When the Dead Come a Knockin'

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When the Dead Come a Knockin' Page 29

by B. L. Brunnemer

  My head exploded, my body felt like it was trying to kill itself. I kept my eyes closed, the light coming through my eyelids felt like daggers already. My body was jerking and shaking; I had no control. I felt cold stone on my face, and even that hurt right. Every nerve felt like it was burning, slowly at high heat. My stomach rolled with the agony racking my body. My weight on the stone hurt, my clothes even hurt. I kept taking shaking, jerking breaths. I don’t know how long I was laying there. But I very slowly became aware of the wetness on my face, of the sound of water. I needed help. I could barely fucking move.

  “Ash… Ash.” I tried to call for him. Even he probably couldn’t hear me right now. Any other way? Cell Phone... did I have…? I tried to think through the nerve pain and bone-deep pain. I concentrated on finding my arm. It was on the stone tile in front of me. I focused everything I had on moving it. It only moved a bit. My body seized up in agony. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, fuck me, why? I was drowning in a sea of agony for I don’t know how long. When it finally broke, and I could think again, I realized if I moved I was going to be in agony. So, I had to make someone hear me. Oh, Ash, please still be here. I swallowed hard, braced myself and tried to scream. “Ash!” My body seized up, my back bowing, my fingertips scraping along the stone. The world turned into hell as my body tried to drive me mad with the muscles locking, and staying locked. It went on and on. When it finally broke, I was still gasping. Muscles still locked up. Fuck it. I’m going to lay here till I die. I didn’t even get higher than my quiet voice. There was no way Asher was going to hear me.

  I just laid there and focused on taking complete breaths. It was sometime later, in a haze of pain that I heard something. I came to the surface more, still shaking, muscles still locked up. I whimpered. It was the only noise I could make right now. Footsteps were moving over stone. Oh, please keep coming this way… please. I was still whimpering, and I didn’t care, as long as someone found me.

  “Red?” Isaac’s voice was hesitant. Oh, thank God. Isaac’s footsteps came closer. “Red!” Oh, he saw me. The relief was so great I thought I was going to pass out. Isaac’s handsome face was over me, his blue hair the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen. “What’s wrong?” Isaac touched my shoulders. I cried out in pain as his touch sent a wave of agony through me. His hands moved off me immediately. His amber eyes were wide. “Gotta get you some help.”

  “Don’t leave,” I whispered. I just wanted him here. I didn’t care if there was nothing he could do, I just needed him here. His chocolate eyes met mine.

  “Not going anywhere.” He sat up and looked over towards the door. “Guys! Get your asses in here! Lexie’s down!” He bellowed. Then he was back, his hand gently taking mine. He slowly uncurled my fingers and slipped his hand in mine. Large feet were running towards us; then I knew I was surrounded by the cursing. I couldn’t see anyone, only Isaac. “Don’t touch her!” Isaac snapped. “I barely fucking touched her, and she practically screamed.” Wintergreen tickled my nose.

  “Lexie, you need to tell us what’s wrong.” Miles’ soothing voice made me want to cry. I took several deep breaths and tried.

  “Locked up.” It was all I could manage through my nerves still firing. There was shuffling, and Isaac’s hand went away. Miles was in Isaac’s spot. His green eyes were worried as they ran over me. I could hear the others trying to figure out what was wrong.

  “Blink twice for yes, once for no,” Miles said calmly. I blinked twice. “Good, are your muscles locked up?” I blinked twice. His brow came down. “Can you move” I blinked three times. “If you move will it hurt a lot?” I blinked twice. He frowned. “Okay, Lexie, I need to touch you to feel what’s wrong. I think I have an idea, but I need to be sure. It’ll probably hurt.” I didn’t care anymore. I blinked twice and closed my eyes. Miles gently touch my arms. Pain ran through them taking my breath away. His fingers dug into the muscle. I whimpered, it hurt so fucking bad I started crying. There was a scuffle, cursing, Zeke’s angry voice. I focused on not making any more noise. Zeke couldn’t take it. Miles stopped touching me. I lay in a haze of agony for a bit. Then someone was wiping gently at my face. I opened my eyes to see Isaac with one of Zeke’s handkerchiefs, trying to clean the blood off my face. Miles was gone. I could hear him, though.

