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Tantrum Page 5

by Piper Frost

  “Who the fuck is this?” I sit up in bed, groaning and stretching.

  Fuck, last night was a late one. It turned out to be a good night, but I think I'll regret it today. Late nights at the bar happen all the fuckin' time, but last night was insane for some reason and I didn't get to bed till almost four. Then the whole dreaming about a redheaded girl left me restless the rest of the night. I'm fuckin' tired today.

  “Oh, sorry. It's Jo.” She chuckles. “Brandt's Jo. Don't act like you don't know me.”

  I let out a laugh. “Sorry, Jo. You fuckin' woke me up. I'm not a morning person.” I stand and pull on a pair of jeans. “What's up?”

  “Are you single?” she asks abruptly.

  “Are you drunk?” I pick up a shirt from the floor and smell it, then immediately regret that decision.

  “No.” She laughs again. “I'm trying to get to the point before the kids figure out I'm on the phone and they need something. Do you have kids? Don't have kids if you don't.”

  “No. To everything.” I forget the hunt for a shirt and head for the coffee pot. “What do you want? I gotta get the shop opened.”

  “Wait…no to you're not single?”

  “Uh…yeah. Yes to I'm single. No thanks to the kids.”

  “Oh, good. I know a nice girl and I'm trying to set her up with a nice guy. Brandt said you're not a nice guy, but I know you are.” I can hear the grin in her voice.

  “Your husband's a smart man.” I scoop the coffee into the maker. “You shoulda listened to him.”

  “Come on, Chase.” She huffs. “I know you have it in you to not be a complete dick. We haven't all hung out in years, but I remember you had some decent qualities. So, what do you say?”

  “Nice girls and me don't mix, Jo. I'm not a relationship guy. And I'm late opening the shop so if this is over..?”

  “Obviously it's not or I woulda hung up!” she snaps. “And that's so fuckin' stupid. I hate when guys say they're not into relationships. Who the fuck is into relationships? It just happens. Don't be a dick and take Brandt's cousin out on an actual fucking date. She keeps hooking up with these young kids, or total douche wads that don't know what a real date is. Besides, Kinlee recommended you too.”

  My ears perk up the second she mentions Brandt's cousin. Kaydence. The one girl I've ever not been able to stop thinking about, and the only girl I've ever met that's so out of my league it ain't even funny.

  “You're talking about Kay?” I pause. “Wait, Kinlee told you to call me?” I chuckle. “Pretty desperate, huh?”

  She laughs. “Yeah, pretty much. I'm not trying to make a love connection. Honestly, I just want the girl to go out and actually have a nice time with a decent guy. She deserves it. But it sounds like you already know her? How do you know Kaydence?”

  “Her winners have been bringing her to the bar for drinks for just about every date she goes on,” I grumble, still annoyed at how affected I am over her poor dating life. “We've gotten to know each other.”

  “That's perfect!” she squeals. “Ooo...I wonder.” She stops and I glance at the phone thinking she hung up. “I wonder if you're the tattooed guy she mentioned,” she mutters. “Anyway, so it's a yes then? You'll show up and ask her out? Great! Thanks, Chase. Kids are coming.” The phone hangs up.

  What the fuck?

  Jo's tough, but even her attempting to intimidate me still won't get me to show up like a pansy and ask Kay out on a date. I don't even know how to fuckin' take someone out on a date in this town. We'd just end up back at the bar...because there's literally nowhere else to go other than that or the diner. And I refuse to be like the other tools she dates, bringing her to Willies. She's got shitty taste in men.

  I shove my phone into my pocket and, after finally finding a clean shirt, head downstairs to open up the shop. I have a few appointments today and am ready to get through them. I'm anxious to get to my shift at the bar tonight. Lately, as much as I love tattooing, I've been enjoying my time at the bar more than anything. It brings good money and I usually have good company.

  Truth be told, I may be wishing she comes in again tonight. I'm not sure what I'll do if it's with another douche date though. It's painful to be nice to some of those guys, and I'd like to think I've done a pretty decent job at it even though the whole time all I wanted was for her to show up for me. To hang out with me. And I fucking hate that because I'm not the type of guy to want a girl to just hang around.

