Welded: MM Mpreg Romance (Industrial Alphas Book 1)

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Welded: MM Mpreg Romance (Industrial Alphas Book 1) Page 5

by Lorelei M. Hart

  He cried out and, for the first time, rocked his hips, pushing a little deeper than I was comfortable with, but I wrapped my arms around his hips and sucked hard, scraping my teeth on the base and holding him still.

  With a shudder, he shrieked my name and his cum poured down my throat in jets of heat. I swallowed every drop before moving back, easing him free and lifting my eyes to his half-closed ones. His lips lifted in a weary smile as I moved up to sit beside him and tugged him into my arms. My cock still throbbed but it didn’t matter. It was not about me.

  He snuggled close, yawning. “My turn,” he murmured. I have to— ” Another yawn cut off his words.

  “You have to get some rest, omega mine,” I told him.

  “But what about you? What do you want?”

  I stroked his hair and dropped a kiss on his head. “I want you to sleep in my arms tonight. In my bed. Will you do that for me?”

  “That’s all you want?”

  I chuckled. “Not at all. But for tonight, it’s what I want most. Unless you would rather sleep in your own room?”

  “No,” he protested, struggling to sit up and looking at me. “Your bed, please.”

  “Fine.” I stood, taking him with me, and carried him down the hallway to my room where I used one arm to draw back the covers before depositing him there. I undressed him the rest of the way and covered him up.

  “Oh my God,” he exclaimed, sitting straight up. “The groceries. I have to put them away before they go bad. Do you know how much they cost?”

  Yeah, I did, kinda. “Just rest a minute, and I’ll go do that, okay? It makes me happy to have you right here with your head on my pillow.”

  “Yes, alpha.”

  I had everything in its place in a few minutes but by the time I returned to his side, he was snoring softly. Stripped naked, I slipped in next to him and spooned him to me. My cock was now about as hard as a marble statue, but our mating would have to wait. We had time.

  He came half awake and moved a little, bumping his bottom against me. Not tonight, I promised myself. Tonight was about him. “Night, alpha,” he murmured.

  “Night, omega.”

  “Theta,” he sighed.


  But whatever he meant would also have to wait because Miles was snoring again.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I woke up with the sun the next day and knew there was a smile plastered on my face without even looking in a mirror. I had things to do for my alpha. The alpha who lay next to me, flat on his back with the dawn’s light streaking over his muscular torso. The sheet was at his waist, hiding things, and I almost stopped to peek, but I wanted to get a start on making things special for him. I suspected I’d be getting a full view later on.

  I got up and didn’t bother with a shirt, just grabbed a pair of shorts from my room before I tiptoed into the kitchen and began my work.

  As I flipped pancakes and tended to bacon and peach cobbler in the oven, I thought about the night before. Alois would protect me from even Kent. He’d given me a pleasure I’d never experienced before. Kent would’ve never taken me into his mouth or even aimed to please me in any way.

  I belonged to Alois.

  Too bad I had squandered away so many years with Kent.

  The last pancake went onto a stack, and I began sausage and hashbrowns in the skillet. Rustling could be heard from the back bedroom and muffled sounds of a phone call, and I knew Alois was up and probably looking for me. I flipped on the coffeepot.

  “Good morning.” He came into the kitchen to stand behind me. “Everything smells wonderful. You didn’t have to do all this for me.”

  Heat crawled up my neck and into my face. “Yes. I did. You’ve been so great to me, and after last night—”

  He chuckled and kissed the back of my neck. His arms went around me as he pressed himself against my ass. “I was more than happy to give you pleasure.” I turned in his arms and he bent down to kiss me, just a peck. “I called the job this morning and quit before I even got out of bed. I have two more offers already. Word gets around when you’ve got skills. Work won’t be hard to find. I didn’t want you to worry.”

  I laid my head on his sculpted chest muscles. “I wasn’t worried. You’ll take care of me. I know it.”

  He rubbed his hands down my back. “I will. But right now, you’re about to burn breakfast.”

  I yelped and spun to turn everything and listened to him get some coffee cups down. “Go sit. I’m almost done with everything.”

  In minutes, the platters of food were ready and set on the table. “Peach cobbler?” he asked.

  I chuckled. “My dads used to make peach cobbler and pancakes every Sunday morning. It was special.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not Sunday.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him straight on the lips. “But it sure does feel like a special day.”

  He nodded and then did the sweetest thing. He plated a little of everything and placed it in front of me. “Omegas first.”

  I nodded. “We need to talk about that.”

  He poured warmed syrup all over his stack of pancakes and then took a sip of his coffee. “Whatever it is, it will be fine.”

  I sighed. “I am a theta.” His eyebrows bunched, so I continued, “A theta is an omega, but rarer. I can only get pregnant by my true mate, and my body…” My cheeks lit on fire. “My body insures that I get pregnant the first time I am with my true mate.” Which made it so lucky that last night, in the heat of the moment, it hadn’t happened. I didn’t want to spring it on him when my internal muscles clamped down and made him come over and over until I was pregnant. I’d heard that could be a shock to some alphas.