  “-get here now. Bring everything you have for severe dehydration. She’s locked up tight.” There was a pause. “I don’t care about the cost just get here!” I’d never heard Miles’ voice like that. It was strange.

  “Dehydration? Are you fucking with us?” Isaac asked not taking his eyes off my face as he kept gently cleaning the blood off my face. I knew I should probably be scared, but right now I was too exhausted to feel anything.

  “Her muscles are locked up tight; that’s severe dehydration. Except for the blood, which is the norm for her anyway.” Miles’ voice was strained. “We need to move her, and it’s going to hurt, a lot.”

  “Get out of here Zeke.” Asher’s voice was hard.

  “Oh no, we’re not fucking moving her,” Zeke growled. “Wait for the doc, get her an IV and when her muscles unlock. Then we’ll move her.”

  “Zeke outside,” Miles ordered his voice firm. “We need to move her to the closest couch now, and then we can say she’s been sick.”

  “If the doctor sees her like this he’s going to have questions we can’t fucking answer.” Ethan pointed out.

  “Ask her if she wants to be moved!” Zeke shouted, his voice had an edge of panic.

  “Lexie, did you hear what’s going on?” Isaac asked. I blinked twice. “Good, do you want us to move you?” I thought about it then blinked three times. Isaac frowned. “What do three blinks mean?”

  “It’s yes and no,” Miles answered for me.

  “Are you willing to be moved?” Isaac tried again. I blinked twice. “But it’s gonna hurt like a bitch?” I blinked twice. Isaac looked up at the others I couldn’t see. “She says move her Zeke.” Zeke cursed a string of inventive curses even I never heard.

  “Go wait outside for the doctor,” Miles told him, his voice cold. Zeke was cursing the whole way out the door. “Now who’s going to move her and risk getting killed by Zeke?”

  “I’ve got her,” Isaac said instantly. “I can run Zeke around in circles if I have to.”

  “Asher, go watch Zeke. You might have to block him.” Miles warned him. Big feet walked off.

  “Now how are we doing this? Fast, no stopping?” Ethan asked the group. “Or move, stop, move? Cause either way it’s going to hurt like hell.”

  “Lexie, blink once for move stop move, twice for fast and no stopping?” Isaac asked me. I closed my eyes and thought about it. Draw it out? Or get it all over with at once? Fuck it. I opened my eyes and met Isaac’s worried eyes. I blinked twice. He went pale. Then I tried to talk through shaking.

  “Gag.” I barely managed. Isaac’s brow furrowed.

  “She wants us to gag her, so if she screams Zeke won’t hear her,” Miles explained. “It’s a good idea. Ethan, go grab a clean hand towel from the bathroom.”

  “Are we seriously fucking doing this? Gagging Lexie?” Ethan asked, his voice thick and boiling.

  “We have no choice right now. Move!” Miles shot back. Footsteps ran off. Isaac finished cleaning my face. His face was still pale and drawn. Ethan was back soon. Isaac took the hand towel and rolled it lengthwise. He almost looked like he was going to be sick.

  “Alright sweetie, open up.” Isaac’s voice was resigned. I tried, but I was still shaking. He sighed and took hold of my jaw and force my mouth open enough for him to stick the middle of the towel between my teeth. “I’m so sorry about this Lexie, please don’t fucking hate me after this.” I winked at him, he snorted. “Take a few deep breaths Red, then I’m going to move you fast and keep going.” I winked again. I took several deep breaths. Then Isaac did exactly what he said he’d do. He rolled me on my back and my world exploded. I tried not to scream as he picked me up in his arms. My entire body shook worse
as I sank under a tsunami of agony ripping through me. I couldn’t stop myself from screaming as we moved, then the world went blissfully black.