  The day flies by. My final appointment ends up rescheduling so I can close up shop an hour early and head to the bar. The boys meet me there with pizza before we open and we have a couple beers. This part of being back in town, I fuckin' love. I've missed these assholes.

  “Find any good ass in town lately?” Grant asks, grinning at me after taking a huge bite of pizza.

  “This place is full of the same pussy I was fuckin' years ago. And half of them are married now.” I finish my beer and head to clean up our trash before we open.

  “Didn't stop ya in Vegas,” Felder comments, making all of them roar in laughter.

  “So fuckin' funny,” I grumble. I wish I wouldn't have told them about it, but they would've found out anyway. I was a fucking YouTube sensation when that surveillance video of me streaking down the street by my boss's house hit the internet. Bare ass and all.

  “Still can't believe a dude that looks like you has a hard time finding pussy. The tattoos alone would get any dude whatever he wants. Girls go ape shit over bad boys like you.”

  The three of us look at him like he's got a screw loose.

  “The hell're you talking about?” I laugh while the other two turn to hysterical laughter. I swear they've only had one…maybe two beers.

  “Seriously!” He waves his arms toward me. “You're the epitome of 'I'll fuck you until you scream your daddy's name', Chase!”

  “No fuckin' daddy jokes. That shit's wrong,” Grant bitches and we all laugh.

  “For the record, I don't have a hard time getting chicks. This town just sucks anymore. And off the record, has marriage turned you onto dudes, Felder? You been checkin' me out?” I grin and laugh when he rolls his eyes.

  “No. But my fucking wife tells me about it all the time. How I need to have more ink like Chase. How I need a haircut like Chase. It's hot to be buff like Chase,” he whines.

  “What's your wife's number, I'll show her the good time you obviously can't,” I say, laughing.

  “Fuck you,” he grumbles. “You know what I'm talking about.”

  “I do. But it doesn't mean I've found anything worthwhile since I've been back. Not saying I haven't gotten any.” The usual booty calls are always lined up, but they just pass the time. My hand does better work than the whores in this town, but I'm only a man.

  I grab our empty beer bottles, taking them to the trash then head into the back to grab the drawer for tonight. It's a slow flow starting off, but soon we're slammed and Felder steps in to help serve since this was unexpected and the other bartender called in to go to the tractor pull.

  “Guys, you can't sit here and take up the bar all night. Go get a fuckin' table,” I tell the boys. Tommy and Grant have been sitting here for over an hour taking up precious space. Space that if it opens up, it'll potentially make me some money.

  “Fine,” Grant bitches, pulling himself off the stool. “Bring us another round, would ya?”

  “Yes. Fine. Go.” I swipe their empty glasses and head to toss them in the sink when I hear the bells on the door ding. Glancing back, I yell, “Hey, guys, be right with ya.” Then I notice the brilliant red hair on a girl I can't fuckin' get out of my head. Fucking hell. I wipe my hands and walk over to them, eyeing this new 'date' of hers. “What can I get ya?”

  “I'll have a Blue Moon,” she says and my eyes go wide that she's changing it up on me. “I figured if I'm the only person in this town drinking the pumpkin ale, it's probably pretty old by now.” She smiles and leans on the bar.

  I grin, not telling her I restocked the ke
g last week just for her.

  “Got it. And for you?” I glance at the guy she walked in with and immediately size him up. Dude can't be more than twenty-one and his facial hair looks like it's barely starting to grow in.

  “Four Buds. I'll be right back.” He touches Kaydence's arm then heads for the bathroom.

  “Got another winner there,” I grumble, grabbing the bottles and popping the tops for him. “He's ordering four beers right off the bat, huh?” I give her a cocky smirk. “Must be the red hair.”

  “For your info.” She leans in closer and her cleavage becomes more predominant, making it hard for me not to stare at it. “He's just a friend. And the other beers are for my brother and his friends.” She points behind her where her brother's sitting with a few other guys. “No dates tonight. I haven't been on a date since the last one.”

  I hate that those words make me happy. But they do. This girl's too nice for someone like me; I need to stop obsessing over her.