  He dropped his fork. “And you believe that is me?”

  I nodded, and a tear escaped. I stared at the lump of peach cobbler as though it would save me.

  “So, when we make love, you will get pregnant, guaranteed?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He cleared his throat. “I thought maybe you didn’t want to have children or weren’t able to. Kent…”

  “I couldn’t get pregnant with him because I wasn’t really his to begin with. My genes know who is right for me even if my brain didn’t.”

  He blew out a breath, and I wondered what he must think of me staying all that time with a monster.

  “If I take you tonight, we will be a family right away.”

  Oh boy. My dick and my heart jumped at the words. “Yes. That’s right.”

  Alois dug into his meal without another word and polished off two plates full. He reached for the serving spoon and gave me several more helpings of food.

  “What are you doing?” I laughed at his antics.

  “You’re gonna need your strength tonight. Trust me.”

  My eyes widened. “Do you mean it? You want me? You want a family with me?”

  In one tug, he pulled me onto his lap then kissed me from forehead to chest. “I want you. I need you. And get ready because I think I love you. In fact, I know. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. You’re mine.”

  “I am yours. And I love you, too.”

  “Now, eat. I’m taking you hiking today instead of this weekend. I think we both need a day away from here. Don’t you?”

  Well, damn, I thought he was taking me to the bedroom.

  “That sounds great.” Even I heard the letdown in my voice.

  “Look at me, theta mine.”

  I beamed at the use of the right word.

  “Tonight is going to be special for you and me. I’ve never been with someone I love before. So, let’s have a fun day and just be together.”

  Spending the day with him sounded heavenly.

  Chapter Fourteen


  There were hiking trails outside of town, winding along a set of rolling hills. I’d been wanting to go for a long time but worked so many hours that I only had enough energy left for my sculpture and other iron proj
ects. My omega—I meant theta, boy wasn’t that a new concept. Anyway, Miles made sandwiches and added some cookies he’d very intelligently hidden away and other goodies and tucked it all into the backpack he’d brought with him, and off we went.

  It was just a good day. A time to talk and get to know one another, learn about our childhoods and families, friends and hobbies. Miles had been so suppressed by Kent, he didn’t have much of a life in the past few years, but I intended to see that change. He would have the opportunities he should, as my omega. Provided he still had those desires, a university education lay in his future.

  Since it was a weekday, everyone else in town must have been at work or school because we didn’t pass a soul once we left the trailhead. The route we chose was marked “challenging,” which may have contributed to the lack of company and made me very glad of our selection even if my legs already ached, and I was covered in a sheen of sweat. We paused on a hillside overlooking the town to have our picnic. Miles opened his pack and pulled out a folded blanket I vaguely remembered being stuffed in a closet and set out the banquet he’d packed.

  I sat. “Wow, omega. Last time I dined outside, other than at a food truck, it was a granola bar and a bottle of water. This is astonishing.” I dropped to the blanket, with a convenient boulder for a backrest.

  “It’s nothing. Do you like veggie salads?” He popped the top on a small container. “This is the first time I made this one. It was on a video I watched while you were at work.”

  I eyed the crispy broccoli florets and thin little carrot sticks glistening with a fragrant dressing. “My French-trained omega making video recipes?” I chuckled but held up my plate. “Let’s give it a try.” A moment later I had the plate extended again. “More. This is so good! Spicy and a little sweet...you’re a genius.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll add this to my repeat files. Homemade chips?”

  We ate and ate and when he cleared everything away and held up the bag of cookies, I had to wave him off. “I need a break first. You’ve stuffed me full. It’s good to see you eating, omega mine. I never want to hear about you starving yourself.” I still felt that simmering anger when I thought of it.

  But he laid a hand on my arm and fixed me with a soft stare. “I promise, but I don’t want to think about the past. Can we just be us?”

  Seizure of the heart. “Us...best word ever, isn’t it?” I reached for his arm and tugged him over.

  “It’s my new favorite—”

  My lips descended on his, cutting off any further conversation. I’d never craved kisses before, but found my eyes watching his lips so much, I was amazed he hadn’t commented. But I didn’t blame myself. They were full and lush, and he had a habit of licking them when he was nervous or excited, leaving them glistening in invitation.

  And he tasted amazing. Today I could pick up a bit of the vinaigrette from his salad, but he was always sweet and spicy on his own. Without breaking the kiss, I moved him to straddle me so that my aching cock was nestled between his butt cheeks. Sure, fabric cock blocked us, but that was a correctable situation. I reached down and opened his shorts and mine. Somehow, we’d both forgotten underwear.

  How convenient.

  Our dicks bumped one another and I closed my fist around them both, barely able to reach but so worth the effort. Miles groaned into my mouth as I squeezed and massaged. Precum lubed my strokes, and I shifted for a better grip then did break the kiss.

  “Omega, would you be shocked if I took you right here in front of God and everyone?”

  He chuckled, adding his hand to mine where stroking continued. “I am pretty sure God is everywhere, and since we haven’t seen a single hiker all day...let’s go for it. I want you inside me.”