  Chapter 11

  Sunday Afternoon

  I woke slowly. My body wasn’t hurting. Why wasn’t it hurting? My body wasn’t locked up anymore, but I still couldn’t move. Or maybe I wasn’t willing to. I floated near the surface of consciousness and tried to decide if I was going to go back to sleep or wake up.

  “Need to change the bag.” Zeke’s voice was hard. Oh, that’s not good. Someone was moving. I smelled wintergreen.

  “Third banana bag, this has to be a new record.” Miles' voice muttered.

  “What did the doc give her again?” Asher’s voice was strained too. Oh, I didn’t like that.

  “He gave her a muscle relaxer and some pain medication that might make her loopy. The banana bags are to replace liquids, vitamins, and minerals. She’s getting everything she needs back.” Miles assured them.

  “Rory wasn’t happy,” Ethan said. Oh shit, they called Rory. I was in trouble. Maybe I should just go back to sleep.

  “We explained what she told us. I thought Rory was up to date on everything.” Isaac mumbled.

  “At least he agreed not to move her right now.” Asher offered.

  “But she’s in deep shit when she gets up.” Zeke pointed out. Ugh… please pain meds, make me loopy, so I don’t have to think about Rory. But no, I just kept floating there.

  “How long has she been out?” Ethan asked.

  “About three and a half hours,” Isaac answered.

  “What about your date with Riley?” Asher asked.

  “I told Riley that Lexie had a bad seizure, that I…. not until I see she’s awake and okay.” Zeke’s voice was rougher than usual. Oh, tough guy. I needed to wake up. He had to go on that date with Riley. “What did you tell Dylan?” Oh shit. Yeah. I needed to wake up. I started swimming to the surface.

  “Told him the same, and that’s she’s out cold right now. He’s stuck at work, but he’s been texting every twenty minutes.” Asher said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to show up; if he knew where we were and all.” Oh no, no. I felt like shit. Looked like crap. I didn’t need Dylan to show up right now.

  “Honestly Asher, how long do you think he’s going to hold out if shit like this keeps happening?” Zeke asked. I stopped swimming; I kinda wanted to know myself.

  “Right now, I’d say he’s sticking. He cares about her. But he hasn’t seen her sick like this yet. So…” Asher answered. I started swimming to the surface again.

  “Well if he won’t, he doesn’t deserve her.” Ethan’s voice was quiet. “She fucking kept taking shit from those girls, just because we liked them.” Ethan’s voice sounded baffled.

  “Crazy Red.”

  “I may be crazy, but you're the ones who picked me.” I groaned. “What does that say about you?” The room filled with the sound of my guys laughing. I opened my eyes to see them all there around the bedroom Miles had called mine for the last couple of months. I was confused. “I thought we were going to the couch?” The world seemed fuzzy. Maybe the drugs were helping. That was okay. I could do with fuzzy right now. Miles moved off the wall to stand next to me. His fingers found my pulse in my wrist as he was looked down at his watch.

  “You were unconscious before we even got you out of the conservatory, I figured going a little further wouldn’t matter,” Miles explained gently. I smiled sleepily.

  “Good call, sir,” I said in a funny voice. Miles smirked. “What fucking time is it?”

  “It’s around four in the afternoon,” Isaac answered me. “I found you around one.”

  “Lexie, what happened?” Asher asked as he got out of his chair and came to the end of the bed. I sighed.

  “I was fucking stupid,” I admitted it freely. “It took me a bit to figure it out, but then I was, well, pushing against the fabric of this world to create a new pathway. And everything comes with a fucking price.” I snorted at myself, finally lifting my head off the pillow. I blinked hard again. “This price was pain, lots, and lots of pain. Even before I came out of it.” I don’t know why I said that; I didn’t mean to say that. It must be those drugs Miles had been talking about.

  “So, you overdid it making the link... and…” Asher stopped. “Ally, help me out here, why did you wake up this dehydrated?” I yawned big and blinked hard

  “Um, maybe, making the link is like physically pushing against a movable wall.” I offered, giving it a shot at explaining it. “You can move it, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to feel it the next day.” At least that’s what I think happened.