  “Well then. I hope you and your friends have fun tonight.” I smile and set her beer in front of her, leaning closer. “This one's on me.” I wink but before she can reply, Tommy slides up to the bar and is almost shoulder to shoulder with Kaydence.

  “Hey there.” I know that smile on his face. “I'm Tommy.”

  “Hi!” She turns toward him. “I'm Kaydence.” When she sticks her hand out to shake his, he kisses her fingers.

  “Dude,” I blurt, making both their eyes fly to mine. “Don't be lame.” I step back from the bar and rub the back of my neck. “Kay, this here's Tommy. One of my oldest friends in this small ass town.”

  “I'm the nice one in our group of friends,” he says, smiling at her again.

  That smile I want to only be for me is on her face while she looks at him. “I'm sure you're all nice. Chase is a sweetheart too.”

  The guy she walked up with returns, holding out money for me. “Thanks, man,” he says taking his beers. “Come on, Kay.”

  “She's not available,” I growl at Tommy when they walk away. “So knock that shit off.”

  “Don't look like she's taken,” Tommy says, glancing back at her. “Pretty cute, huh?” He pushes off the bar and heads to her table.

  I spend the next four hours watching my friends take over her table. By the end of the night they're all laughing and acting like the best of friends and I'm just the brooding bartender, upset and jealous that I'm not the one earning those smiles from her. Her laughter's danced through the room multiple times tonight and every time I've looked over, she's been laughing and bright eyed, all for everyone else at the table and not for me. I think I caught her, once, watching me from her seat but the minute I looked she looked away.

  When they head out for the night all I get is a small smile and wave as she follows her brother outside and I'm left with fuckin' Tommy and Grant grinning from ear to ear as they approach the bar.

  “She's hot,” Tommy states like we're all fuckin' blind or something.

  “Shut the fuck up.” I slam the register closed.

  “Can we take turns?” Grant asks.

  “Fuck you two!” I blurt, slamming my fist on the bar, done with watching my friends flirt with the only girl I've really wanted in a long fucking time. Felder left about an hour ago to go home to his wife, but these two fuckers have been all over Kaydence since the moment she walked in.

  They both laugh and shake their heads.

  “We're fuckin' with you, Chase. Calm the hell down.” Grant slaps the bar. “That girl couldn't take her eyes off you tonight.”

  “She's sweet.” Tommy says, but I can't stop replaying Grant's words in my head.

  She couldn't take her eyes off me. A grin slips and I turn around so they don't see it.

  “Yeah, well, forget about it. She's too good for me. Good girls and guys like me don't mix.” I wipe down a bottle I've wiped down ten times already.

  “She's refreshing. Refreshing is good.” Tommy clears his throat. “We're gonna head out. We still on for our shit this Saturday?” he asks on their way out.

  “Yep,” I yell right before the door closes.

  She couldn't stop looking at me.

  The week's busier than normal, but by Friday afternoon I'm driving out to the ranch for no reason other than I haven't seen Kaydence in a few days and I'm going through withdrawals.

  “Hey, Jo,” I say, hopping out of my truck.

  “You actually came dressed for once.” She gestures down to my boots. She always laughs at me when I change into them the second I show up, but this time I actually came prepared.

  “Figured I'd plan in advance for once.” I shrug. “How's ranch life?” I glance around, looking for that bright red hair I've come to be incredibly attracted to, but I don't see her anywhere.

  “Do you need eggs?”


  “Chicks?” she questions.


  “Hair cut?”

  “Do I need one?” I run my hand over my hair. “I thought it looked pretty good.”

  “You're almost due for a cut actually. But if you're not here for any of those things, that means you're here for Kay.” A wide grin spreads on her face.

  “You think you're smart.” I laugh and start walking away, because if I'm gonna be hanging out on a ranch, it's going to be around Kaydence.

  I grew up here. I own the boots, the hat, and the jeans like any other country boy, but that never really was my style. I'm hoping to find Kaydence and have some alone time with her, but Jo follows me out to the barn.

  “She hasn't been out with anyone in awhile. She said some bartender was giving her a hard time about dating too many guys. That wouldn't be you, would it?” She cocks her eyebrow, keeping in step with me.

