep count. The castle was beautifully furnished and artfully designed. Numerous gigantic paintings of demons in generations past were hung on the walls. Many were males and a few were females. Their hair colors were all different, but their features, to Cecelia’s interest, were all very similar.

  Lucifer turned to the right, and before she knew it, she was walking along a very high-ceilinged corridor with huge red drapes hanging against enormous glass windows. She looked about her in fascination, for there were more interesting paintings. One caught her eyes. She couldn’t help but stare at it as she walked.

  The eyes in the painting gazed down at her as if perceiving deep into her soul. The dark-gray color seemed, to her very imaginative mind, to be burning with smoke. The shoulder-length, dark-chestnut hair, strong, prominent jaws, and high cheekbones quickened her beating heart. Surely, she had never seen a more darkly handsome man in her life. But then, she reasoned with herself, this was no man; this was a demon. But demons were supposed to be ugly, not so pleasing to look at that it set her heart to jumping hazardously. And it wasn’t even the real demon she was looking at. It was merely a painting.

  “We’re almost there,” Lucifer said.

  “’Tis rather a long way,” she said, tearing her gaze from the painting and concentrating on trying not to get lost the next time she was to come to the dining room. But then, she thought, there would be no next time, for she planned to get the pearl as soon as possible and leave. She knew her mother was getting weaker by the day, and it was wise not to waste more time.

  They were turning another corner when she heard the humming of laughter and buzzing of conversation.

  “We’re here,” Lucifer announced, leading her toward the huge open double door.

  She hesitated. She wasn’t used to barging into a room full of people she didn’t know.

  “Come on.” Lucifer pulled her hand.

  She stood rooted to her spot. “I…” She wanted to turn back.

  “There you are,” Vera called, appearing at the door. She glided toward them. “Come along, Brian. Do not be bashful.” She laughed, and Cecelia blushed.

  Vera took her hand and led her into the dining room. Cecelia stared fixedly at the polished floor the whole time she was being dragged in. They stopped behind a huge mahogany dining table.

  “Brian, ’tis a pleasure to have you here. We wanted to thank you for helping our son,” Vera started. “Brian, may I introduce you to our king?”

  Cecelia didn’t turn her face to look at the demon king. She fixed her gaze on the beautifully designed cutlery and plates on the table. She was about to curtsy when she hesitated, remembering she was not Lady Cecelia Van Zandt right then, but young Lord Brian Van Zandt. She bowed her head instead.

  “Lift your face, boy. I am not pleased to look at your head when I am addressing to you.”

  Cecelia’s heart kicked in her chest. The deep timber turned her stomach hollow. She took a deep breath, and summoning all her courage, she lifted her head. Her dark-brown eyes met a pair of stormy-gray ones. Her heart drummed in her chest. The sound was so loud in her own ears she was surprised no one was complaining about it.

  “That’s better,” Drake said, a hint of a smile on his lips.

  Cecelia couldn’t stop staring at him. He was the demon she had seen in the painting. He was the demon king.

  “How do you find yourself in such a situation, boy?” he asked.

  Cecelia blinked. She didn’t know how to reply, and the room turned silent. Everyone was watching her and waiting for her answer. Her throat became dry and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

  Vera saw this and said, “This is not the time to ask young Brian questions, Drake. Now, Brian.” She touched Cecelia’s arm and turned her toward her husband. “This is my husband, Lord Adam McNamara. That’s Lord Julius Falkland, the wise wizard.”

  Cecelia turned to the long, blond-haired male with pale blue eyes nodding his head at her.

  “Lord Gerick McNamara, the king’s cousin and my husband’s younger brother.” Vera introduced her to a very handsome young demon with pale gray eyes and ash-blond hair.

  “And that is Commander Leon. He’s a distant relation to the king.”

  Cecelia nodded toward the dark haired demon with hazel green eyes. He nodded back.

  “Well, that’s everybody.” Vera sighed. “Let’s dine, shall we?”

  They all took their places along the table. Drake took the head, while Adam took the other end. Everyone else took the side chairs. Cecelia found herself facing Commander Leon. On her left was Lucifer and to her right, Vera.

  “’Tis great this night I get to dine with everyone,” Lucifer whispered to her.

  She raised her brows. “You do not dine with them daily?”

  “No.” The boy shook his head. “I am too young to dine with everyone yet, but tonight, it’s different. It’s a feast.” He giggled.

  The first course arrived. Footmen with fine velvet uniforms of black and purple carried trays into the room. One placed a small round and deep plate of fairy-embossed design in front of her. She looked into the bowl. It was soup of a thick, creamy color.

  “It’s seafood soup,” Lucifer whispered.

  “Oh!” She nodded.

  “How did you meet Lucifer?” Leon asked.

  Cecelia turned to look at the demon. “In the ship,” she replied.

  “How in the ship?”


  “He saved me from those men’s beating,” Lucifer put in.

  Everyone turned to look at Cecelia, including the stormy-gray eyes of the king. She blushed and lowered her eye
s for receiving so much attention.

  “Did those humans beat you, Lucifer?” Gerick asked, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

  “Aye.” The boy nodded.

  “What did he look like?” Gerick prompted. He needed to know which of those bastards they had killed that morning was responsible for Lucifer’s beating so he could throw his body into the wild and allow the beasts to eat his flesh. The rest he would be kind enough to bury in the forest near the cave, and maybe he’d consider carving their names on headstones, too, to warn off other stupid human intruders.

  Lucifer cocked his little head to one side and said, “He has dark hair and he’s not that big, not like you, Uncle Gerick. You could beat him easily.”

  Gerick smiled pleasantly at the compliment.

  “Lucifer is a brave boy,” Cecelia said, looking at the cute boy smiling up at her.

  “Of course he is. He’s my son,” Adam said, matter-of-fact.

  “I don’t think I could have handled the situation as well as he did if I were five years old,” Cecelia said.

  Drake looked at Cecelia. She caught his gaze for a split second and quickly lowered her eyes. She tried to concentrate on her food, but she couldn’t seem to do so because she could still feel his intense gaze on her person.

  “I’m not five years old,” Lucifer announced.

  Cecelia frowned and said, “Oh, I apologize. Six, then?”

  Lucifer looked at her rather disappointedly.

  “Lucifer, do not be rude,” Vera put in. “He didn’t mean to offend you in any way, Brian.”

  “Aye, I’m six and a half,” Lucifer said proudly. “And I’m learning how to wield a sword.”

  “Really?” Cecelia widened her eyes in surprise. “At six years old?” She turned to Vera. “But Lucifer is so young.”

  “Brian, he’s a demon,” Gerick chimed in, as if that would explain everything.

  Cecelia turned to Gerick even though she didn’t want to because she had to look at the king too, who was staring at her most intensely.


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