  A better invitation I’d never had, and after a quick calculation—I didn’t want him under me in case a hidden rock might bruise him—I inhaled deeply. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “That is not romantic,” he protested, but since he was already up on his knees and hovering over my cock, the head gliding between his cheeks into a slick tight hole such as I’d never experienced, I didn’t argue.

  It wasn’t romantic—yet it was the most romantic moment of my life.

  Lucky for the slick because I barely fit, but the result was mind-blowing. Gripping his hips, I raised and lowered him, going a little deeper each time until my balls were nestled against his ass on the downstrokes. “You’re incredible, omega,” I gasped, speeding up the rhythm as I got close. “Too incredible. I’m going to…” And I did. My cum spurted into his welcoming body, jets of heat coating me inside him.

  As I shuddered through the end of my orgasm...it started again. His interior muscles tightened and released, and I was coming again then again. I was vaguely aware of the spray of cum splashing my belly as he reached his peak, too, but the intensity of the experience as I roared into my fourth or maybe fifth climax was nearly making me black out. “Omega, how?” Then I knotted, swelling to fill the pool of cum inside my omega’s body. Sparks swam before my eyes and I closed them, unable to take the spinning of the landscape.

  And then nothing.

  I opened my eyes sometime later. The rays of the sun were longer now, the afternoon waning. My omega was curled into me, but his fingers played across my chest, so he wasn’t asleep. “Hey there.”

  He tipped his face up. “Hey yourself. I thought you were going to sleep all day.”

  “Not sure if it was sleep.” I kissed his lips and then pulled back. “I might have passed out.”

  “I warned you, thetas are not your average omega—not when we’re with our true mate.”

  “You did, didn’t you?” I kissed him again, savoring the sweetness then lifted my head. “Did you eat all the cookies while I was out?”

  But he waved the bag in front of my face. “Only a few. The rest are yours.”

  It wasn’t until we were headed back down the trail that I remembered something really important. Mind-blowing even. “Miles?”

  “Hmm?” He rubbed at his arm. “I think we should have used sunscreen. I mean all over.”

  “Next time we will.” Now that he mentioned it, some parts of me were a little hot. At least my dick wasn’t hurting. Maybe he’d been on top of me for part of the day. But something else occupied my thoughts. “Miles...are you pregnant?”

  He flashed me a tentative grin. “Most likely. Is that okay?”

  Okay? I wanted to hire a skywriter to share the news! “It’s wonderful, omega. Just wonderful.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I drove home from the hike since my alpha was thoroughly spent and softly snored all the way. I, on the other hand, was exhilarated. My body hummed with a new energy, and I found myself dancing to the music on the radio while I brought us both home.

  But when I got to town, I needed a little help getting to his house. I’d paid no attention to the way to the hiking place, but since there was only one road in and out, I had no problem.

  “Alois?” I asked, taking his hand in mine at the stop sign, glancing in the rearview mirror to make sure I wasn’t blocking traffic.

  “Oh, I fell asleep again. I’m sorry.”

  I laughed at his groggy voice. “It’s okay. Mind pointing me home?”

  A smile took shape on his face. “Say it again.”

  “Say what again?” I asked, acting coy.

  “Say that it’s our home. That you are mine.”

  Heat tore through my body and filled my face. “Let’s go home, alpha mine. But I don’t know where to turn.”

  He sat up properly. “Oh, take a right. Three rights and you are home.” He enunciated the word, and I loved that we were in this honeymoon phase so quickly.

  “Got it.” I made the turns as he said, and soon we were back at the house. I’d turned down the radio and, as I put the truck into park, I heard his stomach growl.

  My mate looked down at his stomach. “I swear, the more I eat, the hungrier I am.”

ou need food, and I need a shower. I’ll just take one and then make you something.”

  He stopped me with his hand on my shoulder before I could get out of the truck. “You don’t have to. I feel like I’m working you to death.”

  I turned to look him dead in the eye. It was about time I was translucent about Kent and my past. We were a family now, and family told each other the truth. “Alois, I’m going to tell you something and I want you to keep calm and not get angry. Can you do that for me?”

  He blew out a breath and then nodded. “My alarm, when I was with Kent, was for four a.m., every morning. The only time I was allowed to sleep more was the day after he hit me, and mostly because his doctor friends gave me so much painkiller afterward. I worked on the house from the time I got up until midnight. He put a list on the refrigerator every night of things that had to be done the next day, including the menu of everything that needed to be cooked along with my meals. I even had an exercise schedule. Being with you is like heaven, trust me. And if my food makes you happy, then it’s a labor of love. Okay?”

  My mate shook with anger and ground his jaw back and forth. “I won’t lie to you, Miles. I want to kill him with my bare hands.”

  I crossed over the truck bench seat and covered his mouth with mine in a feeble attempt to calm him. “It’s the past, my love. Please, let’s not ruin this day. No more jerk talk.”

  He ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “Inside, then. I need a shower and so do you.”

  I sniffed the air. “Do I stink?”

  “No, but I don’t want to shower alone. Come on.”


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