  “I only speak the truth, Jo.” I round the corner of the barn and when I see Kaydence on a horse in the field, a smile immediately lifts my lips. “Found what I'm lookin' for. Thanks for the chat, Jo.”

  She mocks me then says, “Well she's all the way out there and.” She points to a stray horse not far from her. “If you step inside this gate, that horse will trample you if you're walking. That's Surge, and he's a big asshole. Either mount a horse, or move on.”

  I smirk at her. “It's been about five years since I've been on a horse.” I glance out at Kaydence but she hasn't noticed me yet.

  “If you yell, Surge will charge this fence. It's either on a horse or you wait. And it could be hours. That girl sits out there being a horse whisperer all day.”

  Why am I not surprised? Barely even knowing her, that sounds like something she'd do. Patient and peaceful.

  “I guess I don't have a choice, do I?” I sigh. “What horse do I take?”

  “I'll get you on Lucky. He's old and calm. Won't kill you,” she promises, heading toward a horse pen. She mounts the saddle on the horse then hands me the reigns. “Don't kill yourself.”

  “Har fucking har. This shit's as easy as ridin' a bike.” I try to hop on and in one swoop, I'm flat on my ass, staring up at a horse that just fucking wiggled me off before I could even get up there. Jo's laughing and I'm just happy Kaydence didn't see this. “Not a word,” I growl, giving it another try and this time, making it up and saddled without any mishaps.

  I wasn't lying. Getting back on a horse is just like riding a bike. I'm halfway across the field when Kaydence notices me and waves, a smile lighting up her face.

  “Hey,” I say, slowing Lucky to a stop.

  “I didn't know you rode!”

  I laugh. “I don't. Never been on a horse a day in my life.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You're good! Really good. Not even nervous.”

  “I—” I stop, then bust out a laugh. “I'm sorry. I can't lie to you like that.” I shake my head at her. “I used to ride more. Grew up in this place.”

  “Oh.” She chuckles and brushes her hair out of her eyes. “What's up? Need eggs?” She grins.

  “Nah. I heard you were askin' about me. Thought I'd pay you a visit. Give
you your daily dose of Chase.”

  She barks out a laugh, throwing back her head. “You heard that? From who? Not that I'm denying it.”

  “A little bird.” I shrug, not wanting to give her friends away. “So this whole horse thing? You just chill with them all day?”

  “I love it out here.” She looks around. “Usually I take his saddle off but Surge.” She points to the horse Jo warned me about. “He's feisty today and if I dismount Empress, Surge will charge. Some days I can handle him, but I don't think this is one of those days. So we'll sit out here. It's beautiful and quiet. And I can work on a tan while we graze.” She grins over at me and I take a minute to appreciate that smile. It's been too long since I've seen it and I actually missed it.

  “It's definitely beautiful out here,” I murmur, trying to tear my eyes off her but I can't.

  “So are you really here to hang out for a few?”

  “I got work in a little bit. Just figured I'd come out to say hi.” All the way out of town and into the country...just to say hi.

  “I'm glad you did.” She pulls the reins to move her horse a little closer.

  “Hey, tomorrow night some of us are doing this dumb thing we used to every year the first of October. Haunted house shit. You should come hang with me.”

  Without hesitating, she squeals, “Yes! I love haunted houses! What do you guys do?”

  “Drunk pumpkin carving then head a few towns over for their haunted houses. The ones here suck ass. Come to think of it, you may not have any fun.” I remember the hard time the guys gave me at the bar the other night and I'm not so sure it's a good idea to bring Kaydence around them.

  “Oh.” She fiddles with her hair. “It sounds like fun. But it's okay if you don't want me to come.” She shrugs and looks over at me, trying to smile but there's a trace of hurt since I seem to be taking back my invitation.

  “I want you to come,” I say quickly then grin. I really do want her to come. “I'm workin' the bar tomorrow till six. Why don't you come on up and hang out? We'll head over together.” I want to tell her not to bring any lame dates with her, but something tells me she's not that type of girl.

  “Awesome!” There's a different smile on her face. Maybe excitement, but it's not her normal smile that's always plastered to that pretty face. “I'll see you tomorrow then?”


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