  “So, you exerted a lot of energy. And you got dehydrated like if you were doing physical work.” Miles said, putting it together for me.

  “Ding ding,” I stated in another funny voice. “You are correct, sir.” There were small chuckles around the room. “At least I think that's what happened, but I don’t fuckin’ know.” I blinked hard again, trying to get a little clearer headed. “I’m sorry guys. I really didn’t know that was going to happen.”

  “As long as you’re alright Ally.”

  “You’re not doing that shit alone anymore,” Zeke growled.

  “We know, Red.”

  “You scared us, Beautiful.” I smiled at them and looked at Isaac.

  “So, did Zeke try to kill you?” I asked still fuzzy.

  “No, the gag idea worked,” Isaac grumbled.

  “You gagged her?” Zeke growled. I made an uh-oh face and giggled.

  “It was her idea, Zeke.” Miles' voice was firm. “Even in that much pain, she was worried about you killing whoever moved her.” Zeke took a deep breath and let it out. He needed a hug, but right now I had to use the bathroom badly. And I was starving. I didn’t want them thinking they had to hang around when they had other shit they had to do.

  “Okay, I’m fine guys,” I announced pushing the blankets off me. I went to put my feet on the floor, and all five of them rushed me. “Down boys!” I snapped then giggled at myself. Miles leaned down and lifted an eyelid and checked my eyes.

  “She’s loopy.” Miles announced. I giggled.

  “Loopy and starving.” I looked up at Miles. “Is that going to be your nickname for me now? Loopy?” Miles grinned at me and brushed my hair out of my face. I smiled warmly back.

  “No, I’m just worried about you getting up,” Miles said. “We don’t need you falling.”

  “Well, I’m going to the bathroom,” I announced. “And no one is following me in there.” I giggled. The twins chuckled at the voice I was using. Miles’ eyes ran over me, then he sighed. He reached down to my arm and unhooked me from the IV, but left the needle in place. Then he held his hands out palm up.

  “Let’s see how you stand before we make any decisions.” Miles offered. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head.

  “Nope, no, nada. No one is going in with me.” I told him firmly, or as firmly loopy me could manage.

  “Lexie, let’s get you standing first.” Miles' tone told me not to argue. I didn’t like hearing that from Miles. From Zeke, I’m used to it. Miles no. I sighed deeply and put my hands in his then I stood up. The world spun for a minute, and I felt a bit drunk.

  “Whoa, okay, give me a minute,” I mumbled to myself. I kept blinking as I waited for the world to right itself. By the time the world stopped moving, I was leaning against Miles' chest, with my forehead on his shoulder. “Okay, world not spinning. Let’s try this again.” I straightened slowly. When the world didn’t spin, I gave a thumbs up. Miles slowly let go of me, ready to catch me. It wasn’t necessary; I was good. “I got this.” Miles didn’t move.

  “Walk first, and then I’ll back off.” Miles offered. I made a face at him. Then I took a step. I was okay. I took another, and another. I really needed to pee.

  “Miles, I’m good. Now move before I go through you.” I warned before I sidestepped him and hurried into the bathroom. I shut the door and
hurried a little shaky to the sink. I turned on the water full blast. I didn’t need Asher hearing me. When I was done, I was much happier. I just finished washing my hands when a wave of dizziness washed over me. Shit. I leaned against the counter and hoped this was the drugs. I eyed the distance to the door. Too far. I needed a ride. I giggled to myself.

  “Zeke,” I called. The door opened almost immediately. His striking blue eyes found me leaning against the counter and the wall. He didn’t need to be told what was wrong, he just walked over and steadied me.

  “Can you make it? Or not?” He demanded.

  “I want a taxi,” I said in my sweet voice with a smile trying to make a joke of it. He chuckled quietly. His eyes softened as he bent down and lifted me. One arm wrapped just under my butt, the other across my back and my face buried into his neck. My arms wrapped around his neck. I took a deep breath of leather and engine grease. It was my favorite hug ever. He was walking. “You needed a hug anyway,” I mumbled into his neck.


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